- Competitive Standings

Categories PTCS #1
April 6
May 11
June 8
June 22
July 6
Aug. 10
Aug. 24
Sept. 7
Oct. 12
Oct. 19
Nov. 9
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
PTCS #10
Jan. 11
PTCS #11
Feb. 8
Feb. 15
Feb. 22, 2025
Tournaments *1* Daily Open Results Results Results Standings
Results Results Standings
Results - - - - - - - - Standings
*2* Daily Iron Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
*3* Daily Bronze Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
*4* Daily Silver Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
*5* Daily Gold Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
*6* Daily Diamond Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
*7* Daily Wildcard Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
Weekly Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -
Drafts Daily Results Results Results Standings
Results Results Standings
Results - - - - - - - -
Weekly Results Results Results Results Results Results - - - - -

Competitve Rules

The Road to the Perfect Team World Championship (PTWC) will go through multiple avenues: league play, daily/weekly tournaments/PDs, Perfect Team Championship Series (PTCS), Perfect Team Master Series (PTMS) and Perfect Team Live.

Tournament and Perfect Draft Slots Per Account
  • Tournaments
    • 2 Quick Slots
    • 4 Daily/Weekly Slots
    • 1 Entry Fee Slot
  • Perfect Draft
    • 3 Overall PD Slots
    • 1 Entry Fee Slot
There are 10 different standings -- with daily tournaments getting a different number in the title that relates to its standings, so you know where you’re competing:
  • *1* Open (any tournament with a *1* in the title goes into the Open category standings)
  • *2* Iron
  • *3* Bronze
  • *4* Silver
  • *5* Gold
  • *6* Diamond
  • *7* Wild Card
  • Weekly Tournament (this includes cumulative scores of all weekly tournaments)
  • Daily Perfect Draft (this includes cumulative scores of all daily PDs)
  • Weekly Perfect Draft (this includes cumulative scores of all weekly PDs)
Teams will accumulate points in the leaderboards based on finish in tournaments and PDs:
  • Weeklies
    • 1st - 30 points
    • 2nd - 20
    • 3rd-4th - 15
    • 5th-8th - 10
    • 9th-16th - 6
    • 17th-32nd - 3
    • 33rd-64th - 1
    • 65th-128th/256th - 0
  • Dailies
    • 1st - 25 points
    • 2nd - 15
    • 3rd-4th - 10
    • 5th-8th - 6
    • 9th-16th - 3
    • 17th-32nd - 1
    • 33rd-64th/128th - 0
The leaders in the weekly standings earn prizes distributed on Mondays once all of that week’s tournaments and PDs have completed. If they haven’t completed, then the payout will come after that week’s scheduled tournaments have completed. A tournament and/or PD will not overlap into the following week if it didn’t start at its regularly scheduled time.

Prizes for the Top 10 of Weekly and Daily Tournaments and PDs
  • 1st - 50,000 PP
  • 2nd - 35,000 PP
  • 3rd-4th - 25,000 PP
  • 5th-10th - 15,000 PP

The points you accumulate in the standings for a “Period” will determine who qualifies for the 128-team field for the following PTCS. Each leaderboard will have its own PTCS, so there will be 10 PTCSes per month.
Not only will there be prizes at stake in the PTCS, but there will be points earned for place of finish that will be added to the PTCS qualification standings to help determine the field for the PTMS. These standings will group all of the tournament PTCSes together and all of the PD PTCSes together for two standings (one for tournaments and one for PDs). The top 128 teams in each of those standings will qualify for the PTMS.

Points for PTCS Standings that Lead to PTMS
  • 1st - 300 points
  • 2nd - 100
  • 3rd-4th - 75
  • 5th-8th - 40
  • 9th-16th - 20
  • 17th-32nd - 5
  • 33rd-64th - 2
  • 65th-128th - 1

The PTMS will also see expansion in the field and frequency. The field will be expanded from 64 to 128 teams for the PTMS, and there will be five iterations of the PTMS instead of two. The two 128-team fields for the PTMS, however, will not be filled with just teams from the PTCS. League play will also play a factor in these standings. These points will be used in both the tournament PTMS standings and the PD PTMS standings, so success in league play will be put towards both competitions. You need at least one point from a PTCS to qualify (Changed after PTMS #1).

League Play Points Allocations
  • Perfect league
    • 1st - 200 points (only for the upcoming PTMS)
    • 2nd - 100
    • 3rd-4th - 75
    • 5th-8th - 50
    • 9th-16th - 35
    • 17th-last - 30
  • Diamond League
    • 1st - 35 points
    • 2nd - 15
  • Gold League
    • 1st - 10 points
There will also be points earned for placement in the PTMS, and those will go toward qualification for the PTWC.

PTMS placement points
  • 1st - 300 points
  • 2nd - 100
  • 3rd-4th - 75
  • 5th-8th - 40
  • 9th-16th - 20
  • 17th-32nd - 5
  • 33rd-64th - 2
  • 65th-128th - 1

We have now come to the PTWC! While success in the PTMS will contribute to qualification for the PTWC, it will be only one component of qualifying. The following areas will contribute to the standings for the PTWC and fill the field. There will only be one PTWC. Ties will be broken by Team Score.

Components of qualification
  • PT Live (leaderboards points divided by 50 for scale)
  • League Points
  • All cumulative tournament points in the weekly standings over the course of the cycle
  • All PTCS points
  • All PTMS points

Source: https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=353040