Perfect .400 - Perfect Leagues - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 2 Madison ? Gotti Garden 1 Elysian Fields 2 Elysian Fields
3 Utah ? Molnlycke 3 Molnlycke
2 Utah 1 Florence
1 Providence 2 Utah 4 Molnlycke 2 Molnlycke
4 Gotti Garden 2 Perugia
2 Delco 2 Seoul Pawsox
1 Ottawa 0 Delco 0 Seoul Pawsox 1 Maple
3 Gotti Garden 3 Perugia
0 - 0 -
2 Gotti Garden 2 Perugia

Gotti Garden Gardeners 2 - 4 Molnlycke Swedes

Diamond .350 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edinburgh 0 Edinburgh ? Cardiff 3 Edmonton 2 Edmonton
3 Austin ? Novi 2 El Paso
2 Austin 0 Erie
0 Philadelphia 2 Austin 3 Edmonton 2 El Paso
4 Cardiff 4 Novi
1 Texas 2 Vegas
2 Bronx 2 Bronx 0 Vegas 0 AW
3 Cardiff 3 Novi
0 - 0 -
2 Cardiff 2 Novi

Cardiff Kooks 4 - 3 Novi Expos

Diamond .351 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 3 Tampa Bay ? Tampa Bay 3 Piscotty Doesn't 2 Piscotty Doesn't
0 Low Country ? Piscotty Doesn't 0 Lakeview
1 Lakeland 2 Lakeview
2 Low Country 4 Tampa Bay 4 Piscotty Doesn't 0 Cape Fear
2 Koreatown 2 Birch Bay
2 Koreatown 1 Mississauga
1 Buffalo 3 Koreatown 2 Albany 2 Albany
0 Bender's Spiritual 3 Birch Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Bender's Spiritual 2 Birch Bay

Tampa Bay Yankees 4 - 2 Piscotty Doesn't Know-E6

Diamond .352 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Konoha 0 Konoha ? SD 1 Conneaut Lake 2 Conneaut Lake
3 Watch Hill ? Seoul 3 Seoul
1 Castroville 0 Fairfax Station
2 Watch Hill 3 Watch Hill 4 Seoul 2 Seoul
4 SD 2 Long Beach
2 Denver 2 Marana
1 Kansas City 0 Denver 2 Marana 1 B-Town
3 SD 3 Long Beach
0 - 0 -
2 SD 2 Long Beach

SD Blues 2 - 4 Seoul Eagles

Diamond .353 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 1 Orlando ? Hopkinton 3 New Castle 2 New Castle
3 Boston ? New Castle 0 Carolina
2 Boston 1 Carolina
1 Budapest 1 Boston 4 New Castle 2 Carolina
4 Hopkinton 1 False
2 Westwood 0 Mesquite
0 Neptune 0 Westwood 1 Tavistock 2 Tavistock
3 Hopkinton 3 False
0 - 0 -
2 Hopkinton 2 False

Hopkinton Hillers 4 - 3 New Castle Clippers

Diamond .354 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wichita 3 Wichita ? Wichita 1 Manchester 2 Manchester
2 Oceanside ? NIRVANA 3 St. Louis
2 Oceanside 1 Triad
1 Dorset 4 Wichita 3 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
3 Merseyside 4 NIRVANA
0 Melmond 2 Portland
2 Utica 1 Utica 1 Portland 0 Reading
3 Merseyside 3 NIRVANA
0 - 0 -
2 Merseyside 2 NIRVANA

Wichita Tumbleweeds 3 - 4 NIRVANA Kurtcobains

Diamond .355 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pecan 3 Pecan ? PorkChop 3 Vlad News 2 Vlad News
2 Orange County ? Hudson 2 Blackburn
2 Orange County 1 Bemidji
1 Seal Beach 1 Pecan 1 Vlad News 2 Blackburn
4 PorkChop 4 Hudson
0 Elmhurst 0 Santa Barbara
2 PorkChop 3 PorkChop 3 Hudson 2 Hudson
0 Evo 0 Nashua
0 - 0 -
2 Evo 2 Nashua

PorkChop Express 4 - 2 Hudson Railers

Diamond .356 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Troy 3 East Troy ? East Troy 1 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
1 Webster Groves ? Rhode 3 Tuscaloosa
0 Irwin 2 Tuscaloosa
2 Webster Groves 4 East Troy 0 Tuscaloosa 0 Mount Hawke
2 Victory City 4 Rhode
0 Pawtucket 0 Grabbing
2 Victory City 3 Victory City 2 Mount Pleasant 2 Mount Pleasant
1 Sanford 3 Rhode
0 - 0 -
2 Sanford 2 Rhode

East Troy Trojans 4 - 2 Rhode Sodas

Diamond .357 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Teetoo 1 Teetoo ? Baltimore 1 Kitchener 2 Kitchener
3 Baltimore ? Headwaters Camp 3 Lagos
1 Port Perry 2 Lagos
2 Baltimore 4 Baltimore 3 Lagos 0 San Francisco
3 Wilmington 4 Headwaters Camp
2 Olympia 1 Oak Hill
0 Baseball 2 Olympia 0 Buffalo 2 Buffalo
3 Wilmington 3 Headwaters Camp
0 - 0 -
2 Wilmington 2 Headwaters Camp

Baltimore Sharks 1 - 4 Headwaters Camp Frontiersmen

Diamond .358 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Overland Park 3 Overland Park ? White Bear Lake 2 Miami 2 Miami
1 Oakland ? Delaware 3 PointPlace
2 Oakland 0 Sacramento
1 Las Vegas 2 Overland Park 3 PointPlace 2 PointPlace
4 White Bear Lake 4 Delaware
2 White Bear Lake 2 Delaware
0 Regensburg 3 White Bear Lake 3 Delaware 1 Lakewood
1 Great Lakes 1 New Orleans
0 - 0 -
2 Great Lakes 2 New Orleans

White Bear Lake Tortugas 4 - 3 Delaware Tigers

Diamond .359 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? Madison 3 South Philly 2 South Philly
2 Newton ? Asbury 1 EVCs
1 Indiana 0 Denver
2 Newton 2 Philadelphia 3 South Philly 2 EVCs
4 Madison 4 Asbury
2 Madison 1 Lynnwood
1 Brooklyn 1 Madison 1 London 2 London
3 Madison 3 Asbury
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 2 Asbury

Madison Mohicans TBD 2 - 4 Asbury Springboks

Diamond .360 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West Hartford 3 West Hartford ? Las Vegas 3 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
2 San Juan ? Winnipeg 0 Marshall
1 Dallas 2 Marshall
2 San Juan 1 West Hartford 4 Winnipeg 0 Las Vegas
4 Las Vegas 3 Portland
0 Portland 2 Portland
2 Stanislaus 0 Stanislaus 3 Portland 0 Scranton
3 Las Vegas 2 Reno
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 2 Reno

Las Vegas Stacocakes - BFF 0 - 4 Winnipeg Brew Jays

Diamond .361 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Smithfield 1 North Smithfield ? Helena 1 Free 2 Free
3 Clarkston ? Troy 3 Troy
0 Moose Ratpigs 2 Troy
2 Clarkston 2 Clarkston 4 Troy 0 Carolina
4 Helena 2 Flint
2 Helena 0 Sixes
0 Webster Groves 3 Helena 2 Rocket City 2 Rocket City
2 Winston 3 Flint
0 - 0 -
2 Winston 2 Flint

Helena Handbaskets 2 - 4 Troy Haymakers

Gold .300 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pretty 3 Pretty ? Pretty 3 Scranton 2 Scranton
0 Cudahy ? Scranton 2 Crystal Beach
2 Cudahy 2 Crystal Beach
0 Picksburgh 4 Pretty 4 Scranton 1 St. Louis
0 Kabul 2 Moon
2 Kabul 0 Nova
1 Cleveland 3 Kabul 0 China 2 China
1 Everett 3 Moon
0 - 0 -
2 Everett 2 Moon

Pretty Good 4 - 3 Scranton Stranglers

Gold .301 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Delaware 3 Delaware ? Washtenaw 3 Arlington 2 Arlington
0 Gowanus ? Arlington 1 Bellevue
0 Idaho 1 Los
2 Gowanus 1 Delaware 4 Arlington 2 Bellevue
4 Washtenaw 2 Shoemaker
1 BUSAN 1 Toilet
2 Washtenaw 3 Washtenaw 2 Aomori 2 Aomori
1 Brighton 3 Shoemaker
0 - 0 -
2 Brighton 2 Shoemaker

Washtenaw Wingnuts 3 - 4 Arlington Pugs

Gold .302 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bronx 3 Bronx ? Indianapolis 1 WV 2 WV
0 Somers ? Bloomington 3 Bloomington
0 Kansas City 1 Itealo
2 Somers 0 Bronx 4 Bloomington 2 Bloomington
4 Indianapolis 3 Tantrumms
0 St Louis 2 Tantrumms
2 Indianapolis 3 Indianapolis 3 Tantrumms 0 Chicago
1 Pecatonica 1 Lavaridge
0 - 0 -
2 Pecatonica 2 Lavaridge

Indianapolis Doubleheaders 1 - 4 Bloomington Sluggers

Gold .303 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Potomac 3 Potomac ? Potomac 2 Home 2 Home
0 St Paul ? PA 3 PA
0 KIA 0 Sadistic
2 St Paul 4 Potomac 4 PA 2 PA
1 Mizzou 2 Vermont
1 Alexandria 0 Gotham
2 Mizzou 3 Mizzou 3 Vermont 2 Vermont
1 Tampa Bay 2 Arlington
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 2 Arlington

Potomac Nationals 3 - 4 PA Fighting Z's

Gold .304 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Watertown 1 Watertown ? Detroit 3 St. Lucia 2 St. Lucia
3 Winnipeg ? Eno 1 Daejeon
1 Gwang-Ju 1 Protis
2 Winnipeg 0 Winnipeg 3 St. Lucia 2 Daejeon
4 Detroit 4 Eno
0 Ferndale 2 Pulaski
2 Detroit 3 Detroit 2 Pulaski 0 Santa Barbara
0 WV 3 Eno
0 - 0 -
2 WV 2 Eno

Detroit Demons 3 - 4 Eno Shakori

Gold .305 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sno Co 3 Sno Co ? Sno Co 0 Syracuse 2 Syracuse
0 Manchester ? Alpha 3 Gateway City
2 Manchester 1 Detroit
0 Fayetteville 4 Sno Co 0 Gateway City 2 Gateway City
2 Belmont 4 Alpha
0 Galveston 0 Brookfield
2 Plymouth 1 Plymouth 1 Leesburg 2 Leesburg
3 Belmont 3 Alpha
0 - 0 -
2 Belmont 2 Alpha

Sno Co Flow 4 - 1 Alpha Rays

Gold .306 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winter Garden 1 Winter Garden ? Gotham 3 Toms River 2 Toms River
3 Oxford ? Toms River 2 Centre Hastings
1 Austin 1 Rwandan
2 Oxford 2 Oxford 4 Toms River 2 Centre Hastings
4 Gotham 3 Confused
0 Sydney (HotL) 1 Abbott Station
2 Gotham 3 Gotham 3 Confused 2 Confused
2 Puget Sound 1 Strongest
0 - 0 -
2 Puget Sound 2 Strongest

Gotham Dark Knights 1 - 4 Toms River Barons

Gold .307 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Beantown 0 Beantown ? I-75 3 Mississauga 2 Mississauga
3 Webster ? Combinator 1 Portland
2 Webster 0 Augusta
0 Boston 1 Webster 0 Mississauga 2 Portland
4 I-75 4 Combinator
2 I-75 2 THE New York
1 Canterbury 3 I-75 2 THE New York 0 The Black
2 Gorpo 3 Combinator
0 - 0 -
2 Gorpo 2 Combinator

I-75 Homers TTC 2 - 4 Combinator Wembys TBD

Gold .308 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 3 Atlanta ? SLC 2 McLeod Hill 2 McLeod Hill
2 Ware ? Dump 3 Dump
0 Greendale 2 Dump
2 Ware 1 Atlanta 4 Dump 0 Midwest
4 SLC 2 Alaskan
1 Nashville 2 Alaskan
2 SLC 3 SLC 3 Alaskan 1 Newport
0 Grover Beach 2 Ghost
0 - 0 -
2 Grover Beach 2 Ghost

SLC Punks 3 - 4 Dump Animals

Gold .309 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Liverpool 1 Liverpool ? Metropolis 3 Tucson 2 Tucson
3 Metropolis ? Jacksonville 2 Sheffield
1 Glen Head 1 Guatemala
2 Metropolis 4 Metropolis 0 Tucson 2 Sheffield
2 Aberdeen 4 Jacksonville
0 New York 2 Jacksonville
2 Aberdeen 3 Aberdeen 3 Jacksonville 1 Hunter S
0 Houston 0 Florence
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Florence

Metropolis SlipNutz 1 - 4 Jacksonville Snake Birds

Gold .310 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Verndale 3 Verndale ? Bobble 3 Chrome City 2 Chrome City
0 Bruzziville ? Brick's 0 Ypsi
1 New England 2 Ypsi
2 Bruzziville 3 Verndale 1 Chrome City 0 St. Louis
4 Bobble 4 Brick's
1 San Diego 1 Evanston
2 Bobble 3 Bobble 2 Cooperstown 2 Cooperstown
1 Boston 3 Brick's
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Brick's

Bobble Socks 2 - 4 Brick's Trident

Gold .311 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kyary 0 Kyary ? Summerglen 3 Malazan 2 Malazan
3 Gotham ? Malazan 2 Osgoode
0 Pendle Hill 0 Jessheim
2 Gotham 3 Gotham 4 Malazan 2 Osgoode
4 Summerglen 1 Dry Creek
0 Chicago 0 San Diego
2 Misterville 1 Misterville 0 asuna 2 asuna
3 Summerglen 3 Dry Creek
0 - 0 -
2 Summerglen 2 Dry Creek

Summerglen Seraphs 2 - 4 Malazan Bridgeburners

Gold .312 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quito 3 Quito ? Quito 3 Trois-Rivieres 2 Trois-Rivieres
2 Cibao ? Trois-Rivieres 1 Springfield
0 Harrisburg 0 Columbus
2 Cibao 4 Quito 4 Trois-Rivieres 2 Springfield
2 Sheboygan 3 Hokkaido
2 Sheboygan 2 Hokkaido
0 Sunkist 3 Sheboygan 3 Hokkaido 1 Nersha
0 Boston 2 Oakland
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Oakland

Quito Mosquitos 4 - 1 Trois-Rivieres Red Rhynos

Gold .313 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tokyo 3 Tokyo ? Huntsville 3 Terez Paylor 2 Terez Paylor
2 Danger ? Terez Paylor 2 Indy
0 Mudville IX 2 Indy
2 Danger 0 Tokyo 4 Terez Paylor 1 Friendville
4 Huntsville 3 Desert
1 Wichita 2 Portland Valley
2 Brockport 1 Brockport 0 Portland Valley 0 Gabby Street
3 Huntsville 3 Desert
0 - 0 -
2 Huntsville 2 Desert

Huntsville Stars 4 - 2 Terez Paylor All Juice Team

Gold .314 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Texas 3 Texas ? Chicago 3 Ravenna 2 Ravenna
1 OKC ? Houston 0 Newark
0 Pacific 2 Newark
2 OKC 3 Texas 1 Ravenna 1 Ozark
4 Chicago 4 Houston
2 Nakatomi 1 Kalamazoo
1 Mason 1 Nakatomi 3 Houston 2 Houston
3 Chicago 1 Charlestowne
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Charlestowne

Chicago Gamblers 4 - 3 Houston Tigercats

Gold .315 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Zealand 2 New Zealand ? Plymouth 3 LIC 2 LIC
3 Radio ? Alexandria 1 Indiana
0 London 0 Grand Slam
2 Radio 2 Radio 2 LIC 2 Indiana
4 Plymouth 4 Alexandria
2 Plymouth 2 West Warwick
1 Kingston 3 Plymouth 1 West Warwick 1 Roy
2 Toledo 3 Alexandria
0 - 0 -
2 Toledo 2 Alexandria

Plymouth Diamond Kings 0 - 4 Alexandria Alliance

Gold .316 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Florida 3 Takoma Park 2 Takoma Park
0 Sky Valley ? Takoma Park 1 Bay City
1 Foo 1 Los Angeles
2 Sky Valley 4 Florida 4 Takoma Park 2 Bay City
3 Milwaukee 2 Etters
2 Milwaukee 0 Krapperville
1 Sacramento 3 Milwaukee 0 Anderson 2 Anderson
2 Yonkers 3 Etters
0 - 0 -
2 Yonkers 2 Etters

Florida Lizards - BFF 2 - 4 Takoma Park Ducks

Gold .317 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Space 3 Space ? Toronto 1 Meat 2 Meat
2 Yakima ? Vancouver 3 Lil Dicky
1 St. Clair 1 Ft. Hood
2 Yakima 2 Space 2 Lil Dicky 2 Lil Dicky
4 Toronto 4 Vancouver
0 Schwerin 0 Bogs
2 San Jose 2 San Jose 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
3 Toronto 1 North Haverbrook
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 North Haverbrook

Toronto Spottycats 3 - 4 Vancouver Canadians

Gold .318 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gouverneur 2 Gouverneur ? Portland 3 Nowhere 2 Nowhere
3 Portland ? Nowhere 0 Fayetteville
2 Portland 0 Ann Arbor
1 Scranton 4 Portland 4 Nowhere 2 Fayetteville
1 Memphis 1 Melbourne
1 Brunswick 0 Dresden
2 Memphis 3 Memphis 3 Melbourne 2 Melbourne
2 Charleston 1 St. Alphonzo's
0 - 0 -
2 Charleston 2 St. Alphonzo's

Portland Bomb Squad 3 - 4 Nowhere Men

Gold .319 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Setouchi 3 Setouchi ? Alamo Placita 1 Salisbury 2 Salisbury
0 Pack ? John Ford's 3 John Ford's
2 Pack 1 Kent Island
1 Ravencrest 2 Setouchi 4 John Ford's 2 John Ford's
4 Alamo Placita 0 Twin Peaks
0 Wichita 0 Hickory
2 Alamo Placita 3 Alamo Placita 2 Nanterre 2 Nanterre
1 Newfoundland 3 Twin Peaks
0 - 0 -
2 Newfoundland 2 Twin Peaks

Alamo Placita PCK 1 - 4 John Ford's The Searchers

Gold .320 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sydney 3 Sydney ? San Diego 3 Athens 2 Athens
1 Akron ? Port Royal 1 Katte
2 Akron 1 singil
1 Eastwood 3 Sydney 1 Athens 2 Katte
4 San Diego 4 Port Royal
2 San Diego 2 Langhorne
1 Spark 3 San Diego 1 Langhorne 0 Auburn
2 Arctic 3 Port Royal
0 - 0 -
2 Arctic 2 Port Royal

San Diego Padres 2 - 4 Port Royal Sparrows

Gold .321 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Okayama 3 Okayama ? Okayama 0 Miami 2 Miami
1 Warren ? Round Rock 3 Austin
2 Warren 2 Austin
1 Queens 4 Okayama 3 Austin 0 Lemont
2 Charlotte 4 Round Rock
2 Sarasota 2 New Jersey
1 Anchorage 0 Sarasota 2 New Jersey 1 Toronto
3 Charlotte 3 Round Rock
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 2 Round Rock

Okayama Crows 1 - 4 Round Rock Dragons

Gold .322 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Novesia 0 Novesia ? Trestle Mountain 3 Lawrence 2 Lawrence
3 Trestle Mountain ? Parkbrau 1 Battle Creek
0 Coffeeville 1 Syracuse
2 Trestle Mountain 4 Trestle Mountain 2 Lawrence 2 Battle Creek
2 New Barn 4 Parkbrau
2 Flint 2 Jamaica
1 St. Louis 0 Flint 0 Jamaica 0 Canadian
3 New Barn 3 Parkbrau
0 - 0 -
2 New Barn 2 Parkbrau

Trestle Mountain Brakemen 2 - 4 Parkbrau Pirminators

Gold .323 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nocatee 1 Nocatee ? Washington 3 Phoenix 2 Phoenix
3 Washington ? Phoenix 1 Richmond
0 Letterkenny 2 Richmond
2 Washington 4 Washington 4 Phoenix 0 Santa Barbara
0 Bandle City 1 Cranberry
2 Bandle City 2 Cranberry
1 Bitcoin City 3 Bandle City 3 Cranberry 1 Utica
0 Brighton 2 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Brighton 2 New York

Washington Wildcats 0 - 4 Phoenix Snow Birds

Gold .324 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Montreal ? Fairyland 2 Twin Peaks 2 Twin Peaks
3 Fairyland ? Sundown 3 Sundown
1 Pittsburgh 2 Sundown
2 Fairyland 4 Fairyland 4 Sundown 0 Bear Mountain
3 Hakodate 1 Timmston
1 Taipei 2 RiverCity
2 Oregon City 0 Oregon City 2 RiverCity 1 Blacksburg
3 Hakodate 3 Timmston
0 - 0 -
2 Hakodate 2 Timmston

Fairyland Bottoms 1 - 4 Sundown Sloths - eMLB

Silver .250 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Scarborough 3 Scarborough ? Scarborough 0 Evanston 2 Evanston
2 Paradis Island ? Mekong 3 Mekong
2 Paradis Island 1 NameCensored
0 Puyallup 4 Scarborough 4 Mekong 2 Mekong
2 Phoenix 2 Sandy
2 Albuquerque 2 Sandy
1 San Diego 2 Albuquerque 3 Sandy 1 Hell City
3 Phoenix 2 Kings Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 2 Kings Bay

Scarborough Tigers 4 - 0 Mekong Vietkongs

Silver .251 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville ? Queen City 3 Motor City 2 Motor City
3 Danville ? Motor City 2 Alanis
2 Danville 0 Guy
0 KwH 0 Danville 4 Motor City 2 Alanis
4 Queen City 2 Alberta
2 Larsen Bay 0 Lakeside Park
1 Kardiac 2 Larsen Bay 3 Alberta 2 Alberta
3 Queen City 2 Gravity Falls
0 - 0 -
2 Queen City 2 Gravity Falls

Queen City Atomics 1 - 4 Motor City Kitties

Silver .252 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bloor 2 Bloor ? Constant 3 Ceti Alpha Six 2 Ceti Alpha Six
3 Constant ? Ceti Alpha Six 0 Yana
0 Murderer's 0 NC
2 Constant 4 Constant 4 Ceti Alpha Six 2 Yana
3 Sunnydale 0 Richfield
2 FCC 2 Las Vegas
0 KDH 1 FCC 1 Las Vegas 1 Blun's
3 Sunnydale 3 Richfield
0 - 0 -
2 Sunnydale 2 Richfield

Constant Monsters 4 - 1 Ceti Alpha Six Kahns

Silver .253 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 3 Montreal ? Montreal 3 Motor City 2 Motor City
0 Tahoe ? Angus 0 Fargo
1 Chai Lai 2 Fargo
2 Tahoe 4 Montreal 2 Motor City 1 Bolton
2 Hoboken 4 Angus
1 Phoenix 1 Thomaston
2 Galveston 0 Galveston 3 Angus 2 Angus
3 Hoboken 2 Winnipeg
0 - 0 -
2 Hoboken 2 Winnipeg

Montreal Maroons 3 - 4 Angus Jackrabbits

Silver .254 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 Kona ? Michigan 3 San Juan Ankle
1 Baseball ? San Juan Ankle 2 Salem

0 Kona 4 San Juan Ankle
4 Michigan 2 Highbury

0 Boston 2 Samsung
3 Michigan 3 Highbury

Michigan Wolverines 4 - 0 San Juan Ankle Breakers

Silver .255 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Seattle ? El Mirage 0 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
3 Gate City ? San Jose 3 San Jose
2 Gate City 0 Honolulu
0 Germantown 0 Gate City 4 San Jose 2 San Jose
4 El Mirage 0 Lucky
1 Marshfield 2 Zwiesel
2 Atlantis 2 Atlantis 0 Zwiesel 1 Monroe
3 El Mirage 3 Lucky
0 - 0 -
2 El Mirage 2 Lucky

El Mirage Redbirds 3 - 4 San Jose Express

Silver .256 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southside 2 Southside ? Swiss 1 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
3 Battin Rouge ? Arizona 3 Arizona
0 Vermont 0 Mankato
2 Battin Rouge 3 Battin Rouge 4 Arizona 2 Arizona
4 Swiss 3 Smithville
0 Peshtigo 0 Walworth County
2 Swiss 3 Swiss 2 Seattle 2 Seattle
1 Raleigh 3 Smithville
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 2 Smithville

Swiss Mountain Cats 1 - 4 Arizona Aces

Silver .257 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Granville 3 Granville ? VANCOUVER 2 Malawi 2 Malawi
2 Derby ? Portland 3 St. Louis
1 Yekaterinburg 2 St. Louis
2 Derby 3 Granville 3 St. Louis 1 Asheville
4 VANCOUVER 4 Portland
2 Skagit City 0 MoClips
0 Mysterious 0 Skagit City 2 Crazy Go Nuts Univ. 2 Crazy Go Nuts Univ.
3 VANCOUVER 3 Portland
0 - 0 -
2 VANCOUVER 2 Portland

VANCOUVER SASQUATCH 4 - 2 Portland Panzers

Silver .258 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Belm 3 Belm ? London 3 Philly 2 Philly
1 Tri Valley ? Philly 2 Biddeford
2 Tri Valley 0 Corpus Christi
0 Ditchville 2 Belm 4 Philly 2 Biddeford
4 London 2 Edo
1 East Coast 2 Algarve
2 d 2 d 0 Algarve 1 Billerica
3 London 3 Edo
0 - 0 -
2 London 2 Edo

London Eagles 3 - 4 Philly Phlyers

Silver .259 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Olathe 3 Olathe ? Altamonte 3 Time 2 Time
2 HJL ? Time 1 Burlington
2 HJL 1 Amazon
0 Aberdeen 1 Olathe 4 Time 2 Burlington
4 Altamonte 3 Omaha
2 Portland 1 Brethren
1 Los Angeles 1 Portland 1 Brevoort 2 Brevoort
3 Altamonte 3 Omaha
0 - 0 -
2 Altamonte 2 Omaha

Altamonte Rynos 4 - 0 Time Wasters

Silver .260 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Thixton 3 Thixton ? Thixton 0 Corpus Christi 2 Corpus Christi
0 CHANG_WON_36 ? Philadelphia 3 Hudson
2 CHANG_WON_36 2 Hudson
1 Boondoggles 4 Thixton 3 Hudson 0 Tionesta
2 Saint Paul 4 Philadelphia
1 Chapel Hill 1 Windermere
2 Saint Paul 3 Saint Paul 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
0 Third Down 2 Seidler's
0 - 0 -
2 Third Down 2 Seidler's

Thixton Cognitive Misers 1 - 4 Philadelphia Ghost Runners

Silver .261 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 2 Seattle 2 Seattle
0 Mimico ? Daejeon St. SimDang 3 Daejeon St. SimDang
1 Chesapeake Bay 1 Philadelphia
2 Mimico 4 Chicago 4 Daejeon St. SimDang 2 Daejeon St. SimDang
2 New Haven 2 California
0 Bogota 2 California
2 Yakima 2 Yakima 3 California 0 Iowa
3 New Haven 1 Georgia Tech
0 - 0 -
2 New Haven 2 Georgia Tech

Chicago Sneaky Ticklers 4 - 2 Daejeon St. SimDang Holy Bread

Silver .262 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 San Diego ? Texas 3 Bandle City
3 Texas ? 1st Class 2 HHs

4 Texas 1 Bandle City
2 London 4 1st Class

3 London 2 Los Angeles
2 Prague 3 1st Class

Texas Top Loppers 3 - 4 1st Class Millionaires

Silver .263 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Belton 3 Belton ? Belton 1 Washington 2 Washington
2 Milwaukee ? St. Louis 3 St. Louis
0 Connecticut 0 Birmingham
2 Milwaukee 4 Belton 4 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
1 Albuquerque 2 Minnehaha
1 Albuquerque 0 Covington
2 Langley Falls 2 Langley Falls 3 Minnehaha 2 Minnehaha
3 Albuquerque 1 Groveland
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 2 Groveland

Belton Pipeliners 4 - 1 St. Louis Stars

Silver .264 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 3 Vancouver ? Vancouver 2 North Forest 2 North Forest
2 Pontiac ? Manayunk 3 Los Altos
0 Ridgewood 0 Buena Park
2 Pontiac 4 Vancouver 2 Los Altos 2 Los Altos
3 Silver Spring 4 Manayunk
1 Chula Vista 0 Echo Park
2 Silver Spring 3 Silver Spring 2 Little Rock 2 Little Rock
1 OK 3 Manayunk
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Manayunk

Vancouver Vagrants 1 - 4 Manayunk Monsters

Silver .265 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Louisville 3 Louisville ? Louisville 3 Future 2 Future
1 Roanoke ? Future 1 Baltimore
2 Roanoke 2 Baltimore
1 Speed and Defense 4 Louisville 4 Future 1 Arizona
3 Sandwich 3 EVCs
1 Swindon 2 EVCs
2 Sandwich 3 Sandwich 3 EVCs 1 Sixes
1 New York 1 Alphabet
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Alphabet

Louisville Lemurs 4 - 3 Future Legends TTC

Silver .266 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oregon 0 Oregon ? Seattle 3 Chattanooga 2 Chattanooga
3 Long Island ? Grand Rapids 0 Broomfield
2 Long Island 2 Broomfield
0 Tulsa 1 Long Island 1 Chattanooga 1 Mesa
4 Seattle 4 Grand Rapids
1 Evanston 1 LG
2 Seattle 3 Seattle 2 Eirlog 2 Eirlog
2 Fleetwood 3 Grand Rapids
0 - 0 -
2 Fleetwood 2 Grand Rapids

Seattle Mariners 2 - 4 Grand Rapids Rippers

Silver .267 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Zimmerman 3 Zimmerman ? Zimmerman 3 Boston 2 Boston
2 Johnstown ? Boston 1 OK
1 Newark 0 Santos
2 Johnstown 4 Zimmerman 4 Boston 2 OK
1 Aheggs' 1 Tottenham
2 Statesboro 1 Gettysburg
0 Roshar 0 Statesboro 2 Boston 2 Boston
3 Aheggs' 3 Tottenham
0 - 0 -
2 Aheggs' 2 Tottenham

Zimmerman Hawks 4 - 0 Boston Red Stockings

Silver .268 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Biloxi 3 Biloxi ? Las Vegas 2 Matsue 2 Matsue
1 I'm Just Here ? Keystone 3 DOLIM
2 I'm Just Here 1 St. Louis
1 Burnwell 0 Biloxi 1 DOLIM 2 DOLIM
4 Las Vegas 4 Keystone
2 Boise 0 Nashville
0 Frisco 2 Boise 0 Mesa 2 Mesa
3 Las Vegas 3 Keystone
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 2 Keystone

Las Vegas Stars 2 - 4 Keystone Beach Bums

Silver .269 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 2 Dallas ? Los Angeles 3 Virginia 2 Virginia
3 Los Angeles ? Virginia 2 Hagerstown
0 Gotham City 1 Ello
2 Los Angeles 4 Los Angeles 4 Virginia 2 Hagerstown
1 Kingsfield 3 Hardwick_VT
2 Kingsfield 1 Sabattus
0 StL City 3 Kingsfield 3 Hardwick_VT 2 Hardwick_VT
2 Southport 2 Wichita
0 - 0 -
2 Southport 2 Wichita

Los Angeles Warriors 4 - 1 Virginia Pale Hose

Silver .270 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 3 Charlotte ? Charlotte 3 Birmingham 2 Birmingham
2 Antarctic ? Birmingham 2 Cobson
2 Antarctic 1 London
1 Rocky Mountain 4 Charlotte 4 Birmingham 2 Cobson
3 Cleveland 3 Mount Union
0 Port Arthur 2 Mount Union
2 Atlanta United 1 Atlanta United 3 Mount Union 0 Little River
3 Cleveland 1 Botti
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 Botti

Charlotte Phighters 4 - 3 Birmingham Black Knights

Silver .271 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 1 Philadelphia ? Washington 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 San Francisco ? Brooklyn 1 Lake Jackson
2 San Francisco 2 Lake Jackson
1 Panther City 0 San Francisco 4 Brooklyn 1 Essex Steamers
4 Washington 0 Chicago
1 Selinsgrove 2 Maplewood
2 Kansas City 2 Kansas City 0 Maplewood 1 Downtown
3 Washington 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Chicago

Washington Skyhawks 1 - 4 Brooklyn Jitterbugs

Silver .272 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ottawa 0 Ottawa ? Houston 3 Corona 2 Corona
3 Houston ? New Orleans 0 Echo Park
0 Duesseldorf 0 Kung Fu
2 Houston 4 Houston 0 Corona 2 Echo Park
1 Ft. Smith 4 New Orleans
1 Corio 1 Ashland
2 Ft. Smith 3 Ft. Smith 3 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
1 Confederate 1 Glendale
0 - 0 -
2 Confederate 2 Glendale

Houston Phillies 3 - 4 New Orleans Gators

Silver .273 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albany-Colonie 3 Albany-Colonie ? Albany-Colonie 3 The Big Tree 2 The Big Tree
1 Raccoon City ? Hartford 1 Brampton
2 Raccoon City 0 Santa Ana
1 B-Town 4 Albany-Colonie 1 The Big Tree 2 Brampton
1 Brooklyn 4 Hartford
1 La Paz 0 San Dimas
2 Normal 2 Normal 0 Kardashevian 2 Kardashevian
3 Brooklyn 3 Hartford
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Hartford

Albany-Colonie Diamond Dogs -E6- 4 - 0 Hartford Dark Blues

Silver .274 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bell 3 Bell ? Holy City 1 Beachside 2 Beachside
0 The Dancing ? Kenner 3 Kenner
1 Iowa 2 Kenner
2 The Dancing 3 Bell 4 Kenner 1 Los Vegas
4 Holy City 1 Radium
0 Kamakura 1 Hereford
2 Rockingham County 0 Rockingham County 1 New Haven 2 New Haven
3 Holy City 3 Radium
0 - 0 -
2 Holy City 2 Radium

Holy City Refugees 3 - 4 Kenner Saints

Silver .275 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 New Haven 2 New Haven
1 Portland ? New Haven 2 Kyiv
0 Tuckahoe 0 Santa Fe
2 Portland 4 New York 4 New Haven 2 Kyiv
2 Redbone 3 Howell
1 Plano 2 Howell
2 Redbone 3 Redbone 3 Howell 1 Republic of
0 Hadestown 2 Roseville
0 - 0 -
2 Hadestown 2 Roseville

New York Metrokees 3 - 4 New Haven Tigers

Silver .276 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Aussie 1 Aussie ? Outer Rim 3 Utica 2 Utica
3 Outer Rim ? Utica 2 Glace Bay
1 Wodonga Night Hawks 0 Neptune
2 Outer Rim 4 Outer Rim 4 Utica 2 Glace Bay
1 Dreamland 0 Southside
2 Auburn 1 Lancaster
1 Parkland 2 Auburn 3 Southside 2 Southside
3 Dreamland 1 CHANGO_WON
0 - 0 -
2 Dreamland 2 CHANGO_WON

Outer Rim Purrgils 4 - 2 Utica Boilermakers

Silver .277 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bauer 2 Bauer ? Quebec 2 Lindenhurst 2 Lindenhurst
3 Vancouver ? Bern 3 Seattle
2 Vancouver 1 St Johns
1 Krakow 3 Vancouver 3 Seattle 2 Seattle
4 Quebec 4 Bern
2 Chandler 1 Rancho Cucamonga
0 Cincinatti 1 Chandler 1 Dumaguete 2 Dumaguete
3 Quebec 3 Bern
0 - 0 -
2 Quebec 2 Bern

Quebec Dragons F2P 4 - 0 Bern Mountain Dogs

Silver .278 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 3 San Diego ? San Diego 1 Denver 2 Denver
0 Yakima Bears ? Keir 3 Sebastopol
2 Yakima Bears 0 Herrin
0 Long Island 4 San Diego 3 Sebastopol 2 Sebastopol
1 Rockton 4 Keir
2 Albany 1 Montana
0 Tidey 1 Albany 2 Soquel 2 Soquel
3 Rockton 3 Keir
0 - 0 -
2 Rockton 2 Keir

San Diego Wombats 1 - 4 Keir Lumon

Silver .279 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tegridy Farms 2 Tegridy Farms ? Kersey 3 Sykesville 2 Sykesville
3 Kersey ? Sykesville 0 Budapest
1 Five Points 0 Finneytown
2 Kersey 4 Kersey 4 Sykesville 2 Budapest
3 Billsburg 3 Camden
2 Noble 2 Federal Way
1 York 1 Noble 0 Federal Way 0 Charlevoix
3 Billsburg 3 Camden
0 - 0 -
2 Billsburg 2 Camden

Kersey Sasquatch 4 - 3 Sykesville Suns

Silver .280 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portsmouth 3 Portsmouth ? Portsmouth 3 Mile High 2 Mile High
2 Hello ? Mile High 2 Jim Unknown
2 Hello 2 Jim Unknown
0 Scotia 4 Portsmouth 4 Mile High 1 Kane County
3 Dry Creek 0 Outer Banks
0 Evansville 1 Bielefeld
2 Lavington 0 Lavington 2 Rockland 2 Rockland
3 Dry Creek 3 Outer Banks
0 - 0 -
2 Dry Creek 2 Outer Banks

Portsmouth Merrimacs_PCK 4 - 1 Mile High Mayhem PCK

Silver .281 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Boston 2 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
1 Columbus ? Mucha 3 Mucha
1 Portland 0 Cayman Islands
2 Columbus 2 Chicago 4 Mucha 2 Mucha
4 Boston 3 Dumas
2 MichiganTrumbull 1 Highland
1 Dukes 0 MichiganTrumbull 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 Boston 3 Dumas
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Dumas

Boston Cats 4 - 0 Mucha Fat Cat

Bronze .200 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 1 Busan ? Cleveland 1 Colorado 2 Colorado
3 Cleveland ? Altoona 3 Altoona
0 West Memphis 0 Almont
2 Cleveland 4 Cleveland 4 Altoona 2 Altoona
3 YesterVille 3 Cambridge
2 YesterVille 2 Cambridge
1 Fresno 3 YesterVille 3 Cambridge 1 Baltimore
1 Buffalo 2 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 2 San Diego

Cleveland Chief Wahoos 1 - 4 Altoona Sandwich

Bronze .201 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Key Largo 1 Key Largo ? Norfolk 0 Annapolis 2 Annapolis
3 Norfolk ? Oakville 3 Oakville
1 Atlanta 0 Milwaukee
2 Norfolk 4 Norfolk 4 Oakville 2 Oakville
1 Rocket City 2 Dryden
0 Waterford 1 Brooklyn
2 Rocket City 3 Rocket City 3 Dryden 2 Dryden
1 Arvada 2 Chitcago
0 - 0 -
2 Arvada 2 Chitcago

Norfolk Atoms 2 - 4 Oakville Yellow Jackets

Bronze .202 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Daytona 2 Daytona ? Lehi 2 Dayton 2 Dayton
3 Lehi ? Springfield 3 Shangri-La
1 Yuma 0 Hollywood
2 Lehi 4 Lehi 2 Shangri-La 2 Shangri-La
1 Kaimuki 4 Springfield
1 Davenport 0 So Pink and
2 Long Island 2 Long Island 2 Frostbite Falls 2 Frostbite Falls
3 Kaimuki 3 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Kaimuki 2 Springfield

Lehi Lizards 0 - 4 Springfield Squirrels

Bronze .203 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 California 1 California ? Bradenton 3 Chula Vista 2 Chula Vista
3 Bradenton ? Chula Vista 2 Columbus
2 Bradenton 2 Columbus
1 Fort Bragg 4 Bradenton 4 Chula Vista 1 Kalamazoo
3 Detroit 1 Wortel
0 Byzantium 2 Marvin's
2 Tulsa 0 Tulsa 1 Marvin's 1 Knoxville
3 Detroit 3 Wortel
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 2 Wortel

Bradenton Bangers 4 - 1 Chula Vista Spartans

Bronze .204 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 3 New Orleans ? Wherever 3 New York 2 New York
1 Boise ? Berkeley 0 Morton
2 Boise 2 Morton
0 Delmarva 3 New Orleans 2 New York 0 Mercedes
4 Wherever 4 Berkeley
1 Bayou 2 Hartland
2 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin 0 Hartland 0 West Bend East
3 Wherever 3 Berkeley
0 - 0 -
2 Wherever 2 Berkeley

Wherever Whatevers 1 - 4 Berkeley Stingrays

Bronze .205 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edgerton 3 Edgerton ? Edgerton 3 Everett 2 Everett
1 Edmonton ? Wilkes-Barre 1 Slayheim
2 Edmonton 2 Slayheim
0 Corpus Christi 4 Edgerton 3 Everett 0 San jose
0 Bandbox 4 Wilkes-Barre
2 Hagers Island 0 San Diego
1 Chicago 1 Hagers Island 2 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 Bandbox 3 Wilkes-Barre
0 - 0 -
2 Bandbox 2 Wilkes-Barre

Edgerton Crimson Tide 4 - 2 Wilkes-Barre 97s

Bronze .206 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 No idea 1 No idea ? Alamogordo 2 Port Townsend 2 Port Townsend
3 Alamogordo ? Chicago 3 Chicago
0 Cambridge 0 Toronto
2 Alamogordo 4 Alamogordo 4 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Scotia 3 Cleveland
1 Streator 1 Cocoa Beach
2 Werribee 2 Werribee 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
3 Scotia 2 St. Petersburg
0 - 0 -
2 Scotia 2 St. Petersburg

Alamogordo Airhogs 1 - 4 Chicago Terrapins

Bronze .207 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oklahoma 3 Oklahoma ? Bedford 0 Fair Lawn 2 Fair Lawn
0 Wilmington ? Dunedin 3 Dunedin
1 (f2p) Seattle 2 Dunedin
2 Wilmington 1 Oklahoma 4 Dunedin 0 Tombstone
4 Bedford 1 Passive
2 Bedford 0 Raleigh
0 bestloves6 3 Bedford 1 Seattle 2 Seattle
0 Johnston 3 Passive
0 - 0 -
2 Johnston 2 Passive

Bedford Colts 0 - 4 Dunedin Blue Jays

Bronze .208 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sugar Land 3 Sugar Land ? Choccolocco 3 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
2 Anaheim ? Mister Teddy's 1 Hachinohe
2 Anaheim 0 Cape Cod
1 Douro 1 Sugar Land 2 Wisconsin 2 Hachinohe
4 Choccolocco 4 Mister Teddy's
1 Brooklyn 0 Stinky
2 Mossflower 0 Mossflower 1 Ninap 2 Ninap
3 Choccolocco 3 Mister Teddy's
0 - 0 -
2 Choccolocco 2 Mister Teddy's

Choccolocco Catfish 4 - 0 Mister Teddy's Cuddle Brigade

Bronze .209 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lachute 0 Lachute ? Nemacolin 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Nemacolin ? Algood 2 Greenville
0 Elderville 2 Greenville
2 Nemacolin 4 Nemacolin 1 Toronto 1 Milwaukee
1 Hondo 4 Algood
2 Bend 2 Rail Yard
1 Space Coast 1 Bend 2 Rail Yard 1 Hallandale
3 Hondo 3 Algood
0 - 0 -
2 Hondo 2 Algood

Nemacolin Coal Kings 2 - 4 Algood Pestilence

Bronze .210 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Singapore 1 Tahoe 2 Tahoe
1 Manchester ? Helsinki 3 Helsinki
0 Roseville 0 Denver
2 Manchester 2 Seattle 4 Helsinki 2 Helsinki
4 Singapore 2 Woodstock
0 Delaware 1 Timbuktu
2 New York 1 New York 3 Woodstock 2 Woodstock
3 Singapore 1 The Big
0 - 0 -
2 Singapore 2 The Big

Singapore Sling 3 - 4 Helsinki City

Bronze .211 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 1 Edmonton ? Pembroke 2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Kentwood ? Port Townsend 3 Port Townsend
2 Kentwood 2 Port Townsend
1 Ann Arbor 3 Kentwood 4 Port Townsend 1 Knoxville
4 Pembroke 2 Belton
1 Chesterfield 2 Yonkers
2 Wrestling 1 Wrestling 1 Yonkers 1 Antarctica
3 Pembroke 3 Belton
0 - 0 -
2 Pembroke 2 Belton

Pembroke Titans 1 - 4 Port Townsend Quinns

Bronze .212 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 EAGLES 3 EAGLES ? EAGLES 2 New York 2 New York
1 Eugene ? Magog 3 Magog
2 Eugene 1 Houston
1 Corpus Christi 4 EAGLES 4 Magog 2 Magog
2 Sacramento 1 Naito
0 San Diego 2 Naito
2 Sacramento 3 Sacramento 3 Naito 1 Rock Forest
1 Libertyville 1 Beaver Dam
0 - 0 -
2 Libertyville 2 Beaver Dam

EAGLES SOORI 4 - 2 Magog Cubs

Bronze .213 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jersey 3 Jersey ? Jersey 3 Dakota 2 Dakota
2 Idaho ? Dakota 2 Mid City
2 Idaho 2 Mid City
0 Grey Hand 4 Jersey 4 Dakota 0 Parkdale
1 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles
1 Sangiovese 2 Los Angeles
2 New Braunfels 0 New Braunfels 3 Los Angeles 0 Neenah
3 Los Angeles 0 Seatown
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Seatown

Jersey Keaves 2 - 4 Dakota Slammers

Bronze .214 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Coralville 3 Coralville ? Pine 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
1 NC ? Seattle 0 Introductory
1 Knoxville 0 Brooklyn
2 NC 1 Coralville 1 Columbus 2 Introductory
4 Pine 4 Seattle
2 Pine 2 Spring
1 New York 3 Pine 2 Spring 0 Alder Ridge
2 Wilmington 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Wilmington 2 Seattle

Pine Tar Bandits 4 - 1 Seattle Arsonists

Bronze .215 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pennsylvania 0 Pennsylvania ? Salinas 3 Hull 2 Hull
3 Salinas ? Hull 1 Milwaukee
2 Salinas 2 Milwaukee
1 Roswell 4 Salinas 4 Hull 0 New New York
2 Sesame Street 2 Austin
2 Sesame Street 2 Austin
0 Leesburg 3 Sesame Street 3 Austin 1 1 900 Mexico City
1 Punahou 0 Granby
0 - 0 -
2 Punahou 2 Granby

Salinas Fisher Cats 3 - 4 Hull Hulligans

Bronze .216 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roswell 2 Roswell ? Grand Forks 2 Aberdeen 2 Aberdeen
3 Palm Beach ? Bayou 3 Birmingham
0 Tahoma 0 Southern
2 Palm Beach 3 Palm Beach 3 Birmingham 2 Birmingham
4 Grand Forks 4 Bayou
1 Dallas 0 Orlando
2 Grand Forks 3 Grand Forks 3 Bayou 2 Bayou
0 Armada 1 Gotha
0 - 0 -
2 Armada 2 Gotha

Grand Forks Donkeys 4 - 2 Bayou Buffalos

Bronze .217 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Savage City 3 Savage City ? Strasburg 3 Walrustown 2 Walrustown
0 Leavenworth ? Walrustown 0 LosAngeles
1 Seneca 2 LosAngeles
2 Leavenworth 3 Savage City 4 Walrustown 1 Arlington
4 Strasburg 3 Whittier
1 New Japan 0 Maize
2 Strasburg 3 Strasburg 3 Whittier 2 Whittier
2 Brooklyn 0 Baytown
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Baytown

Strasburg Injuns 4 - 1 Walrustown Walruses

Bronze .218 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sack of 2 Sack of ? Milwaukee 2 Buford 2 Buford
3 Milwaukee ? Pine Bush 3 Pine Bush
0 The 2 Pine Bush
2 Milwaukee 4 Milwaukee 4 Pine Bush 0 Diosd
2 Bunnell 3 Ft. Worth
2 Modesto 0 Long Island
0 Sarasota 1 Modesto 3 Ft. Worth 2 Ft. Worth
3 Bunnell 1 Florence
0 - 0 -
2 Bunnell 2 Florence

Milwaukee Craft Beer Crazies 2 - 4 Pine Bush Aliens

Bronze .219 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seal Beach 2 Seal Beach ? LG 3 Biloxi 2 Biloxi
3 Monroe ? Biloxi 1 Abilene
0 Scrubbville 0 Berlin
2 Monroe 2 Monroe 4 Biloxi 2 Abilene
4 LG 3 Keweenaw Peninsula
2 Ocala 0 New New York
0 Brewster 0 Ocala 3 Keweenaw Peninsula 2 Keweenaw Peninsula
3 LG 0 Tahiti
0 - 0 -
2 LG 2 Tahiti

LG Twins 4 - 0 Biloxi Shuckers

Bronze .220 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 0 Toronto ? Japan 3 Agawam 2 Agawam
3 Japan ? Dickshot's 1 Pittsburgh
1 Bremerton 1 Boston
2 Japan 4 Japan 0 Agawam 2 Pittsburgh
2 Oakville 4 Dickshot's
1 St. Louis 0 FM
2 Oakville 3 Oakville 1 Bacup 2 Bacup
2 Fargo 3 Dickshot's
0 - 0 -
2 Fargo 2 Dickshot's

Japan Bombers 4 - 3 Dickshot's Dugout

Bronze .221 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ADub's 2 ADub's ? Funco Flex 3 Long Island 2 Long Island
3 Kobe ? Long Island 2 Cologne
1 Texas 2 Cologne
2 Kobe 2 Kobe 4 Long Island 0 Lucenec
4 Funco Flex 3 Yachats
2 Funco Flex 2 Manchester
0 Provo 3 Funco Flex 0 Manchester 1 Carolina
2 Kansas 3 Yachats
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas 2 Yachats

Funco Flex Fun Flexers 4 - 2 Long Island Sounders

Bronze .222 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sunnyvale 3 Sunnyvale ? Sunnyvale 3 Phoenixville 2 Phoenixville
2 Baltimore ? Phoenixville 0 Espanola
2 Baltimore 1 Springfield
1 Oregon 4 Sunnyvale 4 Phoenixville 2 Espanola
2 Joe Buck 3 Bonfield
1 NJ PALPARK 0 Patchogue
2 Joe Buck 3 Joe Buck 3 Bonfield 2 Bonfield
1 Emerson 2 San Jose
0 - 0 -
2 Emerson 2 San Jose

Sunnyvale Hawks 4 - 3 Phoenixville Phloaters

Bronze .223 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 3 Eleven Million 2 Eleven Million
2 Hawksdale ? Baltimore 0 Isle Royale
2 Hawksdale 1 Norfolk
0 Labrador 4 Chicago 1 Eleven Million 2 Isle Royale
3 Odessa 4 Baltimore
2 Odessa 0 Sunderland
1 420 3 Odessa 1 Greensboro 2 Greensboro
1 Yukon 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Yukon 2 Baltimore

Chicago Railers 4 - 0 Baltimore Diamond Dawgs

Bronze .224 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dunder 1 Dunder ? Toronto 1 Harry's 2 Harry's
3 The ? Iowa 3 Iowa
0 Hades 0 Hill Valley
2 The 2 The 4 Iowa 2 Iowa
4 Toronto 2 Vanna I'd Like To
2 Toronto 2 Deep Space
0 Midwest League 3 Toronto 1 Deep Space 1 Star City
1 Steel City 3 Vanna I'd Like To
0 - 0 -
2 Steel City 2 Vanna I'd Like To

Toronto Tens TTC 1 - 4 Iowa Cornballers

Bronze .225 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Leicester 3 Leicester ? Hillsboro 0 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
1 Blackfoot ? Glorpo 3 Toronto
0 Winston-Salem 2 Toronto
2 Blackfoot 2 Leicester 1 Toronto 1 Joplin
4 Hillsboro 4 Glorpo
2 Hillsboro 0 Bel Air
1 Seattle 3 Hillsboro 3 Glorpo 2 Glorpo
0 West Seattle 1 Jersey
0 - 0 -
2 West Seattle 2 Jersey

Hillsboro Hunks 0 - 4 Glorpo Gorpos

Bronze .226 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lakewood Ranch 2 Lakewood Ranch ? LG 3 Durham 2 Durham
3 Hillsboro ? Durham 2 Durham
0 Brooklyn 2 Durham
2 Hillsboro 3 Hillsboro 4 Durham 0 DS
4 LG 1 Lansing
2 Aurora 1 Bridgeport
1 Santa Monica 2 Aurora 0 Precious 2 Precious
3 LG 3 Lansing
0 - 0 -
2 LG 2 Lansing

LG TWINS 2 - 4 Durham Bulls

Bronze .227 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sietch Tabr 2 Sietch Tabr ? Milton 2 Woodstock 2 Woodstock
3 Milton ? Oakgrove 3 Oakgrove
0 Langhorne 0 Burbank
2 Milton 4 Milton 4 Oakgrove 2 Oakgrove
3 Mill Basin 1 Beskydy
2 Random City 2 EGR
1 Lancaster Barnstorme 1 Random City 0 EGR 1 Mahomet
3 Mill Basin 3 Beskydy
0 - 0 -
2 Mill Basin 2 Beskydy

Milton Lobos 4 - 1 Oakgrove Treants

Bronze .228 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Possum Springs 1 Possum Springs ? Mega 2 Guro 2 Guro
3 Invisible ? Lawndale 3 Lawndale
0 Detour 1 Minot
2 Invisible 2 Invisible 4 Lawndale 2 Lawndale
4 Mega 3 Brooklyn
2 bestloves 0 Barrie
0 Nevada 2 bestloves 1 OK 2 OK
3 Mega 3 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Mega 2 Brooklyn

Mega Ampharos 0 - 4 Lawndale Aggies

Bronze .229 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Black 3 Black ? Black 3 Lower Grovedale 2 Lower Grovedale
1 B-Town ? Lower Grovedale 1 Starfleet
2 B-Town 1 San Angelo
1 Central Kentucky 4 Black 4 Lower Grovedale 2 Starfleet
3 Australia 3 Alexandria
1 Hawaii-Wroclaw 2 Alexandria
2 Australia 3 Australia 3 Alexandria 0 Chipper off
2 Toronto 1 Lakewood
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Lakewood

Black Knights - PCK 4 - 2 Lower Grovedale Slumlords PCK

Bronze .230 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Toronto ? Iowa 3 brAin 2 brAin
3 Ballzer ? brAin 1 Curwensville
0 Elston 0 Homestead
2 Ballzer 3 Ballzer 4 brAin 2 Curwensville
4 Iowa 2 Constantinople
1 Ann Arbor 2 Philly
2 Woodland 2 Woodland 1 Philly 1 Da
3 Iowa 3 Constantinople
0 - 0 -
2 Iowa 2 Constantinople

Iowa Cornbelters 1 - 4 brAin martyrs

Bronze .231 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Downy Town 3 Downy Town ? Downy Town 1 Hardware City 2 Hardware City
1 Las Vegas ? Monterrey 3 West Virginia
0 Diamond Bar 1 Yosemite
2 Las Vegas 4 Downy Town 0 West Virginia 2 West Virginia
1 Junon 4 Monterrey
2 Junon 2 Kansas City
1 Greely 3 Junon 2 Kansas City 1 Georgetown
1 Baseball 3 Monterrey
0 - 0 -
2 Baseball 2 Monterrey

Downy Town Ducks 4 - 2 Monterrey Topo Chico

Bronze .232 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sunnyvale 3 Sunnyvale ? Midgard 3 Santa Rosa 2 Santa Rosa
1 Menlo Park ? Santa Rosa 1 New York
0 Lawrenceville 0 Jedi
2 Menlo Park 1 Sunnyvale 4 Santa Rosa 2 New York
4 Midgard 1 Oakville
0 Bethlehem 1 Newark
2 Midgard 3 Midgard 2 Tschybullsky 2 Tschybullsky
2 Florida 3 Oakville
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 2 Oakville

Midgard Tau'ri 3 - 4 Santa Rosa Ballers

Bronze .233 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Florida 3 New York 2 New York
1 Montreal ? New York 1 Rochester
1 Dallas 0 Kansas City
2 Montreal 4 Florida 4 New York 2 Rochester
1 OK 3 Midland Park
0 Imperator Caesar 1 Doosan
2 OK 3 OK 3 Midland Park 2 Midland Park
1 Cloudsdale 2 Tidewater
0 - 0 -
2 Cloudsdale 2 Tidewater

Florida Marlins 3 - 4 New York Patriots - HotL

Bronze .234 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Reno 2 Reno ? BV Lakes 3 Lexington 2 Lexington
3 Kingstone ? Lexington 2 Minnesota State
2 Kingstone 1 Long Island
1 Chicago 2 Kingstone 4 Lexington 2 Minnesota State
4 BV Lakes 1 Chippewa
0 Athens 2 Houston
2 BV Lakes 3 BV Lakes 2 Houston 0 Wichita
1 Uvm 3 Chippewa
0 - 0 -
2 Uvm 2 Chippewa

BV Lakes Flying Squirrels 1 - 4 Lexington Bantams

Bronze .235 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Willsboro 3 Willsboro ? Madeline 3 San Jose 2 San Jose
0 Barnegat ? San Jose 0 Kentucky
1 OK 1 Backwood
2 Barnegat 0 Willsboro 4 San Jose 2 Kentucky
4 Madeline 2 Point Pleasant
2 Cheddar Bay 0 Alto City
1 Macclesfield 1 Cheddar Bay 3 Point Pleasant 2 Point Pleasant
3 Madeline 0 Gateway
0 - 0 -
2 Madeline 2 Gateway

Madeline Nicks 4 - 1 San Jose Lakers

Bronze .236 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sacramento 2 Sacramento ? Hollywood 3 Neo Queens 2 Neo Queens
3 Providence ? Neo Queens 1 watertown
0 Manchester 2 watertown
2 Providence 2 Providence 4 Neo Queens 0 Toronto
4 Hollywood 1 RETO
2 Hollywood 2 RETO
0 Monterey 3 Hollywood 3 RETO 1 Augusta
1 Miramichi 2 U BOUGHT CARDS LOL
0 - 0 -
2 Miramichi 2 U BOUGHT CARDS LOL

Hollywood Starwhackers 4 - 1 Neo Queens Metropolitans

Bronze .237 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Packs Only 3 Packs Only ? Berlin 3 nWo 2 nWo
2 Lexington ? Wyomissing 2 Combinators
0 Columbia 2 Combinators
2 Lexington 0 Packs Only 2 nWo 1 Tokyo
4 Berlin 4 Wyomissing
2 St Paul 0 I Got Your Six
1 Colorado 2 St Paul 2 Bora Bora 2 Bora Bora
3 Berlin 3 Wyomissing
0 - 0 -
2 Berlin 2 Wyomissing

Berlin Unity 3 - 4 Wyomissing Spartans

Bronze .238 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wyoming 1 Wyoming ? Cleveland 1 Scrap Heap 2 Scrap Heap
3 Angel Hernandeez ? Salt Lake 3 Chicago
0 Stettin 2 Chicago
2 Angel Hernandeez 1 Angel Hernandeez 1 Chicago 0 Seacrest
4 Cleveland 4 Salt Lake
0 Boston 0 Dunkirk
2 Katy 1 Katy 3 Salt Lake 2 Salt Lake
3 Cleveland 1 Motor City
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 Motor City

Cleveland Spiders 1 - 4 Salt Lake Bees

Bronze .239 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 3 Houston ? North Caldwell 1 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
1 Falkirk ? Quebec 3 Will
0 Beckley 0 Jinju
2 Falkirk 2 Houston 3 Will 2 Will
4 North Caldwell 4 Quebec
2 Pe Diessy 0 Hyundai
0 Pallenville 0 Pe Diessy 3 Quebec 2 Quebec
3 North Caldwell 2 Vologda
0 - 0 -
2 North Caldwell 2 Vologda

North Caldwell Bada Bings 2 - 4 Quebec Dynamo

Bronze .240 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wisconsin 1 Wisconsin ? La Paz 3 Telluride 2 Telluride
3 Seattle ? Telluride 1 Hungarian
1 Honolulu 2 Hungarian
2 Seattle 3 Seattle 4 Telluride 1 Wesley Chapel
4 La Paz 1 Brooklyn
2 La Paz 2 Brooklyn
0 Hillsboro 3 La Paz 3 Brooklyn 1 Hilton Head
2 Kung Fu 1 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Kung Fu 2 Brooklyn

La Paz Chupacabras 0 - 4 Telluride Giants

Bronze .241 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sulphur Springs 3 Sulphur Springs ? Ashford 0 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
1 Brisbane ? Soulard 3 Slapout
0 Chelsea 0 Richmond
2 Brisbane 2 Sulphur Springs 3 Slapout 2 Slapout
4 Ashford 4 Soulard
0 Portage 2 Kinross
2 Spartanburg 1 Spartanburg 1 Kinross 0 Frostproof
3 Ashford 3 Soulard
0 - 0 -
2 Ashford 2 Soulard

Ashford White Harts 0 - 4 Soulard Beer Tasters

Bronze .242 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Emerald City 3 Emerald City ? Bowie 3 Outter Rim 2 Outter Rim
2 Mount Airy ? Natsu Sentai 1 South End
2 Mount Airy 2 South End
0 South Park 1 Emerald City 2 Outter Rim 1 Frankford
4 Bowie 4 Natsu Sentai
1 Charlotte 2 Toledo
2 Sultans 1 Sultans 1 Toledo 0 Kaohsiung
3 Bowie 3 Natsu Sentai
0 - 0 -
2 Bowie 2 Natsu Sentai

Bowie BaySox 4 - 2 Natsu Sentai Yakyuranger

Bronze .243 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Dorado Hills 1 El Dorado Hills ? State College 3 Washington 2 Washington
3 State College ? DA BEARS 0 Long Island
2 State College 1 Woodland
1 The Backyard 4 State College 3 Washington 2 Long Island
2 Annex 4 DA BEARS
1 Columbus 0 Boise
2 Annex 3 Annex 3 DA BEARS 2 DA BEARS
0 Montanejos 2 Tampa Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Montanejos 2 Tampa Bay

State College Bishops 2 - 4 DA BEARS BEARS

Iron .150 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Marstrand 3 Marstrand ? Vancouver 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
1 Kingsboro ? Birmingham 1 Milwaukee
2 Kingsboro 2 Milwaukee
1 Nebraska 0 Marstrand 1 Brooklyn 1 Metropolitain
4 Vancouver 4 Birmingham
0 Hartford 1 Woodstock
2 Vancouver 3 Vancouver 1 Future Legends 2 Future Legends
1 Baltimore 3 Birmingham
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 Birmingham

Vancouver Asahi 4 - 1 Birmingham Boone Dawgs

Iron .151 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wuhan 3 Wuhan ? Drumhole 3 Lickington 2 Lickington
0 Moon Township ? Lickington 2 SF
0 Alabama 0 OK
2 Moon Township 1 Wuhan 4 Lickington 2 SF
4 Drumhole 1 Oakland
2 Springfield 2 Oakland
0 Springfield 0 Springfield 3 Oakland 1 .Oakland
3 Drumhole 2 Groveton
0 - 0 -
2 Drumhole 2 Groveton

Drumhole Play Nice 1 - 4 Lickington Lightning

Iron .152 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Miramar 1 Miramar ? Conejo Valley 3 Pontiac PCK 2 Pontiac PCK
3 JESUS IS ? Pontiac PCK 1 Tokyo
0 Sugar Land 2 Tokyo
2 JESUS IS 2 JESUS IS 4 Pontiac PCK 0 Zyns
4 Conejo Valley 1 Philly
2 Red Oak 0 Bee
0 Sligo 2 Red Oak 1 7 Seas 2 7 Seas
3 Conejo Valley 3 Philly
0 - 0 -
2 Conejo Valley 2 Philly

Conejo Valley Rabbits 4 - 1 Pontiac PCK Packers

Iron .153 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Colorado Springs 3 Colorado Springs ? Colorado Springs 3 Green 2 Green
1 Ozzie's ? Green 1 Cape Hatteras
0 Wichita 0 Stanten Island
2 Ozzie's 4 Colorado Springs 4 Green 2 Cape Hatteras
2 Maltese 2 Penarth
1 North Pole 0 Wapiti
2 Maltese 3 Maltese 1 Minnesota 2 Minnesota
1 Compton 3 Penarth
0 - 0 -
2 Compton 2 Penarth

Colorado Springs Republicans 4 - 2 Green Dirigibles

Iron .154 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hawaii 2 Hawaii ? Maryville 3 MegaDethz 2 MegaDethz
3 San Diego ? NB 1 San Antonio
2 San Diego 0 Adirondack
1 My oh My 3 San Diego 0 MegaDethz 2 San Antonio
4 Maryville 4 NB
2 Ontwa 1 Garden City
1 Minnesota 2 Ontwa 2 Perham 2 Perham
3 Maryville 3 NB
0 - 0 -
2 Maryville 2 NB

Maryville Milkshake Maniacs 2 - 4 NB Canadians

Iron .155 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ICC 3 ICC ? ICC 1 Mira Mesa 2 Mira Mesa
1 Vancouver ? Bowmanville 3 Indy
1 Charlotte 0 Minto
2 Vancouver 4 ICC 3 Indy 2 Indy
2 Screamin' 4 Bowmanville
0 Silver 1 Wanaque
2 St. Louis 2 St. Louis 1 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Screamin' 3 Bowmanville
0 - 0 -
2 Screamin' 2 Bowmanville

ICC CO 4 - 2 Bowmanville Sluggers

Iron .156 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 0 OK ? Kennett Square 3 South Hero 2 South Hero
3 Kennett Square ? South Hero 2 OC
1 Asheville 2 OC
2 Kennett Square 4 Kennett Square 4 South Hero 0 Toledo
2 Montreal 3 S.B.
2 Montreal 2 S.B.
0 Dolton 3 Montreal 3 S.B. 1 Quad City
1 Raleigh 0 Indy
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 2 Indy

Kennett Square Mushrooms 2 - 4 South Hero Heroes

Iron .157 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Puget Sound 1 Puget Sound ? Detroit 3 Marana 2 Marana
3 Wyoming ? Marana 1 Conakry
0 Plainview 0 Terry Parker
2 Wyoming 3 Wyoming 4 Marana 2 Conakry
4 Detroit 3 Florida
1 Davie 2 Florida
2 Detroit 3 Detroit 3 Florida 0 Jeonju
2 Runnemede 0 Jefferson
0 - 0 -
2 Runnemede 2 Jefferson

Detroit Wheels 4 - 0 Marana Sidewinders

Iron .158 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Expos Montreal 1 Expos Montreal ? Axolotl 3 Grapevine 2 Grapevine
3 Connor ? Florida 1 Columbine
2 Connor 2 Columbine
1 Encinitas 1 Connor 0 Grapevine 0 Ocean City
4 Axolotl 4 Florida
2 Axolotl 0 Brentwood
0 Bethlehem 3 Axolotl 0 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
0 Minneapolis 3 Florida
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 2 Florida

Axolotl Attorneys 0 - 4 Florida Firefrogs

Iron .159 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Park 2 South Park ? Budman 3 Kaanapali 2 Kaanapali
3 Budman ? Kaanapali 0 Montreal
2 Budman 2 Montreal
0 Linglestown 4 Budman 4 Kaanapali 1 Chesterfield
3 Shreveport 2 Olean
1 Dayton 0 Virginia
2 Springfield 0 Springfield 2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Shreveport 3 Olean
0 - 0 -
2 Shreveport 2 Olean

Budman Airmen 2 - 4 Kaanapali Volcanos

Iron .160 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Shawneeland 3 Shawneeland ? Shawneeland 1 Fresno State 2 Fresno State
2 Carolina ? Bakersfield 3 Bakersfield
0 Dead Ball 2 Bakersfield
2 Carolina 4 Shawneeland 4 Bakersfield 0 Staten Island
3 Kansas City 2 Oshkosh
2 Seattle 2 San Francisco
0 Las Vegas 2 Seattle 1 San Francisco 0 New York
3 Kansas City 3 Oshkosh
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Oshkosh

Shawneeland Sinkholes 2 - 4 Bakersfield Blaze

Iron .161 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Canberra 3 Canberra ? Canberra 0 New York 2 New York
1 Portland ? Toronto 3 Wisconsin
0 Hanwha 2 Wisconsin
2 Portland 4 Canberra 2 Wisconsin 1 Jackson
3 Barrington 4 Toronto
0 Wisconsin 2 Toronto
2 Vancouver 1 Vancouver 3 Toronto 1 Twilight
3 Barrington 1 SEOUL
0 - 0 -
2 Barrington 2 SEOUL

Canberra Cavalry 3 - 4 Toronto Blue Jays

Iron .162 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rockford 3 Rockford ? Rockford 3 Arrakis 2 Arrakis
1 Kitigan ? Arrakis 2 Gaffney
2 Kitigan 1 Austin
0 Montreal 4 Rockford 4 Arrakis 2 Gaffney
1 Sharpe's 1 Orange City
0 Yarmouth 0 Gashouse
2 Sharpe's 3 Sharpe's 2 Marshfield 2 Marshfield
1 Philadelphia 3 Orange City
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Orange City

Rockford Redbirds 1 - 4 Arrakis Spice Lords

Iron .163 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ferndale 3 Ferndale ? Ferndale 0 Yulee 2 Yulee
1 St. James ? Ye Olde 3 Maryville
0 Woodbridge 2 Maryville
2 St. James 4 Ferndale 2 Maryville 0 Rainy City
3 Delaware 4 Ye Olde
0 Warrenton 2 Ye Olde
2 Delaware 3 Delaware 3 Ye Olde 1 Capricorn
1 x23jE 0 Nashville
0 - 0 -
2 x23jE 2 Nashville

Ferndale Triplets 4 - 3 Ye Olde Tigers

Iron .164 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Willingham 3 Willingham ? Willingham 2 East Lansing 2 East Lansing
2 Tulsa ? Vancouver 3 Utica
1 Richmond 1 Kansas City
2 Tulsa 4 Willingham 0 Utica 2 Utica
0 Key West 4 Vancouver
1 Auburn Hills 2 Dingerville
2 Key West 3 Key West 2 Dingerville 1 Long Island
2 Fredonia 3 Vancouver
0 - 0 -
2 Fredonia 2 Vancouver

Willingham Wingnuts 3 - 4 Vancouver Explorers

Iron .165 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Paju 2 Paju ? Sugarland 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Chicago ? Paytoulouse 0 Xenia
0 Castlewood 2 Xenia
2 Chicago 0 Chicago 1 Toronto 1 Baseball
4 Sugarland 4 Paytoulouse
0 New York 2 Muskoka
2 Arizona 0 Arizona 0 Muskoka 0 Brooklyn
3 Sugarland 3 Paytoulouse
0 - 0 -
2 Sugarland 2 Paytoulouse

Sugarland Sugarcanes 3 - 4 Paytoulouse Roid Rage Shrimp

Iron .166 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Waikiki 1 Waikiki ? Levittown 0 Billings 2 Billings
3 Levittown ? Cookeville 3 Cookeville
2 Levittown 2 Cookeville
1 New Jersey 4 Levittown 4 Cookeville 0 Belltown
3 Rivendell 3 Wilmington (NC)
0 Shadow 1 DMV
2 MTV Times Square 2 MTV Times Square 3 Wilmington (NC) 2 Wilmington (NC)
3 Rivendell 1 Brookhaven
0 - 0 -
2 Rivendell 2 Brookhaven

Levittown Burnouts 4 - 1 Cookeville Checkers

Iron .167 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Richmond VA 2 Richmond VA ? Winthrop 3 Jamestown 2 Jamestown
3 Gettysburg ? Drexel Heights 0 Destin
2 Gettysburg 2 Destin
0 Longview 3 Gettysburg 1 Jamestown 0 Super Earth
4 Winthrop 4 Drexel Heights
0 Boca Raton 2 Monterey
2 Sydney 1 Sydney 2 Monterey 0 O-Town
3 Winthrop 3 Drexel Heights
0 - 0 -
2 Winthrop 2 Drexel Heights

Winthrop Whalers 2 - 4 Drexel Heights Motors

Iron .168 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roswell 1 Roswell ? Nampa 2 Bristol County 2 Bristol County
3 Berlin ? Baltimore 3 Columbus
1 Madison 0 MLB
2 Berlin 3 Berlin 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
4 Nampa 4 Baltimore
2 Sharpstown 2 Baltimore
0 Toronto 0 Sharpstown 3 Baltimore 1 SF
3 Nampa 1 Invention
0 - 0 -
2 Nampa 2 Invention

Nampa Sugar Beets 4 - 1 Baltimore Trash Wheels TTC

Iron .169 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Paso 1 El Paso ? Lawrence 3 London 2 London
3 Tournan ? London 1 Shanghai
2 Tournan 0 Tempe
1 Port Huron 3 Tournan 4 London 2 Shanghai
4 Lawrence 3 Havana
2 Lawrence 0 Milwaukee
0 Baldur's Gate 3 Lawrence 3 Havana 2 Havana
2 Lake Magdalene 1 Southside
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Magdalene 2 Southside

Lawrence Monarchs 4 - 2 London Eeeeee

Iron .170 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago Heights 3 Chicago Heights ? Minneapolis 3 Ritzville 2 Ritzville
1 Pittsburgh ? Ritzville 0 Kitchenwater
2 Pittsburgh 0 Seattle
1 Formosa 2 Chicago Heights 4 Ritzville 2 Kitchenwater
4 Minneapolis 2 Surrey
1 San Juan 2 Fennario
2 Auburn 1 Auburn 1 Fennario 1 STMDB
3 Minneapolis 3 Surrey
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 2 Surrey

Minneapolis Celtics 4 - 2 Ritzville Wheat Kings

Iron .171 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
0 L' ? Taiwan 2 STMDB
3 Fort Collins ? Lancaster 3 Lancaster

1 Fort Collins 4 Lancaster
4 Taiwan 3 Zgorzelec

3 Taiwan 3 Zgorzelec
1 Dunwich 0 Fairview

Taiwan Music 2 - 4 Lancaster Trains

Iron .172 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tacoma 3 Tacoma ? Bodega Bay 3 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
2 Winter ? Tacoma 1 Raytown
2 Winter 2 Raytown
1 New Jersey 1 Tacoma 4 Tacoma 1 Winter
4 Bodega Bay 1 Wels
2 Ryushen 1 Hamner's
1 Carolina 2 Ryushen 2 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 Bodega Bay 3 Wels
0 - 0 -
2 Bodega Bay 2 Wels

Bodega Bay Birds 2 - 4 Tacoma Rainiers

Iron .173 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lexington 3 Lexington ? Lexington 1 Schwerin 2 Schwerin
0 Ashburn ? New Orleans 3 New Orleans
0 Sagebrush 0 Durham
2 Ashburn 4 Lexington 4 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
2 Richmond 1 Roanoke
0 Seattle 2 Roanoke
2 Frederick 2 Frederick 3 Roanoke 1 Vancouver
3 Richmond 1 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Richmond 2 Philadelphia

Lexington Wildcats 4 - 1 New Orleans Navigators

Iron .174 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toledo 3 Toledo ? Cincinnati 1 Bolivar 2 Bolivar
0 Florida ? Northamptonshire 3 Northamptonshire
1 Duxbury 2 Northamptonshire
2 Florida 2 Toledo 4 Northamptonshire 0 Newport
4 Cincinnati 2 Binghamton
0 Miami 1 West Coast
2 Brooklyn 0 Brooklyn 0 Corvallis 2 Corvallis
3 Cincinnati 3 Binghamton
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Binghamton

Cincinnati Skyliners 1 - 4 Northamptonshire Steelbacks

Iron .175 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 London 3 London ? London 3 Austin 2 Austin
1 Birmingham ? Austin 2 Athens
2 Birmingham 1 Finneytown
1 Tunaville 4 London 4 Austin 2 Athens
0 Otawara 1 Hanoi
0 Sinuiju 0 Montreal
2 Otawara 3 Otawara 0 Newark 2 Newark
1 Dugwal 3 Hanoi
0 - 0 -
2 Dugwal 2 Hanoi

London Innits 4 - 1 Austin Powers

Iron .176 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wichita 0 Wichita ? No Joke 1 Sydney 2 Sydney
3 Creatine ? Route 66 3 Prescott
0 Digimon 0 Cincinnati
2 Creatine 3 Creatine 2 Prescott 2 Prescott
4 No Joke 4 Route 66
1 Title 2 Route 66
2 No Joke 3 No Joke 3 Route 66 1 Steal City Wild Bucs
2 Penn 0 Vancouver
0 - 0 -
2 Penn 2 Vancouver

No Joke Literally Corn 4 - 2 Route 66 Highwaymen TTC

Iron .177 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wonder Wharf 1 Wonder Wharf ? Amarillo 2 Woodbridge 2 Woodbridge
3 Amarillo ? Bay Area 3 Bay Area
0 Baltimore 2 Bay Area
2 Amarillo 4 Amarillo 4 Bay Area 1 Charlotte
1 Delaware 3 Ontario
0 Castrodelphia 1 Las Vegas
2 Canton 0 Canton 3 Ontario 2 Ontario
3 Delaware 2 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Delaware 2 Brooklyn

Amarillo Dillas 4 - 2 Bay Area Inspectors

Iron .178 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Central Arkansas 3 Central Arkansas ? Central Arkansas 1 Lewisburg 2 Lewisburg
2 London ? Taiwan 3 Golden
1 West Coast 2 Golden
2 London 4 Central Arkansas 2 Golden 0 Furious George
3 Rockie Mountain 4 Taiwan
0 Springfield 0 Kickback
2 Athens 0 Athens 1 Vermont 2 Vermont
3 Rockie Mountain 3 Taiwan
0 - 0 -
2 Rockie Mountain 2 Taiwan

Central Arkansas Tornados 4 - 3 Taiwan Egress

Iron .179 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wyoming 1 Wyoming ? Waffletown 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
3 Pomu ? Reno 2 235
1 Chicago 2 235
2 Pomu 3 Pomu 3 Springfield 1 Grand Junction
4 Waffletown 4 Reno
1 Knoxville 0 Freehold
2 Fenton 2 Fenton 3 Reno 2 Reno
3 Waffletown 2 Durham
0 - 0 -
2 Waffletown 2 Durham

Waffletown Syrups 3 - 4 Reno Blazers

Iron .180 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 gimhae 1 gimhae ? Los Angeles 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Worcester ? Arcadia 2 Indy
2 Worcester 0 Bradley Street
0 Motor City 1 Worcester 2 Toronto 2 Indy
4 Los Angeles 4 Arcadia
2 Las Vegas 2 Arcadia
1 Masuk 1 Las Vegas 3 Arcadia 1 Duluth
3 Los Angeles 2 Backdoor
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Backdoor

Los Angeles Dodgers 1 - 4 Arcadia Vikings

Iron .181 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bushwood 3 Bushwood ? Bushwood 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
2 One Blue ? Springfield 1 PAC Conference of
0 New York 2 PAC Conference of
2 One Blue 4 Bushwood 4 Springfield 1 Half Century
3 Hamilton 3 Madison
0 Trans-Siberian 2 Madison
2 Bottom Half 1 Bottom Half 3 Madison 1 Moyer's
3 Hamilton 0 Atlanta
0 - 0 -
2 Hamilton 2 Atlanta

Bushwood Yankees TTC 4 - 3 Springfield Isotopes TTC

Iron .182 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kankakee 3 Kankakee ? Belleville 3 Denver 2 Denver
1 Atlantic City ? Long Beach 1 Lehigh Valley
2 Atlantic City 2 Lehigh Valley
1 Lacoochee 0 Kankakee 2 Denver 1 Parkwood
4 Belleville 4 Long Beach
1 Renton 1 Waterford
2 Boston 1 Boston 1 Gravity Falls 2 Gravity Falls
3 Belleville 3 Long Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Belleville 2 Long Beach

Belleville Berserkers 3 - 4 Long Beach Pelicans

Iron .183 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 cheonan 3 cheonan ? OK 3 Broken Arrow 2 Broken Arrow
1 Toronto ? Milwaukee 2 Philadelphia
2 Toronto 2 Philadelphia
0 Detroit 1 cheonan 2 Broken Arrow 0 New York
4 OK 4 Milwaukee
0 Helena 2 Colorado Springs
2 OK 3 OK 0 Colorado Springs 1 Cloverdale
1 ICC 3 Milwaukee
0 - 0 -
2 ICC 2 Milwaukee

OK Twins2 4 - 3 Milwaukee Milkers

Iron .184 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fort Wayne 2 Fort Wayne ? Diamond 1 Arizona 2 Arizona
3 Austin ? Yeonhyang 3 Yeonhyang
1 Cincinnati 2 Yeonhyang
2 Austin 3 Austin 4 Yeonhyang 0 Radiant City
4 Diamond 3 Dover
1 Amsterdam 0 Tulsa
2 Mile High 0 Mile High 1 Willenhall 2 Willenhall
3 Diamond 3 Dover
0 - 0 -
2 Diamond 2 Dover

Diamond Dogs 4 - 1 Yeonhyang Ikisugi

Iron .185 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 3 Buffalo ? Lisbon 3 Dayton 2 Dayton
2 Hudson Oaks ? Dayton 0 San Luis Obispo
2 Hudson Oaks 0 Round Table
1 Spry 2 Buffalo 4 Dayton 2 San Luis Obispo
4 Lisbon 0 Washington
2 Lisbon 1 Genshin
1 Snohomish 3 Lisbon 3 Washington 2 Washington
0 Edwardsville 1 Gotham City
0 - 0 -
2 Edwardsville 2 Gotham City

Lisbon Men-O-War 4 - 2 Dayton Dragons

Iron .186 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Markham 3 Markham ? Markham 2 Racine 2 Racine
2 Fall River ? Aurora 3 Aurora
2 Fall River 2 Aurora
1 Billings 4 Markham 4 Aurora 0 New Mexico
3 Cotati 3 Pack Only
0 Houston 2 Pack Only
2 Cotati 3 Cotati 3 Pack Only 1 Florida
1 New Braunfels 1 Bluefield
0 - 0 -
2 New Braunfels 2 Bluefield

Markham Silver Sox 4 - 2 Aurora Tigers

Iron .187 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 3 Dallas ? Team 2 New York 2 New York
2 OC ? Team Dynasty 3 Casper
2 OC 2 Casper
1 New York 1 Dallas 3 Casper 1 Edmonton
4 Team 4 Team Dynasty
2 Gainesville 0 Sweet taters
0 Seattle 1 Gainesville 2 Sunrise Manor 2 Sunrise Manor
3 Team 3 Team Dynasty
0 - 0 -
2 Team 2 Team Dynasty

Team Effort 2 - 4 Team Dynasty Express

Iron .188 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Riverside 3 Riverside ? Riverside 1 Letterkenny 2 Letterkenny
2 Thedford ? Pretty 3 Pretty
0 New York 2 Pretty
2 Thedford 4 Riverside 4 Pretty 1 Seoul Yankees
3 Memorial City 3 Florence (SC)
1 Satchel 2 Florence (SC)
2 Burlington 2 Burlington 3 Florence (SC) 1 Wellfleet
3 Memorial City 2 Palouse
0 - 0 -
2 Memorial City 2 Palouse

Riverside Wizards 3 - 4 Pretty Pwnies

Iron .189 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Havertown 3 Havertown ? Havertown 1 Findlay 2 Findlay
2 Cadillac ? Youido 3 Union
1 Taipei 1 Ewen
2 Cadillac 4 Havertown 2 Union 2 Union
2 Suncheon 4 Youido
2 Eastern 2 Blackstone
0 Galesburg 1 Eastern 1 Blackstone 1 California
3 Suncheon 3 Youido
0 - 0 -
2 Suncheon 2 Youido

Havertown Rollers 2 - 4 Youido Woo Sox

Iron .190 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hampton Roads 2 Hampton Roads ? Dallas 0 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Dallas ? Denver 3 Denver
2 Dallas 0 Myrtle Beach
0 Southeast 4 Dallas 4 Denver 2 Denver
2 Syracuse 3 Burlington
0 Whitstable 1 Lemoore
2 Denzer 0 Denzer 3 Burlington 2 Burlington
3 Syracuse 1 Weissport
0 - 0 -
2 Syracuse 2 Weissport

Dallas Star Guardians 1 - 4 Denver Railsplitters

Iron .191 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tullamarine 2 Tullamarine ? Larsville 3 Indianapolis 2 Indianapolis
3 Columbia ? Indianapolis 1 Lancaster
1 Minnesota 2 Lancaster
2 Columbia 3 Columbia 4 Indianapolis 0 Silver Spring
4 Larsville 1 Yorkshire
1 Seattle 2 Louisville
2 Larsville 3 Larsville 2 Louisville 1 Schultz
1 San Diego 3 Yorkshire
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 2 Yorkshire

Larsville Zabas 2 - 4 Indianapolis Popcorn HOTL

Iron .192 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Taiwan 3 Taiwan ? Taiwan 0 Donglanta 2 Donglanta
1 Undercity ? Oakland 3 Oakland
0 Hobbs 0 Beach City
2 Undercity 4 Taiwan 4 Oakland 2 Oakland
3 Kansas City 1 Springfeild
1 Worthing 1 Orgrimmar
2 Mighty 0 Mighty 1 Chelsea 2 Chelsea
3 Kansas City 3 Springfeild
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Springfeild

Taiwan Uni-Lions 3 - 4 Oakland Vagabonds

Iron .193 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 3 Connecticut ? Connecticut 2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
1 Austin ? Montreal 3 Aston
0 Dagmar's 0 Neptune
2 Austin 4 Connecticut 2 Aston 2 Aston
3 Utah 4 Montreal
1 Bad News 0 Pine Bluff
2 Utah 3 Utah 3 Montreal 2 Montreal
2 Boulder City 2 cheonan
0 - 0 -
2 Boulder City 2 cheonan

Connecticut Sharks 4 - 2 Montreal Meat Smokers

Iron .194 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 Toronto ? Toronto 2 Lotte
1 Richmond ? SWDC 3 Melfort

4 Toronto 1 Melfort
3 Whitestone 4 SWDC

1 Twila 0 Calgary
3 Whitestone 3 SWDC

Toronto Grey Jays 3 - 4 SWDC Invisible Spiders

Iron .195 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rude 1 Rude ? Houston 0 Chico 2 Chico
3 Houston ? Akihabara 3 Starveil
2 Houston 2 Starveil
0 San Antonio 4 Houston 3 Starveil 1 Atlanta
0 Worcester 4 Akihabara
0 Deer Lakes 0 Jefferson Ave.
2 Brooks 1 Brooks 3 Akihabara 2 Akihabara
3 Worcester 1 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Worcester 2 Seattle

Houston Aeros 1 - 4 Akihabara Nekomimis

Iron .196 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 NYC Jager 3 NYC Jager ? Outfield 3 Midway 2 Midway
2 Montreal ? Bluth's 0 Bunker
2 Montreal 2 Bunker
1 Head-Smashed-In 2 NYC Jager 3 Midway 0 Bonney Lake
4 Outfield 4 Bluth's
2 Outfield 2 Chitcago White Cox
0 Chill 3 Outfield 0 Chitcago White Cox 0 Shelbourne
0 Cloverdale 3 Bluth's
0 - 0 -
2 Cloverdale 2 Bluth's

Outfield Outlaws - PCK 1 - 4 Bluth's Banana Stand PCK

Iron .197 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Norfolk 2 Norfolk ? Syracuse 2 New York 2 New York
3 Conway ? Westerly 3 Chula Vista
0 Grand Island 0 San Diego
2 Conway 3 Conway 2 Chula Vista 2 Chula Vista
4 Syracuse 4 Westerly
2 Deep in 2 Tardis City
0 Minnesota 1 Deep in 1 Tardis City 0 Cincinnati
3 Syracuse 3 Westerly
0 - 0 -
2 Syracuse 2 Westerly

Syracuse Fizzy Pops 4 - 1 Westerly PauseOx

Iron .198 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Murdertown 3 Murdertown ? Murdertown 2 Chi-Town 2 Chi-Town
1 Montana ? Don Quixote 3 Don Quixote
1 Hartford 0 ICC
2 Montana 4 Murdertown 4 Don Quixote 2 Don Quixote
3 Carlsbad 1 Murray
2 Carlsbad 1 Zanzibar
0 Oakland 3 Carlsbad 1 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Cedar City 3 Murray
0 - 0 -
2 Cedar City 2 Murray

Murdertown Killers 1 - 4 Don Quixote Doflamingos

Iron .199 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Duluth 3 Duluth ? Chino Hills 3 New York 2 New York
0 Yakima ? New York 1 Fukuoka
2 Yakima 0 Boyoyon Boyoyon
0 Lafayette Hill 1 Duluth 4 New York 2 Fukuoka
4 Chino Hills 3 Kentucky
2 Chino Hills 2 Rocket City
0 Olympic Coast 3 Chino Hills 0 Rocket City 1 Montreal
0 Lehigh Acres 3 Kentucky
0 - 0 -
2 Lehigh Acres 2 Kentucky

Chino Hills Black Sox 4 - 1 New York Smurphs

Iron .200 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manchester 3 Manchester ? San Angelo 3 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
2 Spotsy ? Wisconsin 1 Corpus Christi
0 San Antonio 2 Corpus Christi
2 Spotsy 0 Manchester 4 Wisconsin 0 Providence
4 San Angelo 0 Sky
0 Cochabamba 2 Sky
2 Troisdorf 2 Troisdorf 3 Sky 0 San Francisco
3 San Angelo 2 Asbestos
0 - 0 -
2 San Angelo 2 Asbestos

San Angelo Rams 3 - 4 Wisconsin Badger Maniacs

Iron .201 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mason 3 Mason ? Tucson 3 Renfrew 2 Renfrew
0 Camden ? Renfrew 1 Brookline
2 Camden 0 Silver Spring
1 Central Texas 1 Mason 4 Renfrew 2 Brookline
4 Tucson 1 Fay Town
2 Gilbert 1 Toronto
0 Balking 2 Gilbert 3 Fay Town 2 Fay Town
3 Tucson 0 Fairport
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Fairport

Tucson Jackhammers 1 - 4 Renfrew Lynx

Iron .202 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 The Queen 3 The Queen ? The Queen 0 Langley Falls 2 Langley Falls
0 Fullerton Fungus ? Ocean Water 3 Ocean Water
2 Fullerton Fungus 2 Ocean Water
0 Los Angeles 4 The Queen 4 Ocean Water 0 Utha
1 Possum Ridge 2 Winchester
2 90s 2 Chattanooga
0 Australian 0 90s 1 Chattanooga 1 North Royalton
3 Possum Ridge 3 Winchester
0 - 0 -
2 Possum Ridge 2 Winchester

The Queen Kaitykait 1 - 4 Ocean Water Whales Milk

Iron .203 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Taipei 2 Taipei
2 Racine ? Taipei 2 Boston
2 Racine 2 Boston
1 Diamond City 4 Toronto 4 Taipei 0 Barbary Coast
0 Forest City 2 New-Mexico
2 Forest City 0 Pittsburgh
0 Montreal 3 Forest City 2 San Jose 2 San Jose
1 Saginaw 3 New-Mexico
0 - 0 -
2 Saginaw 2 New-Mexico

Toronto Blue Jays 4 - 2 Taipei Typhoon

Iron .204 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SEOUL 1 SEOUL ? Wacouta 1 Iowa 2 Iowa
3 Wacouta ? South Georgia 3 South Georgia
1 Washington 2 South Georgia
2 Wacouta 4 Wacouta 4 South Georgia 0 Haney
1 Busan 3 Kowloon
0 Middle Georgia 1 Baton Rouge
2 Minnesota 2 Minnesota 3 Kowloon 2 Kowloon
3 Busan 1 West Babylon
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 2 West Babylon

Wacouta Commoners 0 - 4 South Georgia Peanuts

Iron .205 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fairview 1 Fairview ? Woodstock 2 Broken Arrow 2 Broken Arrow
3 Woodstock ? Jobu's 3 Mighty
0 DAEGU 2 Mighty
2 Woodstock 4 Woodstock 2 Mighty 0 Seattle
1 Mars 4 Jobu's
2 Grand Forks 0 Allegheny
1 Elkridge 1 Grand Forks 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
3 Mars 3 Jobu's
0 - 0 -
2 Mars 2 Jobu's

Woodstock Storm 4 - 3 Jobu's Rum Runners

Iron .206 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lonely Island 3 Lonely Island ? Lonely Island 3 Mound City 2 Mound City
2 Hawaii ? Mound City 2 Bowling Green
0 Palmdale 2 Bowling Green
2 Hawaii 4 Lonely Island 4 Mound City 0 Yakima
0 Peking 1 The Scientific
1 Brooklyn 2 McKinney
2 Greenville 1 Greenville 2 McKinney 0 Lotte
3 Peking 3 The Scientific
0 - 0 -
2 Peking 2 The Scientific

Lonely Island Holiday Shoppers 4 - 3 Mound City Crappies

Iron .207 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Norte 3 El Norte ? Arlington 3 Frankfurt 2 Frankfurt
1 DTown ? KZoo 1 New York
2 DTown 0 New York
1 Meuse 3 El Norte 1 Frankfurt 2 New York
4 Arlington 4 KZoo
2 Arlington 2 KZoo
1 Queens 3 Arlington 3 KZoo 0 Paden City
1 Toulouse 1 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 Toulouse 2 Seoul

Arlington Alicorns 4 - 1 KZoo Bleu Caribou

Iron .208 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 MELBOURNE 2 MELBOURNE ? Brisbane 2 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
3 Simi Valley ? Champaign 3 Champaign
0 Beantown 1 New York
2 Simi Valley 2 Simi Valley 4 Champaign 2 Champaign
4 Brisbane 1 Berlin
1 Humphrey 1 Felton
2 Greendale 1 Greendale 3 Berlin 2 Berlin
3 Brisbane 0 Olympique
0 - 0 -
2 Brisbane 2 Olympique

Brisbane Eyedazzlers 4 - 2 Champaign Urbana

Iron .209 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brocton 3 Brocton ? Milpitas 1 Rock City 2 Rock City
0 Seattle ? Oceanside 3 Orlando
2 Seattle 1 My
1 Cumana 2 Brocton 2 Orlando 2 Orlando
4 Milpitas 4 Oceanside
0 Compton 0 Colts Neck
2 Milpitas 3 Milpitas 0 Baskin 2 Baskin
1 Sugar Land 3 Oceanside
0 - 0 -
2 Sugar Land 2 Oceanside

Milpitas Thunderbirds 1 - 4 Oceanside Crash

Iron .210 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Euclid 3 Euclid ? Euclid 2 Seattle 2 Seattle
2 Brockton ? Cleveland 3 Weymouth
0 Arkham 0 St. Louis
2 Brockton 4 Euclid 1 Weymouth 2 Weymouth
3 North Coast 4 Cleveland
2 Toronto 1 Komatsu
0 Las Vegas 1 Toronto 2 Nassau 2 Nassau
3 North Coast 3 Cleveland
0 - 0 -
2 North Coast 2 Cleveland

Euclid Gulls 4 - 2 Cleveland Guardians

Iron .211 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 1 Las Vegas ? East Coast 3 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
3 East Coast ? Seoul 0 Dusseldorf
2 East Coast 2 Dusseldorf
0 Los Gatos 4 East Coast 3 Kansas City 1 Gloucester Fishermen
1 Baltimore 4 Seoul
0 Gilbert 0 Hancock
2 Gourmet 2 Gourmet 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
3 Baltimore 0 Elgin
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 Elgin

East Coast Thunder 2 - 4 Seoul Twins

Iron .212 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Westchester 3 Westchester ? Westchester 0 Agnostic 2 Agnostic
2 Idaho ? Dehli 3 Dehli
1 Ostrava 2 Dehli
2 Idaho 4 Westchester 4 Dehli 0 Willard
3 Markham 0 Jacksonville
2 Markham 2 Seoul
0 Stockton 3 Markham 2 Seoul 1 Shlusser
2 Winnipeg 3 Jacksonville
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Jacksonville

Westchester Raiders 4 - 2 Dehli Dolphins

Iron .213 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 1 Chicago ? Boston 3 New Haven 2 New Haven
3 Boston ? New Haven 1 Ouegoa
0 Southern California 2 Ouegoa
2 Boston 4 Boston 4 New Haven 0 Putnam County
3 Tucson 0 Omaha
2 Stony Brook 2 Omaha
0 Chicago 2 Stony Brook 3 Omaha 1 Minneapolis
3 Tucson 2 Ripcity
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Ripcity

Boston Red Stockings 4 - 2 New Haven Gold Sox

Iron .214 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Cleveland 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
1 Manhattan ? Springfield 0 Scranton
2 Manhattan 0 Seoul Hannams
1 Portland 4 Cleveland 4 Springfield 2 Scranton
3 Martinsburg 2 Los Angeles
0 Lawrence 0 Anchorage
2 Martinsburg 3 Martinsburg 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
1 Fishhawk 1 Casas Adobes
0 - 0 -
2 Fishhawk 2 Casas Adobes

Cleveland Spiders 4 - 2 Springfield Comets

Iron .215 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tomakomai 3 Tomakomai ? Tomakomai 2 South Bay Pirates 2 South Bay Pirates
0 Boise ? South Side 3 Niagara Falls
0 Lake Saint Clair 0 Willy
2 Boise 4 Tomakomai 1 Niagara Falls 2 Niagara Falls
3 Johnsonvile 4 South Side
0 Maine 0 Folsom
2 Long Lake 0 Long Lake 2 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs
3 Johnsonvile 3 South Side
0 - 0 -
2 Johnsonvile 2 South Side

Tomakomai Gamblers 2 - 4 South Side Hitmen

Iron .216 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dynamic Ambassadors 2 Dynamic Ambassadors ? Big Cannon Creek 3 Honolulu 2 Honolulu
3 Big Cannon Creek ? Havana 0 Arioch's
1 KIA 1 Boston
2 Big Cannon Creek 4 Big Cannon Creek 2 Honolulu 2 Arioch's
2 Weyauwega 4 Havana
2 Glennie 1 Rebuilding
0 Cassopolis 2 Glennie 1 Wichita Falls 2 Wichita Falls
3 Weyauwega 3 Havana
0 - 0 -
2 Weyauwega 2 Havana

Big Cannon Creek Blasters 4 - 3 Havana Sugar Kings

Iron .217 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Daphne 3 Daphne ? Daphne 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
1 Portland ? Brooklyn 0 Trumann
1 Dayton 2 Trumann
2 Portland 4 Daphne 4 Brooklyn 0 San Diego
3 OOTP 2 Sheffield
1 Lisbon 0 Alpharetta
2 OOTP 3 OOTP 1 Madison 2 Madison
1 Seattle 3 Sheffield
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Sheffield

Daphne Redbirds 2 - 4 Brooklyn Hurricanes

Iron .218 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 3 Seoul ? Seoul 3 Slateport 2 Slateport
1 Corellian ? Slateport 2 Ocala
2 Corellian 2 Ocala
1 Norfolk 4 Seoul 4 Slateport 0 Venice
3 Kitchener 2 Barranquilla
2 Outer Banks 0 Agirapo
0 Kansas City 0 Outer Banks 2 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Kitchener 3 Barranquilla
0 - 0 -
2 Kitchener 2 Barranquilla

Seoul Skate Seizers 2 - 4 Slateport Shellders

Stone .100 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Redneck City 3 Redneck City ? Redneck City 3 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
0 Dallas ? Pittsburgh 1 Philadelphia
2 Dallas 0 Chicago
0 Ransom 4 Redneck City 4 Pittsburgh 2 Philadelphia
1 Calgary 2 Melbourne
2 Santa Rosa 0 Flint
1 Jamaican 0 Santa Rosa 3 Melbourne 2 Melbourne
3 Calgary 0 Valley Park
0 - 0 -
2 Calgary 2 Valley Park

Redneck City Moose hunter 3 - 4 Pittsburgh Pirates

Stone .101 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Asbury Park 3 Asbury Park ? Asbury Park 3 PGSRT 2 PGSRT
2 Adelanto ? PGSRT 0 Lexington
0 Altdorf 2 Lexington
2 Adelanto 4 Asbury Park 4 PGSRT 1 Nippes
3 Brantley's 0 NC
0 Detroit Motorheads 2 Weatogue
2 Cumberland 1 Cumberland 2 Weatogue 0 Columbus
3 Brantley's 3 NC
0 - 0 -
2 Brantley's 2 NC

Asbury Park Brewers 0 - 4 PGSRT Solidifiers

Stone .102 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Jose 3 San Jose ? San Jose 3 Black Diamond 2 Black Diamond
2 Allentown ? Baltimore 2 Exodus
2 Allentown 0 Camp Hill
1 New York 4 San Jose 3 Black Diamond 2 Exodus
3 Toms River 4 Baltimore
1 Los Angeles 0 Syracuse
2 Toms River 3 Toms River 0 JV 2 JV
1 Crystal Lake 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Crystal Lake 2 Baltimore

San Jose Black Gold 4 - 2 Baltimore Bombers

Stone .103 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Louisville 1 Louisville ? Pittsburgh 1 Amsterdam 2 Amsterdam
3 Tigers of ? Overland Park 3 Overland Park
1 Portland 2 Overland Park
2 Tigers of 2 Tigers of 4 Overland Park 1 Tokyo
4 Pittsburgh 2 Chicago
2 Champaign 2 Chicago
0 Yongin 0 Champaign 3 Chicago 1 FobShank
3 Pittsburgh 2 True Northern
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 2 True Northern

Pittsburgh Pirates - TTC 4 - 3 Overland Park Owls

Stone .104 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 3 Nashville ? Nashville 3 Poplarville 2 Poplarville
2 Elkton ? Poplarville 0 San Francisco
1 Northern 0 Billstown
2 Elkton 4 Nashville 4 Poplarville 2 San Francisco
2 ColeWRLD 3 Cranford
1 South Side 1 Brookings
2 Springfield 0 Springfield 1 Ever Grande 2 Ever Grande
3 ColeWRLD 3 Cranford
0 - 0 -
2 ColeWRLD 2 Cranford

Nashville Wizards 4 - 3 Poplarville Brownies

Stone .105 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 London 3 London ? London 0 Kentucky 2 Kentucky
0 Kansas City ? Washington 3 Washington
2 Kansas City 0 Baltimore
1 Brooklyn 4 London 4 Washington 2 Washington
0 Mississauga 3 Lexington
0 Tulufan 0 Clearwater
2 Mississauga 3 Mississauga 1 Georgetown 2 Georgetown
1 Minneaposlibbs 3 Lexington
0 - 0 -
2 Minneaposlibbs 2 Lexington

London Losers 4 - 3 Washington Wahoos

Stone .106 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Frisco 3 Frisco ? Frisco 3 Saginaw 2 Saginaw
2 Buffalo ? Glendale 2 Honolulu
2 Buffalo 1 Battlestar Galactica
0 Sidney 4 Frisco 2 Saginaw 2 Honolulu
2 Galaxy 4 Glendale
2 Galaxy 1 Anchorage
1 Louisiana 3 Galaxy 0 Bay City 2 Bay City
2 NOTL 3 Glendale
0 - 0 -
2 NOTL 2 Glendale

Frisco RoughRiders 4 - 1 Glendale Aces

Stone .107 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rumpke 3 Rumpke ? Burbank 3 Booger Hole 2 Booger Hole
2 Marquette ? Berlin 1 Bedford
0 Lynnwood 1 Moncks Corner
2 Marquette 2 Rumpke 3 Booger Hole 2 Bedford
4 Burbank 4 Berlin
1 West Point 0 Manhattan
2 Burbank 3 Burbank 3 Berlin 2 Berlin
1 Breizh 0 Rc
0 - 0 -
2 Breizh 2 Rc

Burbank Shadows 4 - 1 Berlin Rally Currywursts

Stone .108 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sugar Land 2 Sugar Land ? San Jose 1 Grit City 2 Grit City
3 San Jose ? Boston 3 Granite City
0 Upper Montclair 0 St. Paul
2 San Jose 4 San Jose 2 Granite City 2 Granite City
2 Lancaster 4 Boston
2 Lancaster 0 Troy
0 Hooterville 3 Lancaster 2 Gaithersburg 2 Gaithersburg
1 Queens 3 Boston
0 - 0 -
2 Queens 2 Boston

San Jose Tasmanian Devils 4 - 1 Boston Bombers

Stone .109 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dakota 3 Dakota ? Packs 3 Little Amsterdam 2 Little Amsterdam
2 Pitman ? Little Amsterdam 1 Islington
1 Washington 2 Islington
2 Pitman 3 Dakota 4 Little Amsterdam 0 Reno
4 Packs 2 Brownsville
1 Ktown 0 Orlando
2 Packs 3 Packs 3 Brownsville 2 Brownsville
2 Red Deer 0 Reston
0 - 0 -
2 Red Deer 2 Reston

Packs Imperium 3 - 4 Little Amsterdam Flying Dutchmen

Stone .110 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wilmington 3 Wilmington ? Loveable 3 Hays 2 Hays
0 Big Rapids ? Hays 0 Boston
2 Big Rapids 2 Boston
1 Suttons 3 Wilmington 4 Hays 0 Weedland
4 Loveable 1 Springfield
0 Clovis 0 Chattanooga
2 Warwick 2 Warwick 2 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
3 Loveable 3 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Loveable 2 Springfield

Loveable Losers 2 - 4 Hays Larks

Stone .111 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bowling Green 3 Bowling Green ? Bowling Green 3 Boston 2 Boston
2 Edinburgh ? Boston 2 Sandy Springs
0 Greenwich 0 Chicago
2 Edinburgh 4 Bowling Green 4 Boston 2 Sandy Springs
1 St. Louis 1 Milwaukee
0 Strathcona 2 Ninja
2 Indianapolis ISIS 0 Indianapolis ISIS 1 Ninja 0 Attleboro
3 St. Louis 3 Milwaukee
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Milwaukee

Bowling Green Cave Shrimp 1 - 4 Boston Red Sox

Stone .112 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ashburn 3 Ashburn ? Ashburn 1 gritty gritty gritty 2 gritty gritty gritty
0 Chicago ? Kansas 3 Kansas
2 Chicago 0 Norfolk
1 Connecticut 4 Ashburn 4 Kansas 2 Kansas
2 Akron 3 Orange
2 Baltimore 2 Orange
1 Kansas City 0 Baltimore 3 Orange 0 Bloomington
3 Akron 2 TRUFFONI'S
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 2 TRUFFONI'S

Ashburn Alleycats TTC 4 - 2 Kansas Storm Chasers

Stone .113 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 3 Kmart 2 Kmart
2 Vienna ? Kmart 2 Ruston
2 Vienna 2 Ruston
1 Gas-House 4 Seattle 4 Kmart 0 Nu Yuck
2 Calgary 2 Topanga
0 Gananqoue 0 Vanderbilt
2 Calgary 3 Calgary 2 La Mesa 2 La Mesa
2 Fargo 3 Topanga
0 - 0 -
2 Fargo 2 Topanga

Seattle Rainers 4 - 2 Kmart Blue Light Specials

Stone .114 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Bedford 2 New Bedford ? SamMi 0 Elk Grove Village 2 Elk Grove Village
3 Galombe ? Laval 3 Ulster
2 Galombe 2 Ulster
0 Wilmington 3 Galombe 2 Ulster 0 Ventura
4 SamMi 4 Laval
2 Santa Maria 2 15 Min
0 Banana 2 Santa Maria 2 15 Min 1 Portland
3 SamMi 3 Laval
0 - 0 -
2 SamMi 2 Laval

SamMi Superstars 4 - 2 Laval Rocket

Stone .115 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? Philadelphia 3 Corvallis 2 Corvallis
0 Future ? Corvallis 1 Tampa
1 San Diego 0 Troy
2 Future 4 Philadelphia 4 Corvallis 2 Tampa
1 Hagerstown 2 San Francisco
0 Tempe 2 San Francisco
2 Hagerstown 3 Hagerstown 3 San Francisco 1 YENA
1 Philadelphia 2 GrimGun
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 GrimGun

Philadelphia Quakers 4 - 3 Corvallis Baycats

Stone .116 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Space City 1 Space City ? Milwaukee 3 resting pitch 2 resting pitch
3 Milwaukee ? Freeport 2 Springfield
1 Richland 2 Springfield
2 Milwaukee 4 Milwaukee 3 resting pitch 0 Besaid
0 Havana 4 Freeport
2 Golden 2 Chantilly
0 St. Albans 0 Golden 2 Chantilly 0 Elendel
3 Havana 3 Freeport
0 - 0 -
2 Havana 2 Freeport

Milwaukee Brewers 4 - 3 Freeport Shadow Knights

Stone .117 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 College Park 3 College Park ? College Park 0 Dogtown 2 Dogtown
0 New York ? Sydney Thunder 3 Sydney Thunder
0 Xochimilco 0 Lexington
2 New York 4 College Park 4 Sydney Thunder 2 Sydney Thunder
0 Long Island 1 Daly City
1 El Paso 0 Chula Vista
2 Long Island 3 Long Island 2 Taiwan 2 Taiwan
1 Maplebark 3 Daly City
0 - 0 -
2 Maplebark 2 Daly City

College Park Thirsty Turtles 4 - 1 Sydney Thunder Ducks

Stone .118 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Larry Wayne's 3 Larry Wayne's ? Larry Wayne's 3 Rensselaerswyck 2 Rensselaerswyck
0 Give Me Liberty Or ? Rensselaerswyck 1 Quebec
0 Swayside 0 Orlando
2 Give Me Liberty Or 4 Larry Wayne's 4 Rensselaerswyck 2 Quebec
3 Hooked On 1 New York
1 Tikal 1 Indianapolis
2 Hooked On 3 Hooked On 3 New York 2 New York
2 Houston 1 Charlotte
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Charlotte

Larry Wayne's World TTC 2 - 4 Rensselaerswyck Patroons TTC

Stone .119 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Leicester 1 Leicester ? Joliet 3 Eskisehir 2 Eskisehir
3 Jacksonville ? Smarky Smark 2 Austin
2 Jacksonville 1 Tacompton
0 In The Middle Of 1 Jacksonville 2 Eskisehir 2 Austin
4 Joliet 4 Smarky Smark
2 Houston 1 Cleveland
1 Springfield 1 Houston 0 Williamsport 2 Williamsport
3 Joliet 3 Smarky Smark
0 - 0 -
2 Joliet 2 Smarky Smark

Joliet Jailbirds 3 - 4 Smarky Smark And The Smarky Bunch

Stone .120 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 EVCs Baseball 3 EVCs Baseball ? EVCs Baseball 0 Big Time 2 Big Time
1 Millenial ? Stargell 3 Princeton
2 Millenial 0 Birthday
0 EVC's Dodgers 4 EVCs Baseball 3 Princeton 2 Princeton
0 Kaline's 4 Stargell
1 Chicago 1 North Park
2 King Carlos's 0 King Carlos's 3 Stargell 2 Stargell
3 Kaline's 0 Keeping It
0 - 0 -
2 Kaline's 2 Keeping It

EVCs Baseball Fever TTC 4 - 3 Stargell Stars TTC

Stone .121 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tribetown 3 Tribetown ? Tribetown 1 Stratford 2 Stratford
0 Seoul ? Death Valley 3 Walnut
2 Seoul 1 Cincinnati
1 Fayetteville 4 Tribetown 2 Walnut 2 Walnut
1 Welland 4 Death Valley
2 BABO 1 Front Range
1 Medina 1 BABO 1 Charleston 2 Charleston
3 Welland 3 Death Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Welland 2 Death Valley

Tribetown Bullies 2 - 4 Death Valley Scorpions

Stone .122 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 0 Philadelphia ? Polyester 1 Catskill 2 Catskill
3 Polyester ? Mojave 3 New York
0 SSG LANDERS 1 New York
2 Polyester 4 Polyester 0 New York 2 New York
3 Brownesville 4 Mojave
2 Florence 0 Surrey
1 Hershey 1 Florence 3 Mojave 2 Mojave
3 Brownesville 1 Ypsi
0 - 0 -
2 Brownesville 2 Ypsi

Polyester Leisure Suit Wearers 4 - 2 Mojave Tumbleweeds

Stone .123 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hackensack 1 Hackensack ? Colorado Springs 3 New York 2 New York
3 Lakewood ? New York 1 Kodiak
2 Lakewood 1 Mojo
0 Pensacola 2 Lakewood 4 New York 2 Kodiak
4 Colorado Springs 0 Huntsville
2 Colorado Springs 0 YaTaP
1 Westminster 3 Colorado Springs 3 Huntsville 2 Huntsville
1 Toronto 2 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Brooklyn

Colorado Springs Black Diamonds 2 - 4 New York Vikings

Stone .124 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madtown 3 Madtown ? Madtown 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Busan ? Chicago 2 Walla Walla
2 Busan 2 Walla Walla
0 DC 4 Madtown 4 Chicago 1 Denver
3 Vancouver 2 Caledonian
1 Ikebukuro 2 Caledonian
2 Arcadia 0 Arcadia 3 Caledonian 1 New Valley
3 Vancouver 0 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 San Diego

Madtown Socialists 2 - 4 Chicago White Sox

Stone .125 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 LGTWINS 1 LGTWINS ? Hazzard County 2 Tyler 2 Tyler
3 Montague ? Montreal 3 Montreal
0 South Side 0 Cleveland
2 Montague 3 Montague 4 Montreal 2 Montreal
4 Hazzard County 1 Rosemead
1 Carolina 0 Doomfist
2 80s 1 80s 0 Lincoln 2 Lincoln
3 Hazzard County 3 Rosemead
0 - 0 -
2 Hazzard County 2 Rosemead

Hazzard County Good Ol Boys 2 - 4 Montreal Expos

Stone .126 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 KOR 3 KOR ? Tampa 3 Set 2 Set
2 lumosmaxima ? Set 1 Burlington
0 Chicago 0 Minnesota
2 lumosmaxima 2 KOR 4 Set 2 Burlington
4 Tampa 2 Packs Only
2 Tampa 1 Harrisonburg
1 Berks 3 Tampa 2 Phoenix 2 Phoenix
1 Watertown 3 Packs Only
0 - 0 -
2 Watertown 2 Packs Only

Tampa Orange Sox 0 - 4 Set Forget

Stone .127 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flint 3 Flint ? Flint 3 BUSAN 2 BUSAN
0 Sugar Land ? BUSAN 1 Austin
2 Sugar Land 2 Austin
0 Nashville 4 Flint 4 BUSAN 0 Ottawa
2 Dayton 2 Houston
0 Walton Kings 2 Hell's Kitchen
2 Dayton 3 Dayton 0 Hell's Kitchen 1 Chicago
1 Corlears 3 Houston
0 - 0 -
2 Corlears 2 Houston

Flint Tropics 4 - 1 BUSAN GLOBAL

Stone .128 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wonju 3 Wonju ? Wonju 3 Jay White's 2 Jay White's
2 Manitoba ? Jay White's 1 NJ
0 North Bellmore 1 Baseball
2 Manitoba 4 Wonju 4 Jay White's 2 NJ
1 Puyallup 1 Greenacre
0 Castroville 0 Detroit
2 Tempe 1 Tempe 3 Greenacre 2 Greenacre
3 Puyallup 2 Johannesburg
0 - 0 -
2 Puyallup 2 Johannesburg

Wonju smile 4 - 3 Jay White's Switchblades

Stone .129 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Norristown 3 Norristown ? GI 1 Tupelo 2 Tupelo
0 Fort Worth ? Bronx 3 Bronx
0 Ancapistan 2 Bronx
2 Fort Worth 1 Norristown 4 Bronx 1 Houston
4 GI 1 Los Angeles
2 GI 2 Los Angeles
0 San Jose 3 GI 3 Los Angeles 1 Phillipsburg
0 St Louis 1 Bonney Lake
0 - 0 -
2 St Louis 2 Bonney Lake

GI Islanders 4 - 1 Bronx bombers

Stone .130 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 1 Boston ? San Juan 3 Portland 2 Portland
3 San Juan ? Seattle 1 Albuquerque
1 Montreal 2 Albuquerque
2 San Juan 4 San Juan 3 Portland 1 West Virginia
1 Seattle 4 Seattle
0 Walla Walla 0 Detroit
2 Santa Clarita 2 Santa Clarita 1 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Seattle 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Seattle

San Juan Jimmyjacks TTC 1 - 4 Seattle Mariners

Stone .131 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 3 Milwaukee ? Santa Clara 1 Mudville 2 Mudville
1 Royse City ? Toronto 3 Toronto
0 Busan 2 Toronto
2 Royse City 2 Milwaukee 4 Toronto 0 Berlin
4 Santa Clara 2 Perth
2 Santa Clara 0 NewYork
1 Medellin 3 Santa Clara 3 Perth 2 Perth
0 Jersey City 2 Tennessee
0 - 0 -
2 Jersey City 2 Tennessee

Santa Clara Coyotes 3 - 4 Toronto Front Yarders

Stone .132 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Greenland 3 Greenland ? Springfield 2 Tiananmen Square 2 Tiananmen Square
2 Fluffy ? San Francisco Dodger 3 Purple
2 Fluffy 2 Purple
0 Dakota 2 Greenland 2 Purple 0 Davis
4 Springfield 4 San Francisco Dodger
1 Salt Lake 1 Paradise
2 referee111 0 referee111 2 Worcester 2 Worcester
3 Springfield 3 San Francisco Dodger
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 2 San Francisco Dodger

Springfield Steelhounds 2 - 4 San Francisco Dodger TSR

Stone .133 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington State 3 Washington State ? Washington State 3 Meadows Valley 2 Meadows Valley
0 Allentown ? OKC 2 San Diego
2 Allentown 1 Seoul
1 Worcester 4 Washington State 3 Meadows Valley 2 San Diego
2 Spanish Fork 4 OKC
2 Sparta 1 Woodstock
1 Stirling 1 Sparta 0 Castelia City 2 Castelia City
3 Spanish Fork 3 OKC
0 - 0 -
2 Spanish Fork 2 OKC

Washington State Cougars 4 - 1 OKC Brawlers

Stone .134 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Motor City 3 Motor City ? Motor City 2 Fairhaven 2 Fairhaven
1 Tokyo ? El Cerrito 3 Binghamton
2 Tokyo 0 Des Plaines
1 Detroit 4 Motor City 3 Binghamton 2 Binghamton
0 San Jose 4 El Cerrito
2 Houston 1 Memphis
1 Dodge Center 2 Houston 0 Layton 2 Layton
3 San Jose 3 El Cerrito
0 - 0 -
2 San Jose 2 El Cerrito

Motor City Kitties 4 - 2 El Cerrito SuckaFrees

Stone .135 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 3 GwanJeo 2 GwanJeo
1 Rohan ? GwanJeo 2 Hydro
2 Rohan 0 Bologna
1 upcoming 4 Seattle 4 GwanJeo 2 Hydro
0 Henderson 1 Toronto
1 Manchester 1 Dallas
2 Chicago 1 Chicago 0 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
3 Henderson 3 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Henderson 2 Toronto

Seattle Stealth 4 - 1 GwanJeo Taurus

Stone .136 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portsmouth 3 Portsmouth ? Portsmouth 1 Tempe 2 Tempe
0 San Diego ? Baltimore 3 Baltimore
0 ACME 1 Pack Luck
2 San Diego 4 Portsmouth 4 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
1 Hudson 3 South Jersey
1 Danbury 2 Belleville
2 Three Body 2 Three Body 1 Belleville 0 Moon Township
3 Hudson 3 South Jersey
0 - 0 -
2 Hudson 2 South Jersey

Portsmouth Barons 4 - 0 Baltimore Orioles

Stone .137 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newhaven 3 Newhaven ? Newhaven 3 Washington 2 Washington
1 San Antonio ? Scranton 1 Salisbury
0 California 0 Quarry Lake
2 San Antonio 4 Newhaven 3 Washington 2 Salisbury
2 Salisbury 4 Scranton
2 Winnipeg 1 Atlanta German
0 Husky 0 Winnipeg 1 Chicago 2 Chicago
3 Salisbury 3 Scranton
0 - 0 -
2 Salisbury 2 Scranton

Newhaven Pirates 4 - 2 Scranton Golden Eagles

Stone .138 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Livingston 2 Livingston ? Seoul 3 Charm City 2 Charm City
3 Seoul ? Charm City 2 Silver
1 London 0 TheRockets
2 Seoul 1 Seoul 4 Charm City 2 Silver
4 Seoul 2 Woodgate
2 Money ball 2 Birmingham
1 Kenesaw 0 Money ball 1 Birmingham 1 Bernie's
3 Seoul 3 Woodgate
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 2 Woodgate

Seoul KIST 0 - 4 Charm City Express

Stone .139 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sotaman 1 Sotaman ? Duval 3 Minneapolis 2 Minneapolis
3 Corning ? Minneapolis 2 Big Papi's
1 OK 0 Victoria
2 Corning 3 Corning 4 Minneapolis 2 Big Papi's
4 Duval 2 Ohio
2 Moscow 0 West Palm Beach
0 Norwalk 0 Moscow 3 Ohio 2 Ohio
3 Duval 1 Hammond
0 - 0 -
2 Duval 2 Hammond

Duval Deegans 0 - 4 Minneapolis Millers

Stone .140 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 2 Edinburgh 2 Edinburgh
2 Lake Oswego ? San Antonio 3 Esko
2 Lake Oswego 0 MARS
1 Fort Payne 4 Chicago 2 Esko 2 Esko
0 Boro 4 San Antonio
2 Boro 2 Joliet
0 Tokyo 3 Boro 0 Joliet 1 Lancaster
1 Woodbridge 3 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Woodbridge 2 San Antonio

Chicago Mudcats 2 - 4 San Antonio Airhogs

Stone .141 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Indy 3 South Indy ? South Indy 3 Salem 2 Salem
2 Los Angeles ? Saskatoon 2 Chicago
0 Montana 1 Bakersfield
2 Los Angeles 4 South Indy 3 Salem 2 Chicago
1 Black white tigers 4 Saskatoon
0 Denver 0 Bangor
2 Black white tigers 3 Black white tigers 3 Saskatoon 2 Saskatoon
2 Grants Pass 2 LIL
0 - 0 -
2 Grants Pass 2 LIL

South Indy Sires 0 - 4 Saskatoon Night Hawks

Stone .142 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edinburg 3 Edinburg ? Edinburg 3 Venice 2 Venice
1 ADubs's ? Daygo 0 Fargo
1 Torrance 0 Vatican City
2 ADubs's 4 Edinburg 3 Venice 2 Fargo
2 Vancouver 4 Daygo
0 New Hyde Park 2 New Jersey
2 Daksquare 0 Daksquare 0 New Jersey 0 Grand Prairie
3 Vancouver 3 Daygo
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Daygo

Edinburg Astros 2 - 4 Daygo Gremlins

Stone .143 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 3 Fredericksburg 2 Fredericksburg
1 Joplin ? Fredericksburg 2 B
2 Joplin 0 Walla Walla
1 Maine Street 4 Chicago 4 Fredericksburg 2 B
2 Key West 3 Skeletor's
1 South Side 0 Las Vegas
2 Key West 3 Key West 3 Skeletor's 2 Skeletor's
1 Loveland 2 Colorado Springs
0 - 0 -
2 Loveland 2 Colorado Springs

Chicago Baseball Elite 4 - 1 Fredericksburg Patriots

Stone .144 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Sereno 3 El Sereno ? El Sereno 2 Florida 2 Florida
2 Kalamazoo ? Bethesda 3 Roshar
2 Kalamazoo 2 Roshar
0 Alamosa 4 El Sereno 3 Roshar 0 Bristol
1 Tampa 4 Bethesda
2 Kentwood 2 Bethesda
1 Arizona 2 Kentwood 3 Bethesda 0 NYC
3 Tampa 1 Vero Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa 2 Vero Beach

El Sereno Doyers 4 - 3 Bethesda Fallouts

Stone .145 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Twin Town 1 Twin Town ? Cornersburg 3 Hustonville 2 Hustonville
3 Syracuse ? Hustonville 0 Statesboro
1 Lawrence 0 New York
2 Syracuse 0 Syracuse 4 Hustonville 2 Statesboro
4 Cornersburg 0 Norman
1 Wicklow 0 Bay
2 Cincinnati 1 Cincinnati 3 Norman 2 Norman
3 Cornersburg 2 Antioch
0 - 0 -
2 Cornersburg 2 Antioch

Cornersburg Trash Pandas 4 - 3 Hustonville Hooligans

Stone .146 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bellingham 1 Bellingham ? Berlin 1 Reno 2 Reno
3 Purple H4ze ? Portland 3 Portland
2 Purple H4ze 0 hanwha
0 Reno 1 Purple H4ze 4 Portland 2 Portland
4 Berlin 0 Charleston
2 Taipei 2 Fogtown
1 Boofin 0 Taipei 2 Fogtown 1 Toronto
3 Berlin 3 Charleston
0 - 0 -
2 Berlin 2 Charleston

Berlin Golden Bears 3 - 4 Portland Penny Pitchers

Stone .147 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 1 San Diego ? Baltimore 3 Big Sky 2 Big Sky
3 Baltimore ? Big Sky 1 Spring Brook
1 Daytona Beach 2 Spring Brook
2 Baltimore 4 Baltimore 4 Big Sky 1 Juno y Freyba
3 Boston 3 Lancaster
2 South Bend 2 Eagan
0 Freeport 2 South Bend 2 Eagan 1 Coral Springs
3 Boston 3 Lancaster
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Lancaster

Baltimore Whalers 1 - 4 Big Sky Blizzard

Stone .148 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Puslinch 1 Puslinch ? p 1 Vigodaville 2 Vigodaville
3 p ? Timbuktu 3 Timbuktu
0 Paramount 1 Phoenix
2 p 4 p 4 Timbuktu 2 Timbuktu
0 Constantinople 3 Los Ingobernables
2 South Portland 1 Charleston
1 Silent 2 South Portland 3 Los Ingobernables 2 Los Ingobernables
3 Constantinople 2 Green City
0 - 0 -
2 Constantinople 2 Green City

p sluggers 2 - 4 Timbuktu Ticket Punchers

Stone .149 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rahway 0 Rahway ? Duluth 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
3 Duluth ? Chicago 1 Slab City
1 Manassas 2 Slab City
2 Duluth 4 Duluth 4 Chicago 1 Buffalo
0 Monza 1 Seattle
1 Dublin 0 21st Century
2 Conifer 2 Conifer 1 La Plaine 2 La Plaine
3 Monza 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Monza 2 Seattle

Duluth Dukes 0 - 4 Chicago 49ers

Stone .150 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 0 Boston ? Front242 3 Fayetteville 2 Fayetteville
3 Indianapolis ? Fayetteville 2 South Boston
1 Boulder City 1 Welland
2 Indianapolis 3 Indianapolis 4 Fayetteville 2 South Boston
4 Front242 3 Yokohama
1 Taiwan 0 Jersey City
2 Subterranean 0 Subterranean 3 Yokohama 2 Yokohama
3 Front242 2 Waxhaw
0 - 0 -
2 Front242 2 Waxhaw

Front242 No Shuffle 2 - 4 Fayetteville Sun Cats

Stone .151 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Burgdorf 3 Burgdorf ? Burgdorf 1 New York 2 New York
0 Denton ? Philadelphia 3 Lytton City
2 Denton 1 Kansas City
1 Abbingdon 4 Burgdorf 1 Lytton City 2 Lytton City
3 Dallas 4 Philadelphia
0 Livermore 0 Phoenix
2 Dallas 3 Dallas 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
0 Irvine 0 Red
0 - 0 -
2 Irvine 2 Red

Burgdorf Burgers 4 - 3 Philadelphia Phollies

Stone .152 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Forest Hills 3 Forest Hills ? Forest Hills 3 Riverside 2 Riverside
0 Cleveland ? Otley Town 2 NH
0 Carlsbad 1 Everton
2 Cleveland 4 Forest Hills 2 Riverside 2 NH
3 Seymour 4 Otley Town
0 Atlanta 2 Jupiter
2 Chaska 2 Chaska 1 Jupiter 0 Shelburne
3 Seymour 3 Otley Town
0 - 0 -
2 Seymour 2 Otley Town

Forest Hills Big Cats 4 - 2 Otley Town Boot Boys

Stone .153 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hamilton 3 Hamilton ? Hamilton 0 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
0 Chicago ? Missouri 3 Kashyyyk
1 Chosen 0 Little River
2 Chicago 4 Hamilton 0 Kashyyyk 2 Kashyyyk
1 Guadalupe 4 Missouri
2 Compton 1 Town 'n' Country
0 Detroit 0 Compton 2 Boolarra 2 Boolarra
3 Guadalupe 3 Missouri
0 - 0 -
2 Guadalupe 2 Missouri

Hamilton Storm 2 - 4 Missouri Tigers

Stone .154 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Alabama 3 Alabama ? Alabama 3 Boston 2 Boston
0 Wodonga ? North Pole 0 Brooklyn
1 Providence 0 Oakdale
2 Wodonga 4 Alabama 0 Boston 2 Brooklyn
1 Garfield 4 North Pole
1 Harvard 1 Mississauga
2 San Francisco 0 San Francisco 3 North Pole 2 North Pole
3 Garfield 2 Myrtle Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Garfield 2 Myrtle Beach

Alabama Hammers 2 - 4 North Pole Coldcockers

Stone .155 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 3 Orlando ? Orlando 2 Danville 2 Danville
2 Bradford ? Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles
2 Bradford 2 Los Angeles
0 Pekin 4 Orlando 4 Los Angeles 1 Davis
1 Dana Point 2 Oakansadelphia
2 Dana Point 0 Pok Etsain
0 Austin 3 Dana Point 0 Nashville 2 Nashville
1 Glendale 3 Oakansadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Glendale 2 Oakansadelphia

Orlando Redbirds 2 - 4 Los Angeles Tortugas

Stone .156 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kensington 3 Kensington ? Kensington 3 Oakville 2 Oakville
0 Palermo ? Chesapeake 1 Pikesville
2 Palermo 2 Pikesville
1 Grand Prairie 4 Kensington 1 Oakville 1 Orions
3 Portland 4 Chesapeake
1 Redwood City 2 Boston
2 Portland 3 Portland 1 Boston 1 Deep Space
1 Riverside 3 Chesapeake
0 - 0 -
2 Riverside 2 Chesapeake

Kensington Cougars 1 - 4 Chesapeake tiger sharks

Stone .157 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Singapore 2 Singapore ? KIWOOM HEROES 3 West Hollywood 2 West Hollywood
3 KIWOOM HEROES ? West Hollywood 1 NIKKE
2 KIWOOM HEROES 0 Cleveland Heights
0 Southville 4 KIWOOM HEROES 4 West Hollywood 2 NIKKE
0 Dirty City 3 Montreal
0 Eee 0 Brooklyn
2 Charlotte 2 Charlotte 1 New York 2 New York
3 Dirty City 3 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Dirty City 2 Montreal

KIWOOM HEROES c774c7acc6a9 0 - 4 West Hollywood Pride

Stone .158 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wellington 3 Wellington ? South Nashville 2 Adirondack 2 Adirondack
1 Billings ? Pompeji 3 Pompeji
1 Hometown 1 New York
2 Billings 2 Wellington 4 Pompeji 2 Pompeji
4 South Nashville 1 Shovel Town
0 James Island 2 Gun Barrel City
2 Seoul 2 Seoul 2 Gun Barrel City 1 Murray County
3 South Nashville 3 Shovel Town
0 - 0 -
2 South Nashville 2 Shovel Town

South Nashville Nimbys 4 - 1 Pompeji Goon Squad

Stone .159 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sedley 1 Sedley ? Munich 3 Annandale 2 Annandale
3 Munich ? Annandale 0 Valhalla
0 Grand Rapids 1 Defensive
2 Munich 4 Munich 4 Annandale 2 Valhalla
0 INCHEON 2 Boca Raton
2 INCHEON 0 No One Likes us
1 Manchester 3 INCHEON 2 Proton 2 Proton
2 Milwaukee 3 Boca Raton
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Boca Raton

Munich Beer Weenz 2 - 4 Annandale Atom Smashers

Stone .160 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pensacola 3 Pensacola ? Pensacola 3 Washington 2 Washington
0 Lumbar ? Cleveland 0 Santa Ana
0 South Euclid 1 Spokane
2 Lumbar 4 Pensacola 3 Washington 2 Santa Ana
0 Gallatin 4 Cleveland
0 Lime Ridge 1 Auburndale
2 SHAGNHAI 2 SHAGNHAI 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
3 Gallatin 2 Florida
0 - 0 -
2 Gallatin 2 Florida

Pensacola Fliers 2 - 4 Cleveland Tribe

Stone .161 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Calgary 3 Calgary ? Calgary 3 Cannon River 2 Cannon River
2 Easton ? Sandusky 1 Montgomery (PA)
0 Calgary 2 Montgomery (PA)
2 Easton 4 Calgary 3 Cannon River 1 Parkersburg
2 Brooklyn 4 Sandusky
0 Chicago 0 Halifax
2 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn 1 Seattle 2 Seattle
3 Brooklyn 3 Sandusky
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Sandusky

Calgary Cannons 1 - 4 Sandusky Bullforce

Stone .162 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kenora 3 Kenora ? Liverwurst 0 Toronto 2 Toronto
1 Klinker ? Low Diamond 3 Harlem
0 Hamms 1 Carol City
2 Klinker 3 Kenora 2 Harlem 2 Harlem
4 Liverwurst 4 Low Diamond
2 Kansas City 1 Delco Bees
0 Toronto 0 Kansas City 1 Coastal Bend 2 Coastal Bend
3 Liverwurst 3 Low Diamond
0 - 0 -
2 Liverwurst 2 Low Diamond

Liverwurst Meatsmiths 4 - 2 Low Diamond Phillips

Stone .163 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 1 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
0 Krappy ? Eau Claire 3 Chicago
0 Hong Kong 1 Packsburg
2 Krappy 4 Seattle 0 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Ocean City 4 Eau Claire
2 Pioneer 0 OK
1 Milwaukee 2 Pioneer 2 Fernwood 2 Fernwood
3 Ocean City 3 Eau Claire
0 - 0 -
2 Ocean City 2 Eau Claire

Seattle Nuts 4 - 1 Eau Claire Blue Claws

Stone .164 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kiribati 3 Kiribati ? Kiribati 3 Baton Rouge 2 Baton Rouge
2 Baltimore ? Baton Rouge 0 Glendale
1 Warwick 2 Glendale
2 Baltimore 4 Kiribati 4 Baton Rouge 1 Saratoga Springs
0 Philadelphia 2 Hagerstown
2 Philadelphia 1 New York
0 Pigtown 3 Philadelphia 2 Moon Lake 2 Moon Lake
1 Back Mountain 3 Hagerstown
0 - 0 -
2 Back Mountain 2 Hagerstown

Kiribati Cannibals 3 - 4 Baton Rouge Gales

Stone .165 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 High Point 3 High Point ? High Point 3 Number 8 2 Number 8
0 Florissant ? Number 8 0 Orlando
2 Florissant 0 Gotham City
1 Rippin' Packs 4 High Point 4 Number 8 2 Orlando
2 Surprise 3 Salt Lake City
0 Ashville 2 Salt Lake City
2 Joostin 0 Joostin 3 Salt Lake City 1 Boston
3 Surprise 1 Georiga
0 - 0 -
2 Surprise 2 Georiga

High Point Hounds 4 - 1 Number 8 Hard Stuck in Bronze

Stone .166 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Greer 3 Greer ? Greer 3 Amarillo 2 Amarillo
0 Oslo ? Amarillo 0 West St. Paul
0 Samwise 2 West St. Paul
2 Oslo 4 Greer 4 Amarillo 0 New York
3 Austin Aces 3 Avon Lake
2 Cicero 0 Staten Island
0 dlwpgjs 2 Cicero 0 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
3 Austin Aces 3 Avon Lake
0 - 0 -
2 Austin Aces 2 Avon Lake

Greer Tourists 4 - 0 Amarillo Armadillos

Stone .167 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Howfen Rangers 1 Howfen Rangers ? Hakuna 0 Midgar 2 Midgar
3 Cleveland ? Chicago 3 Ningyho
1 Texas 0 St. Louis
2 Cleveland 2 Cleveland 2 Ningyho 2 Ningyho
4 Hakuna 4 Chicago
0 California 2 Chicago
2 Hakuna 3 Hakuna 3 Chicago 1 Rockford
1 Lake Country 2 Ferndale
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Country 2 Ferndale

Hakuna Matata 4 - 0 Chicago Shamrocks

Stone .168 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Berlin 2 Berlin ? Seattle 3 Milan 2 Milan
3 Battleford ? Milwaukee 0 Minneapolis
1 Midwest 0 New Orleans
2 Battleford 3 Battleford 3 Milan 2 Minneapolis
4 Seattle 4 Milwaukee
0 IL-WON 0 Barcelona
2 Demopolis 0 Demopolis 1 California 2 California
3 Seattle 3 Milwaukee
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Milwaukee

Seattle Goats 4 - 2 Milwaukee Bears

Stone .169 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Paul 3 St. Paul ? St. Paul 2 St Louis 2 St Louis
1 Wisconsin ? Pinconning 3 Pinconning
2 Wisconsin 2 Pinconning
1 Nashville 4 St. Paul 4 Pinconning 0 Lebowski
1 Yellowstone 2 Grand Rapids
1 Motown 2 Baltimore
2 Tijuana 0 Tijuana 2 Baltimore 1 Orange County
3 Yellowstone 3 Grand Rapids
0 - 0 -
2 Yellowstone 2 Grand Rapids

St. Paul Bang Bros 4 - 0 Pinconning Predators

Stone .170 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Commerce City 3 Commerce City ? DongTan 2 Klondike 2 Klondike
2 Dresden ? Iowa 3 Fruitville
0 Los Angeles 2 Fruitville
2 Dresden 0 Commerce City 3 Fruitville 0 Wylie
4 DongTan 4 Iowa
1 Schenectady 0 Toledo
2 DongTan 3 DongTan 1 Quebec 2 Quebec
2 Lemont 3 Iowa
0 - 0 -
2 Lemont 2 Iowa

DongTan MilkyFu 3 - 4 Iowa Pachyderms

Stone .171 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs ? Glasgow 2 Revere 2 Revere
3 CHICAGO Krunch ? Huntington Beach 3 New York
1 Lancaster 0 Oklahoma City
2 CHICAGO Krunch 2 CHICAGO Krunch 2 New York 2 New York
4 Glasgow 4 Huntington Beach
2 Toronto 0 Milwaukee
0 Staten Island 2 Toronto 1 Malden 2 Malden
3 Glasgow 3 Huntington Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Glasgow 2 Huntington Beach

Glasgow Tigers 0 - 4 Huntington Beach Fightin Whites

Stone .172 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Goldsboro 3 Goldsboro ? Goldsboro 3 Redford 2 Redford
0 Rossington ? Redford 0 Apathetic
2 Rossington 2 Apathetic
1 Blues City 4 Goldsboro 4 Redford 0 Columbus
2 Arizona 3 Claremont
1 Augusta 2 Claremont
2 Charlottesville 0 Charlottesville 3 Claremont 1 HJSEUNGJAEHR
3 Arizona 1 Winona
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 Winona

Goldsboro Green Wave 4 - 3 Redford Knights

Stone .173 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dunkirk 0 Dunkirk ? Manetin 2 Daegu 2 Daegu
3 Delmarva ? Palmdale 3 Palmdale
0 Tampa 0 Douglasville
2 Delmarva 1 Delmarva 4 Palmdale 2 Palmdale
4 Manetin 1 Buick City
1 Prairie Island 0 New York
2 San Diego 2 San Diego 0 Joint Security Area 2 Joint Security Area
3 Manetin 3 Buick City
0 - 0 -
2 Manetin 2 Buick City

Manetin Lokomotiva 3 - 4 Palmdale Golden Grizzlies

Stone .174 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Clinton 1 Clinton ? Lansing 3 Central Jersey 2 Central Jersey
3 Minnesota ? Philadelphia County 2 HAITAI
0 Pittsburgh 2 HAITAI
2 Minnesota 3 Minnesota 3 Central Jersey 1 San Francisco
4 Lansing 4 Philadelphia County
0 Buffalo 2 Philadelphia County
2 Tennessee 1 Tennessee 3 Philadelphia County 1 Toronto
3 Lansing 1 Keene
0 - 0 -
2 Lansing 2 Keene

Lansing Lugnuts 4 - 3 Philadelphia County Juvenile Detention

Stone .175 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 2 Des Moines ? Burlington 3 Arizona 2 Arizona
3 Burlington ? Arizona 0 North Charleston
2 Burlington 1 Mississauga
1 Baldwin Park 4 Burlington 4 Arizona 2 North Charleston
2 Port Angeles 1 Las Vegas
2 Manchester 2 Las Vegas
0 West Virginia 1 Manchester 3 Las Vegas 1 Columbus
3 Port Angeles 2 Champaign
0 - 0 -
2 Port Angeles 2 Champaign

Burlington Bees 4 - 3 Arizona Diamondbacks

Stone .176 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Platte Bay 3 Platte Bay ? Platte Bay 3 Stonebanx 2 Stonebanx
0 Caspian ? Saline 0 Grosse Ile
0 Republic of Texas 0 Milan
2 Caspian 4 Platte Bay 0 Stonebanx 2 Grosse Ile
0 Coleman 4 Saline
0 Kalamazoo 0 Serpent River
2 Sturgeon Bay 2 Sturgeon Bay 2 Jasper 2 Jasper
3 Coleman 3 Saline
0 - 0 -
2 Coleman 2 Saline

Platte Bay Firebirds 4 - 2 Saline Normal

Stone .177 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mudville 3 Mudville ? Mudville 3 Buenos Aires 2 Buenos Aires
0 Cleveland ? Buenos Aires 0 Tacoma
0 Elmwood Park 0 Rancho Cucamonga
2 Cleveland 4 Mudville 4 Buenos Aires 2 Tacoma
0 Inland Empire 3 Spetersburg
1 Richmond 0 Gulf Shores
2 OB 1 OB 0 Richmond 2 Richmond
3 Inland Empire 3 Spetersburg
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 Spetersburg

Mudville Moop Shovelers 4 - 3 Buenos Aires Tango

Stone .178 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Zoetermeer 3 Zoetermeer ? Zoetermeer 3 Richmond 2 Richmond
2 Mullopolis ? Richmond 2 Florida
1 Ulsan 0 Las Vegas
2 Mullopolis 4 Zoetermeer 4 Richmond 2 Florida
2 West Virginia 3 Doosan
0 Rock City 0 Moon
2 West Virginia 3 West Virginia 3 Doosan 2 Doosan
0 Houston 1 Taipei Wolf
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Taipei Wolf

Zoetermeer Cannoneers 4 - 3 Richmond Rivercats

Stone .179 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cantanhede 1 Cantanhede ? Ann Arbor 3 Jamville 2 Jamville
3 Winston Salem ? Jamville 0 Madison
0 North Carolina 1 Tulsa
2 Winston Salem 0 Winston Salem 4 Jamville 2 Madison
4 Ann Arbor 0 Honolulu
0 Occidental 2 West Palm
2 Team 0 Team 0 West Palm 0 Laurel Park
3 Ann Arbor 3 Honolulu
0 - 0 -
2 Ann Arbor 2 Honolulu

Ann Arbor Chargers 3 - 4 Jamville Shredders

Stone .180 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 elk grove 0 elk grove ? Ludlow 3 Gondolin 2 Gondolin
3 Ludlow ? Brooklyn 0 Hertfordshire
1 Hayward 1 Seattle
2 Ludlow 4 Ludlow 2 Gondolin 2 Hertfordshire
1 Gainesville 4 Brooklyn
2 Little Falls 0 Champaign
0 London 1 Little Falls 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Gainesville 1 Wilmington
0 - 0 -
2 Gainesville 2 Wilmington

Ludlow Blues 4 - 1 Brooklyn Jungle Cats

Stone .181 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quebec City 3 Quebec City ? Quebec City 3 Hal's 2 Hal's
0 Montclair ? Hal's 0 Erie
1 Feerburg 2 Erie
2 Montclair 4 Quebec City 4 Hal's 0 Washington
0 Assey 3 Munuscong Bay
0 Riga 0 Lake City
2 Assey 3 Assey 2 Alanson 2 Alanson
1 Manhattan 3 Munuscong Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan 2 Munuscong Bay

Quebec City Caribou 4 - 3 Hal's Angels

Stone .182 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 HongKong 3 HongKong ? HongKong 3 Gunpo 2 Gunpo
1 Royersford ? Huntsville 0 Toronto
2 Royersford 1 Jacksonville
1 Leo St Paul 4 HongKong 2 Gunpo 2 Toronto
2 Negro League 4 Huntsville
2 Spencerville 2 Portland
0 Toulon 0 Spencerville 1 Portland 1 Tokyo
3 Negro League 3 Huntsville
0 - 0 -
2 Negro League 2 Huntsville

HongKong Longlive Forever 4 - 2 Huntsville Werewolves

Stone .183 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 3 Clear Lake 2 Clear Lake
0 Conway ? Clear Lake 0 Beef House
2 Conway 1 Pittsburgh
1 Newark 4 Los Angeles 4 Clear Lake 2 Beef House
1 LorBrad 2 Farmington
2 LorBrad 2 White Bear Lake
0 Goons 3 LorBrad 2 White Bear Lake 0 GB
1 Weatherford 3 Farmington
0 - 0 -
2 Weatherford 2 Farmington

Los Angeles REX 4 - 1 Clear Lake Closers

Stone .184 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Faraway Town 1 Faraway Town ? Falmouth 3 Oakfield 2 Oakfield
3 Yokohama ? Oakfield 0 West Coast
0 Peoria 1 Skyhaven
2 Yokohama 2 Yokohama 4 Oakfield 2 West Coast
4 Falmouth 3 Stonewall
0 Aurora 0 Whitestone
2 Camden 0 Camden 1 Hanover Park 2 Hanover Park
3 Falmouth 3 Stonewall
0 - 0 -
2 Falmouth 2 Stonewall

Falmouth Emperor 4 - 2 Oakfield Oaks

Stone .185 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Woodland Hills 1 Woodland Hills ? Packs Only 1 Louisville 2 Louisville
3 Ogden ? Bay City 3 Smitty's
2 Ogden 2 Smitty's
1 Cincinnati 2 Ogden 2 Smitty's 1 Agawam
4 Packs Only 4 Bay City
1 Yooper 0 Moorpark
2 Toronto 1 Toronto 3 Bay City 2 Bay City
3 Packs Only 1 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Packs Only 2 Detroit

Packs Only San Diegans 4 - 0 Bay City Baseball Club

Stone .186 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Morristown 3 Morristown ? Morristown 3 Boise 2 Boise
1 Chico ? Boise 0 Charlotte
0 Ultimate 0 Copenhagen
2 Chico 4 Morristown 4 Boise 2 Charlotte
2 Parkland 2 Roma
1 Georgia 2 Roma
2 JoLi 2 JoLi 3 Roma 1 St. Louis
3 Parkland 2 Sudbury
0 - 0 -
2 Parkland 2 Sudbury

Morristown Frackers PCK 1 - 4 Boise Hawks

Stone .187 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 La Porte 2 La Porte ? Deep Space 1 San Diago 2 San Diago
3 Deep Space ? Nashville 3 Shawnee
2 Deep Space 2 Shawnee
1 ochang 4 Deep Space 1 Shawnee 0 Philadelphia
1 Hollywood 4 Nashville
1 Danville 0 Kingston
2 Montreal 1 Montreal 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 Hollywood 1 Highlands
0 - 0 -
2 Hollywood 2 Highlands

Deep Space Niners 2 - 4 Nashville Stars

Stone .188 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bangtown 3 Bangtown ? Bangtown 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
1 Henderson ? Detroit 2 Cincinnati Area
1 Seattle 2 Cincinnati Area
2 Henderson 4 Bangtown 4 Detroit 1 Spooner
1 Motucky 2 Scituate
2 New Braunfels 0 Jeff City
1 Buenos Aires 2 New Braunfels 3 Scituate 2 Scituate
3 Motucky 1 Sunnyvale
0 - 0 -
2 Motucky 2 Sunnyvale

Bangtown Ragin' Bulls 4 - 0 Detroit Tigers

Stone .189 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vienna 3 Vienna ? Vienna 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
1 Moscow ? Hamilton 0 Arctic
2 Moscow 1 Chicago
1 Bad News 4 Vienna 2 Cleveland 2 Arctic
1 JustA'bit 4 Hamilton
1 Newnan 0 Saigon
2 Eden Prairie 0 Eden Prairie 0 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville
3 JustA'bit 3 Hamilton
0 - 0 -
2 JustA'bit 2 Hamilton

Vienna Conductors 4 - 2 Hamilton Big Red Ohio Machine

Stone .190 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Melrose 3 Melrose ? Mule Skinner 2 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
0 Oregon ? Vancouver 3 Southern
0 Oviedo 2 Southern
2 Oregon 2 Melrose 1 Southern 1 Milwaukee
4 Mule Skinner 4 Vancouver
1 J'Town 0 Fresno
2 Madrid 0 Madrid 2 Prairie Street 2 Prairie Street
3 Mule Skinner 3 Vancouver
0 - 0 -
2 Mule Skinner 2 Vancouver

Mule Skinner Blues 3 - 4 Vancouver Canuckleheads

Stone .191 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Evansville 0 Evansville ? Thunder Bay 3 Boston 2 Boston
3 Montreal ? Boston 2 Boston
1 Langhorne 0 Savannah
2 Montreal 3 Montreal 4 Boston 2 Boston
4 Thunder Bay 3 Hemet
0 Cape Cod 1 Spearfish
2 Thunder Bay 3 Thunder Bay 1 Hollywood 2 Hollywood
1 Niigata 3 Hemet
0 - 0 -
2 Niigata 2 Hemet

Thunder Bay Whiskey Jacks 4 - 2 Boston Red Sox

Stone .192 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barcelona 0 Barcelona ? OC 2 Decatur 2 Decatur
3 OC ? Wolfsberg 3 Chicago
2 OC 1 referee111
1 Chicago 4 OC 2 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Houston 4 Wolfsberg
2 New York 1 Niagara Falls
1 Orlando 2 New York 2 Hasselberry 2 Hasselberry
3 Houston 3 Wolfsberg
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Wolfsberg

OC Raiders 1 - 4 Wolfsberg Wolfhounds

Stone .193 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 First Round ? Salem 0 Schenectady
3 Salem ? Luanda 3 Tuscaloosa

4 Salem 0 Tuscaloosa
3 Lambeth 4 Luanda

3 Lambeth 0 Greendale
2 Sioux Center 3 Luanda

Salem Witches 0 - 4 Luanda Palancas Packs Only

Stone .194 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Doncaster 3 Doncaster ? Doncaster 1 Long Island 2 Long Island
2 Northern Indiana ? Akron 3 Philadelphia
2 Northern Indiana 1 Dyersville
1 Katy 4 Doncaster 2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
2 Grand Rapids 4 Akron
2 Grand Rapids 0 Carolina
1 Atlanta 3 Grand Rapids 3 Akron 2 Akron
0 Riverside 0 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 Riverside 2 Los Angeles

Doncaster Drillas 1 - 4 Akron Cobras

Stone .195 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cityname 3 Cityname ? Cityname 3 Owlscastle Closers 2 Owlscastle Closers
0 Mississauga ? Owlscastle Closers 0 DSM
1 Columbus 1 KIA
2 Mississauga 4 Cityname 4 Owlscastle Closers 2 DSM
0 Northville 1 Big Red
1 Minneapolis 1 Golden Valley
2 Northville 3 Northville 3 Big Red 2 Big Red
1 Gracemere 2 Del Boca Vista
0 - 0 -
2 Gracemere 2 Del Boca Vista

Cityname Sportsballers 4 - 3 Owlscastle Closers -

Stone .196 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Keeping up with 1 Keeping up with ? AdMo 3 Parrish 2 Parrish
3 AdMo ? Parrish 0 Pakindale
0 Bala Cynwyd 1 Wimbry
2 AdMo 4 AdMo 4 Parrish 2 Pakindale
0 Lake Wales 0 Astoria
1 Dogers 2 Portland Oregon
2 Maple Brook 0 Maple Brook 1 Portland Oregon 1 Sao Paulo
3 Lake Wales 3 Astoria
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Wales 2 Astoria

AdMo Answer 0 - 4 Parrish Pirates

Stone .197 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cutler Ridge 3 Cutler Ridge ? Cutler Ridge 3 Boston 2 Boston
0 Levis ? Boston 2 Roseville
0 Barrie 2 Roseville
2 Levis 4 Cutler Ridge 4 Boston 1 Arlington
3 Reno 1 Elida
1 Columbus 2 Elida
2 Austin 2 Austin 3 Elida 0 Coppell
3 Reno 1 gongju
0 - 0 -
2 Reno 2 gongju

Cutler Ridge Canucks 4 - 1 Boston Bushleaguers

Stone .198 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
0 Idaho ? Pottstown 1 Ryakimu
3 Pottstown ? Iowa 3 405

4 Pottstown 1 405
3 Springfield 4 Iowa

1 AIRLab 1 Fighting
3 Springfield 3 Iowa

Pottstown Punksquashers 4 - 0 Iowa Titans

Stone .199 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dumpster 2 Dumpster ? Bridgemont 3 Bethesda 2 Bethesda
3 Bridgemont ? Bethesda 2 Waipahu
1 Wilmington 2 Waipahu
2 Bridgemont 4 Bridgemont 4 Bethesda 1 Mequon
0 Kansas City 2 Montreal
1 St Paul 0 Colney
2 Kansas City 3 Kansas City 3 Montreal 2 Montreal
2 PuraVida 2 Inland Empire
0 - 0 -
2 PuraVida 2 Inland Empire

Bridgemont Bombers 2 - 4 Bethesda Atoms

Stone .200 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Peach Bottom 3 Peach Bottom ? Peach Bottom 3 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
0 Apex ? Tacoma 1 Fountainbleau
0 Staten Island 2 Fountainbleau
2 Apex 4 Peach Bottom 4 Tacoma 1 St. Petersburg
2 Iraq 1 Philadelphia
0 Fullerton 2 Philadelphia
2 OK 2 OK 3 Philadelphia 1 Buffalo
3 Iraq 1 Tokyo
0 - 0 -
2 Iraq 2 Tokyo

Peach Bottom Control Rods 0 - 4 Tacoma Rainiers

Stone .201 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Balmerr 2 Balmerr ? Albany 3 Boston 2 Boston
3 Albany ? Boston 1 Manistee
0 Barrington Benders 0 Milwaukee
2 Albany 4 Albany 4 Boston 2 Manistee
1 St. Clair Shores 2 Delaware
1 Kenosha 1 Baltimore
2 Atlanta 1 Atlanta 3 Delaware 2 Delaware
3 St. Clair Shores 2 College Point
0 - 0 -
2 St. Clair Shores 2 College Point

Albany RedWolves 2 - 4 Boston Wild Dogs

Stone .202 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lap Dblock 0 Lap Dblock ? Cedar Rapids 3 SG 2 SG
3 Cedar Rapids ? SG 0 Louisville
1 Hawai'i 0 Bloomington
2 Cedar Rapids 4 Cedar Rapids 4 SG 2 Louisville
1 Tulsa 2 Rochester
1 Clinch 1 Green Bay
2 Tulsa 3 Tulsa 1 Bourbon 2 Bourbon
2 Heiloo 3 Rochester
0 - 0 -
2 Heiloo 2 Rochester

Cedar Rapids Mules 0 - 4 SG Storm

Stone .203 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Trafalgar 3 Trafalgar ? Trafalgar 2 Immokalee 2 Immokalee
2 Germantown ? Franklin 3 Dirty Lew
2 Germantown 0 Big Lake
0 Toronto 4 Trafalgar 1 Dirty Lew 2 Dirty Lew
1 Toronto 4 Franklin
1 Palm Desert 1 Wilmington
2 Toronto 3 Toronto 1 Greenville 2 Greenville
1 Elizabeth 3 Franklin
0 - 0 -
2 Elizabeth 2 Franklin

Trafalgar Swamp Donkeys 1 - 4 Franklin Benjamins

Stone .204 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Denver 3 Denver ? Toronto 3 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
2 Binghamton ? Tacoma 2 Wadsworth
2 Binghamton 1 Los Angeles
1 Little Rock 1 Denver 4 Tacoma 2 Wadsworth
4 Toronto 3 Mudville
2 Colorado 2 Frankfurt
1 Bronze 0 Colorado 1 Frankfurt 1 Aiea
3 Toronto 3 Mudville
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Mudville

Toronto T-Rex 4 - 1 Tacoma Amocats

Stone .205 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rotterdam 3 Rotterdam ? Strongsville 3 Lovettsville 2 Lovettsville
2 One ? Chattanooga 2 Roseburg
1 Surfside 2 Roseburg
2 One 2 Rotterdam 1 Lovettsville 0 Sneaky
4 Strongsville 4 Chattanooga
1 Goleta 0 Knoxville
2 Strongsville 3 Strongsville 1 Flushing 2 Flushing
1 Prague 3 Chattanooga
0 - 0 -
2 Prague 2 Chattanooga

Strongsville Fighting Falcons 1 - 4 Chattanooga Chernobyls

Stone .206 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 1 Las Vegas ? Pasadena 3 Tykocin 2 Tykocin
3 Pasadena ? Tykocin 1 Texas
0 SC 0 OK
2 Pasadena 4 Pasadena 4 Tykocin 2 Texas
2 Shelby 0 Larimer Country
1 Paddy's 1 Coffeen
2 Brick City 1 Brick City 3 Larimer Country 2 Larimer Country
3 Shelby 0 Scranton
0 - 0 -
2 Shelby 2 Scranton

Pasadena Bombers 3 - 4 Tykocin Tomcats

Rookie .100 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Wilkes-Barre 3 Arizona 2 Arizona
1 Seoul ? Arizona 0 Claremont
2 Seoul 0 California
1 AJ Burnett and the 1 Seattle 4 Arizona 2 Claremont
4 Wilkes-Barre 2 North Las Vegas
0 King 2 Marshalltown
2 HANWHA 2 HANWHA 0 Marshalltown 0 Roger
3 Wilkes-Barre 3 North Las Vegas
0 - 0 -
2 Wilkes-Barre 2 North Las Vegas

Wilkes-Barre Red Barons 4 - 3 Arizona Jaguars

Rookie .101 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Scottsdale 3 Scottsdale ? Scottsdale 3 St Paul 2 St Paul
0 DMV ? St Paul 0 Harbor
2 DMV 0 Boston
1 Lotte 4 Scottsdale 4 St Paul 2 Harbor
3 Mississippi 2 Chula Vista
2 Windsor 0 Pattijoen Urheilijat
0 Indio 0 Windsor 3 Chula Vista 2 Chula Vista
3 Mississippi 2 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Mississippi 2 St. Louis

Scottsdale Crawdad 2 - 4 St Paul Saints

Rookie .102 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bronx 3 Bronx ? Bronx 3 Fruity Drink Tiny 2 Fruity Drink Tiny
2 Florissant ? Fruity Drink Tiny 2 New Jersey
1 Birdsboro 2 New Jersey
2 Florissant 4 Bronx 4 Fruity Drink Tiny 1 Huntsville
1 South Bend 0 Blue Moon
2 East Bay 0 Walcott
0 Paw Paw 2 East Bay 3 Blue Moon 2 Blue Moon
3 South Bend 2 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 South Bend 2 Pittsburgh

Bronx Nimrods 3 - 4 Fruity Drink Tiny Umbrella Assemblers

Rookie .103 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Westchester 3 Westchester ? Westchester 3 Hartford 2 Hartford
2 Saginaw ? Hartford 0 Ensley
1 Paradise 2 Ensley
2 Saginaw 4 Westchester 4 Hartford 0 Memphis
1 New York 1 DC
2 New York 2 DC
1 McHenry 3 New York 3 DC 1 Mad
2 Holden Beach 1 Jun
0 - 0 -
2 Holden Beach 2 Jun

Westchester Yard Goats 4 - 2 Hartford Prairie Dogs

Rookie .104 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Carolina 1 Carolina ? RS 3 Pearland 2 Pearland
3 Sawtooth ? Pearland 2 Sports Illustrated
0 Viby 0 Korea Byul
2 Sawtooth 1 Sawtooth 4 Pearland 2 Sports Illustrated
4 RS 0 Kville
1 Carthage 2 Mabuk
2 RS 3 RS 0 Mabuk 1 Inland Empire
2 Maserati 3 Kville
0 - 0 -
2 Maserati 2 Kville

RS Raiders 3 - 4 Pearland Oilers

Rookie .105 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 BugTussle 3 BugTussle ? BugTussle 2 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville
0 Racine ? Big Honkin' 3 Big Honkin'
1 Long Beach 1 Quarryville
2 Racine 4 BugTussle 4 Big Honkin' 2 Big Honkin'
2 Redding 2 Prattville
1 Superior 0 Duck
2 Redding 3 Redding 3 Prattville 2 Prattville
1 Staunton 1 Centreville
0 - 0 -
2 Staunton 2 Centreville

BugTussle Big Red Demolition 4 - 3 Big Honkin' Whales

Rookie .106 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Belize 1 Belize ? Austin 3 California 2 California
3 Austin ? California 1 Incorrect
2 Austin 2 Incorrect
0 Hatarebebaua 4 Austin 4 California 0 Chicago
1 St Paul 0 Morton Grove
2 St Paul 2 Toronto
1 Washington 3 St Paul 0 Toronto 1 Bay Area
1 Hajin 3 Morton Grove
0 - 0 -
2 Hajin 2 Morton Grove

Austin Aging Hippies 4 - 3 California Mandalorians

Rookie .107 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lamar 3 Lamar ? Lamar 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
2 Grassland ? Vancouver 0 TORONTO
2 Grassland 0 Mississauga
1 Lauderdale Lakes 4 Lamar 4 Vancouver 2 TORONTO
0 Houston 2 Red Pony
1 South Carolina 2 Red Pony
2 Miami 0 Miami 3 Red Pony 1 Laguna Niguel
3 Houston 2 Tater
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Tater

Lamar Pride 2 - 4 Vancouver Canadians

Rookie .108 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Thornhill 3 Thornhill ? Thornhill 3 Carlsbad 2 Carlsbad
1 Baltimore ? San Diego 0 WEFC
0 Richmond 0 Union City
2 Baltimore 4 Thornhill 1 Carlsbad 2 WEFC
0 Great Mills 4 San Diego
2 Great Mills 2 LaSalle
1 Purple 3 Great Mills 1 LaSalle 1 Stockton Ports
0 Ventura 3 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Ventura 2 San Diego

Thornhill Flying Tigers 1 - 4 San Diego Strange Devils

Rookie .109 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houghton 3 Houghton ? Houghton 3 Chattanooga 2 Chattanooga
2 Fancy Hors d'Oeuvres ? Chattanooga 2 Rochester
0 SEOULG 2 Rochester
2 Fancy Hors d'Oeuvres 4 Houghton 4 Chattanooga 1 Monterrey
3 Really Really Really 1 Austin
1 London 2 Myrtle Beach
2 San Francisco 0 San Francisco 1 Myrtle Beach 1 Junkyard
3 Really Really Really 3 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 Really Really Really 2 Austin

Houghton Dirty Dogs 4 - 2 Chattanooga Wildcats

Rookie .110 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Corona 3 Corona ? Corona 3 Kenner 2 Kenner
1 Petaluma ? Kenner 1 Moorhead
1 Ball State 1 Richmond
2 Petaluma 4 Corona 4 Kenner 2 Moorhead
2 Badlands 0 Hamilton
1 Amarillo 2 Hamilton
2 Badlands 3 Badlands 3 Hamilton 0 New York
2 Akron 2 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 2 San Antonio

Corona Blasters 4 - 1 Kenner Peach Kings

Rookie .111 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Trash 3 Trash ? Trash 1 Birmingham 2 Birmingham
2 Detroit ? Indianapolis 3 Huntington Beach
1 Sunnyvale 0 Finnytown
2 Detroit 4 Trash 1 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
1 Ottawa 4 Indianapolis
2 Ottawa 1 la
1 Lansing 3 Ottawa 3 Indianapolis 2 Indianapolis
1 SNSD 1 Corunna
0 - 0 -
2 SNSD 2 Corunna

Trash Pandas 4 - 1 Indianapolis Champions

Rookie .112 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Denver 3 Denver ? Denver 3 Andong 2 Andong
0 New York ? Andong 1 yangmal city
1 Roswell 0 Boston
2 New York 4 Denver 4 Andong 2 yangmal city
3 Fairmont Firebirds 1 Porterville
2 Cleveland 2 Porterville
0 Amity Harbor 0 Cleveland 3 Porterville 1 Warwick
3 Fairmont Firebirds 2 Overland Park
0 - 0 -
2 Fairmont Firebirds 2 Overland Park

Denver Whitehawks 1 - 4 Andong Baseball Club

Rookie .113 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 3 Deerfield Beach 2 Deerfield Beach
1 Charlotte ? Deerfield Beach 0 Elmwood Park
1 Black 0 Levittown
2 Charlotte 4 Baltimore 4 Deerfield Beach 2 Elmwood Park
1 Little Rock 2 Garland
1 Zion 1 San Francisco Giants
2 GlizzyDogs 0 GlizzyDogs 2 aespa 2 aespa
3 Little Rock 3 Garland
0 - 0 -
2 Little Rock 2 Garland

Baltimore Rhinos 4 - 1 Deerfield Beach Millers

Rookie .114 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rochester 1 Rochester ? Quad City 3 OK 2 OK
3 Lexington ? San Antonio 0 Willmar
2 Lexington 1 New York
0 High Bluff 3 Lexington 2 OK 2 Willmar
4 Quad City 4 San Antonio
2 West Texas 2 Stratford
1 SouthYangjoo 1 West Texas 0 Stratford 1 L.A
3 Quad City 3 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Quad City 2 San Antonio

Quad City Angels 4 - 3 San Antonio Robins

Rookie .115 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Britannia 3 Britannia ? Britannia 3 North Royalton 2 North Royalton
1 Dawsonville ? Chicago 1 detroit
0 Redwings 2 detroit
2 Dawsonville 4 Britannia 3 North Royalton 1 Punxsutawney
0 Boulevard Heights 4 Chicago
1 Pittsburgh 0 Lululu
2 Boulevard Heights 3 Boulevard Heights 0 Tamarac 2 Tamarac
2 Oldham 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Oldham 2 Chicago

Britannia Dodgers 4 - 0 Chicago Colts

Rookie .116 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Humpty Doo 3 Humpty Doo ? Humpty Doo 3 Texas 2 Texas
1 Heywood ? Texas 1 Simi
0 Wyoming 0 Rhinelander
2 Heywood 4 Humpty Doo 4 Texas 2 Simi
1 Charleston 0 Lemoore
0 Arrakis 0 Lenexa
2 San Francisco 1 San Francisco 3 Lemoore 2 Lemoore
3 Charleston 2 Nippon
0 - 0 -
2 Charleston 2 Nippon

Humpty Doo Bush Chooks 1 - 4 Texas Twisters

Rookie .117 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lunar 3 Lunar ? Neo Suwon 3 Miami 2 Miami
1 Rotterdam ? Miami 0 Green Bay
2 Rotterdam 0 Thousand Oaks
1 Barcelona 3 Lunar 4 Miami 2 Green Bay
4 Neo Suwon 3 Modern
2 Los Angeles 2 Tampa Titans
0 Port St. Lucie 1 Los Angeles 2 Tampa Titans 1 Salisbury
3 Neo Suwon 3 Modern
0 - 0 -
2 Neo Suwon 2 Modern

Neo Suwon Sonics 4 - 3 Miami Imports

Rookie .118 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lowell 3 Lowell ? Lowell 0 Arcanum 2 Arcanum
1 Kokomo ? Oklahoma City 3 Aoajaas
1 Spokane 1 West Bridgewater
2 Kokomo 4 Lowell 0 Aoajaas 2 Aoajaas
0 Aurora 4 Oklahoma City
0 Kaigu Zilla 0 Rochester
2 Malibu 2 Malibu 0 Seoul 2 Seoul
3 Aurora 3 Oklahoma City
0 - 0 -
2 Aurora 2 Oklahoma City

Lowell Lone Wolf 4 - 0 Oklahoma City Big Cats

Rookie .119 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Prague 3 Prague ? Prague 1 Portland 2 Portland
0 Miami ? Richmond 3 Richmond
2 Miami 2 Richmond
1 CheongJu Hawks 4 Prague 4 Richmond 1 Albany
0 Vaughan 0 Caionvico
2 Kansas City 0 Ames
1 Brooklyn 0 Kansas City 3 Caionvico 2 Caionvico
3 Vaughan 0 Nancy
0 - 0 -
2 Vaughan 2 Nancy

Prague Eagles 4 - 0 Richmond Knights

Rookie .120 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Palatine 1 Palatine ? SPARTANS 1 Mount 2 Mount
3 Klamath Falls ? Bathurst 3 Bathurst
2 Klamath Falls 1 Bangor
1 Baseball 2 Klamath Falls 4 Bathurst 2 Bathurst
4 SPARTANS 1 Steve's
0 Frisco 2 Sioux Falls
2 SPARTANS 3 SPARTANS 0 Sioux Falls 1 Saint John
2 Savannah 3 Steve's
0 - 0 -
2 Savannah 2 Steve's

SPARTANS Browns 4 - 1 Bathurst Tigers

Rookie .121 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 kendallville 3 kendallville ? kendallville 0 Akron 2 Akron
2 Stanktown ? Super Sigma 3 Norristown
1 Jacksonville 0 Richmond
2 Stanktown 4 kendallville 2 Norristown 2 Norristown
0 Washington 4 Super Sigma
0 Darvish 2 La Crosse
2 No Land 0 No Land 1 La Crosse 1 Orange
3 Washington 3 Super Sigma
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Super Sigma

kendallville cardinals 0 - 4 Super Sigma Skibidi Slicers

Rookie .122 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stockton 3 Stockton ? Coppell 3 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
1 La Porte ? Milwaukee 2 Waterford
1 Carton 2 Waterford
2 La Porte 0 Stockton 4 Milwaukee 1 Henderson
4 Coppell 3 Wooster
1 Dallas 1 Columbus
2 Stafford Springs 0 Stafford Springs 2 Melbourne 2 Melbourne
3 Coppell 3 Wooster
0 - 0 -
2 Coppell 2 Wooster

Coppell Cowboys 4 - 0 Milwaukee Milkmen

Rookie .123 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cherry Hill 3 Cherry Hill ? Cherry Hill 3 Alum Rock 2 Alum Rock
0 BUENA PARK ? Mentor 2 Suzhou
0 Reading 1 Salem
2 BUENA PARK 4 Cherry Hill 2 Alum Rock 2 Suzhou
1 Tolland 4 Mentor
2 Mishawaka 1 Boston
0 Yuba City 0 Mishawaka 1 woohaeseong 2 woohaeseong
3 Tolland 3 Mentor
0 - 0 -
2 Tolland 2 Mentor

Cherry Hill Cougars 4 - 2 Mentor Bavetas

Rookie .124 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Romulus 3 Romulus ? Romulus 3 London 2 London
0 Miami ? London 0 Daejeon
1 Hanover 0 Furman
2 Miami 4 Romulus 4 London 2 Daejeon
0 Loves Park 2 San Antonio
2 NYONYO DINOS 0 Columbus
0 Seattle 2 NYONYO DINOS 1 Irwinwood 2 Irwinwood
3 Loves Park 3 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Loves Park 2 San Antonio

Romulus Commandos 4 - 3 London Tanks

Rookie .125 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Surprise 3 Surprise ? Surprise 3 Northern Illinois 2 Northern Illinois
2 Brampton ? Northern Illinois 1 Ottawa
2 Brampton 1 Florida
0 Volo 4 Surprise 4 Northern Illinois 2 Ottawa
3 Lehigh Acres 2 Muskoka
2 Taipei 2 Matsqui
1 Detroit 1 Taipei 0 Matsqui 1 The Bronx
3 Lehigh Acres 3 Muskoka
0 - 0 -
2 Lehigh Acres 2 Muskoka

Surprise Armadillos 4 - 3 Northern Illinois Pontooners

Rookie .126 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wilkes Barre 3 Wilkes Barre ? Alba Iulia 2 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
0 Baseball ? Socorro 3 Budapest
1 Cartersville 1 Portland
2 Baseball 1 Wilkes Barre 2 Budapest 2 Budapest
4 Alba Iulia 4 Socorro
2 Dallas 2 Sudbury
0 St. Louis 1 Dallas 1 Sudbury 1 Louisville
3 Alba Iulia 3 Socorro
0 - 0 -
2 Alba Iulia 2 Socorro

Alba Iulia Ink 0 - 4 Socorro Clowns

Rookie .127 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southfork 3 Southfork ? Bedford 3 AM 2 AM
0 Cleveland ? AM 0 Seattle FishIes
0 Wyatt 1 Hawk's
2 Cleveland 3 Southfork 4 AM 2 Seattle FishIes
4 Bedford 0 Taiwan
0 jeonju 2 Taiwan
2 Bedford 3 Bedford 3 Taiwan 1 Clearwater
1 South Dakota 1 USA
0 - 0 -
2 South Dakota 2 USA

Bedford Mean Green 0 - 4 AM Lumber

Rookie .128 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mukwonago 1 Mukwonago ? Quinnesec 3 Levis 2 Levis
3 Hemingway's Ghost ? Maine 1 Park Ridge
1 Torrington 0 Hoffman Estates
2 Hemingway's Ghost 0 Hemingway's Ghost 2 Levis 2 Park Ridge
4 Quinnesec 4 Maine
0 Tustin 2 Phoenix
2 Irving 1 Irving 2 Phoenix 1 Buffalo
3 Quinnesec 3 Maine
0 - 0 -
2 Quinnesec 2 Maine

Quinnesec Quickies 4 - 2 Maine Mariners

Rookie .129 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Saint Louis 3 Saint Louis ? Lorain 3 Indianapolis 2 Indianapolis
2 Chicago ? Indianapolis 2 Quemado
2 Chicago 0 Detroit
1 Brooklyn 2 Saint Louis 4 Indianapolis 2 Quemado
4 Lorain 1 Aledo
2 East Orange 0 Kentucky
0 Racine 0 East Orange 1 Albuquerque 2 Albuquerque
3 Lorain 3 Aledo
0 - 0 -
2 Lorain 2 Aledo

Lorain Razorbacks 0 - 4 Indianapolis Night Train

Rookie .130 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sui's 3 Sui's ? Mazomanie 3 All-Time 2 All-Time
1 Alton ? All-Time 1 New York
2 Alton 0 Toronto
0 Winnipeg 3 Sui's 4 All-Time 2 New York
4 Mazomanie 3 Savannah
0 Navarre 2 Savannah
2 Peoria 2 Peoria 3 Savannah 0 Poop
3 Mazomanie 1 Circus
0 - 0 -
2 Mazomanie 2 Circus

Mazomanie Mustangs 2 - 4 All-Time Blue Jays

Rookie .131 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Forest Glen 2 Forest Glen ? Nassawango 3 Gettysburg 2 Gettysburg
3 Nassawango ? NC 2 Akron
2 Nassawango 1 Animal House
0 IrishMafia 4 Nassawango 2 Gettysburg 2 Akron
3 Mars 4 NC
2 Mars 1 Beast City
0 Warwick 3 Mars 0 Perintown 2 Perintown
1 Cranberry 3 NC
0 - 0 -
2 Cranberry 2 NC

Nassawango Muskrats 4 - 1 NC Dinos

Rookie .132 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gaza 3 Gaza ? Albion 3 TreesOfTokyo 2 TreesOfTokyo
2 Golden State ? TreesOfTokyo 1 New Haven
2 Golden State 0 Charlotte
0 Vancouver 1 Gaza 4 TreesOfTokyo 2 New Haven
4 Albion 0 Jacksonville
0 Little Rock 1 Ottawa
2 Tucker 1 Tucker 2 Austin 2 Austin
3 Albion 3 Jacksonville
0 - 0 -
2 Albion 2 Jacksonville

Albion Crusaders 1 - 4 TreesOfTokyo Trees

Rookie .133 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Goori 3 Goori ? Goori 2 New London 2 New London
2 Wasteland ? San Diego 3 Yeehaw Junction
0 Sky 1 Bancroft
2 Wasteland 4 Goori 2 Yeehaw Junction 2 Yeehaw Junction
3 Los Angeles 4 San Diego
1 Ft. Lauderdale 2 Friendship
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles 1 Friendship 0 EJDynasty
2 Cortland 3 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Cortland 2 San Diego

Goori Gaejalhacks 4 - 3 San Diego Jackalopes PCK

Rookie .134 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dayton 2 Dayton ? Iowa 3 Changwon 2 Changwon
3 Houston ? Changwon 1 Cakron
2 Houston 0 Philadelphia
0 Dallas 3 Houston 4 Changwon 2 Cakron
4 Iowa 0 London
0 Norwalk 0 Buckeye
2 Huntington Beach 1 Huntington Beach 0 Hawthorne 2 Hawthorne
3 Iowa 3 London
0 - 0 -
2 Iowa 2 London

Iowa Hawkeyes 1 - 4 Changwon Roadrunners

Rookie .135 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Crunch City 3 Crunch City ? Crunch City 3 West Chicago 2 West Chicago
0 California ? West Chicago 0 Ohio State
2 California 2 Ohio State
0 Rocky Mount 4 Crunch City 4 West Chicago 1 New
0 Sackets Harbor 1 Siro
0 Carolina 2 Spiracy
2 Missoula 2 Missoula 1 Spiracy 1 Indianapolis
3 Sackets Harbor 3 Siro
0 - 0 -
2 Sackets Harbor 2 Siro

Crunch City Delight 3 - 4 West Chicago Jammers

Rookie .136 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Health Conscious 3 Health Conscious ? Health Conscious 0 Battle Creek 2 Battle Creek
0 Visalia ? Yuma 3 Frankfort
2 Visalia 0 Estes Park
1 Cincinnati 4 Health Conscious 3 Frankfort 2 Frankfort
1 Lompoc 4 Yuma
2 Lompoc 2 Yuma
1 Puyallup 3 Lompoc 3 Yuma 0 Ogbert's
1 Inland Empire 2 Beloit
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 Beloit

Health Conscious Sumo Wrestlers 4 - 0 Yuma Hooks

Rookie .137 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Prime 3 Prime ? Prime 3 Tampa Bay 2 Tampa Bay
1 El Paso ? San diago 2 Ulsan
0 Edmonton 2 Ulsan
2 El Paso 4 Prime 1 Tampa Bay 1 Kiel
2 Dwyer 4 San diago
1 Burlington 1 Wildwood
2 Glasgow 0 Glasgow 2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
3 Dwyer 3 San diago
0 - 0 -
2 Dwyer 2 San diago

Prime Suspects TTC 4 - 2 San diago Cream's

Rookie .138 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 LS 3 LS ? LS 3 Chestermere 2 Chestermere
1 Wausau ? Chestermere 1 New York
0 Dallas 1 Tigers
2 Wausau 4 LS 4 Chestermere 2 New York
0 Paramount 2 Incheon
2 Paramount 0 Austin
0 sogang 3 Paramount 2 New York 2 New York
2 Meme Squad 3 Incheon
0 - 0 -
2 Meme Squad 2 Incheon

LS Storm 4 - 1 Chestermere Basehogs

Rookie .139 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mesa 2 Mesa ? NN 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
3 Huddersfield ? New York 2 Taiwa
2 Huddersfield 2 Taiwa
1 Chicago Whitesox 3 Huddersfield 2 Seoul 1 Boston
4 NN 4 New York
2 NN 2 Minneapolis
1 Glencoe 3 NN 1 Minneapolis 1 Portland
2 Des Moines 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 2 New York

NN cubs 4 - 2 New York Sevens

Rookie .140 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Impressive 3 Impressive ? Impressive 3 KingsPort 2 KingsPort
0 Surrey ? KingsPort 1 Bowling Green
1 Addison 2 Bowling Green
2 Surrey 4 Impressive 4 KingsPort 0 Florence
1 Georgetown 3 Rock Hill
2 New York 1 Bundang
1 Delta City 2 New York 3 Rock Hill 2 Rock Hill
3 Georgetown 2 Bayonne
0 - 0 -
2 Georgetown 2 Bayonne

Impressive Clergymen 4 - 2 KingsPort Warriors

Rookie .141 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Faribault 3 Faribault ? Faribault 3 We 2 We
0 Queen City ? We 1 Busan
1 Anyang 2 Busan
2 Queen City 4 Faribault 4 We 0 Lukash
0 Eagle Pass 1 NY
1 Rock Barn 1 Irvine
2 Hyundai 1 Hyundai 2 Austin 2 Austin
3 Eagle Pass 3 NY
0 - 0 -
2 Eagle Pass 2 NY

Faribault Lakers 2 - 4 We Suck

Rookie .142 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Medicine Hat 2 Medicine Hat ? Milwaukee 2 Eden Praire 2 Eden Praire
3 Milwaukee ? New York 3 New York
1 Nashville 1 New Orleans
2 Milwaukee 4 Milwaukee 4 New York 2 New York
0 Branford 3 Mexico City
2 Oakland 1 Rock Hill
0 Staples 2 Oakland 2 New York 2 New York
3 Branford 3 Mexico City
0 - 0 -
2 Branford 2 Mexico City

Milwaukee Seagulls 4 - 1 New York Jeters

Rookie .143 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 3 Edmonton ? Edmonton 3 Mason City 2 Mason City
2 DC ? Mason City 0 San Diego
1 muduengsan tiger 0 Windy City
2 DC 4 Edmonton 4 Mason City 2 San Diego
2 Juarez 1 Hampton Saint
2 Toronto 2 Montgomery
1 Charleston 2 Toronto 2 Montgomery 1 Toronto
3 Juarez 3 Hampton Saint
0 - 0 -
2 Juarez 2 Hampton Saint

Edmonton Janitors 4 - 0 Mason City Islanders

Rookie .144 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buckeye 3 Buckeye ? Buckeye 3 Peoria 2 Peoria
1 Canal Island ? Peoria 2 York
0 Laramie 1 Tewksbury
2 Canal Island 4 Buckeye 4 Peoria 2 York
3 Houston 1 Huntingdon
2 Houston 0 Chillicothe
1 Rhythm1st 3 Houston 1 St.Louis 2 St.Louis
0 ad11c8fc 3 Huntingdon
0 - 0 -
2 ad11c8fc 2 Huntingdon

Buckeye Cranksters 0 - 4 Peoria Aliens PCK

Rookie .145 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 0 Vancouver ? Phoenix 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
3 Bayview ? Cleveland 0 Oro Valley
1 New Orleans 0 Philadelphia
2 Bayview 2 Bayview 4 Cleveland 2 Oro Valley
4 Phoenix 1 Vasser
0 Team. 777 1 Huntington Beach
2 Vallejo 1 Vallejo 0 Chelmsford 2 Chelmsford
3 Phoenix 3 Vasser
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 2 Vasser

Phoenix Music 2 - 4 Cleveland Glory

Rookie .146 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Virginia Beach 3 Virginia Beach ? Virginia Beach 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
2 Iowa City ? Columbus 0 Boston
1 Arrakis 1 Manitoba
2 Iowa City 4 Virginia Beach 4 Columbus 2 Boston
1 Jacksonville 3 Fenway Park
1 Tampa bay 0 Pembroke Pines
2 Jacksonville 3 Jacksonville 0 Stinkus 2 Stinkus
2 Samsung 3 Fenway Park
0 - 0 -
2 Samsung 2 Fenway Park

Virginia Beach Surge 2 - 4 Columbus Sportswriters

Rookie .147 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bemidji State 3 Bemidji State ? Bemidji State 3 Gotham 2 Gotham
0 AcTi ? Gotham 1 New York
1 Madison 0 Brick
2 AcTi 4 Bemidji State 4 Gotham 2 New York
1 Brookyln 3 Bean Town
0 Providence 2 Quebec City
2 Brookyln 3 Brookyln 0 Quebec City 1 JonesTown
2 Cincinnati 3 Bean Town
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Bean Town

Bemidji State Beavers 3 - 4 Gotham Knights

Rookie .148 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wichita 3 Wichita ? Wichita 2 Layton 2 Layton
0 Cheyenne ? Boston 3 Kendall
2 Cheyenne 2 Kendall
1 Meridian 4 Wichita 1 Kendall 1 Springfield
3 Tampa 4 Boston
2 Tampa 0 Schuylkill
1 Arbutus 3 Tampa 2 Gainesville 2 Gainesville
2 Calgary 3 Boston
0 - 0 -
2 Calgary 2 Boston

Wichita Jack Wagons 4 - 2 Boston Bluefish

Rookie .149 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pyeong-Yang 3 Pyeong-Yang ? Pyeong-Yang 3 West Virginia 2 West Virginia
0 San Diego ? West Virginia 1 Valdosta
2 San Diego 1 Vancouver
0 Pleasant Ridge 4 Pyeong-Yang 4 West Virginia 2 Valdosta
3 Chanyvill 0 Salt Lake City
2 Seattle 1 Oklahoma
1 Windsor 0 Seattle 2 Peongtaek 2 Peongtaek
3 Chanyvill 3 Salt Lake City
0 - 0 -
2 Chanyvill 2 Salt Lake City

Pyeong-Yang Rocket 4 - 1 West Virginia Pirates

Rookie .150 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Big Bush 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
0 Carolina ? Chicago 2 Busan
0 St. Louis 2 Busan
2 Carolina 2 Los Angeles 4 Chicago 0 Icheon
4 Big Bush 2 Washington
0 New York 0 Busan
2 New York 2 New York 3 Washington 2 Washington
3 Big Bush 1 Buffalo
0 - 0 -
2 Big Bush 2 Buffalo

Big Bush Beavers 3 - 4 Chicago Shukri's

Rookie .151 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 3 Des Moines ? Des Moines 1 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
1 busan ? Naperville 3 Tokyo
0 Detroit 1 West Covina
2 busan 4 Des Moines 2 Tokyo 2 Tokyo
0 Bunt Force 4 Naperville
2 Guangdong 1 Vicksburg
1 Oklahoma 2 Guangdong 0 Boston 2 Boston
3 Bunt Force 3 Naperville
0 - 0 -
2 Bunt Force 2 Naperville

Des Moines Silver Wolves 4 - 1 Naperville Ghostriders

Rookie .152 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Door County 1 Door County ? Hamilton 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
3 Samsung ? Seoul 2 Miami Beach
1 Ryan 2 Miami Beach
2 Samsung 3 Samsung 4 Seoul 1 Farmers Branch
4 Hamilton 2 Iowa
0 Montoursville 1 St. Louis
2 St. Francois 1 St. Francois 3 Iowa 2 Iowa
3 Hamilton 2 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Hamilton 2 Calgary

Hamilton Crosscutters 4 - 3 Seoul Tigers

Rookie .153 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SOOPAT3AM 3 SOOPAT3AM ? New York Dawgs 3 Parra 2 Parra
2 Cuyahoga Valley ? Tucson 1 Gangwon
1 Laredo 0 St. Louis
2 Cuyahoga Valley 2 SOOPAT3AM 3 Parra 2 Gangwon
4 New York Dawgs 4 Tucson
2 New York Dawgs 2 Swissvale
0 Sackville 3 New York Dawgs 1 Swissvale 1 San Marcos
1 Long Beach 3 Tucson
0 - 0 -
2 Long Beach 2 Tucson

New York Dawgs WOOF 4 - 1 Tucson Padres

Rookie .154 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bellvue 3 Bellvue ? Bellvue 3 Rock Hill 2 Rock Hill
0 BP ? Rock Hill 0 Florida
1 Los Angeles 0 New York
2 BP 4 Bellvue 4 Rock Hill 2 Florida
2 Annandale 1 Strongsville
0 Los Angeles 2 Strongsville
2 Clacton 0 Clacton 3 Strongsville 1 Frittz
3 Annandale 2 Sylvania
0 - 0 -
2 Annandale 2 Sylvania

Bellvue Bay Gulls 4 - 1 Rock Hill Rockers

Rookie .155 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Virginia Beach 0 Virginia Beach ? Giant Inflatable 0 East Cleveland 2 East Cleveland
3 Giant Inflatable ? San Jose 3 Daegu
0 Norwalk 0 Mississauga
2 Giant Inflatable 4 Giant Inflatable 1 Daegu 2 Daegu
2 PEI 4 San Jose
2 Chesapeake 1 Boston
0 Sungmin 1 Chesapeake 0 Mesa 2 Mesa
3 PEI 3 San Jose
0 - 0 -
2 PEI 2 San Jose

Giant Inflatable Orange Gorillas 4 - 2 San Jose Strangers

Rookie .156 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 1 OK ? Plainfield 1 Dallas 2 Dallas
3 Plainfield ? Comfrey 3 Comfrey
2 Plainfield 2 Comfrey
1 Reading 4 Plainfield 4 Comfrey 1 SHAWTOWN
3 Madera 1 Wilmington
0 Tennessee 2 Eagan
2 Stark 2 Stark 1 Eagan 1 RVA
3 Madera 3 Wilmington
0 - 0 -
2 Madera 2 Wilmington

Plainfield Rage 3 - 4 Comfrey Rockets

Rookie .157 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ESQ 3 ESQ ? ESQ 3 The Falls 2 The Falls
1 Baltimore ? The Falls 2 Seoul
1 Milwaukee 1 Gothenburg
2 Baltimore 4 ESQ 4 The Falls 2 Seoul
2 Manchester 2 Santa Monica
1 Brisbane 2 Santa Monica
2 Oaxaca 0 Oaxaca 3 Santa Monica 0 Vallejo
3 Manchester 1 Medford
0 - 0 -
2 Manchester 2 Medford

ESQ Lions 3 - 4 The Falls Bandits

Rookie .158 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lakewood 1 Lakewood ? Team 3 Portland 2 Portland
3 Team ? Portland 2 All Time
0 Concord 0 JoTown
2 Team 4 Team 4 Portland 2 All Time
3 Eau Claire 1 Birmingham
0 Takamatsu 2 Velez
2 Holiday 1 Holiday 2 Velez 1 San Francisco
3 Eau Claire 3 Birmingham
0 - 0 -
2 Eau Claire 2 Birmingham

Team Jank 2 - 4 Portland Pride

Rookie .159 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 PackOnly 3 PackOnly ? PackOnly 3 Mettingen 2 Mettingen
1 Hanhwa ? Mettingen 0 Ohio
1 Salzburg 0 Cincinnati
2 Hanhwa 4 PackOnly 4 Mettingen 2 Ohio
2 Berling Bruisers 0 Wheeling
1 American 1 Masan Dinos
2 San Jose 2 San Jose 3 Wheeling 2 Wheeling
3 Berling Bruisers 1 Dodge City
0 - 0 -
2 Berling Bruisers 2 Dodge City

PackOnly Wembys TBD 1 - 4 Mettingen Shisa's

Rookie .160 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Clovis 1 Clovis ? Mugondese 1 Saskatoon 2 Saskatoon
3 Mugondese ? Hershey 3 Hershey
0 mori 0 Portland
2 Mugondese 4 Mugondese 4 Hershey 2 Hershey
0 Braves Country 3 StFX
2 Braves Country 1 Green Mountain
0 Rancho Cucamonga 3 Braves Country 3 StFX 2 StFX
1 Seattle 1 Lakewood
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Lakewood

Mugondese Mugs 4 - 2 Hershey Squrts

Rookie .161 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 3 Des Moines ? Des Moines 3 Gopstopolis 2 Gopstopolis
2 seung ? Gopstopolis 2 Jackson Township
2 seung 1 Providence
0 Hattiesburg 4 Des Moines 4 Gopstopolis 2 Jackson Township
3 Aurora 2 Merl
0 Findlay 2 Buffalo
2 Aurora 3 Aurora 2 Buffalo 1 KC
1 Chicago 3 Merl
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Merl

Des Moines Aces 3 - 4 Gopstopolis Mad Tigers

Rookie .162 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sierra Vista 3 Sierra Vista ? Undying 3 Virginia 2 Virginia
2 Vancouver ? Virginia 1 Cape Coral
2 Vancouver 2 Cape Coral
1 Hanley Hustlers 3 Sierra Vista 4 Virginia 0 San Diego
4 Undying 0 Halifax
0 Yakima 2 Halifax
2 Undying 3 Undying 3 Halifax 0 Massachusetts
2 Terrordome 0 Vancouver
0 - 0 -
2 Terrordome 2 Vancouver

Undying Wizards 1 - 4 Virginia Fury

Rookie .163 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lancaster 1 Lancaster ? Mr Audit's 3 East St. Louis 2 East St. Louis
3 Halifax ? East St. Louis 0 St. Louis
0 Brooklyn 0 Chicago
2 Halifax 1 Halifax 4 East St. Louis 2 St. Louis
4 Mr Audit's 0 Kenner
0 Amarillo 0 Belton
2 Knoxville 2 Knoxville 3 Kenner 2 Kenner
3 Mr Audit's 1 Port Huron
0 - 0 -
2 Mr Audit's 2 Port Huron

Mr Audit's Randomeers (PCK) 2 - 4 East St. Louis Felons

Rookie .164 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Elizabethtown 1 Elizabethtown ? Yam City 3 Southfield 2 Southfield
3 Yam City ? Sundari City 1 New York
1 Roman 1 San Jose
2 Yam City 4 Yam City 2 Southfield 2 New York
3 Westie 4 Sundari City
0 Barrie 0 Worcester
2 Stamford 2 Stamford 0 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
3 Westie 3 Sundari City
0 - 0 -
2 Westie 2 Sundari City

Yam City Yammers 1 - 4 Sundari City Mando'a

Rookie .165 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ft. Collins 3 Ft. Collins ? Ft. Collins 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Washington ? Chicago 1 Richmond
1 Brooklyn 2 Richmond
2 Washington 4 Ft. Collins 4 Chicago 1 Windy City
2 Surrey 1 Camden
2 York Rabbit Tails 0 Sarnia
0 Dallas 2 York Rabbit Tails 1 Chattanooga 2 Chattanooga
3 Surrey 3 Camden
0 - 0 -
2 Surrey 2 Camden

Ft. Collins Walrus 4 - 2 Chicago Slayers

Rookie .166 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ozark 3 Ozark ? Ozark 3 Lotte 2 Lotte
1 New York ? Lotte 1 Cleveland
0 Tampa Bay 2 Cleveland
2 New York 4 Ozark 4 Lotte 0 Reno
0 Texas 2 Drexel Heights
0 Seoul 2 San Diego
2 Seawind 0 Seawind 1 San Diego 1 Lubbock
3 Texas 3 Drexel Heights
0 - 0 -
2 Texas 2 Drexel Heights

Ozark Moonshiners 4 - 1 Lotte Giants

Rookie .167 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Miami 3 Miami ? Miami 0 Detroit 2 Detroit
2 Guam ? wildchickens 3 NEW YORK
0 Topeka 2 NEW YORK
2 Guam 4 Miami 2 NEW YORK 0 milkville
3 National City 4 wildchickens
1 Scottsbluff 0 Liuzhou
2 San Antonio 1 San Antonio 3 wildchickens 2 wildchickens
3 National City 1 Battleford
0 - 0 -
2 National City 2 Battleford

Miami BombaSquad 4 - 3 wildchickens wildchickens

Rookie .168 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madera 3 Madera ? Milton 3 Truro 2 Truro
0 clearwater ? Truro 1 Pittsburgh
2 clearwater 1 Greenbush
0 The Bronx 3 Madera 4 Truro 2 Pittsburgh
4 Milton 1 Interlaken
1 Marysville 0 Tacoma
2 DC 2 DC 2 savannah 2 savannah
3 Milton 3 Interlaken
0 - 0 -
2 Milton 2 Interlaken

Milton Meteors 1 - 4 Truro Tigers

Rookie .169 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rockaway 3 Rockaway ? Chicago 3 Hill Valley 2 Hill Valley
1 Roseville ? Hill Valley 0 Winnipeg
0 Arkansas 0 Halifax
2 Roseville 3 Rockaway 4 Hill Valley 2 Winnipeg
4 Chicago 1 Ssang
1 Toledo Mud Hens 2 North Lauderdale
2 Cambridge 2 Cambridge 0 North Lauderdale 1 Swallow Valley
3 Chicago 3 Ssang
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Ssang

Chicago DirtyFrank 4 - 1 Hill Valley DeLoreans

Rookie .170 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 1 San Bernadino 2 San Bernadino
0 Bettendorf ? Burlington 3 Burlington
1 Everglade 1 Rockville
2 Bettendorf 4 Boston 4 Burlington 2 Burlington
0 Detroit 3 Fall River
2 Traincity 0 Cortland
0 Jamestown 0 Traincity 2 Burlington 2 Burlington
3 Detroit 3 Fall River
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 2 Fall River

Boston Red Sox 4 - 0 Burlington Marauders

Rookie .171 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gary Southshore 3 Gary Southshore ? Gary Southshore 1 Mountain 2 Mountain
0 Rocklin ? Palm Springs 3 Teamfight
0 Fort Washington 2 Teamfight
2 Rocklin 4 Gary Southshore 3 Teamfight 1 Minneapolis
1 Alabama 4 Palm Springs
0 Chicago 0 Detroit
2 Raleigh 2 Raleigh 1 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Alabama 3 Palm Springs
0 - 0 -
2 Alabama 2 Palm Springs

Gary Southshore Railcats-BFF 4 - 0 Palm Springs Thunder

Rookie .172 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Middletown 3 Middletown ? Middletown 1 Oregon 2 Oregon
2 Mercer ? Blono 3 Blono
2 Mercer 1 Inland Empire
1 MONTREAL EXPOS 4 Middletown 4 Blono 2 Blono
3 Nashville 3 Midland
1 Seminole Heights 1 Manhattan
2 Somerville 2 Somerville 2 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Nashville 3 Midland
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 2 Midland

Middletown Dreamers 4 - 0 Blono hyvee

Rookie .173 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 The 3 The ? Fernandos Better 1 Beltre 2 Beltre
0 Cowesett ? Bash Brothers 3 Bash Brothers
0 Is Don Is 0 HR
2 Cowesett 3 The 4 Bash Brothers 2 Bash Brothers
4 Fernandos Better 2 Large
0 L.A 2 Seoul
2 Fernandos Better 3 Fernandos Better 2 Seoul 1 Euclid
0 Atlanta 3 Large
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 2 Large

Fernandos Better THREE FOURs TTC 1 - 4 Bash Brothers TTC

Rookie .174 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Knoxville 3 Knoxville ? Knoxville 2 Chicago 2 Chicago
0 Thousand Oaks ? Long 3 Long
2 Thousand Oaks 2 Long
1 Badlands 4 Knoxville 4 Long 0 Vancouver
2 Topher's 2 Scarborough
1 HamKIng 2 Scarborough
2 Wisconsin 0 Wisconsin 3 Scarborough 1 Boston
3 Topher's 1 White Plains
0 - 0 -
2 Topher's 2 White Plains

Knoxville Grizzlies 4 - 0 Long Johnson's

Rookie .175 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 3 Connecticut ? Connecticut 3 La Crosse 2 La Crosse
0 Delray Racers ? La Crosse 2 Mount Liang
0 Hollywood 2 Mount Liang
2 Delray Racers 4 Connecticut 4 La Crosse 1 Los Angeles
0 LG 3 Greensboro
2 LG 2 Greensboro
0 Glen Ellyn 3 LG 3 Greensboro 1 Lincoln Park
1 Providence 0 Right Hand
0 - 0 -
2 Providence 2 Right Hand

Connecticut Trailblazers 4 - 0 La Crosse Royals

Rookie .176 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fat Bag Of 0 Fat Bag Of ? Frederic 3 Mr Yiff's 2 Mr Yiff's
3 Lynn ? Mr Yiff's 0 Taunton
0 Pensacola 0 Elk Grove
2 Lynn 0 Lynn 4 Mr Yiff's 2 Taunton
4 Frederic 2 Minnesota
2 Wabash College 0 Wabash College 1 Oxford 0 Pikesville
3 Frederic 3 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 Frederic 2 Minnesota

Frederic Dragons 4 - 3 Mr Yiff's Special Circus

Rookie .177 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Paradise 3 Paradise ? Paradise 3 Nafers 2 Nafers
1 Niles ? Nafers 0 Forever
2 Niles 0 St. George
0 Ottawa 4 Paradise 4 Nafers 2 Forever
0 Atchison 3 Tempe
1 Buzzards Bay 0 Inland Empire
2 Atchison 3 Atchison 0 Greenville 2 Greenville
2 Suwon Yusin Locusts 3 Tempe
0 - 0 -
2 Suwon Yusin Locusts 2 Tempe

Paradise Quakes 4 - 1 Nafers Wafers

Rookie .178 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 soopangcity 3 soopangcity ? soopangcity 1 Boise 2 Boise
2 Bradford ? Dirty Vern 3 Berlin
0 Richmond 0 Salt Lake
2 Bradford 4 soopangcity 3 Berlin 2 Berlin
2 Lake Forest 4 Dirty Vern
0 busan 0 Springfield
2 Lake Forest 3 Lake Forest 3 Dirty Vern 2 Dirty Vern
1 Oklahoma City 2 X
0 - 0 -
2 Oklahoma City 2 X

soopangcity DDonggonDD 4 - 1 Dirty Vern Dawgs

Rookie .179 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Georgia 1 Georgia ? Oklahoma City 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
3 Smyrna ? Vancouver 1 London
2 Smyrna 2 London
0 Toledo 1 Smyrna 4 Vancouver 1 Torrance
4 Oklahoma City 1 JUSIN
0 Humongous 0 Torrance
2 Oklahoma City 3 Oklahoma City 2 Windsor 2 Windsor
1 Stumptown 3 JUSIN
0 - 0 -
2 Stumptown 2 JUSIN

Oklahoma City Cielo Azul 2 - 4 Vancouver Crush

Rookie .180 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 3 Korean 2 Korean
2 Chicago ? Korean 2 Norfolk
0 Brooklyn 2 Norfolk
2 Chicago 4 Los Angeles 4 Korean 1 New York
2 Suwon 1 Trenton Tornados
0 Kiwoon Herose 2 Maracaibo
2 Pasadena 1 Pasadena 2 Maracaibo 1 Odense
3 Suwon 3 Trenton Tornados
0 - 0 -
2 Suwon 2 Trenton Tornados

Los Angeles Monsters 3 - 4 Korean josenjings

Rookie .181 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Saint 3 Saint ? Saint 3 OK 2 OK
2 Saskatoon ? OK 2 Washington
0 Oceanside 2 Washington
2 Saskatoon 4 Saint 4 OK 0 Fargo
3 Long Island 3 Portland
1 Orem 1 New York
2 Culiacan 1 Culiacan 2 Brea 2 Brea
3 Long Island 3 Portland
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 2 Portland

Saint WhiteTigers 1 - 4 OK Fusion

Rookie .182 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Leandro 1 San Leandro ? Orlando 3 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
3 TD Mannheim ? Las Vegas 1 Tarrytown
1 Lindenhurst 2 Tarrytown
2 TD Mannheim 3 TD Mannheim 4 Las Vegas 1 Samsung
4 Orlando 2 Baltimore
2 Lucky 0 Pine Bluff
1 Wichita 2 Lucky 2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
3 Orlando 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 2 Baltimore

Orlando Lions 0 - 4 Las Vegas Silver Knights

Rookie .183 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Loyola Chicago 3 Loyola Chicago ? Donk Elvis 3 Shreveport 2 Shreveport
2 Alexandria ? Shreveport 0 North Charleston
2 Alexandria 1 Labadie
0 Washington Huskies 2 Loyola Chicago 4 Shreveport 2 North Charleston
4 Donk Elvis 0 Poogston
0 Denver 1 Lancaster
2 Union City 0 Union City 3 Poogston 2 Poogston
3 Donk Elvis 2 Santee
0 - 0 -
2 Donk Elvis 2 Santee

Donk Elvis Party-Snoozers -HotL 0 - 4 Shreveport Captains

Rookie .184 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ft. Worth 3 Ft. Worth ? Ft. Worth 1 Sonora 2 Sonora
1 New York ? Benbrook 3 Transatlantic
2 New York 0 Living-Hell
1 Steel City 4 Ft. Worth 3 Transatlantic 2 Transatlantic
2 Bad Vilbel 4 Benbrook
1 Brooklyn 1 Aberdeen
2 Maumee 2 Maumee 1 Vacaville 2 Vacaville
3 Bad Vilbel 3 Benbrook
0 - 0 -
2 Bad Vilbel 2 Benbrook

Ft. Worth Lone Stars 4 - 1 Benbrook Aggies

Rookie .185 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orange County 0 Orange County ? Gumi 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Scranton WB ? Brooklyn 2 Denver
1 Gyeongju 0 Sleepy Hollow
2 Scranton WB 2 Scranton WB 4 Brooklyn 2 Denver
4 Gumi 2 Anyang
2 Gumi 2 Anyang
0 Waukesha 3 Gumi 3 Anyang 1 San Diego
2 Seoul 1 Nashville
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 2 Nashville

Gumi Sunrays 3 - 4 Brooklyn Cats

Rookie .186 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rock Island 3 Rock Island ? Rock Island 3 West Virginia 2 West Virginia
0 Walla Walla ? West Virginia 1 Houston
0 Fremont 0 DEN
2 Walla Walla 4 Rock Island 4 West Virginia 2 Houston
1 Grog City 0 Jersey Devils
0 Los Angeles 1 Rancho San Diego
2 Grog City 3 Grog City 0 Durham 2 Durham
0 Southern 3 Jersey Devils
0 - 0 -
2 Southern 2 Jersey Devils

Rock Island Badlanders 4 - 1 West Virginia Coal Miners

Rookie .187 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southend 3 Southend ? Southend 3 St. Cloud State 2 St. Cloud State
0 Hudson Valley ? St. Cloud State 1 L'Aquila
0 Baltimore 1 Nashville
2 Hudson Valley 4 Southend 4 St. Cloud State 2 L'Aquila
0 OK 3 Staten Island
1 Tri-City 0 Brooklyn
2 Colorado Springs 0 Colorado Springs 3 Staten Island 2 Staten Island
3 OK 0 Bristol
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Bristol

Southend Seasiders 4 - 3 St. Cloud State Huskies

Rookie .188 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West L.A. 3 West L.A. ? West L.A. 3 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
0 Brooklyn ? New Orleans 0 Tuscaloosa
2 Brooklyn 2 Tuscaloosa
1 Pal Park Tigers 4 West L.A. 4 New Orleans 0 Watertown
3 Pleasanton 3 Rock Island
0 Boston 2 Ohtani
2 Dayton 0 Dayton 0 Ohtani 0 Seoul
3 Pleasanton 3 Rock Island
0 - 0 -
2 Pleasanton 2 Rock Island

West L.A. Crispy Chickens 4 - 1 New Orleans Crawfish

Rookie .189 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wichita 0 Wichita ? Mexican 2 Edinburgh 2 Edinburgh
3 Mexican ? Sewanee 3 Pack Only
0 Baltimore 0 Syosset
2 Mexican 4 Mexican 2 Pack Only 2 Pack Only
0 Oklahoma 4 Sewanee
2 Rose City 1 Hawthorne
0 Henderson 1 Rose City 2 Hoehne 2 Hoehne
3 Oklahoma 3 Sewanee
0 - 0 -
2 Oklahoma 2 Sewanee

Mexican Maniacs 4 - 1 Sewanee Tigers

Rookie .190 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Riverside 3 Riverside ? Riverside 1 Glasgow 2 Glasgow
2 Rancho Cordova ? Cologne 3 Cologne
1 Holey 0 ZhongGang
2 Rancho Cordova 4 Riverside 4 Cologne 2 Cologne
2 St. Pete 3 Steve Balboni's
0 Philadelphia 0 Busan
2 Aggieland 1 Aggieland 1 London Majors 2 London Majors
3 St. Pete 3 Steve Balboni's
0 - 0 -
2 St. Pete 2 Steve Balboni's

Riverside Sun Kings 4 - 0 Cologne Deutz

Rookie .191 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southend 1 Southend ? Lexington 1 TheBeme 2 TheBeme
3 Lexington ? LosAngels 3 McMurdo
2 Lexington 0 Lewisville
1 Buford 4 Lexington 3 McMurdo 2 McMurdo
1 Taoyuan 4 LosAngels
2 Taoyuan 1 Bristol
1 Numazu 3 Taoyuan 1 Midwest 2 Midwest
1 Stratford 3 LosAngels
0 - 0 -
2 Stratford 2 LosAngels

Lexington Thoroughbreds 2 - 4 LosAngels HIWIND

Rookie .192 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pacific Northwest 3 Pacific Northwest ? Pacific Northwest 3 Glasgow Warriors 2 Glasgow Warriors
0 Buffridge ? Denver 0 Belmond-Klemme
1 Boomer 2 Belmond-Klemme
2 Buffridge 4 Pacific Northwest 3 Glasgow Warriors 1 Vista
0 Somerset 4 Denver
2 Somerset 2 Denver
0 LOT GIANTS Mansae 3 Somerset 3 Denver 1 Huntington Beach
1 Orange 1 Arlington Heights
0 - 0 -
2 Orange 2 Arlington Heights

Pacific Northwest Mariners 4 - 0 Denver Tides

Rookie .193 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bangor 3 Bangor ? Bangor 3 Hana 2 Hana
1 Montreal ? Safety Harbor 0 New Brunswick
1 Las Vegas 0 Ueda
2 Montreal 4 Bangor 3 Hana 2 New Brunswick
1 Egles 4 Safety Harbor
2 St. Peters 1 Claremont
0 Modesto 2 St. Peters 3 Safety Harbor 2 Safety Harbor
3 Egles 2 Taiwan
0 - 0 -
2 Egles 2 Taiwan

Bangor Barons 4 - 0 Safety Harbor Buccaneers

Rookie .194 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 3 OK ? Free 3 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
1 Lawrence ? St. Louis 0 Union-Pacific
0 Seattle 2 Union-Pacific
2 Lawrence 0 OK 4 St. Louis 1 Dover
4 Free 0 Spirit
2 Free 3 Free 3 Spirit 2 Spirit
1 Acme 1 Queen Qity
0 - 0 -
2 Acme 2 Queen Qity

Free R kelly 4 - 1 St. Louis Sandlot Sluggers

Rookie .50 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Allen 3 Allen ? State College 3 Trujillo 2 Trujillo
2 Dubuque ? Trujillo 1 Inexplicably Just
0 Brooklyn 0 ColoSprings
2 Dubuque 2 Allen 4 Trujillo 2 Inexplicably Just
4 State College 2 Grimaces
0 Meriden 1 The Dalles
2 Newnan 1 Newnan 1 Cologne Crawlers 2 Cologne Crawlers
3 State College 3 Grimaces
0 - 0 -
2 State College 2 Grimaces

State College Rain 4 - 1 Trujillo Waves

Rookie .51 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Austin 2 Austin
0 Rocky Mountain ? Austin 1 Dallas
0 Topeka 0 Kentucky
2 Rocky Mountain 4 Toronto 4 Austin 2 Dallas
1 San Luis Obispo 3 Green Bay
0 Montclair 0 New York
2 San Luis Obispo 3 San Luis Obispo 1 Golden Gate 2 Golden Gate
2 Arlington 3 Green Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 2 Green Bay

Toronto Maple Leafs 3 - 4 Austin Bats

Rookie .52 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ugly 3 Ugly ? Ugly 3 Half Moon Bay 2 Half Moon Bay
2 Spokane ? Half Moon Bay 1 Easter Island
1 Giant 2 Easter Island
2 Spokane 4 Ugly 4 Half Moon Bay 0 Georgia
0 Fallbrook 1 taeyeon
1 Maiden 1 Fontana
2 Seoul 2 Seoul 2 Rochester 2 Rochester
3 Fallbrook 3 taeyeon
0 - 0 -
2 Fallbrook 2 taeyeon

Ugly Barnacles 4 - 0 Half Moon Bay Seafarers

Rookie .53 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 1 Boston ? Tampa Bay 3 Fort Hunt 2 Fort Hunt
3 White Rock ? Fort Hunt 0 Brooklyn
0 League City 2 Brooklyn
2 White Rock 1 White Rock 4 Fort Hunt 0 Kane'ohe
4 Tampa Bay 2 Music City
1 Marlborough 1 Las Vegas
2 Winnipeg 1 Winnipeg 1 Daejeon 2 Daejeon
3 Tampa Bay 3 Music City
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 2 Music City

Tampa Bay Typhoons 4 - 1 Fort Hunt Fireflies

Rookie .54 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tussey Mountain 3 Tussey Mountain ? Surabaya 3 Deadman Creek 2 Deadman Creek
0 Rancho San Diego ? Ojochal 1 Springfield
2 Rancho San Diego 2 Springfield
1 Hitchin 0 Tussey Mountain 1 Deadman Creek 0 Green Bay
4 Surabaya 4 Ojochal
1 Downcity United 1 Rupi Red
2 Surabaya 3 Surabaya 3 Ojochal 2 Ojochal
1 Lake Royale 2 Kentucky
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Royale 2 Kentucky

Surabaya Redbulls 3 - 4 Ojochal Toucans

Rookie .55 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 Madison 2 Madison
0 Edmonton ? Madison 1 Caerbannog
1 Oracle 0 Inland Empire
2 Edmonton 4 New York 4 Madison 2 Caerbannog
1 Utica 2 Zumbo
0 WestieWind 1 Indigo
2 Utica 3 Utica 3 Zumbo 2 Zumbo
2 San Jose 1 Burnsville
0 - 0 -
2 San Jose 2 Burnsville

New York Mets 2 - 4 Madison Mallards

Rookie .56 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Napanee 3 Gaza 2 Gaza
2 Wollongong ? Gaza 0 Boston Bruins
1 Beavercreek 2 Boston Bruins
2 Wollongong 2 Chicago 4 Gaza 1 Matsudo
4 Napanee 0 Cleveland
2 Montreal 2 Crystal Lake
0 Cherry Hill 1 Montreal 0 Crystal Lake 1 Steve Dahl's
3 Napanee 3 Cleveland
0 - 0 -
2 Napanee 2 Cleveland

Napanee Beavers 0 - 4 Gaza Sunbirds

Rookie .57 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OSU 2 3 OSU 2 ? OSU 2 3 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
0 Detroit ? LANNON 2 Busan REA
0 San Diego 2 Busan REA
2 Detroit 4 OSU 2 1 Huntington Beach 1 Spring Valley
3 Texas 4 LANNON
2 Gongju 1 Long Beach
1 Saint Constant 2 Gongju 2 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
3 Texas 3 LANNON
0 - 0 -
2 Texas 2 LANNON

OSU 2 Zekes 4 - 3 LANNON HAWKS

Rookie .58 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 KIW Heroes 3 KIW Heroes ? KIW Heroes 3 Nerstrand 2 Nerstrand
2 Chicago ? Nerstrand 1 Ft. Worth
0 Toledo 1 Gatineau
2 Chicago 4 KIW Heroes 4 Nerstrand 2 Ft. Worth
1 Tokyo 0 Kalamazoo
2 Mickygom 0 Lake Charles
0 Austin 0 Mickygom 0 Grayson 2 Grayson
3 Tokyo 3 Kalamazoo
0 - 0 -
2 Tokyo 2 Kalamazoo

KIW Heroes tukdori 3 - 4 Nerstrand Eagles

Rookie .59 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Jose 3 San Jose ? San Jose 3 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
0 Starvation Lake ? Kansas City 0 White Plains
1 Monroe 2 White Plains
2 Starvation Lake 4 San Jose 2 St. Louis 0 Chicago
1 Oakdale 4 Kansas City
1 Westside 2 Bangkok
2 Flatbush 1 Flatbush 0 Bangkok 0 Kirkwood
3 Oakdale 3 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 Oakdale 2 Kansas City

San Jose Tacos 4 - 2 Kansas City Monarchs

Rookie .60 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lakeview 1 Lakeview ? South Hills 1 Warwick 2 Warwick
3 South Hills ? Middleborough 3 mid-west
1 West Hartford 0 New York
2 South Hills 4 South Hills 3 mid-west 2 mid-west
0 Anchorage 4 Middleborough
0 northwest 2 Unicorn
2 Anchorage 3 Anchorage 2 Unicorn 1 Rome
0 Cardiff 3 Middleborough
0 - 0 -
2 Cardiff 2 Middleborough

South Hills Yinzers 4 - 2 Middleborough Greyhounds

Rookie .61 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fayetteville 3 Fayetteville ? Fayetteville 3 Server 2 Server
0 Tokyo ? Server 0 Bonduel
1 Brooks 2 Bonduel
2 Tokyo 4 Fayetteville 4 Server 1 Shelby
2 Lakewood 0 American Fork
1 New York 2 American Fork
2 Owings 0 Owings 3 American Fork 0 Thunder Bay
3 Lakewood 1 Glassboro
0 - 0 -
2 Lakewood 2 Glassboro

Fayetteville Zebras 2 - 4 Server Errors

Rookie .62 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Overrated 3 Overrated ? Myrtle Beach 3 Wauwatosa 2 Wauwatosa
0 Toronto ? Wauwatosa 1 Wisconsin
2 Toronto 2 Wisconsin
1 Montreal 2 Overrated 4 Wauwatosa 0 New York
4 Myrtle Beach 0 Cologne
1 Irondequoit 0 Los Angeles
2 Salt Lake City 2 Salt Lake City 1 Standish 2 Standish
3 Myrtle Beach 3 Cologne
0 - 0 -
2 Myrtle Beach 2 Cologne

Myrtle Beach Mermen 0 - 4 Wauwatosa Frozen Ropes

Rookie .63 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rochester 3 Rochester ? Rochester 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
0 Monrovia ? Nashville 0 Richmond
1 Philippines 1 Pilot
2 Monrovia 4 Rochester 4 Nashville 2 Richmond
3 Chicago 1 Minneapolis
0 Memphis 2 Mount Vernon
2 Chicago 3 Chicago 1 Mount Vernon 1 Athens
1 Chatham County 3 Minneapolis
0 - 0 -
2 Chatham County 2 Minneapolis

Rochester Mayonnaise 4 - 3 Nashville Venom

Rookie .64 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Garland 3 Garland ? Fulton 1 Springfield 2 Springfield
0 Las Vegas ? Adelaide 3 Adelaide
1 Seoul 0 Watertown
2 Las Vegas 2 Garland 4 Adelaide 2 Adelaide
4 Fulton 2 Bergen
0 Gangwon 1 Hanwha
2 Parker 0 Parker 0 Dallas 2 Dallas
3 Fulton 3 Bergen
0 - 0 -
2 Fulton 2 Bergen

Fulton Braves 4 - 3 Adelaide Adelaide Seawolves

Rookie .65 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hiawatha 3 Hiawatha ? Hiawatha 3 Texarkana 2 Texarkana
2 p ? Texarkana 0 NMS
0 Ocqueoc Falls 0 Akron
2 p 4 Hiawatha 4 Texarkana 2 NMS
2 Brighton 1 St. Louis
1 Shepherdstown 2 Adrian
2 Ft. Hood 0 Ft. Hood 0 Adrian 0 Portland
3 Brighton 3 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Brighton 2 St. Louis

Hiawatha River Rats 0 - 4 Texarkana Torturers

Rookie .66 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Brooklyn 3 Cheltenham 2 Cheltenham
0 Potomac ? Cheltenham 2 Springfield
2 Potomac 1 BX
0 Pleezus 4 Brooklyn 4 Cheltenham 2 Springfield
0 South Philly 3 Clarkston
0 Kokomo 1 New nEw neW York
2 Houston 2 Houston 1 New York 2 New York
3 South Philly 3 Clarkston
0 - 0 -
2 South Philly 2 Clarkston

Brooklyn ElProductos 4 - 2 Cheltenham Vandals

Rookie .67 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Burnsville 3 Burnsville ? Burnsville 1 Mt. Adams 2 Mt. Adams
0 Salt Lick ? Bay Area 3 Bay Area
2 Salt Lick 0 Newport
1 Brooklyn 4 Burnsville 4 Bay Area 2 Bay Area
0 Big Spring 1 Concord
0 Allen 0 Rootsville
2 Fortniteville 1 Fortniteville 1 pigtown 2 pigtown
3 Big Spring 3 Concord
0 - 0 -
2 Big Spring 2 Concord

Burnsville Diamond Kings 4 - 2 Bay Area Giants

Rookie .68 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Old East 3 Old East ? Unhandled 0 Rocky Ridge 2 Rocky Ridge
0 Djama Starz ? Wheaton 3 Wheaton
1 Washington 0 Animal
2 Djama Starz 3 Old East 4 Wheaton 2 Wheaton
4 Unhandled 1 Claymont
0 Jax 2 Claymont
2 Unhandled 3 Unhandled 3 Claymont 1 Canton
1 Ontario 0 Lafayette
0 - 0 -
2 Ontario 2 Lafayette

Unhandled Server Exceptions 0 - 4 Wheaton Wolverines

Rookie .69 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn ? London Rangers 3 Surry 2 Surry
3 Council Bluffs ? Surry 2 Sabah
1 Louisville 0 Montana
2 Council Bluffs 3 Council Bluffs 4 Surry 2 Sabah
4 London Rangers 3 Taylor
1 Buffalo 0 Hammond
2 Mictlan 1 Mictlan 0 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 London Rangers 3 Taylor
0 - 0 -
2 London Rangers 2 Taylor

London Rangers EDL army 2 - 4 Surry Loons

Rookie .70 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 3 Minneapolis ? Orlando 3 Chavez Ravine 2 Chavez Ravine
2 Mexico City ? Chavez Ravine 0 Los Angeles
2 Mexico City 2 Los Angeles
1 Red Deer 2 Minneapolis 4 Chavez Ravine 1 KIA
4 Orlando 1 Calexico
0 Broken Arrow 2 Hollister
2 Novi 1 Novi 0 Hollister 0 Green
3 Orlando 3 Calexico
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 2 Calexico

Orlando Solar Flares 0 - 4 Chavez Ravine Posers

Rookie .71 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 3 New Orleans ? New Orleans 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
2 Yellowknife ? Detroit 0 oooo
2 Yellowknife 0 KIA
1 P-town 4 New Orleans 4 Detroit 2 oooo
2 Centennial Hills 0 TTV
0 Markham 0 Bloomington
2 Centennial Hills 3 Centennial Hills 2 San Antonio 2 San Antonio
2 Washington 3 TTV
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 TTV

New Orleans Suns 0 - 4 Detroit Tigers

Rookie .72 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Blue 2 East Blue ? Chicago 3 Labatt 2 Labatt
3 Chicago ? Labatt 0 Purdue
1 San Diego 0 Hamilton
2 Chicago 4 Chicago 4 Labatt 2 Purdue
1 Staten Island 2 Pittsburgh
2 Reedley 2 Oakville
1 LosAngeles 0 Reedley 1 Oakville 0 Mars
3 Staten Island 3 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Staten Island 2 Pittsburgh

Chicago Shamrocks 2 - 4 Labatt Blues

Rookie .73 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tainan 3 Tainan ? Tainan 2 Trenton 2 Trenton
2 Gatineau ? Godley 3 Godley
1 Tulsa 0 Southside
2 Gatineau 4 Tainan 4 Godley 2 Godley
2 Chattanooga 1 Marine
2 Chattanooga 2 Wasilla
1 St. Louis 3 Chattanooga 0 Wasilla 1 Barrie
2 Port City 3 Marine
0 - 0 -
2 Port City 2 Marine

Tainan United Lions 0 - 4 Godley Bandits

Rookie .74 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 DMZ 3 DMZ ? DMZ 3 Hemet 2 Hemet
0 Fremont ? Borough's 2 Bucheon Choi's
0 Halifax Citadels 1 East Arkansas
2 Fremont 4 DMZ 2 Hemet 2 Bucheon Choi's
0 Lakeville 4 Borough's
2 Lakeville 2 Borough's
1 Thors 3 Lakeville 3 Borough's 1 Milwaukee
2 Dogs on the Run 0 Inland Empire
0 - 0 -
2 Dogs on the Run 2 Inland Empire

DMZ XXX 4 - 0 Borough's Battalion

Rookie .75 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Steelflex 2 Steelflex ? Visalia 3 phila. 2 phila.
3 Visalia ? Geo Bahn 0 St.Louis
1 New Taipei 1 Cape Cod
2 Visalia 4 Visalia 1 phila. 2 St.Louis
1 Chicago 4 Geo Bahn
0 Paris 0 Screamville
2 Yonkers 2 Yonkers 1 Boston 2 Boston
3 Chicago 3 Geo Bahn
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Geo Bahn

Visalia Rawhide 0 - 4 Geo Bahn Rock Hounds PCK

Rookie .76 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Alexandria 3 Alexandria ? Alexandria 3 Inland Empire 2 Inland Empire
0 Wilkesboro ? Inland Empire 0 world class son
0 Los Angeles 0 Hilton Head Island
2 Wilkesboro 4 Alexandria 4 Inland Empire 2 world class son
0 Gallipolis 0 Chernobyl
2 Gallipolis 0 San Diego
0 Tampa Bay 3 Gallipolis 3 Chernobyl 2 Chernobyl
2 Boston 1 Raleigh
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Raleigh

Alexandria Astronauts 4 - 3 Inland Empire 66ers

Rookie .77 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Massachusetts 3 Massachusetts ? Massachusetts 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
1 Greenfield ? Toronto 0 Cottage Grove
0 Orlando 2 Cottage Grove
2 Greenfield 4 Massachusetts 4 Toronto 0 South Gate
0 Wautoma 3 Enid
0 Richmond 1 Asheville
2 Daegu 1 Daegu 3 Enid 2 Enid
3 Wautoma 1 Washington
0 - 0 -
2 Wautoma 2 Washington

Massachusetts Metropolitans 1 - 4 Toronto Stinkbombs

Rookie .78 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 3 Shendo 2 Shendo
0 Atlanta ? Shendo 0 New Orleans
2 Atlanta 2 New Orleans
1 Washington 4 Los Angeles 4 Shendo 0 CSUSB
0 MO 0 WU
0 Busan 2 WU
2 London 1 London 3 WU 0 Pearland
3 MO 0 korea
0 - 0 -
2 MO 2 korea

Los Angeles Steamrollers 3 - 4 Shendo Reapers

Rookie .79 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 3 Wangoom 2 Wangoom
0 Bricktown ? Wangoom 0 Rangeley
1 Huntsville 2 Rangeley
2 Bricktown 4 Boston 4 Wangoom 1 Bangkok
0 Rome 0 Yong
2 Cable 0 Brian Damage
1 Ft. Worth 1 Cable 0 Santo Domingo 2 Santo Domingo
3 Rome 3 Yong
0 - 0 -
2 Rome 2 Yong

Boston Billythekid1701s 1 - 4 Wangoom Goomers

Rookie .80 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Cleveland 3 Hollywood 2 Hollywood
1 Hawaii ? Hollywood 1 Shoreline
1 Westminster 2 Shoreline
2 Hawaii 4 Cleveland 4 Hollywood 1 San Clemente
0 St. Catharines 2 San Diego
0 Aggregate 2 Oklahoma City
2 St. Catharines 3 St. Catharines 2 Oklahoma City 1 Tampabay
1 The Colony 3 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 The Colony 2 San Diego

Cleveland Locomotives 4 - 0 Hollywood No Sox

Rookie .81 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mendham 1 Mendham ? London 3 Hickory 2 Hickory
3 London ? Hickory 1 Pittsfield
0 Chanhassen 1 Laval
2 London 4 London 4 Hickory 2 Pittsfield
1 Ozark 0 Snaggle
2 Pittsburgh 2 Snaggle
0 Lexington 2 Pittsburgh 3 Snaggle 1 Cicero
3 Ozark 0 Night City
0 - 0 -
2 Ozark 2 Night City

London Outlaws 1 - 4 Hickory Crawdads

Rookie .82 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Birmingham 3 Birmingham ? Inland Empire 3 Goodview 2 Goodview
0 Medieval ? Norfolk 1 Summerville
1 Worcester 0 Chatham-Kent
2 Medieval 1 Birmingham 0 Goodview 2 Summerville
4 Inland Empire 4 Norfolk
1 Westminster 0 Monterey
2 Inland Empire 3 Inland Empire 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
0 Laredo 3 Norfolk
0 - 0 -
2 Laredo 2 Norfolk

Inland Empire 66ers 1 - 4 Norfolk Toxic River Rats

Rookie .83 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flagstaff 3 Flagstaff ? Flagstaff 1 Notre Dame 2 Notre Dame
1 Angels ? Prosper 3 Charleston
1 Wheaton-Glenmont 1 Jackson
2 Angels 4 Flagstaff 2 Charleston 2 Charleston
0 St Tropez 4 Prosper
1 Houston 2 Peoria
2 St Tropez 3 St Tropez 0 Peoria 0 Boise
2 San Juan 3 Prosper
0 - 0 -
2 San Juan 2 Prosper

Flagstaff River Bandits 4 - 1 Prosper Hogs

Rookie .84 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rockville 2 Rockville ? Empire 3 Columbia 2 Columbia
3 Empire ? Columbia 1 Seoul
2 Empire 1 Brooklyn
0 Fountain City 4 Empire 4 Columbia 2 Seoul
3 Northville 2 Motor City
0 SK 1 Roswell
2 Northville 3 Northville 1 d 2 d
2 Bismarck 3 Motor City
0 - 0 -
2 Bismarck 2 Motor City

Empire Dunes 4 - 0 Columbia Lightning

Rookie .85 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 H-Town 2 H-Town ? Los Banos 3 Prince Edward County 2 Prince Edward County
3 Midnite ? Prince Edward County 0 Royam
2 Midnite 1 Phoenix
1 Olympique 3 Midnite 4 Prince Edward County 2 Royam
4 Los Banos 2 Chicago
1 Buffalo 2 Ballville
2 Dallas 0 Dallas 0 Ballville 1 Sterling Heights
3 Los Banos 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Los Banos 2 Chicago

Los Banos Yellow Jackets 0 - 4 Prince Edward County Monikers

Rookie .86 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stockton 3 Stockton ? Stockton 2 Charleston 2 Charleston
1 Alton ? Oklahoma City 3 Oklahoma City
1 Norfolk 2 Oklahoma City
2 Alton 4 Stockton 4 Oklahoma City 1 Los Angeles
2 Mill Creek 1 Loomis
1 West Virginia 2 Loomis
2 Mill Creek 3 Mill Creek 3 Loomis 1 London
2 Orange County 1 Long Island
0 - 0 -
2 Orange County 2 Long Island

Stockton Fighting Asparagus 4 - 2 Oklahoma City Baseball Club

Rookie .87 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ogallala 3 Ogallala ? Toms River 3 Greenville 2 Greenville
0 Bearickson ? Greenville 0 Aliso Viejo
2 Bearickson 1 Springfield
0 Seattle 1 Ogallala 4 Greenville 2 Aliso Viejo
4 Toms River 2 Orem
0 Cincinnati 0 Grapevine
2 Shoreline 0 Shoreline 2 PJerv 2 PJerv
3 Toms River 3 Orem
0 - 0 -
2 Toms River 2 Orem

Toms River Weirdos 4 - 3 Greenville Seals

Rookie .88 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ocean City 3 Ocean City ? Ocean City 3 Seattle 2 Seattle
0 Quebec City ? Seattle 0 New Milford
0 Circle City 1 Chicopee
2 Quebec City 4 Ocean City 4 Seattle 2 New Milford
3 Silver Spring 0 San Antonio
0 Mustang 2 San Antonio
2 Corona 0 Corona 3 San Antonio 1 Shreveport
3 Silver Spring 2 Delhi
0 - 0 -
2 Silver Spring 2 Delhi

Ocean City Crab Rave 2 - 4 Seattle Sea Men

Rookie .89 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Catharines 3 St. Catharines ? Austin 3 Franconia 2 Franconia
2 Sheboygan ? Franconia 0 Tottenham
0 Lotte Giants 2 Tottenham
2 Sheboygan 1 St. Catharines 4 Franconia 1 Riverside
4 Austin 0 Unfrozen
2 Chalco 1 Ceres
0 North Bergen 1 Chalco 1 Salem 2 Salem
3 Austin 3 Unfrozen
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 2 Unfrozen

Austin Senators 0 - 4 Franconia Brigands

Rookie .90 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bloomfield 2 Bloomfield ? Texas 3 Huntington 2 Huntington
3 Texas ? Huntington 2 Taipei
2 Texas 2 Taipei
0 Bavaria 4 Texas 4 Huntington 1 Campbell
3 Providence 2 Ludlow
2 Henderson 2 Richmond
0 ROKA 2 Henderson 0 Richmond 0 Louisville
3 Providence 3 Ludlow
0 - 0 -
2 Providence 2 Ludlow

Texas WhiteBlack 0 - 4 Huntington NighTrains

Rookie .91 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 3 Amarillo 2 Amarillo
1 Las Vegas ? Amarillo 2 Saint Charles
0 London 1 Keebler
2 Las Vegas 4 Boston 4 Amarillo 2 Saint Charles
0 Oakland 2 Mt. Lebanon
0 East Shire 0 Holtsville
2 Oakland 3 Oakland 2 Valley Grove 2 Valley Grove
2 Super 3 Mt. Lebanon
0 - 0 -
2 Super 2 Mt. Lebanon

Boston Mavericks 4 - 0 Amarillo Blue Chips

Rookie .92 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bartlesville 1 Bartlesville ? Mississauga 1 Oklahoma City 2 Oklahoma City
3 Edmonton ? Bolingbrook 3 Bolingbrook
0 Humongous 0 Tokyo
2 Edmonton 3 Edmonton 4 Bolingbrook 2 Bolingbrook
4 Mississauga 1 Hollywood
0 Las Vegas 1 Tampa
2 Mississauga 3 Mississauga 2 Gotham 2 Gotham
2 Montana 3 Hollywood
0 - 0 -
2 Montana 2 Hollywood

Mississauga Carnivores 3 - 4 Bolingbrook Baycats

Rookie .93 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Montreal ? Vancouver 3 LemonGrove 2 LemonGrove
3 Vancouver ? LemonGrove 0 Homers
0 Annapolis 2 Homers
2 Vancouver 4 Vancouver 4 LemonGrove 1 Covington
3 Fairview Heights 3 National
2 Israel 0 Winnipeg
1 Seoul 0 Israel 3 National 2 National
3 Fairview Heights 1 Savannah
0 - 0 -
2 Fairview Heights 2 Savannah

Vancouver Knights 0 - 4 LemonGrove Legends

Rookie .94 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cape May 3 Cape May ? Cape May 1 Shenandoah 2 Shenandoah
1 Marietta ? Melbourne 3 Downey
0 Gilbert 2 Downey
2 Marietta 4 Cape May 1 Downey 1 Toronto
2 Brighton 4 Melbourne
1 West Jordan 2 Wausau
2 Brighton 3 Brighton 1 Wausau 0 Binghamton
1 Fontana 3 Melbourne
0 - 0 -
2 Fontana 2 Melbourne

Cape May Lima Beans 3 - 4 Melbourne Marshmallows

Rookie .95 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Federal Way 3 Federal Way ? Inland Empire 3 Monroe 2 Monroe
0 Asan ? Monroe 1 Ottawa
2 Asan 1 Varennes
0 Perth 1 Federal Way 4 Monroe 2 Ottawa
4 Inland Empire 1 Pflugerville
2 San Diego 2 Pflugerville
1 Botticino 0 San Diego 3 Pflugerville 1 Texas
3 Inland Empire 1 Earthling
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 Earthling

Inland Empire 66ers 2 - 4 Monroe OliPetes

Rookie .96 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Range 3 South Range ? South Range 3 Marlette 2 Marlette
2 Effingham ? Marlette 0 Ishpeming
1 Cleveland 0 Detroit
2 Effingham 4 South Range 4 Marlette 2 Ishpeming
2 Brooklyn 2 Vanderbilt
2 Chicago 0 ATL
1 SF Gigantes TTC 1 Chicago 3 Vanderbilt 2 Vanderbilt
3 Brooklyn 2 Kalinin
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Kalinin

South Range Miners 4 - 1 Marlette Trailer Trash

Rookie .97 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 3 Tampa Bay ? Freddy's 3 Taipei 2 Taipei
2 New York ? Lake City 1 Saskatoon
0 Naperville 0 Belleville
2 New York 3 Tampa Bay 3 Taipei 2 Saskatoon
4 Freddy's 4 Lake City
2 Cedar Rapids 2 Dallas
0 Hallandale 0 Cedar Rapids 1 Dallas 1 Kingsville
3 Freddy's 3 Lake City
0 - 0 -
2 Freddy's 2 Lake City

Freddy's Free Men 0 - 4 Lake City Lakers

Rookie .98 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oregon State 1 Oregon State ? Jacksonville 3 Pekin 2 Pekin
3 JEJU ? Pekin 0 Silver City
2 JEJU 1 Long Beach
1 Chicago 2 JEJU 4 Pekin 2 Silver City
4 Jacksonville 2 Holyoke
1 Elm Street 0 Gunter
2 Kissimmee 1 Kissimmee 2 Hanover 2 Hanover
3 Jacksonville 3 Holyoke
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 2 Holyoke

Jacksonville Big Kitties 1 - 4 Pekin Spiders

Rookie .99 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boone 3 Boone ? Austin 3 Scranton 2 Scranton
0 East Point ? Chicago 1 West Coast
2 East Point 1 Colorado Springs
1 BaBa 1 Boone 3 Scranton 2 West Coast
4 Austin 4 Chicago
0 Cypress 0 Davis
2 Austin 3 Austin 2 Hallandale 2 Hallandale
1 North Canton 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 North Canton 2 Chicago

Austin Weirdos 3 - 4 Chicago Dogs