Perfect .400 - Perfect Leagues - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florence 3 Florence ? Elysian Fields 2 Delco 2 Delco
0 Seoul Pawsox ? Ottawa 3 Ottawa
0 Perugia 1 Molnlycke
2 Seoul Pawsox 3 Florence 4 Ottawa 2 Ottawa
4 Elysian Fields 0 Maple
1 Konoha 1 Orlando
2 Madison 1 Madison 3 Maple 2 Maple
3 Elysian Fields 2 False
0 - 0 -
2 Elysian Fields 2 False

Elysian Fields Nine 4 - 3 Ottawa HammerhE6ds

Diamond .350 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vlad News 3 Vlad News ? Vlad News 2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
1 Virginia Tech ? Reno 3 Reno
1 Nobody is Home 0 New Castle
2 Virginia Tech 4 Vlad News 4 Reno 2 Reno
1 Boston 3 AW
2 Boston 2 Sundown
1 Dorset 3 Boston 2 Sundown 1 SD
1 Las Vegas 3 AW
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 2 AW

Vlad News Bears 4 - 2 Reno Buckaroo Bokais

Diamond .351 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sharpstown 3 Sharpstown ? Cardiff 3 Victory City 2 Victory City
0 St. Lucia ? East Troy 1 Abbott Station
0 New York 2 Abbott Station
2 St. Lucia 2 Sharpstown 3 Victory City 0 Hudson
4 Cardiff 4 East Troy
2 Jackpine 2 Novesia
1 Watch Hill 1 Jackpine 2 Novesia 1 Shartlesville
3 Cardiff 3 East Troy
0 - 0 -
2 Cardiff 2 East Troy

Cardiff Kooks 0 - 4 East Troy Trojans

Diamond .352 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Castroville 2 Castroville ? Sno Co 3 South Philly 2 South Philly
3 Manchester ? San Angleo 0 Osgoode
0 Providence 0 Rosie's
2 Manchester 1 Manchester 2 South Philly 2 Osgoode
4 Sno Co 4 San Angleo
2 Sno Co 0 Belmont
1 South Side 3 Sno Co 3 San Angleo 2 San Angleo
1 North York 1 Idaho
0 - 0 -
2 North York 2 Idaho

Sno Co Flow 4 - 0 San Angleo Dr. Tiger

Diamond .353 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 3 Tampa Bay ? WHO 3 Danville 2 Danville
0 EVCs ? Budapest 2 Blanton
2 EVCs 0 Austin
1 Triad 1 Tampa Bay 3 Danville 2 Blanton
4 WHO 4 Budapest
2 Blackburn 2 Bemidji
1 Madison 1 Blackburn 0 Bemidji 1 Bear Mountain
3 WHO 3 Budapest
0 - 0 -
2 WHO 2 Budapest

WHO CARES 4 - 0 Budapest Red Devils

Diamond .354 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albany 2 Albany ? Miami 2 Malazan 2 Malazan
3 Miami ? Hopkinton 3 Chicago
0 Round Rock 2 Chicago
2 Miami 4 Miami 2 Chicago 1 Marana
2 Chicago 4 Hopkinton
2 Chicago 2 Richmond
0 Hart Dungeon 3 Chicago 1 Richmond 0 Oceanside
2 Texas 3 Hopkinton
0 - 0 -
2 Texas 2 Hopkinton

Miami Auto Pilots 4 - 1 Hopkinton Hillers

Diamond .355 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Koreatown 3 Koreatown ? Koreatown 1 San Luis 2 San Luis
0 Mississauga ? Toms River 3 Toms River
2 Mississauga 2 Toms River
1 Greendale 4 Koreatown 4 Toms River 0 Gouverneur
0 Kansas City 2 New York
1 Cleveland 2 New York
2 Kansas City 3 Kansas City 3 New York 0 Webster Groves
1 Chattanooga 1 Stanislaus
0 - 0 -
2 Chattanooga 2 Stanislaus

Koreatown Oscillators 4 - 1 Toms River Barons

Diamond .356 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 3 St. Louis ? St. Louis 1 Durham 2 Durham
0 Sixes ? Mogadishu 3 Tortilla
0 Oakland 0 The Big
2 Sixes 4 St. Louis 1 Tortilla 2 Tortilla
1 Reading 4 Mogadishu
2 London 2 Mogadishu
1 John Ford's 1 London 3 Mogadishu 0 Kitchener
3 Reading 1 Lakewood
0 - 0 -
2 Reading 2 Lakewood

St. Louis Cardinals 3 - 4 Mogadishu Pirates

Diamond .357 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Great Lakes 2 Great Lakes ? Pawtucket 3 Maryland 2 Maryland
3 Brooklyn ? Silicon Valley 1 Lemont
0 Strickland 2 Lemont
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn 3 Maryland 1 Berlin
4 Pawtucket 4 Silicon Valley
2 Carolina 2 Arlington
0 South Orange 1 Carolina 1 Arlington 1 Moose Ratpigs
3 Pawtucket 3 Silicon Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Pawtucket 2 Silicon Valley

Pawtucket Poets 1 - 4 Silicon Valley Outlaws TBD

Diamond .358 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 3 Seoul ? Seoul 3 North American 2 North American
1 Las Vegas ? Indianapolis 1 Buffalo
1 Grand Rapids 1 Long Beach St.
2 Las Vegas 4 Seoul 0 North American 2 Buffalo
1 Nashua 4 Indianapolis
2 Nashua 0 Lakeview
0 Combinator 3 Nashua 3 Indianapolis 2 Indianapolis
1 New Jersey 1 Indiana
0 - 0 -
2 New Jersey 2 Indiana

Seoul Eagles 4 - 2 Indianapolis Doubleheaders

Diamond .359 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gotti Garden 3 Gotti Garden ? Phoenix 3 Conneaut Lake 2 Conneaut Lake
0 Marshall ? Conneaut Lake 1 Dude
2 Marshall 0 Mount Pleasant
1 Crozet 2 Gotti Garden 4 Conneaut Lake 2 Dude
4 Phoenix 1 Erie
2 Phoenix 0 Meaty
1 Adirondack 3 Phoenix 2 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
0 Portland 3 Erie
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 Erie

Phoenix Snow Birds 2 - 4 Conneaut Lake Otters - HotL

Diamond .360 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 3 Charlotte ? Charlotte 0 Edinburgh 2 Edinburgh
2 Sacramento ? UCLA 3 UCLA
2 Sacramento 2 UCLA
1 Tartarian 4 Charlotte 4 UCLA 1 Lynnwood
1 Arlington 1 Ozark
1 Queso 0 Peninsula
2 Forest Hills 0 Forest Hills 1 Ravenna 2 Ravenna
3 Arlington 3 Ozark
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 2 Ozark

Charlotte Stone Crabs 4 - 2 UCLA Bruins - BFF

Diamond .361 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newton 2 Newton ? Lagos 3 West Hartford 2 West Hartford
3 Lagos ? West Hartford 1 Florida
0 Griffin 1 No idea
2 Lagos 4 Lagos 4 West Hartford 2 Florida
2 Southside 3 Free
2 Miami 0 St. Louis
1 Troy 1 Miami 0 Mesquite 2 Mesquite
3 Southside 3 Free
0 - 0 -
2 Southside 2 Free

Lagos Lions 2 - 4 West Hartford Max Oysters

Gold .300 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 3 Sporting 2 Sporting
2 Gotham ? Sporting 0 Discovery Bay
2 Gotham 0 Pendle Hill
1 Mahomet 4 Chicago 4 Sporting 2 Discovery Bay
3 Big D's 1 Chicago
2 South Georgia 0 London
0 Matsue 2 South Georgia 1 Kingston 2 Kingston
3 Big D's 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Big D's 2 Chicago

Chicago Shamrocks 2 - 4 Sporting Hill

Gold .301 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tidewater 3 Tidewater ? Tidewater 3 Grants Pass 2 Grants Pass
2 Seoul ? Haverhill 2 asuna
2 Seoul 2 asuna
0 Springfield 4 Tidewater 2 Grants Pass 1 DBlock's
0 Buckroe Beach 4 Haverhill
2 Buckroe Beach 0 Sugar Land
0 Kingston 3 Buckroe Beach 2 Stockton 2 Stockton
2 Ypsi 3 Haverhill
0 - 0 -
2 Ypsi 2 Haverhill

Tidewater Mets 4 - 1 Haverhill Hillies

Gold .302 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Zealand 3 New Zealand ? New Zealand 3 Foxhill 2 Foxhill
0 North Park ? OBR 0 Thixton
2 North Park 0 Milford
1 North Forest 4 New Zealand 0 Foxhill 2 Thixton
0 Fort Collins 4 OBR
2 Oregon 2 Seattle
1 Rochester 1 Oregon 0 Seattle 0 Bloomington
3 Fort Collins 3 OBR
0 - 0 -
2 Fort Collins 2 OBR

New Zealand Breaks 4 - 1 OBR Giants

Gold .303 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle F2P 3 Seattle F2P ? Cincinatti 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
0 Scranton ? Detroit 2 Howell
1 Edo 0 Montreal
2 Scranton 2 Seattle F2P 4 Detroit 2 Howell
4 Cincinatti 1 Sunnyvale
2 Fargo 0 Chesapeake Bay
1 Kentwood 2 Fargo 1 Philly 2 Philly
3 Cincinatti 3 Sunnyvale
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinatti 2 Sunnyvale

Cincinatti Riots 2 - 4 Detroit Demons

Gold .304 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rhode 3 Rhode ? Rhode 3 Paper St. 2 Paper St.
0 Elmhurst ? Paper St. 1 Takoma Park
0 Vanilla Theis Theis 2 Takoma Park
2 Elmhurst 4 Rhode 4 Paper St. 1 Scranton
0 Alamogordo 0 Crystal Beach
2 Alamogordo 1 St. Louis
1 Clockwork 3 Alamogordo 3 Crystal Beach 2 Crystal Beach
2 Little Lebowski 1 Bri's
0 - 0 -
2 Little Lebowski 2 Bri's

Rhode Sodas 4 - 3 Paper St. Soap Co.

Gold .305 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los 3 Los ? Los 3 Echo Park 2 Echo Park
2 Auburn ? Echo Park 1 Sydney
2 Auburn 0 Melmond
1 Pulaski 4 Los 4 Echo Park 2 Sydney
1 Beckley 3 Aberdeen
1 Puyallup 0 Palatine
2 Aumsville 0 Aumsville 2 Coffeeville 2 Coffeeville
3 Beckley 3 Aberdeen
0 - 0 -
2 Beckley 2 Aberdeen

Los Chingones 4 - 0 Echo Park Princes

Gold .306 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 1st Class 2 1st Class ? Adidas 1 Quito 2 Quito
3 Adidas ? Winnipeg 3 Elam
2 Adidas 1 Brevard
0 Pug City 4 Adidas 2 Elam 2 Elam
1 Prague 4 Winnipeg
2 Mississauga 2 Lightmoons
1 Firenze 1 Mississauga 2 Lightmoons 0 Lost Lake
3 Prague 3 Winnipeg
0 - 0 -
2 Prague 2 Winnipeg

Adidas Nylon Pants 3 - 4 Winnipeg Blue Bombers

Gold .307 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tuscaloosa 3 Tuscaloosa ? Tuscaloosa 0 Portland 2 Portland
1 Angus ? Itealo 3 Itealo
0 Brockport 2 Itealo
2 Angus 4 Tuscaloosa 4 Itealo 1 Toronto
2 Linden 2 Los Angeles
2 Kansas City 2 Ijui
1 Hunter S 0 Kansas City 1 Ijui 1 Albany-Colonie
3 Linden 3 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 Linden 2 Los Angeles

Tuscaloosa Tacos 0 - 4 Itealo GameGetters

Gold .308 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wichita 3 Wichita ? Wichita 1 Torrance 2 Torrance
0 Trois-Rivieres ? WV 3 WV
0 New Bern 1 EAGLES
2 Trois-Rivieres 4 Wichita 4 WV 2 WV
3 Eirlog 1 Berlin
1 Herrin 0 Tionesta
2 Eirlog 3 Eirlog 3 Berlin 2 Berlin
0 SG 1 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 SG 2 Chicago

Wichita Callyourthingys 4 - 3 WV Pilots

Gold .309 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Samsung 3 Samsung ? Aliquippa 1 Dukes 2 Dukes
1 Gotham ? Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn
2 Gotham 0 Bowie
1 Montreal 0 Samsung 4 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
4 Aliquippa 3 Lonely Island
1 Rock 1 Cranberry
2 Aliquippa 3 Aliquippa 1 Pecatonica 2 Pecatonica
1 Rural 3 Lonely Island
0 - 0 -
2 Rural 2 Lonely Island

Aliquippa Quips 1 - 4 Brooklyn Sailfish

Gold .310 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 McLeod Hill 3 McLeod Hill ? McLeod Hill 3 Everett 2 Everett
2 Orlando ? Everett 1 Granville
0 Beachside 0 Twin Peaks
2 Orlando 4 McLeod Hill 4 Everett 2 Granville
0 Doha 2 Gabby Street
1 Numenor 0 Lavaridge
2 Iowa 1 Iowa 3 Gabby Street 2 Gabby Street
3 Doha 0 Cibao
0 - 0 -
2 Doha 2 Cibao

McLeod Hill Maruaders 3 - 4 Everett Aqua Sox

Gold .311 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chrome City 0 Chrome City ? Lamorinda 3 High Prairie 2 High Prairie
3 Lamorinda ? High Prairie 2 Davidson
2 Lamorinda 1 Allston
0 Reno 4 Lamorinda 4 High Prairie 2 Davidson
2 Oxford 1 Henry
2 Oxford 2 Henry
0 WV 1 Oxford 3 Henry 1 Buffalo
3 Oxford 1 Walter's
0 - 0 -
2 Oxford 2 Walter's

Lamorinda Starcrushers TBD 4 - 0 High Prairie Sting

Gold .312 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sykesville 3 Sykesville ? Santa Barbara 3 KIA 2 KIA
0 Experiment ? KIA 2 Nottingham
0 Cobson 2 Nottingham
2 Experiment 3 Sykesville 4 KIA 1 Portsmouth
4 Santa Barbara 3 Espresso
2 St Louis 1 St. Louis
0 Wolcott 0 St Louis 3 Espresso 2 Espresso
3 Santa Barbara 2 Outer Rim
0 - 0 -
2 Santa Barbara 2 Outer Rim

Santa Barbara Mapachos 0 - 4 KIA Tigers

Gold .313 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Carolina 3 Carolina ? Huntsville 3 Bremerton 2 Bremerton
2 HHs ? Dry Creek 0 Brookfield
2 HHs 1 Wax'n
0 Action Heights 0 Carolina 1 Bremerton 2 Brookfield
4 Huntsville 4 Dry Creek
2 Seattle 2 Sendai
0 Gwang-Ju 0 Seattle 1 Sendai 0 HH
3 Huntsville 3 Dry Creek
0 - 0 -
2 Huntsville 2 Dry Creek

Huntsville Stars 1 - 4 Dry Creek Craw Daddies

Gold .314 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Upper West Side 0 Upper West Side ? Bruzziville 3 Trestle Mountain 2 Trestle Mountain
3 RPI ? Trestle Mountain 0 U.P.
2 RPI 1 Lawrence
0 Toledo 2 RPI 4 Trestle Mountain 2 U.P.
4 Bruzziville 1 Low Country
0 Pennsyltucky 0 Brooklyn
2 Love 1 Love 3 Low Country 2 Low Country
3 Bruzziville 0 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Bruzziville 2 Montreal

Bruzziville Bruzzi Blockers 4 - 1 Trestle Mountain Brakemen

Gold .315 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winter Garden 1 Winter Garden ? Charleston 3 Summerglen 2 Summerglen
3 Charleston ? Tampa Bay 1 Manchester
1 Westwood 0 Gorpo
2 Charleston 4 Charleston 1 Summerglen 2 Manchester
0 Indiana 4 Tampa Bay
2 Austin 2 Tampa Bay
0 West Valley 1 Austin 3 Tampa Bay 0 Harrisburg
3 Indiana 0 Back Alley
0 - 0 -
2 Indiana 2 Back Alley

Charleston Thunder 4 - 0 Tampa Bay Frozen Ropes

Gold .316 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quindio 3 Quindio ? Quindio 0 Anchorage 2 Anchorage
1 Bellevue ? Totskoye 3 Diosd
0 Carolina 0 I-75
2 Bellevue 4 Quindio 2 Diosd 2 Diosd
3 New York 4 Totskoye
0 Seattle 0 Milton-Freewater
2 Toronto 0 Toronto 1 Duluth 2 Duluth
3 New York 3 Totskoye
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Totskoye

Quindio Capybara 2 - 4 Totskoye Nuclear Bears

Gold .317 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mizzou 3 Mizzou ? Mizzou 3 Boston 2 Boston
2 Delaware ? DFW 2 Shoemaker
2 Delaware 0 Seattle
1 Raheny 4 Mizzou 2 Boston 2 Shoemaker
2 Cleveland 4 DFW
1 Battle Creek 2 Fayetteville
2 Ellisville 0 Ellisville 1 Fayetteville 1 Seattle
3 Cleveland 3 DFW
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 DFW

Mizzou YakAnglers 0 - 4 DFW Dirtbags

Gold .318 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boise 3 Boise ? Boise 3 AW 2 AW
2 Xanadu ? AW 2 Puget Sound
2 Xanadu 2 Puget Sound
1 Archers 4 Boise 4 AW 1 Ravencrest
0 Wichita 2 Winnipeg
1 Krakow 1 Chapel Hill
2 Wichita 3 Wichita 0 Salisbury 2 Salisbury
1 Augusta 3 Winnipeg
0 - 0 -
2 Augusta 2 Winnipeg

Boise Hawks 2 - 4 AW Bees PCK

Gold .319 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wash Park 3 Wash Park ? Wash Park 1 Clarkston 2 Clarkston
0 LG ? Green 3 Green
1 Charlotte 1 New Haven
2 LG 4 Wash Park 4 Green 2 Green
3 Queens 3 Portland Valley
0 Buford 0 San Jose
2 Queens 3 Queens 2 Sheffield 2 Sheffield
1 Washington 3 Portland Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Portland Valley

Wash Park Rangers 1 - 4 Green Dirigibles

Gold .320 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Poughkeepsie 3 Poughkeepsie ? New Orleans 3 Camden 2 Camden
1 Everett ? Camden 0 Swamp Castle
0 Oklahoma City 0 Bamberg
2 Everett 2 Poughkeepsie 4 Camden 2 Swamp Castle
4 New Orleans 2 Asheville
1 MostSouthPlayer 0 Punxsutawney
2 Gimme 0 Gimme 3 Asheville 2 Asheville
3 New Orleans 1 Moon
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 2 Moon

New Orleans Brees 4 - 3 Camden New Jerseys

Gold .321 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Utica 2 Utica ? The Only 3 Canterbury 2 Canterbury
3 The Only ? Canterbury 1 Antarctic
2 The Only 2 Antarctic
0 Stuyvesant 4 The Only 4 Canterbury 1 Hakodate
3 Wilmington 3 Moreno Valley
2 Wilmington 1 Wichita
0 Charlotte 3 Wilmington 0 Newfoundland 2 Newfoundland
0 North Druid Hills 3 Moreno Valley
0 - 0 -
2 North Druid Hills 2 Moreno Valley

The Only Smith 4 - 3 Canterbury Tails

Gold .322 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Downy Town 3 Downy Town ? Portland 1 Point Roberts 2 Point Roberts
0 Winnipesaukee ? Powerful 3 Strongest
1 Los Angeles 1 Brighton
2 Winnipesaukee 0 Downy Town 2 Strongest 2 Strongest
4 Portland 4 Powerful
2 In the Mood for Love 0 Doosan
1 Texas 2 In the Mood for Love 3 Powerful 2 Powerful
3 Portland 1 Sydney (HotL)
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 Sydney (HotL)

Portland Bomb Squad 2 - 4 Powerful Tulips

Gold .323 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Beantown 2 Beantown ? Minglewood 3 Teetoo 2 Teetoo
3 Minglewood ? Team 0 Everett
0 Straw 2 Everett
2 Minglewood 4 Minglewood 3 Teetoo 1 Pretty
1 SK 4 Team
1 Kabul 1 Plymouth
2 Aussie 1 Aussie 2 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
3 SK 3 Team
0 - 0 -
2 SK 2 Team

Minglewood Warlocks 1 - 4 Team Ramrod

Gold .324 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Beantown 3 Beantown ? Beantown 3 Novi 2 Novi
2 Bethlehem ? Novi 1 Montreal
1 Orlando 2 Montreal
2 Bethlehem 4 Beantown 4 Novi 0 Boro
2 Rancho Bernardo 3 Suburbia
2 Seaholme 2 Trollskull Alley
0 Riverbend 0 Seaholme 1 Trollskull Alley 1 South Park
3 Rancho Bernardo 3 Suburbia
0 - 0 -
2 Rancho Bernardo 2 Suburbia

Beantown Cheapskates 3 - 4 Novi Expos

Silver .250 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 KwH 3 KwH ? Rockton 3 Carlton 2 Carlton
1 San Diego ? Carlton 2 Pembroke
1 Santa Ana 1 Canonsburg
2 San Diego 1 KwH 4 Carlton 2 Pembroke
4 Rockton 0 Ottawa River
1 Seoul 2 St. Louis
2 Oakgrove 1 Oakgrove 1 St. Louis 0 Wildwood
3 Rockton 3 Ottawa River
0 - 0 -
2 Rockton 2 Ottawa River

Rockton Red Team 4 - 1 Carlton Leafs

Silver .251 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seosan 3 Seosan ? Seosan 2 Buffalo Grove 2 Buffalo Grove
1 Arizona ? Seal Beach 3 Seal Beach
2 Arizona 2 Seal Beach
1 Surrey 4 Seosan 4 Seal Beach 0 Akron
2 The Dancing 1 Richmond VA
0 San Leandro 0 Miami
2 Barcelona 1 Barcelona 0 Galveston 2 Galveston
3 The Dancing 3 Richmond VA
0 - 0 -
2 The Dancing 2 Richmond VA

Seosan Wonil 4 - 3 Seal Beach Seals

Silver .252 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dunwich 3 Dunwich ? Dunwich 0 AM 2 AM
1 Boston ? Glendale 3 Dayton
1 Maynard 1 Backwood
2 Boston 4 Dunwich 2 Dayton 2 Dayton
1 Barstow 4 Glendale
1 Sugarland 1 Eugene
2 Olathe 2 Olathe 3 Glendale 2 Glendale
3 Barstow 0 Long Island
0 - 0 -
2 Barstow 2 Long Island

Dunwich Horror 4 - 2 Glendale Mafia

Silver .253 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gamehendge 3 Gamehendge ? Cleveland 2 Central Arkansas 2 Central Arkansas
0 Boise ? Burlington 3 Burlington
2 Boise 1 San Antonio
0 Las Vegas 1 Gamehendge 4 Burlington 2 Burlington
4 Cleveland 3 Ritzville
1 Ft Bend 2 Ritzville
2 Oceanside 0 Oceanside 3 Ritzville 0 Lexington
3 Cleveland 0 Commando's
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 Commando's

Cleveland Spiders 3 - 4 Burlington Silver Stars TBD

Silver .254 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edinburgh 1 Edinburgh ? Fargo 3 Misterville 2 Misterville
3 Fargo ? Rowlett 0 The Carolina
2 Fargo 1 I'm Just Here
1 El Dorado Hills 4 Fargo 1 Misterville 2 The Carolina
2 Motor City 4 Rowlett
1 Oregon 2 Connecticut
2 Motor City 3 Motor City 1 Connecticut 1 Willsboro
1 ADub's 3 Rowlett
0 - 0 -
2 ADub's 2 Rowlett

Fargo Fargonians 4 - 2 Rowlett Black Knights

Silver .255 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Yukon 2 Yukon ? Salt Lake City 0 OKOTOKS 2 OKOTOKS
3 Salt Lake City ? Otto Mack 3 SankoSlicko
2 Salt Lake City 0 ER
0 San Diego 4 Salt Lake City 3 SankoSlicko 2 SankoSlicko
0 El Dorado Hills 4 Otto Mack
2 El Dorado Hills 0 Dukes
0 Preston 3 El Dorado Hills 3 Otto Mack 2 Otto Mack
1 Cudahy 1 FCC
0 - 0 -
2 Cudahy 2 FCC

Salt Lake City Invaders 3 - 4 Otto Mack Anchors

Silver .256 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rockwall 3 Rockwall ? Rockwall 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Blue ? California 0 Smyrna
1 Alberta 1 Bristol
2 Blue 4 Rockwall 3 Chicago 2 Smyrna
2 Federal Way 4 California
2 Federal Way 1 Helsinki
1 Seidler's 3 Federal Way 2 Wonju 2 Wonju
2 Auburn 3 California
0 - 0 -
2 Auburn 2 California

Rockwall Ranging Bolls 4 - 3 California Halos

Silver .257 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fairyland 3 Fairyland ? Fairyland 3 Covington 2 Covington
2 Pawtucket ? Toronto 1 Hololive
1 Champaign 0 Detour
2 Pawtucket 4 Fairyland 2 Covington 2 Hololive
0 Punahou 4 Toronto
1 Lenoir 1 Walrustown
2 Punahou 3 Punahou 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
2 Vancouver 1 Ludlow
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Ludlow

Fairyland Bottoms 3 - 4 Toronto T-Rex

Silver .258 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Greer 3 Greer ? Amarillo 3 Grand Rapids 2 Grand Rapids
2 Kensington ? Grand Rapids 1 Winnipeg
0 Southside 0 Evansville
2 Kensington 1 Greer 4 Grand Rapids 2 Winnipeg
4 Amarillo 2 South Minneapolis
0 Sterling 2 South Minneapolis
2 New Orleans Voo Doo 2 New Orleans Voo Doo 3 South Minneapolis 1 Cleveland
3 Amarillo 1 Alabama
0 - 0 -
2 Amarillo 2 Alabama

Amarillo Armadillos 4 - 2 Grand Rapids Ghosts

Silver .259 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Indianapolis 3 Indianapolis ? North Caldwell 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
0 Salem ? Cleveland 0 San Diego
2 Salem 1 Golden
1 Sacramento 2 Indianapolis 4 Cleveland 2 San Diego
4 North Caldwell 3 Clear Spring
1 Brighton 2 Clear Spring
2 Redstone 0 Redstone 3 Clear Spring 0 Montreal
3 North Caldwell 2 Massachuetts
0 - 0 -
2 North Caldwell 2 Massachuetts

North Caldwell Bada Bings 4 - 3 Cleveland Run Prevention

Silver .260 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Greenville 0 Greenville ? Chico 3 Four Oaks 2 Four Oaks
3 Chico ? Four Oaks 1 On'na
0 Houston 0 Seatown
2 Chico 4 Chico 4 Four Oaks 2 On'na
2 Toms River 0 Winnipeg
0 Vermont 2 Winnipeg
2 Guro 2 Guro 3 Winnipeg 1 Gizzy
3 Toms River 1 Killumbus
0 - 0 -
2 Toms River 2 Killumbus

Chico Heat 4 - 1 Four Oaks Swamp Foxes

Silver .261 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newhaven 3 Newhaven ? Newhaven 3 Retroville 2 Retroville
2 Charlotte ? Retroville 2 Oakville
2 Charlotte 0 Cy Young Winner
1 Toronto 4 Newhaven 4 Retroville 2 Oakville
0 Chula Vista 3 FM
1 Waterford 2 Tantrumms
2 Chula Vista 3 Chula Vista 1 Tantrumms 0 Oak Cliff
1 Port Townsend 3 FM
0 - 0 -
2 Port Townsend 2 FM

Newhaven Pirates 4 - 0 Retroville Ultralords

Silver .262 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 3 Washington ? Washington 1 Pomu 2 Pomu
0 Ottawa ? Seattle 3 Fitchburg
0 Palm Beach 2 Fitchburg
2 Ottawa 4 Washington 2 Fitchburg 1 Sarnia
2 Acworth 4 Seattle
0 Motown 0 Sunnyvale
2 Atlanta 0 Atlanta 3 Seattle 2 Seattle
3 Acworth 0 Brunswick
0 - 0 -
2 Acworth 2 Brunswick

Washington Senators 4 - 3 Seattle Slime

Silver .263 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mullum 3 Mullum ? Monroe 3 Lotte 2 Lotte
2 Newark ? Lotte 2 Dumas
0 Wizard Wells 0 Twenty Four
2 Newark 3 Mullum 4 Lotte 2 Dumas
4 Monroe 2 Pittsburgh
0 Roswell 0 Detroit
2 New York 2 New York 3 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
3 Monroe 1 Encinitas
0 - 0 -
2 Monroe 2 Encinitas

Monroe Monks 3 - 4 Lotte Darkmatters

Silver .264 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Durham 3 Durham ? Newark 3 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
0 Narshe ? Huntington Beach 1 Noyo Bay
0 Columbus 1 Caper
2 Narshe 2 Durham 4 Huntington Beach 2 Noyo Bay
4 Newark 3 Thom's
1 Bellingham 1 Kona
2 Ethiopia 1 Ethiopia 0 Nersha 2 Nersha
3 Newark 3 Thom's
0 - 0 -
2 Newark 2 Thom's

Newark Bears 0 - 4 Huntington Beach Fightin Whites

Silver .265 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Monterrey 3 Monterrey ? Andong 1 Flint 2 Flint
2 Ferndale ? Norfolk 3 Minnesota State
0 Connecticut 2 Minnesota State
2 Ferndale 3 Monterrey 0 Minnesota State 1 Bandle City
4 Andong 4 Norfolk
1 Vancouver 1 Yuma
2 Andong 3 Andong 0 Wagstaff 2 Wagstaff
2 Twin Lakes 3 Norfolk
0 - 0 -
2 Twin Lakes 2 Norfolk

Andong Tals 4 - 2 Norfolk Lashers

Silver .266 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nafers 2 Nafers ? Korean 3 Greensboro 2 Greensboro
3 Yekaterinburg ? Greensboro 2 Mach
2 Yekaterinburg 2 Mach
1 Newark 1 Yekaterinburg 4 Greensboro 1 Corleone
4 Korean 3 Hollywood
1 Madelia 2 Hollywood
2 Lacoochee 0 Lacoochee 3 Hollywood 1 Sioux City
3 Korean 0 New Hamburg
0 - 0 -
2 Korean 2 New Hamburg

Korean josenjings 4 - 2 Greensboro Bats

Silver .267 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mile High 1 Mile High ? Scotia 1 Dry Creek 2 Dry Creek
3 Attica ? Midway 3 Central Kentucky
2 Attica 1 OK
1 Pack 2 Attica 2 Central Kentucky 2 Central Kentucky
4 Scotia 4 Midway
1 Alamo Placita 2 Bathurst
2 Bluth's 1 Bluth's 1 Bathurst 0 Colfax
3 Scotia 3 Midway
0 - 0 -
2 Scotia 2 Midway

Scotia Scooties PCK 0 - 4 Midway Defenders PCK

Silver .268 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Alphonzo's 2 St. Alphonzo's ? Reddington 3 Onondaga 2 Onondaga
3 Rootin Tootin ? West Palm Beach 1 Mocksville
2 Rootin Tootin 0 Singapore
1 Oakland 1 Rootin Tootin 2 Onondaga 2 Mocksville
4 Reddington 4 West Palm Beach
1 Milwaukee 0 Davis Junction
2 Reddington 3 Reddington 3 West Palm Beach 2 West Palm Beach
2 Anaheim 1 Pontiac PCK
0 - 0 -
2 Anaheim 2 Pontiac PCK

Reddington Red Herrings 4 - 3 West Palm Beach Bingo Stars

Silver .269 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Michigan 2 Michigan ? Asbury 1 New Zealand 2 New Zealand
3 Dreamland ? Ponderosa 3 Norview
0 Houston 0 MN
2 Dreamland 2 Dreamland 1 Norview 2 Norview
4 Asbury 4 Ponderosa
0 Ewa Beach 0 San Francisco
2 Memorial City 1 Memorial City 1 Cape Canaveral 2 Cape Canaveral
3 Asbury 3 Ponderosa
0 - 0 -
2 Asbury 2 Ponderosa

Asbury Whiskeyjacks 4 - 0 Ponderosa Pines

Silver .270 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas ? Chickaluma 1 Bikestreet 2 Bikestreet
2 Centre Hastings ? Rocky Mountain 3 Rocky Mountain
1 Melbourne 2 Rocky Mountain
2 Centre Hastings 3 Las Vegas 4 Rocky Mountain 1 Moo Moo Meadow
4 Chickaluma 1 Los
2 Chickaluma 0 Arizona
1 Mossflower 3 Chickaluma 3 Los 2 Los
2 Wilton 1 Hell City
0 - 0 -
2 Wilton 2 Hell City

Chickaluma Cluckers 4 - 1 Rocky Mountain eXtreme

Silver .271 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wortel 3 Wortel ? Wortel 0 Jackson 2 Jackson
0 Point Pleasant ? Washington 3 Virginia
1 Pensacola 1 Los Angeles
2 Point Pleasant 4 Wortel 3 Virginia 2 Virginia
0 St. Paul 4 Washington
2 St. Paul 0 Tulsa
1 hey goku 3 St. Paul 0 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Botti 3 Washington
0 - 0 -
2 Botti 2 Washington

Wortel Hotspur 4 - 2 Washington Wolves

Silver .272 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 0 Portland ? Republic of 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Republic of ? Toronto 0 Athens
2 Republic of 2 Athens
0 Crunch City 4 Republic of 4 Toronto 1 Holland
3 Default City 3 Minnehaha
0 Seattle 0 No Name
2 Gotha 2 Gotha 2 Bring Back 2 Bring Back
3 Default City 3 Minnehaha
0 - 0 -
2 Default City 2 Minnehaha

Republic of Ireland 4 - 0 Toronto Murphies

Silver .273 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roanoke 1 Roanoke ? Mankato 3 Alexandria 2 Alexandria
3 Okie's ? Alexandria 1 Straw Hat Pirates
2 Okie's 2 Straw Hat Pirates
0 Malawi 3 Okie's 4 Alexandria 1 Angel Hernandeez
4 Mankato 3 Providence
1 Hagerstown 2 Midgard
2 Mankato 3 Mankato 2 Midgard 1 Phoenix
2 Toronto 3 Providence
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Providence

Mankato Cougars 3 - 4 Alexandria Alliance

Silver .274 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gobekli Tepe 1 Gobekli Tepe ? Los Angeles 3 Washington 2 Washington
3 Oxnard ? Washington 2 New Barn
1 Choccolocco 1 Pittsburgh
2 Oxnard 3 Oxnard 4 Washington 2 New Barn
4 Los Angeles 2 Rocketville
1 Zimbabwe 0 Schwerin
2 New Jersey 0 New Jersey 3 Rocketville 2 Rocketville
3 Los Angeles 1 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Philadelphia

Los Angeles Vice 4 - 1 Washington Lions

Silver .275 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 PGSRT 3 PGSRT ? Pittsburgh 2 Willow Run 2 Willow Run
1 Chicago ? Midwest 3 Midwest
0 Cleveland 1 San Jose
2 Chicago 1 PGSRT 4 Midwest 2 Midwest
4 Pittsburgh 2 Armstrong
2 Richmond 0 New York
0 Cooperstown 1 Richmond 2 Lexington 2 Lexington
3 Pittsburgh 3 Armstrong
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 2 Armstrong

Pittsburgh BigMenOnCampus 4 - 1 Midwest Mutts

Silver .276 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vibe 3 Vibe ? Lodi 2 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
1 Downriver ? Battle Creek 3 Battle Creek
2 Downriver 1 Grand Forks
0 Hokkaido 3 Vibe 4 Battle Creek 2 Battle Creek
4 Lodi 2 Sun
2 Lodi 2 Sun
1 Richmond 3 Lodi 3 Sun 0 Sunnydale
1 Oslo 1 Juneau
0 - 0 -
2 Oslo 2 Juneau

Lodi Red Stockings 3 - 4 Battle Creek Balanced Breakfast

Silver .277 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Harry's 2 Harry's ? Dunder 0 Berlin 2 Berlin
3 Dunder ? cheonan 3 Hachinohe
0 Atlanta 2 Hachinohe
2 Dunder 4 Dunder 0 Hachinohe 1 Toronto
2 Slateport 4 cheonan
1 One Blue 2 Ancient
2 Statesboro 1 Statesboro 0 Ancient 1 Mexico City
3 Slateport 3 cheonan
0 - 0 -
2 Slateport 2 cheonan

Dunder Mifflin TTC 2 - 4 cheonan eagles

Silver .278 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Junon 3 Junon ? Junon 3 Pacific Northwest 2 Pacific Northwest
0 Drummondville ? Pacific Northwest 1 Boise
0 Birmingham 2 Boise
2 Drummondville 4 Junon 4 Pacific Northwest 1 Boise
3 Just For 1 Wyoming
1 Baltimore 2 Wyoming
2 Neptune 1 Neptune 3 Wyoming 1 Howling
3 Just For 2 Lindenhurst
0 - 0 -
2 Just For 2 Lindenhurst

Junon Sister Rays 0 - 4 Pacific Northwest Mariners

Silver .279 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlas 1 Atlas ? Trumann 2 Crush City 2 Crush City
3 Trumann ? The Big Tree 3 La Costa Canyon
2 Trumann 0 Imatra
1 Evanston 4 Trumann 0 La Costa Canyon 2 La Costa Canyon
1 Bensalem 4 The Big Tree
0 Ellicott City 2 OK
2 East Coast 1 East Coast 1 OK 0 Yonkers
3 Bensalem 3 The Big Tree
0 - 0 -
2 Bensalem 2 The Big Tree

Trumann Wildcats 0 - 4 The Big Tree Farmers

Silver .280 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 3 Long Island ? Long Island 3 Vilnius 2 Vilnius
2 Florida ? SoCo 2 Massachusetts
0 Leavenworth 0 Spruce Hill
2 Florida 4 Long Island 1 Vilnius 2 Massachusetts
3 Madrid 4 SoCo
0 Ronkonkoma 2 SoCo
2 The Backyard 2 The Backyard 3 SoCo 1 Berkeley
3 Madrid 1 Santa Monica
0 - 0 -
2 Madrid 2 Santa Monica

Long Island Capybaras 4 - 2 SoCo Slammers

Silver .281 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Idaho 1 Idaho ? Suncheon 1 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
3 Destin ? Detroit 3 Charbonneau
1 Germantown 1 Yakima Bears
2 Destin 3 Destin 1 Charbonneau 2 Charbonneau
4 Suncheon 4 Detroit
1 Denver 2 Houston
2 Minneapolis 0 Minneapolis 1 Houston 1 New York
3 Suncheon 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Suncheon 2 Detroit

Suncheon 1145141919810 4 - 0 Detroit Stars

Silver .282 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gotham City 1 Gotham City ? Motown 3 Midgar 2 Midgar
3 Motown ? Sand Hills 0 Montreal
1 Fort Worth 0 Budapest
2 Motown 4 Motown 2 Midgar 2 Montreal
1 Patchogue 4 Sand Hills
0 Wapiti 0 Biloxi
2 Stonebanx 0 Stonebanx 0 Tulamben 2 Tulamben
3 Patchogue 3 Sand Hills
0 - 0 -
2 Patchogue 2 Sand Hills

Motown Cubbies 4 - 1 Sand Hills Eagles

Silver .283 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 3 Jacksonville ? Jacksonville 3 Phoenixville 2 Phoenixville
1 Mister ? Phoenixville 1 Oxford
2 Mister 2 Oxford
0 Mucha 4 Jacksonville 4 Phoenixville 0 Will
0 Ridgefield 2 Fair Oaks
0 OC 2 Fair Oaks
2 Ridgefield 3 Ridgefield 3 Fair Oaks 1 Mimico
1 GK 2 NYC Jager
0 - 0 -
2 GK 2 NYC Jager

Jacksonville Suns 4 - 0 Phoenixville Phloaters

Bronze .200 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buenos Aires 3 Buenos Aires ? Buenos Aires 3 Peoria 2 Peoria
0 Chicago ? Michael Denny 1 Vicksburg
0 NJ 2 Vicksburg
2 Chicago 4 Buenos Aires 3 Peoria 0 Salisbury
2 Rollercoaster City 4 Michael Denny
1 New York 2 Ocala
2 Rollercoaster City 3 Rollercoaster City 1 Ocala 1 Allison
0 Los Angeles 3 Michael Denny
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Michael Denny

Buenos Aires Tango 4 - 2 Michael Denny Dennysingers

Bronze .201 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Undercity 0 Undercity ? Mount Dora 3 Boston 2 Boston
3 Mount Dora ? Boston 1 Hillsdale
1 Shlusser 1 Nerstrand
2 Mount Dora 4 Mount Dora 4 Boston 2 Hillsdale
3 Annapolis 3 Walworth County
0 St Louis 0 Set
2 Annapolis 3 Annapolis 3 Walworth County 2 Walworth County
2 New York 0 Buffalo
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Buffalo

Mount Dora Trash Pandas 2 - 4 Boston Sand and Gravel

Bronze .202 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Battle Creek 3 Battle Creek ? Fargo 3 Fairlawn 2 Fairlawn
1 East St. Louis ? Lowell 1 Climax
0 Philadelphia 2 Climax
2 East St. Louis 1 Battle Creek 1 Fairlawn 0 Tr-City
4 Fargo 4 Lowell
1 Philly 2 Grand Forks
2 Baltimore 2 Baltimore 0 Grand Forks 0 Richmond
3 Fargo 3 Lowell
0 - 0 -
2 Fargo 2 Lowell

Fargo Fielders 1 - 4 Lowell Lone Wolf

Bronze .203 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ACGC 2 ACGC ? Cambridge 3 Shawnee 2 Shawnee
3 Cambridge ? Shawnee 1 St Louis
1 SeldomSeen 2 St Louis
2 Cambridge 4 Cambridge 4 Shawnee 1 LG
1 Hudson Oaks 3 Riverside
1 Orange City 2 Las Vegas
2 Hudson Oaks 3 Hudson Oaks 2 Las Vegas 1 Charlotte
0 San Diego 3 Riverside
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 2 Riverside

Cambridge Cougers 4 - 1 Shawnee Brown Bears

Bronze .204 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Romulus 2 Romulus ? New New York 3 Yulee 2 Yulee
3 OK ? Spry 2 Ontario
2 OK 2 Ontario
0 Long Island 3 OK 1 Yulee 0 Yosemite
4 New New York 4 Spry
1 Dayton 1 Madison
2 New New York 3 New New York 0 East Coast 2 East Coast
2 Slide City 3 Spry
0 - 0 -
2 Slide City 2 Spry

New New York Mets 0 - 4 Spry Stingers

Bronze .205 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 Portsmouth ? Portsmouth 3 Matane
2 Cornwall ? Havre De Grace 1 MTV Times Square

4 Portsmouth 2 Matane
2 Canakkale 4 Havre De Grace

2 Bacup 3 Havre De Grace
3 Canakkale 2 Somerset

Portsmouth Black Cats 3 - 4 Havre De Grace GPS

Bronze .206 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Richmond 3 Richmond ? Chitcago 3 Humongous 2 Humongous
2 Austin ? Humongous 1 Joplin
2 Austin 2 Joplin
0 Cutler Ridge 2 Richmond 4 Humongous 0 Indy
4 Chitcago 3 Stinky
0 Sesame Street 1 Glendale
2 Chitcago 3 Chitcago 3 Stinky 2 Stinky
0 OK 1 Las Vegas
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Las Vegas

Chitcago DunNothings 4 - 3 Humongous Melonheads

Bronze .207 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 League City 3 League City ? League City 3 Johnstown 2 Johnstown
2 Seneca ? Johnstown 0 Utica
0 Mission 2 Utica
2 Seneca 4 League City 4 Johnstown 0 Cheddar Bay
2 Kingston 0 Port Townsend
1 Roshar 0 Saint Paul
2 OK 0 OK 1 Birmingham 2 Birmingham
3 Kingston 3 Port Townsend
0 - 0 -
2 Kingston 2 Port Townsend

League City Lagers 4 - 0 Johnstown Johnnies

Bronze .208 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 HANYANG 3 HANYANG ? HANYANG 3 Puslinch 2 Puslinch
0 Long Island ? Keep Walking 2 Austin
1 Round Rock 2 Austin
2 Long Island 4 HANYANG 2 Puslinch 0 Put-In-Bay
0 Huambo 4 Keep Walking
0 Monterey 2 Lincoln Heights
2 Huambo 3 Huambo 2 Lincoln Heights 1 Silver Spring
2 Clearwater 3 Keep Walking
0 - 0 -
2 Clearwater 2 Keep Walking

HANYANG KIMCHIMEN 3 - 4 Keep Walking Sao Paulo

Bronze .209 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Elderville 1 Elderville ? CHANGO_WON 3 Smithdarby 2 Smithdarby
3 Salisbury ? Smithdarby 0 Idaho
1 Highland Park 0 Brookville
2 Salisbury 2 Salisbury 4 Smithdarby 2 Idaho
4 CHANGO_WON 2 Kansas City
1 Pluto 1 Oregon
2 CHANGO_WON 3 CHANGO_WON 2 The Bitcoin Standard 2 The Bitcoin Standard
1 Louisville 3 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 Louisville 2 Kansas City

CHANGO_WON Dodgers 0 - 4 Smithdarby Snappers

Bronze .210 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Aberdeen 0 Aberdeen ? Tacoma 3 Mulheim Dustra 2 Mulheim Dustra
3 Wilmington ? Detroit 1 Chandler
1 Madison 2 Chandler
2 Wilmington 3 Wilmington 1 Mulheim Dustra 0 Milwaukee
4 Tacoma 4 Detroit
1 Los Angeles 1 Ottawa
2 Buffalo 1 Buffalo 1 Stockholm 2 Stockholm
3 Tacoma 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Tacoma 2 Detroit

Tacoma Rainiers 4 - 3 Detroit Beisbolcats

Bronze .211 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Berlin 3 Berlin ? Berlin 3 New Hampshire 2 New Hampshire
1 Columbia ? Newport 2 Columbus
0 Roosevelt 1 Smedville
2 Columbia 4 Berlin 3 New Hampshire 2 Columbus
2 Super Earth 4 Newport
2 Lehi 0 Sapporo
0 Nashville 0 Lehi 1 JENA 2 JENA
3 Super Earth 3 Newport
0 - 0 -
2 Super Earth 2 Newport

Berlin Skylarks 4 - 3 Newport Braves

Bronze .212 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Merida 3 Merida ? Worthing 1 Windermere 2 Windermere
0 Portland ? Sydney 3 Greenville
1 Spruce Hollow 2 Greenville
2 Portland 3 Merida 3 Greenville 0 Champaign
4 Worthing 4 Sydney
1 Beef 2 Toledo
2 Worthing 3 Worthing 1 Toledo 0 Notre Dame
1 Los Angeles 3 Sydney
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Sydney

Worthing Wheatflakes 0 - 4 Sydney Snow Dogs

Bronze .213 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Syracuse 3 Syracuse ? Greenville 2 Cayuga 2 Cayuga
1 Hogwarts ? SEOUL 3 SEOUL
0 Racine 2 SEOUL
2 Hogwarts 3 Syracuse 4 SEOUL 1 Wrestling
4 Greenville 0 Vancouver
0 Cincy 0 West Ham United
2 Sandpoint 1 Sandpoint 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
3 Greenville 1 Spokane
0 - 0 -
2 Greenville 2 Spokane

Greenville White Caps 4 - 1 SEOUL BOLF

Bronze .214 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bushwood 3 Bushwood ? Springfield 3 Saskatchewan 2 Saskatchewan
2 Candler ? Saskatchewan 2 Bolivar
0 Yonkers 0 Taylor Street
2 Candler 3 Bushwood 4 Saskatchewan 2 Bolivar
4 Springfield 2 Minnesota
0 Bowling Green 1 Seattle
2 Oak Creek 2 Oak Creek 0 Leesburg 2 Leesburg
3 Springfield 3 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 2 Minnesota

Springfield Cardinals 4 - 3 Saskatchewan Skeeters

Bronze .215 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 OK ? Modesto 1 Norristown 2 Norristown
3 Minneapolis ? Swindon 3 Lexington
0 Cardiff 2 Lexington
2 Minneapolis 3 Minneapolis 1 Lexington 0 Rahway
4 Modesto 4 Swindon
2 Modesto 2 Swindon
0 Richmond 3 Modesto 3 Swindon 1 Port Angeles
0 BallorNothing 1 (f2p) Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 BallorNothing 2 (f2p) Seattle

Modesto Warriors 4 - 3 Swindon Squirrels

Bronze .216 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hawaii 3 Hawaii ? Jacksonville 3 Merritt Island 2 Merritt Island
2 Gratiot Ave. ? Merritt Island 0 Imperial
2 Gratiot Ave. 0 Melbourne
0 Colorado Springs 2 Hawaii 4 Merritt Island 2 Imperial
4 Jacksonville 0 EGR
1 Jackson 2 EGR
2 Toronto 2 Toronto 3 EGR 0 Boulder City
3 Jacksonville 2 Custer City
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 2 Custer City

Jacksonville Hammers 3 - 4 Merritt Island Yachters

Bronze .217 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 versedusucresurmoi 3 versedusucresurmoi ? Detroit 3 Iowa City 2 Iowa City
2 Aheggs' ? Team Dynasty 1 Team Tavano
2 Aheggs' 2 Team Tavano
0 Gaza 2 versedusucresurmoi 0 Iowa City 0 Seoul
4 Detroit 4 Team Dynasty
1 Troy 1 Taiwan
2 Baseball 2 Baseball 3 Team Dynasty 2 Team Dynasty
3 Detroit 0 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 2 Montreal

Detroit Lions 4 - 2 Team Dynasty Express

Bronze .218 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mammoth 3 Mammoth ? Mammoth 3 Ellwood City 2 Ellwood City
2 Madrid ? Bremerton 1 Espanola
2 Madrid 2 Espanola
1 Springfield 4 Mammoth 3 Ellwood City 0 Beskydy
3 Corpus Christi 4 Bremerton
2 Corpus Christi 2 Underground
0 NYC 3 Corpus Christi 0 Underground 1 Thedford
0 Grand Rapids 3 Bremerton
0 - 0 -
2 Grand Rapids 2 Bremerton

Mammoth Mayhem 4 - 1 Bremerton Anchors

Bronze .219 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hill Valley 3 Hill Valley ? Hill Valley 3 Mt. Nebo 2 Mt. Nebo
1 Pennsylvania ? Mt. Nebo 1 Houston
2 Pennsylvania 2 Houston
0 Frisco 4 Hill Valley 4 Mt. Nebo 0 Big Sky
2 Scranton 0 Northamptonshire
2 Bellvue 2 High Point
1 Jersey 2 Bellvue 2 High Point 0 Santa Rosa
3 Scranton 3 Northamptonshire
0 - 0 -
2 Scranton 2 Northamptonshire

Hill Valley DeLoreans 2 - 4 Mt. Nebo Monks

Bronze .220 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Halifax 1 Halifax ? Paju 3 Fort Bragg 2 Fort Bragg
3 Paju ? Brookline 2 Ottawa
0 Spring Grove 1 Boston
2 Paju 4 Paju 3 Fort Bragg 2 Ottawa
2 New York 4 Brookline
2 Kansas City 1 Beaufort
0 Oakansadelphia 1 Kansas City 3 Brookline 2 Brookline
3 New York 1 GI
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 GI

Paju Mustangs 1 - 4 Brookline Bagels

Bronze .221 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 3 San Diego ? San Diego 3 Anchorage 2 Anchorage
1 Quebec ? Mississauga 2 Spruce Grove
1 Birmingham 2 Spruce Grove
2 Quebec 4 San Diego 3 Anchorage 0 Winter
3 Seattle 4 Mississauga
1 Mad Bear 1 Brockton
2 7 Seas 0 7 Seas 2 East Side 2 East Side
3 Seattle 3 Mississauga
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Mississauga

San Diego Slammers 3 - 4 Mississauga Silverbacks

Bronze .222 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Highland 3 Highland ? Fort Worth 3 Marvin's 2 Marvin's
2 Amarillo ? Marvin's 1 Challenger Deep
2 Amarillo 0 London
1 Woodland 1 Highland 4 Marvin's 2 Challenger Deep
4 Fort Worth 1 Finksburg
0 Milwaukee 1 Iowa
2 Coral Gables 2 Coral Gables 3 Finksburg 2 Finksburg
3 Fort Worth 0 South Evanston
0 - 0 -
2 Fort Worth 2 South Evanston

Fort Worth Inferno 2 - 4 Marvin's Golden Apples

Bronze .223 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 0 Boston ? Milwaukee 3 Boardwalk 2 Boardwalk
3 Brooklyn ? Boardwalk 2 Bee
2 Brooklyn 1 Chowchilla
0 Austin 2 Brooklyn 4 Boardwalk 2 Bee
4 Milwaukee 2 Lansing
1 San Diego 2 Seattle
2 Van Trees 2 Van Trees 1 Seattle 0 Stony Brook
3 Milwaukee 3 Lansing
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Lansing

Milwaukee Pee 3 - 4 Boardwalk Bums

Bronze .224 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mid City 1 Mid City ? Whitby 3 Coeur d'Alene 2 Coeur d'Alene
3 Launch Day ? Boise 0 Philadelphia
0 Virginia Beach 0 Tempe
2 Launch Day 2 Launch Day 3 Coeur d'Alene 2 Philadelphia
4 Whitby 4 Boise
0 nWo 2 Montreal
2 Whitby 3 Whitby 2 Montreal 1 Sindorim
2 Charlotte Crabs 3 Boise
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte Crabs 2 Boise

Whitby Blizzard 4 - 1 Boise Bandits

Bronze .225 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Luis Obispo 2 San Luis Obispo ? O'Fallon 1 Salinas 2 Salinas
3 Test ? Coleman 3 Coleman
0 Long Beach 0 Johnston
2 Test 2 Test 4 Coleman 2 Coleman
4 O'Fallon 3 Athens
2 Chi-Town 1 St Helens
1 Alder Ridge 1 Chi-Town 2 OOTP 2 OOTP
3 O'Fallon 3 Athens
0 - 0 -
2 O'Fallon 2 Athens

O'Fallon Cubbies 4 - 2 Coleman Cornholers

Bronze .226 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 AOBA ? Shatkins 3 Coos Bay
3 Shatkins ? Coos Bay 1 Stratford

4 Shatkins 4 Coos Bay
3 Mira Mesa 1 Chattanooga

2 Werribee 3 Chattanooga
3 Mira Mesa 1 Berlin

Shatkins Have To Go NOW 4 - 2 Coos Bay Sleyrs

Bronze .227 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlantis 3 Atlantis ? Atlantis 1 Falkirk 2 Falkirk
2 Rail Yard ? Whittier 3 Erie
0 Manchester 0 Arcadia
2 Rail Yard 4 Atlantis 1 Erie 2 Erie
1 Elston 4 Whittier
2 Elston 1 Pigtown
1 Richmond 3 Elston 3 Whittier 2 Whittier
1 Digimon 0 Longview
0 - 0 -
2 Digimon 2 Longview

Atlantis Mantis Shrimp 4 - 0 Whittier Waldos

Bronze .228 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newport News 3 Newport News ? Newport News 1 Deep Space 2 Deep Space
2 EVCs Baseball ? Half Century 3 Half Century
2 EVCs Baseball 0 Bushwood
1 Springfield 4 Newport News 4 Half Century 2 Half Century
2 Hancocks 2 Steel City
2 whotrynaballs -TTC- 2 Hill Valley
1 Narcoossee 0 whotrynaballs -TTC- 2 Hill Valley 1 Beltre
3 Hancocks 3 Steel City
0 - 0 -
2 Hancocks 2 Steel City

Newport News Dodgers_TTC 1 - 4 Half Century Bucks TTC

Bronze .229 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St Pete 3 St Pete ? St Pete 0 Boise 2 Boise
1 Tell Em ? Vermont 3 Shizuoka
1 Boise 1 Los Angeles
2 Tell Em 4 St Pete 3 Shizuoka 2 Shizuoka
2 Manayunk 4 Vermont
2 Manayunk 1 Denver
0 B-Town 3 Manayunk 1 Morristown 2 Morristown
2 Cuban 3 Vermont
0 - 0 -
2 Cuban 2 Vermont

St Pete Hammerheads - PCK 4 - 2 Vermont Green Sox

Bronze .230 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
2 St. Louis ? Cincinnati 0 Cadillac
0 Bethlehem 0 West Palm Beach
2 St. Louis 4 Toronto 4 Cincinnati 2 Cadillac
1 Duluth 3 Denver
2 Kinross 2 West Coast
1 Aero 1 Kinross 1 West Coast 1 Quebec
3 Duluth 3 Denver
0 - 0 -
2 Duluth 2 Denver

Toronto Enforcers 1 - 4 Cincinnati Carnations

Bronze .231 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Silver Spring 3 Silver Spring ? Silver Spring 1 Toronto 2 Toronto
0 Charleston ? Seoul Yankees 3 Montreal
2 Charleston 1 Fayetteville
0 New New York 4 Silver Spring 3 Montreal 2 Montreal
2 Labrador 4 Seoul Yankees
2 Labrador 2 Seoul Yankees
1 Daly City 3 Labrador 3 Seoul Yankees 1 Philly
2 Newfolden 1 Blackstone
0 - 0 -
2 Newfolden 2 Blackstone

Silver Spring Gazebos 2 - 4 Seoul Yankees SIAdnqls

Bronze .232 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ofallon 1 Ofallon ? Globo Gym 3 Minnesota 2 Minnesota
3 Globo Gym ? Minnesota 2 Orlando
2 Globo Gym 1 Leamington Spa
1 Hillsborough 4 Globo Gym 4 Minnesota 2 Orlando
3 Flagstaff 0 Arkansas
0 Mighty 0 New Orleans
2 Bend 0 Bend 3 Arkansas 2 Arkansas
3 Flagstaff 1 Brisbane Bandits
0 - 0 -
2 Flagstaff 2 Brisbane Bandits

Globo Gym Purple Cobras 4 - 1 Minnesota Twins

Bronze .233 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 3 Montreal ? Montreal 1 New Bedford 2 New Bedford
2 Danville ? Duxbury 3 San Diego
2 Danville 2 San Diego
0 Palouse 4 Montreal 2 San Diego 1 Roanoke
3 Tribetown 4 Duxbury
1 Aylesbury 0 San Fernando Valley
2 Seoul Hannams 2 Seoul Hannams 1 Fargo 2 Fargo
3 Tribetown 3 Duxbury
0 - 0 -
2 Tribetown 2 Duxbury

Montreal Cornhuskers 4 - 1 Duxbury Dragons

Bronze .234 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Snohamish 3 Snohamish ? Snohamish 0 Moneyball 2 Moneyball
0 Houston ? Sandy 3 Wisconsin
1 Philadelphia 2 Wisconsin
2 Houston 4 Snohamish 3 Wisconsin 1 Ha Long
2 Woodbridge 4 Sandy
1 Long Beach 0 Inflamed
2 Woodbridge 3 Woodbridge 1 New Taipei 2 New Taipei
0 Kansas City 3 Sandy
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Sandy

Snohamish Amish 3 - 4 Sandy Bees

Bronze .235 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Antonio 3 San Antonio ? San Antonio 2 Pontchartrain Beach 2 Pontchartrain Beach
0 Thunder ? Phoenix 3 Phoenix
0 Cincinnati 0 Edmonton
2 Thunder 4 San Antonio 4 Phoenix 2 Phoenix
2 Seattle 1 Cincinnati
1 Paradise City 1 Chicago
2 Dehli 2 Dehli 3 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
3 Seattle 2 Tahoma
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Tahoma

San Antonio Seaslugs 3 - 4 Phoenix Firebirds

Bronze .236 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Parkwood 3 Parkwood ? Brewster 3 Richmond 2 Richmond
2 Santa Ana ? Southend 1 Tacoma
1 Kansas City 2 Tacoma
2 Santa Ana 2 Parkwood 2 Richmond 0 Alison
4 Brewster 4 Southend
0 Tacoma 0 Pumpkin Spice
2 Brewster 3 Brewster 1 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
2 Seattle 3 Southend
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Southend

Brewster Whitecaps 0 - 4 Southend Seasiders

Bronze .237 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 1 New York ? OK 2 Chesapeake 2 Chesapeake
3 Yakima ? Hudson Bay 3 Puebla
2 Yakima 0 Augusta
0 HsinChu 2 Yakima 0 Puebla 2 Puebla
4 OK 4 Hudson Bay
2 OK 0 Win
1 Akron 3 OK 0 Bonfield 2 Bonfield
2 Imperator Caesar 3 Hudson Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Imperator Caesar 2 Hudson Bay

OK Republican Guard 1 - 4 Hudson Bay Icers

Bronze .238 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Billings 1 Billings ? Rain City 1 Bunnell 2 Bunnell
3 Rain City ? Boise 3 Manchester
0 Portland 2 Manchester
2 Rain City 4 Rain City 3 Manchester 1 Kansas City
0 Renfrew 4 Boise
0 Jamestown 2 Boise
2 Renfrew 3 Renfrew 3 Boise 1 Conakry
1 St. Louis 0 Arkham
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Arkham

Rain City Jacks 1 - 4 Boise Gunslingers

Bronze .239 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Westerly 3 Westerly ? Westerly 0 New Braunfels 2 New Braunfels
2 Willingham ? New Orleans 3 New Orleans
1 Ghost 1 Alabama
2 Willingham 4 Westerly 4 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
2 Shipshewana 1 Delaware
0 California 0 OK
2 Shipshewana 3 Shipshewana 3 Delaware 2 Delaware
1 Rochester 1 Portland
0 - 0 -
2 Rochester 2 Portland

Westerly PauseOx 4 - 2 New Orleans Babycakes

Bronze .240 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lawrenceville 1 Lawrenceville ? Cleveland 0 Irvine 2 Irvine
3 Kyiv ? Revere 3 Revere
1 Frankfurt 0 Winnipeg
2 Kyiv 2 Kyiv 4 Revere 2 Revere
4 Cleveland 1 Busan
2 Seattle 2 Indy
0 Seattle 1 Seattle 2 Indy 1 Kitchener
3 Cleveland 3 Busan
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 Busan

Cleveland Glory 1 - 4 Revere Turtles

Bronze .241 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 3 Winnipeg ? Winnipeg 1 Brevoort 2 Brevoort
0 Skagit City ? Sky 3 Gordon's
2 Skagit City 2 Gordon's
0 Fayetteville 4 Winnipeg 3 Gordon's 1 Berlin
3 Belfast 4 Sky
2 Belfast 0 Miami
0 Slate Branch 3 Belfast 3 Sky 2 Sky
1 Republic of Texas 1 Bora Bora
0 - 0 -
2 Republic of Texas 2 Bora Bora

Winnipeg Bookbinders 4 - 2 Sky Peaces

Bronze .242 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lufkin 1 Lufkin ? Taiwan 3 gimhae 2 gimhae
3 Pretty ? gimhae 1 Southeast
2 Pretty 1 New Mexico
1 Wildabern 3 Pretty 4 gimhae 2 Southeast
4 Taiwan 0 St. Cloud
1 Land of Lincoln 1 Minier
2 Taiwan 3 Taiwan 2 Trenton 2 Trenton
1 Holy City 3 St. Cloud
0 - 0 -
2 Holy City 2 St. Cloud

Taiwan Formosans 4 - 2 gimhae dog

Bronze .243 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Delco 1 Delco ? Clayton 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
3 Clayton ? Portugal 0 Baseball
1 Bonney Lake 1 Sangiovese
2 Clayton 4 Clayton 3 Chicago 2 Baseball
1 Expos Montreal 4 Portugal
2 p 2 Portugal
0 Glendale 2 p 3 Portugal 0 Seattle
3 Expos Montreal 1 Adirondack
0 - 0 -
2 Expos Montreal 2 Adirondack

Clayton Cardinals 4 - 3 Portugal Men of War

Bronze .244 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Vancouver ? Crystal Lake 0 Kerrville 2 Kerrville
3 Crystal Lake ? Tulsa 3 Seattle
0 Biloxi 0 Cologne
2 Crystal Lake 4 Crystal Lake 1 Seattle 2 Seattle
1 Slidell 4 Tulsa
2 Slidell 1 Springs
0 Vernon 3 Slidell 2 Frisco 2 Frisco
2 Shreveport 3 Tulsa
0 - 0 -
2 Shreveport 2 Tulsa

Crystal Lake Campers 4 - 2 Tulsa Twisters

Bronze .245 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Florida 1 Knoxville 2 Knoxville
2 Bear ? Boston 3 San Juan Puerto Rico
1 Charlotte 0 Houston
2 Bear 4 Florida 3 San Juan Puerto Rico 2 San Juan Puerto Rico
3 NYC 4 Boston
2 Frederick 0 Lucky
1 Bowmanville 2 Frederick 3 Boston 2 Boston
3 NYC 1 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 NYC 2 Baltimore

Florida Marlins 3 - 4 Boston Water and Power

Bronze .246 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Williamsport 3 Williamsport ? Williamsport 3 Enfield 2 Enfield
1 Ottawa ? Enfield 0 Evanston
2 Ottawa 0 Seattle
1 Hanwell 4 Williamsport 4 Enfield 2 Evanston
2 Bethlehem 1 Brisbane
2 Rockville 0 Michigan
1 Ann Arbor 0 Rockville 3 Brisbane 2 Brisbane
3 Bethlehem 0 Swiss
0 - 0 -
2 Bethlehem 2 Swiss

Williamsport Crosscutters 2 - 4 Enfield Twisters FTP

Bronze .247 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 3 Albuquerque ? New York 3 Ripcity 2 Ripcity
0 Kirkwood ? Ripcity 1 Castlewood
0 Joe Buck 1 Motor City
2 Kirkwood 1 Albuquerque 4 Ripcity 2 Castlewood
4 New York 0 Server
2 Apple 0 New York
1 Hartland 1 Apple 2 Hudson Valley 2 Hudson Valley
3 New York 3 Server
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Server

New York Argonauts 4 - 1 Ripcity LumberJacks

Bronze .248 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Miramar 3 Miramar ? Miramar 3 Knoxville 2 Knoxville
1 New York ? Greater Boston Area 2 Cassopolis
0 Beloit 0 Timbuktu
2 New York 4 Miramar 0 Knoxville 2 Cassopolis
1 Metropolitain 4 Greater Boston Area
2 Philadelphia 2 London
0 Ocean Water 1 Philadelphia 1 London 1 Parkdale
3 Metropolitain 3 Greater Boston Area
0 - 0 -
2 Metropolitain 2 Greater Boston Area

Miramar Tomcats 4 - 1 Greater Boston Area Dunkin DeezNuts

Iron .150 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kamurocho 3 Kamurocho ? Kamurocho 3 Baytown 2 Baytown
2 El Paso ? Baytown 1 The Dr.
1 Bismarck 0 Magnolia
2 El Paso 4 Kamurocho 4 Baytown 2 The Dr.
3 Mexico 3 Orlando
2 Mexico 1 East Kansas
1 Portugal 3 Mexico 2 Arizona 2 Arizona
0 Duck Duck 3 Orlando
0 - 0 -
2 Duck Duck 2 Orlando

Kamurocho Dragons 4 - 2 Baytown Citadelles

Iron .151 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 BUSAN 3 BUSAN ? BUSAN 3 Incheon 2 Incheon
0 Cozumel ? Incheon 1 Wetherby
0 Long Lake 0 LG
2 Cozumel 4 BUSAN 4 Incheon 2 Wetherby
3 Madison 2 Corpus Christi
1 Two Rivers 0 Columbus
2 Hypothetical 1 Hypothetical 1 Newark 2 Newark
3 Madison 3 Corpus Christi
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 2 Corpus Christi

BUSAN KTI 1 - 4 Incheon Wyverns

Iron .152 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wyoming 1 Wyoming ? Suffolk 3 Rohan 2 Rohan
3 West Palm Beach ? Rohan 0 Mercedes
2 West Palm Beach 2 Mercedes
0 Milwaukee 2 West Palm Beach 4 Rohan 0 Bakersfield
4 Suffolk 1 New York
0 Seattle 2 Denver
2 emma 0 emma 0 Denver 0 Heather Ranch
3 Suffolk 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Suffolk 2 New York

Suffolk Silver Sox 1 - 4 Rohan Horsemen

Iron .153 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Franconia 3 Franconia ? Wood 1 Clear Lake 2 Clear Lake
1 Rickenbacher ? Boca Raton 3 Boca Raton
2 Rickenbacher 2 Boca Raton
1 Fenway Park 0 Franconia 4 Boca Raton 1 Prairie
4 Wood 1 Kingsboro
0 Quemado 0 Xenia
2 Toledo 2 Toledo 1 Norfolk 2 Norfolk
3 Wood 3 Kingsboro
0 - 0 -
2 Wood 2 Kingsboro

Wood peckers 4 - 3 Boca Raton Big Train

Iron .154 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Terry Parker 3 Terry Parker ? Terry Parker 2 Riverside 2 Riverside
1 Kansas City ? Bismarck 3 Lefty
1 Linlithgow 2 Lefty
2 Kansas City 4 Terry Parker 1 Lefty 0 Canasty Street
3 Stockton 4 Bismarck
1 Goldsboro 0 Idaho
2 Montreal 0 Montreal 1 El Norte 2 El Norte
3 Stockton 3 Bismarck
0 - 0 -
2 Stockton 2 Bismarck

Terry Parker Birdz 4 - 0 Bismarck Wheat Kings

Iron .155 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Casselberry 3 Casselberry ? Kankakee 3 Erstaddy 2 Erstaddy
1 Dayton ? Erstaddy 1 Philadelphia
0 Chestermere 0 Purdue
2 Dayton 3 Casselberry 4 Erstaddy 2 Philadelphia
4 Kankakee 3 Norfolk
0 Mudville 0 Mound City
2 St Paul 1 St Paul 2 Belltown 2 Belltown
3 Kankakee 3 Norfolk
0 - 0 -
2 Kankakee 2 Norfolk

Kankakee Kanks 0 - 4 Erstaddy Issues

Iron .156 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 DTown 1 DTown ? OK 3 Noble 2 Noble
3 Dodge Center ? Noble 2 Choccolocco
1 Maine 2 Choccolocco
2 Dodge Center 0 Dodge Center 4 Noble 1 Gibson
4 OK 0 Ogden
1 MELBOURNE 0 Boulder
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn 2 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 OK 3 Ogden
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Ogden

OK Cats 0 - 4 Noble Tigers

Iron .157 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Santa Cruz 2 Santa Cruz ? Kansas City 3 SEOUL 2 SEOUL
3 Kansas City ? Canton 1 Round Table
2 Kansas City 2 Round Table
0 Troy 4 Kansas City 3 SEOUL 1 Toronto Canadians
2 Mr Yiff's 4 Canton
1 Point Roberts 0 Tempe
2 Mr Yiff's 3 Mr Yiff's 0 Motor City 2 Motor City
0 Hamburg 3 Canton
0 - 0 -
2 Hamburg 2 Canton

Kansas City Quicksteps 4 - 1 Canton Pumas

Iron .158 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 T-Town 1 T-Town ? Portland 3 Celina 2 Celina
3 Vancouver ? Celina 2 Toronto
0 Quad City 2 Toronto
2 Vancouver 2 Vancouver 4 Celina 0 Amsterdam
4 Portland 1 Rumpke
0 Vancouver 2 Rumpke
2 Portland 3 Portland 3 Rumpke 1 Cannon Beach
0 SAMSUNG 2 Falster
0 - 0 -
2 SAMSUNG 2 Falster

Portland Pilots 1 - 4 Celina Crows

Iron .159 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Prague 3 Prague ? Prague 0 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
2 Seattle ? New Japan 3 New Japan
2 Seattle 2 New Japan
0 Wonder Wharf 4 Prague 4 New Japan 1 Knoxville
1 Loch Modan 1 San Diego
2 Loch Modan 2 Certosa
1 Brooklyn 3 Loch Modan 1 Certosa 1 Fall River
1 Charlotte 3 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 2 San Diego

Prague Eagles 1 - 4 New Japan Bullet Club

Iron .160 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 0 Albuquerque ? Toronto 3 Paddy's 2 Paddy's
3 Toronto ? Paddy's 0 Houghton
2 Toronto 2 Houghton
0 Genovia 4 Toronto 4 Paddy's 1 Shenandoah
1 Crofton 2 Lap Dblock
0 Shendo 2 Lap Dblock
2 Crofton 3 Crofton 3 Lap Dblock 1 Dover
1 Philadelphia 2 Lancaster
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Lancaster

Toronto Rockies 4 - 3 Paddy's Irish Pub

Iron .161 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kitchener 3 Kitchener ? Delta 3 Grapevine 2 Grapevine
0 Ruston ? Grapevine 0 Bristol County
2 Ruston 1 Los Angeles
0 Mannheim 3 Kitchener 4 Grapevine 2 Bristol County
4 Delta 1 Coastal Bend
1 Vacaville 2 Dogers
2 Adirondack 2 Adirondack 2 Dogers 1 Sacramento
3 Delta 3 Coastal Bend
0 - 0 -
2 Delta 2 Coastal Bend

Delta Blues 2 - 4 Grapevine Mustangs

Iron .162 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 3 Raleigh ? Calgary 1 Wasatch 2 Wasatch
2 Beacon Hill ? Quebec City 3 OC
0 Sugar Land 1 Winter
2 Beacon Hill 1 Raleigh 3 OC 2 OC
4 Calgary 4 Quebec City
0 Texas 0 Grand Junction
2 Calgary 3 Calgary 3 Quebec City 2 Quebec City
2 Small Market 0 Camillus
0 - 0 -
2 Small Market 2 Camillus

Calgary Cannons 4 - 1 Quebec City Caribou

Iron .163 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Future Legends 0 Future Legends ? Denzer 1 Pocahontas 2 Pocahontas
3 Denzer ? Long Island 3 Long Island
2 Denzer 2 Long Island
0 Akita 4 Denzer 4 Long Island 0 Pohang
2 The Las Vegas 0 Immokalee
2 The Las Vegas 1 Iowa City
1 Minneapolis 3 The Las Vegas 3 Immokalee 2 Immokalee
1 Roswell 2 S.B.
0 - 0 -
2 Roswell 2 S.B.

Denzer Athletic Club 2 - 4 Long Island Traffic

Iron .164 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dongtan 3 Dongtan ? Dongtan 3 Bristol 2 Bristol
1 Milwaukee ? Babe 1 Middle Georgia
0 Munich 1 San Antonio
2 Milwaukee 4 Dongtan 1 Bristol 2 Middle Georgia
0 Washington 4 Babe
2 St Peters 0 U. City
1 Baltimore 1 St Peters 2 Burton 2 Burton
3 Washington 3 Babe
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Babe

Dongtan hanwha eagles 4 - 0 Babe Schnieders Mustache

Iron .165 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pioneer 2 Pioneer ? Toronto 1 Winthrop 2 Winthrop
3 Toronto ? NB 3 Minneapolis
2 Toronto 2 Minneapolis
1 Florida 4 Toronto 1 Minneapolis 0 WestWesterly
2 Topsfield 4 NB
2 Topsfield 1 Gainesville
0 Dunwich 3 Topsfield 1 Michigan State 2 Michigan State
2 Boca Raton 3 NB
0 - 0 -
2 Boca Raton 2 NB

Toronto Sluggers 4 - 2 NB Seahawks

Iron .166 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Thunder 3 Thunder ? Thunder 1 Earth 2 Earth
2 Gunpo ? Colorado Springs 3 Jet
2 Gunpo 0 Shanghai
0 New York 4 Thunder 3 Jet 2 Jet
3 Solar 4 Colorado Springs
0 Watermelon 0 Burgdorf
2 Solar 3 Solar 3 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs
0 Hartford 2 Five
0 - 0 -
2 Hartford 2 Five

Thunder Buddies 3 - 4 Colorado Springs Cadets

Iron .167 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ostrava 3 Ostrava ? Ostrava 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
2 Toronto ? ICC 3 Broken Arrow
2 Toronto 0 Toronto
1 Warren 4 Ostrava 3 Broken Arrow 2 Broken Arrow
0 Brambleton 4 ICC
2 Chester 1 Silverdale
1 Meridian 2 Chester 3 ICC 2 ICC
3 Brambleton 0 Milwaukee
0 - 0 -
2 Brambleton 2 Milwaukee

Ostrava Arrows 1 - 4 ICC CO.

Iron .168 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rebuilding 3 Rebuilding ? Escanaba 3 Minnesota 2 Minnesota
1 dallas ? Botafogo 1 Concord
0 North Royalton 1 Woodbridge
2 dallas 3 Rebuilding 2 Minnesota 2 Concord
4 Escanaba 4 Botafogo
2 Billstown 0 Scranton
1 Rochester 2 Billstown 2 South Park 2 South Park
3 Escanaba 3 Botafogo
0 - 0 -
2 Escanaba 2 Botafogo

Escanaba Moon Lighters 4 - 2 Botafogo Sao Paulo

Iron .169 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mammoth 2 Mammoth ? Alameda 2 Letterkenny 2 Letterkenny
3 London ? New Jersey 3 Cleveland
0 Garland 2 Cleveland
2 London 3 London 2 Cleveland 1 Washington State
4 Alameda 4 New Jersey
1 Anaheim 2 Meadows Valley
2 Alameda 3 Alameda 2 Meadows Valley 1 Croton
1 San Antonio 3 New Jersey
0 - 0 -
2 San Antonio 2 New Jersey

Alameda Islanders 3 - 4 New Jersey Jays

Iron .170 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Windy City 3 Windy City ? Windy City 1 Humpty Doo 2 Humpty Doo
1 Kiribati ? Seattle 3 Seattle
1 Wilmington 1 Kingston
2 Kiribati 4 Windy City 4 Seattle 2 Seattle
2 Bend 1 Vero Beach
1 Milwaukee 0 San Diego
2 Bend 3 Bend 1 Ocean City 2 Ocean City
1 Gotham 3 Vero Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Gotham 2 Vero Beach

Windy City Windwalkers 4 - 0 Seattle Sea Men

Iron .171 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Shore 3 North Shore ? North Shore 3 Malibu 2 Malibu
0 Mohawk ? Title 2 Texas
0 Peachtree City 2 Texas
2 Mohawk 4 North Shore 2 Malibu 1 Dallas
3 Weymouth 4 Title
2 Weymouth 1 Take a Trip
1 Columbia 3 Weymouth 0 Skeletor's 2 Skeletor's
2 Orange 3 Title
0 - 0 -
2 Orange 2 Title

North Shore Voyageurs 1 - 4 Title Town

Iron .172 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Motown 3 Motown ? Motown 3 Kenny Lofton 2 Kenny Lofton
1 Louisville ? Kenny Lofton 1 gritty gritty gritty
2 Louisville 0 Gabino and the
0 Bochy's 4 Motown 4 Kenny Lofton 2 gritty gritty gritty
0 St Louis 1 Cooperstown
0 Deep in 0 West Coast
2 Houston 2 Houston 2 Rickwood Field 2 Rickwood Field
3 St Louis 3 Cooperstown
0 - 0 -
2 St Louis 2 Cooperstown

Motown Stars - TTC 1 - 4 Kenny Lofton Leadoffs TTC

Iron .173 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 1 Columbus ? Mount Airy 1 Fishhawk 2 Fishhawk
3 Mount Airy ? FTP 3 FTP
0 Ulterior 2 FTP
2 Mount Airy 4 Mount Airy 4 FTP 1 South Jersey
2 Anguilla 2 Indy
1 Fennario 0 Southbourne
2 Anguilla 3 Anguilla 0 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
2 Shanghai 3 Indy
0 - 0 -
2 Shanghai 2 Indy

Mount Airy Bantams 4 - 3 FTP Red Army

Iron .174 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 We 2 We ? MTL 3 Daegu 2 Daegu
3 Haast ? Moyer's 2 Salzburg
2 Haast 0 Hillside
1 Austin 0 Haast 0 Daegu 2 Salzburg
4 MTL 4 Moyer's
0 Las Vegas 0 Chicago
2 East Point 2 East Point 3 Moyer's 2 Moyer's
3 MTL 2 Floyd Valley
0 - 0 -
2 MTL 2 Floyd Valley

MTL Jays 4 - 2 Moyer's Mates TTC

Iron .175 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bushwick 3 Bushwick ? Bushwick 0 Springfield 2 Springfield
0 Barre ? Marshfield 3 Roshar
2 Barre 1 Lehigh Acres
1 Erie 4 Bushwick 0 Roshar 2 Roshar
2 Baltimore 4 Marshfield
2 Baltimore 0 Topsham
0 Hamilton 3 Baltimore 2 SF 2 SF
2 Union 3 Marshfield
0 - 0 -
2 Union 2 Marshfield

Bushwick Elephants 1 - 4 Marshfield Pirates

Iron .176 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lawrence 3 Lawrence ? Lawrence 3 Santa Clarita 2 Santa Clarita
2 Tunaville ? Arctic 1 Lakewood
2 Tunaville 1 Cibolo
1 Charm City 4 Lawrence 2 Santa Clarita 2 Lakewood
3 Staten Island 4 Arctic
0 Brooklyn 1 Tijuana
2 Merica 2 Merica 3 Arctic 2 Arctic
3 Staten Island 2 Wichita Falls
0 - 0 -
2 Staten Island 2 Wichita Falls

Lawrence Monarchs 3 - 4 Arctic Monkeys

Iron .177 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pennington 1 Pennington ? Calgary 1 Fntzio 2 Fntzio
3 Calgary ? Foxboro 3 Common
2 Calgary 2 Common
1 Henderson 4 Calgary 3 Common 1 Sugar Land
1 Raleigh Durham 4 Foxboro
0 Augusta 2 Falcon Heights
2 Raleigh Durham 3 Raleigh Durham 1 Falcon Heights 1 Glentworth
0 Raleigh 3 Foxboro
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 2 Foxboro

Calgary Jays 2 - 4 Foxboro Phelgm

Iron .178 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 1 Cincinnati ? Vancouver 3 Northgate 2 Northgate
3 Aberfeldie ? DANDRIDGE 1 Ithaca
0 Twila 0 Ryushen
2 Aberfeldie 2 Aberfeldie 2 Northgate 2 Ithaca
4 Vancouver 4 DANDRIDGE
2 Vancouver 3 Vancouver 3 DANDRIDGE 1 Cobb County
1 Bedford 1 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Bedford 2 Toronto

Vancouver Canuckleheads 4 - 3 DANDRIDGE PATRIOTS

Iron .179 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Motor City 3 Motor City ? Motor City 2 Gaffney 2 Gaffney
2 Linglestown ? Toronto 3 Toronto
1 Tacoma 2 Toronto
2 Linglestown 4 Motor City 4 Toronto 1 Naptown
0 San Antonio 2 Albuquerque
1 Yarmouth 2 Albuquerque
2 San Antonio 3 San Antonio 3 Albuquerque 0 Los Angeles
2 Kowloon 2 Santa Maria
0 - 0 -
2 Kowloon 2 Santa Maria

Motor City Bengals 4 - 2 Toronto Blue Jays

Iron .180 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Spokane 3 Spokane ? Spokane 3 Minnesota 2 Minnesota
2 Drexel Heights ? St. Louie 2 Citrus Heights
2 Drexel Heights 0 Monterey
1 Pleasant Ridge 4 Spokane 0 Minnesota 2 Citrus Heights
1 Hamilton 4 St. Louie
2 Hamilton 2 St. Louie
1 Philadelphia 3 Hamilton 3 St. Louie 0 Catherine
1 Mid City 1 Rochester
0 - 0 -
2 Mid City 2 Rochester

Spokane Spleens 3 - 4 St. Louie Louies TTC

Iron .181 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 2 Cape Cod 2 Cape Cod
0 teh ? West Memphis 3 West Memphis
1 Mount 2 West Memphis
2 teh 4 Baltimore 4 West Memphis 1 Richmond
1 La Porte 0 Soulard
0 Fremont 2 The Good News
2 La Porte 3 La Porte 1 The Good News 1 Kasukabe
2 Columbus 3 Soulard
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 2 Soulard

Baltimore Orioles 1 - 4 West Memphis Swamp Foxes

Iron .182 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kittery 3 Kittery ? Houston 3 Cambridge 2 Cambridge
2 New Jersey ? San Antonio 1 Asbestos
1 Houston 1 Venice
2 New Jersey 0 Kittery 3 Cambridge 2 Asbestos
4 Houston 4 San Antonio
1 Saginaw 1 Ruffin
2 Houston 3 Houston 1 Astoria 2 Astoria
1 South Park 3 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 South Park 2 San Antonio

Houston Twerk 4 - 1 San Antonio Red Wolves

Iron .183 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 3 Seoul ? Seoul 0 Frederic 2 Frederic
1 Grosse Ile ? Galesburg 3 Naubinway
0 Keego Harbor 1 Saint Louis
2 Grosse Ile 4 Seoul 3 Naubinway 2 Naubinway
0 Hal's 4 Galesburg
0 East Bay 0 Poverty Island
2 Arioch's 2 Arioch's 2 Mars 2 Mars
3 Hal's 3 Galesburg
0 - 0 -
2 Hal's 2 Galesburg

Seoul LG Twins 1 - 4 Galesburg Gusts

Iron .184 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Cleveland 0 Orgrimmar 2 Orgrimmar
2 Lakewood Ranch ? Twilight 3 Twilight
1 Laramie 2 Twilight
2 Lakewood Ranch 4 Cleveland 4 Twilight 0 19
3 Tucson 3 Cumana
2 New York 0 Boston
0 Omaha 0 New York 1 Lakewood 2 Lakewood
3 Tucson 3 Cumana
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Cumana

Cleveland Locomotives 4 - 3 Twilight Glitter Vampires

Iron .185 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Haney 3 Haney ? Haney 3 Capricorn 2 Capricorn
1 Destin ? Capricorn 0 Mighty
2 Destin 2 Mighty
1 Delco Bees 4 Haney 4 Capricorn 0 Swerve City
3 Georgetown 2 Wodonga
2 Taipei 1 Myrtle Beach
1 Zyns 2 Taipei 3 Wodonga 2 Wodonga
3 Georgetown 2 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 Georgetown 2 Kansas City

Haney Alouettes 4 - 3 Capricorn One

Iron .186 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Byzantium 3 Byzantium ? Byzantium 3 Orange City 2 Orange City
2 New Jersey ? Desert 0 Bartram Park
2 New Jersey 0 Buffalo
1 Columbia 4 Byzantium 3 Orange City 2 Bartram Park
1 Merrick 4 Desert
0 Rancho Cucamonga 2 Frankenthal
2 Merrick 3 Merrick 1 Frankenthal 1 Santako
1 Topeka 3 Desert
0 - 0 -
2 Topeka 2 Desert

Byzantium Iconoclasts 2 - 4 Desert Fathers

Iron .187 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 guri 3 guri ? guri 2 Detroit 2 Detroit
1 College Park ? Sherwood 3 Sherwood
2 College Park 0 Klondike
0 Cotati 4 guri 4 Sherwood 2 Sherwood
0 Grand Island 1 Knob Noster
2 Grand Island 1 Carolina
0 Annapolis 3 Grand Island 2 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
0 Minnesota 3 Knob Noster
0 - 0 -
2 Minnesota 2 Knob Noster

guri ggamack 4 - 1 Sherwood Owls

Iron .188 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Windy City 2 Windy City ? Delaware 3 Torrance 2 Torrance
3 Wangoom ? Dirty 1 Schwerin
0 Kansas City 2 Schwerin
2 Wangoom 3 Wangoom 3 Torrance 0 Lakeland
4 Delaware 4 Dirty
2 Delaware 2 Faraway Town
1 Roseville 3 Delaware 2 Faraway Town 0 Findlay
0 Texas 3 Dirty
0 - 0 -
2 Texas 2 Dirty

Delaware Defenders 2 - 4 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Iron .189 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Jersey 3 New Jersey ? New Jersey 3 Southfield 2 Southfield
2 Seoul LG ? Brooklyn 0 Havana
0 Boston 1 Overrated
2 Seoul LG 4 New Jersey 1 Southfield 2 Havana
3 Austin 4 Brooklyn
1 Wacouta 0 Big Papi's
2 Mt Everest 2 Mt Everest 1 Tiananmen Square 2 Tiananmen Square
3 Austin 3 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 2 Brooklyn

New Jersey Devils 4 - 2 Brooklyn Rats

Iron .190 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 1 Long Island ? Mosstown 2 Shawneeland 2 Shawneeland
3 Portland ? Midwest 3 Twin City
0 Fairfax 2 Twin City
2 Portland 2 Portland 1 Twin City 0 Agnostic
4 Mosstown 4 Midwest
0 London 2 Lake Placid
2 Local 0 Local 1 Lake Placid 1 Castrodelphia
3 Mosstown 3 Midwest
0 - 0 -
2 Mosstown 2 Midwest

Mosstown Mudhens 2 - 4 Midwest Naturals

Iron .191 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Alabama 1 Alabama ? SC 0 Taiwan 2 Taiwan
3 SC ? DMZ 3 Meebin
2 SC 1 Montreal
0 Robinwood 4 SC 0 Meebin 2 Meebin
2 Lost Monks 4 DMZ
2 Lost Monks 1 New Harmony
0 Herts 3 Lost Monks 1 KIA 2 KIA
2 Easton 3 DMZ
0 - 0 -
2 Easton 2 DMZ

SC Sweets 1 - 4 DMZ KOREA

Iron .192 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Whaplode 3 Whaplode ? Whaplode 3 Petersham 2 Petersham
1 Low Diamond ? San Antonio 1 Somerville
0 Canadia 2 Somerville
2 Low Diamond 4 Whaplode 1 Petersham 0 Poetic
1 Bar Harbor 4 San Antonio
1 Diamond 2 Chicago
2 Bar Harbor 3 Bar Harbor 0 Chicago 1 Agirapo
2 Schenectady 3 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Schenectady 2 San Antonio

Whaplode Reapers 4 - 2 San Antonio Scorpions

Iron .193 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cambridge 2 Cambridge ? Fredericksburg 0 Wuhan 2 Wuhan
3 Los Angeles ? Shawnee 3 Melfort
0 Herscher 0 Yokohama
2 Los Angeles 0 Los Angeles 3 Melfort 2 Melfort
4 Fredericksburg 4 Shawnee
0 Ottawa 2 Walnut Creek
2 I10 0 I10 2 Walnut Creek 1 Cityname
3 Fredericksburg 3 Shawnee
0 - 0 -
2 Fredericksburg 2 Shawnee

Fredericksburg Peaches 2 - 4 Shawnee Copperheads

Iron .194 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 London 1 London ? Salisbury 0 Wolverhampton 2 Wolverhampton
3 Rochester ? Salisbury 3 Salisbury
2 Rochester 0 Boston
0 Washington DC 1 Rochester 4 Salisbury 2 Salisbury
4 Salisbury 1 D.C.
2 Ocean City 0 Port St. Lucie
1 Fancy Hors d'Oeuvres 2 Ocean City 1 Balsamic 2 Balsamic
3 Salisbury 3 D.C.
0 - 0 -
2 Salisbury 2 D.C.

Salisbury Shorebirds 3 - 4 Salisbury Squirrels

Iron .195 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Lansing 1 East Lansing ? Baseball 1 Saskatoon 2 Saskatoon
3 Baseball ? Blue 3 Blue
2 Baseball 1 Toronto
1 Hong Kong 4 Baseball 4 Blue 2 Blue
0 Schultz 3 Sneaky
1 Florida 2 Fort Ripley
2 Schultz 3 Schultz 1 Fort Ripley 0 Pittsburgh
2 Alabama 3 Sneaky
0 - 0 -
2 Alabama 2 Sneaky

Baseball Team 0 - 4 Blue Hornets 5099

Iron .196 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Miami 1 Miami ? Presidential 2 Homestead 2 Homestead
3 Presidential ? Hendersonville 3 Hendersonville
1 Gainesville 0 Rapid City
2 Presidential 4 Presidential 4 Hendersonville 2 Hendersonville
3 Cleveland 2 Elizabeth
0 Houston 2 Elizabeth
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland 3 Elizabeth 0 Raleigh
1 Baltimore 1 Forest Town
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 Forest Town

Presidential Power TTC 1 - 4 Hendersonville Hens

Iron .197 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barrington 1 Barrington ? Washington 1 Boulder 2 Boulder
3 Long Island ? Corvallis 3 Corvallis
2 Long Island 0 Edmonton
1 Auburn 1 Long Island 4 Corvallis 2 Corvallis
4 Washington 3 Salem
2 Washington 1 Ballymahon
1 Denton 3 Washington 2 Hamilton 2 Hamilton
1 Bucket 3 Salem
0 - 0 -
2 Bucket 2 Salem

Washington Ghosts 1 - 4 Corvallis Beavers

Iron .198 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 1 Tampa Bay ? Norwich 3 San Diego 2 San Diego
3 Wilmington (NC) ? Myrtle Beach 0 OKC
2 Wilmington (NC) 1 River City
0 Seattle 3 Wilmington (NC) 2 San Diego 2 OKC
4 Norwich 4 Myrtle Beach
2 Norwich 2 Myrtle Beach
1 New Jersey 3 Norwich 3 Myrtle Beach 1 New Haven
2 Oakville 1 Missouri
0 - 0 -
2 Oakville 2 Missouri

Norwich Sea Unicorns 4 - 3 Myrtle Beach Pelicans

Iron .199 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grand Forks 3 Grand Forks ? Canada 2 Sagebrush 2 Sagebrush
1 Louiseville ? SonBal 3 Reptar's
2 Louiseville 0 Los Gatos
1 Long Beach 1 Grand Forks 1 Reptar's 2 Reptar's
4 Canada 4 SonBal
0 McKinney 0 Sugar Land
2 Canada 3 Canada 3 SonBal 2 SonBal
1 Kansas City 2 Dukes
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Dukes

Canada Ice Princesses 4 - 1 SonBal Eagles

Iron .200 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 Baltimore ? Schenectady 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Schenectady ? Eugene 2 Eugene
1 Wesley Chapel 1 Fountain City
2 Schenectady 4 Schenectady 2 Brooklyn 2 Eugene
3 Boston 4 Eugene
2 East Blue 1 Murrieta
0 Holly Springs 0 East Blue 3 Eugene 2 Eugene
3 Boston 0 San Francisco
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 San Francisco

Schenectady Steel 0 - 4 Eugene Astros

Iron .201 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Prague 3 Prague ? Ottawa 3 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
0 Ivalice ? Pittsburgh 0 Darmstadt
0 Langley 0 Gary Southshore
2 Ivalice 3 Prague 4 Pittsburgh 2 Darmstadt
4 Ottawa 1 Arlen
1 Fresno 2 Tucson
2 Vermont 1 Vermont 1 Tucson 0 Woodland
3 Ottawa 3 Arlen
0 - 0 -
2 Ottawa 2 Arlen

Ottawa Lynx 1 - 4 Pittsburgh Palm Bucs

Iron .202 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Boston ? Baseball 3 Manhattan 2 Manhattan
3 ARRRRRGH ? Seattle 0 Atlanta
1 Bothell 2 Atlanta
2 ARRRRRGH 2 ARRRRRGH 3 Manhattan 0 Great Bend
4 Baseball 4 Seattle
2 Brisbane 0 Cloverdale
1 Sunnyvale 1 Brisbane 2 Gloucester Fishermen 2 Gloucester Fishermen
3 Baseball 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Baseball 2 Seattle

Baseball Team 3 - 4 Seattle Stealth

Iron .203 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cherry Hill 3 Cherry Hill ? Palermo 3 New York 2 New York
2 Moreno Valley ? Miami 2 LearnedLeague
1 Virginia 0 Barrington
2 Moreno Valley 3 Cherry Hill 1 New York 2 LearnedLeague
4 Palermo 4 Miami
2 Tokyo 1 Fredericksburg
1 Gashouse 2 Tokyo 3 Miami 2 Miami
3 Palermo 0 iPad
0 - 0 -
2 Palermo 2 iPad

Palermo Cornmashers 4 - 1 Miami Fish

Iron .204 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Orlando 3 East Orlando ? Wilmington 1 Honolulu 2 Honolulu
1 Mint Hill ? Meuse 3 Dusseldorf
2 Mint Hill 2 Dusseldorf
1 West Virginia 0 East Orlando 3 Dusseldorf 1 Giant
4 Wilmington 4 Meuse
2 Wilmington 1 Jeju
1 Baltimore 3 Wilmington 2 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
2 Boyoyon Boyoyon 3 Meuse
0 - 0 -
2 Boyoyon Boyoyon 2 Meuse

Wilmington Wylies 4 - 1 Meuse Grim Reapers

Iron .205 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tempe 3 Tempe ? Albuquerque 3 Tampa 2 Tampa
0 Sacramento ? El Monte 2 Fort Myers
2 Sacramento 0 Carbondale
1 STMDB 3 Tempe 1 Tampa 2 Fort Myers
4 Albuquerque 4 El Monte
1 Regina 2 Twin Town
2 Albuquerque 3 Albuquerque 1 Twin Town 1 Stevens Point
2 Oakville 3 El Monte
0 - 0 -
2 Oakville 2 El Monte

Albuquerque Dawgs 1 - 4 El Monte Beach Bums

Iron .206 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kenner 2 Kenner ? Ballard 1 Lime Ridge 2 Lime Ridge
3 Seattle ? Sacramento 3 Surprise
2 Seattle 0 Brooklyn
0 Gold Coast 2 Seattle 2 Surprise 2 Surprise
4 Ballard 4 Sacramento
2 Washington 1 Long Creak
0 Rancho Cucamonga 1 Washington 3 Sacramento 2 Sacramento
3 Ballard 0 Fort Wayne
0 - 0 -
2 Ballard 2 Fort Wayne

Ballard Seawolves 3 - 4 Sacramento Athletics

Iron .207 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 1 Atlanta ? New York 3 Oak 2 Oak
3 Long Island ? Oak 2 MIS
0 Cleveland 0 Springfield
2 Long Island 3 Long Island 4 Oak 2 MIS
4 New York 3 Ktown
2 Silent 2 Rockingham County
0 Mainhatten 0 Silent 1 Rockingham County 0 Long Island
3 New York 3 Ktown
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Ktown

New York Knights 1 - 4 Oak Acorns

Iron .208 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rowland Heights 0 Rowland Heights ? Biloxi 3 Camas 2 Camas
3 Biloxi ? Helena 2 Underhill
1 IndyBurgh 1 Orange County
2 Biloxi 4 Biloxi 2 Camas 2 Underhill
1 Fukuoka 4 Helena
0 Bridgeport 0 Beach City
2 Western Nebraska 1 Western Nebraska 0 Madison 2 Madison
3 Fukuoka 3 Helena
0 - 0 -
2 Fukuoka 2 Helena

Biloxi Shuckers 3 - 4 Helena Burgers

Iron .209 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hamner's 1 Hamner's ? Atlanta 2 Langhorne 2 Langhorne
3 Australian ? Mount Helix 3 Mount Helix
0 Syracuse 2 Mount Helix
2 Australian 2 Australian 4 Mount Helix 0 Baltimore
4 Atlanta 0 Gotham City
1 Madison 2 Bluegrass
2 Tomnavoulin 0 Tomnavoulin 1 Bluegrass 0 Oakland
3 Atlanta 3 Gotham City
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 2 Gotham City

Atlanta Knighthawks 3 - 4 Mount Helix Roundhouses

Iron .210 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Johnsonvile 3 Johnsonvile ? Johnsonvile 0 Mogliano Veneto 2 Mogliano Veneto
0 Dearborn ? Los Angeles 3 Santa Maria
2 Dearborn 2 Santa Maria
1 Ft. Worth 4 Johnsonvile 3 Santa Maria 0 Hagerstown
2 Woodstock 4 Los Angeles
2 Woodstock 0 Seattle
1 Boston 3 Woodstock 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
0 Disneyland 2 Ventura
0 - 0 -
2 Disneyland 2 Ventura

Johnsonvile Rangers 4 - 3 Los Angeles Avengers

Iron .211 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Isleton 3 Isleton ? Isleton 3 Citrus Heights 2 Citrus Heights
1 Screamin' ? Citrus Heights 2 Arizona
1 Portland 2 Arizona
2 Screamin' 4 Isleton 4 Citrus Heights 1 Porkchop
2 C.H. 2 Forest Glen
1 Orlando 2 Forest Glen
2 Wichita 1 Wichita 3 Forest Glen 0 Daygo
3 C.H. 2 Orcutt
0 - 0 -
2 C.H. 2 Orcutt

Isleton Tigers 4 - 0 Citrus Heights Canaries

Iron .212 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Smyrna 3 New Smyrna ? New Smyrna 3 Southside 2 Southside
1 New York ? Tampa Bay 0 Denver
2 New York 1 Manitoba
1 SKKU 4 New Smyrna 0 Southside 2 Denver
0 Hanover 4 Tampa Bay
2 Hanover 2 Tampa Bay
1 Conlon 3 Hanover 3 Tampa Bay 1 Spring Valley
1 is that my name 1 Wallaby Way
0 - 0 -
2 is that my name 2 Wallaby Way

New Smyrna Surfers 1 - 4 Tampa Bay Rays

Iron .213 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 3 Philly ? Schenectady 3 Simi Valley 2 Simi Valley
2 Whitstable ? Taiwan 1 Cincinnati
2 Whitstable 1 Sandbox
1 Flatbush 0 Philly 3 Simi Valley 2 Cincinnati
4 Schenectady 4 Taiwan
1 Nashville 0 El Paso
2 Schenectady 3 Schenectady 1 Bethesda 2 Bethesda
2 Sky Valley 3 Taiwan
0 - 0 -
2 Sky Valley 2 Taiwan

Schenectady Scooters 0 - 4 Taiwan Oysters

Iron .214 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jackson 3 Jackson ? SDak 3 Oakville 2 Oakville
2 Champaign ? Oakville 1 Soquel
1 New Jersey 0 Oxford
2 Champaign 1 Jackson 4 Oakville 2 Soquel
4 SDak 3 Heracles
1 La Paz 1 Tucson
2 New Forest 0 New Forest 3 Heracles 2 Heracles
3 SDak 0 Satchel
0 - 0 -
2 SDak 2 Satchel

SDak Woodies 4 - 1 Oakville Bees

Iron .215 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 AATP 0 AATP ? Hanhwa 3 Toledo 2 Toledo
3 Burlington ? Quarry Lake 2 Lubbock
0 Wichita 0 Memphis
2 Burlington 3 Burlington 3 Toledo 2 Lubbock
4 Hanhwa 4 Quarry Lake
2 Manchester 1 Wellfleet
1 EIU 2 Manchester 1 Rocky Mountain 2 Rocky Mountain
3 Hanhwa 3 Quarry Lake
0 - 0 -
2 Hanhwa 2 Quarry Lake

Hanhwa Eagles 2 - 4 Quarry Lake Rangers

Iron .216 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 3 Formosa 2 Formosa
0 Hawksdale ? Formosa 0 FC St. Pauli
2 Hawksdale 2 FC St. Pauli
0 Atlanna 4 Baltimore 4 Formosa 0 Van Nuys
3 South Side 2 Nippon
0 Utha 2 Nippon
2 South Side 3 South Side 3 Nippon 1 Rogue River
2 South Sac 0 Combinators
0 - 0 -
2 South Sac 2 Combinators

Baltimore Bullets 4 - 2 Formosa BlackBears

Iron .217 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 bestloves6 3 bestloves6 ? Ann Arbor 3 Low Country 2 Low Country
0 Vernal ? Low Country 1 Greenville
0 The Queen 0 Manarth
2 Vernal 0 bestloves6 4 Low Country 2 Greenville
4 Ann Arbor 2 Gothenburg
2 Ann Arbor 2 Garden City
1 Indy 3 Ann Arbor 2 Garden City 0 Decatur
0 Washington State 3 Gothenburg
0 - 0 -
2 Washington State 2 Gothenburg

Ann Arbor Alliterations TTC 2 - 4 Low Country Boil

Iron .218 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hanwha 3 Hanwha ? Hanwha 1 New York 2 New York
0 Huntsville ? DAEGU 3 Detroit
0 Minot 2 Detroit
2 Huntsville 4 Hanwha 3 Detroit 0 Maltese
0 Toronto 2 DAEGU
2 Tykocin 1 Tykocin 3 DAEGU 0 Durham
3 BYU 2 Bellingham
0 - 0 -
2 BYU 2 Bellingham

Hanwha Eagles 4 - 2 DAEGU PureGirl

Iron .219 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pikelake 3 Pikelake ? Pikelake 3 Wodonga Night Hawks 2 Wodonga Night Hawks
0 Spokane ? Nashville 2 Jacksonville
0 Emaw 1 Arecibo
2 Spokane 4 Pikelake 1 Wodonga Night Hawks 2 Jacksonville
1 Almont 4 Nashville
2 Roswell 1 Paris
1 Lawndale 0 Roswell 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 Almont 2 Berlin
0 - 0 -
2 Almont 2 Berlin

Pikelake Greenheads 0 - 4 Nashville Terps

Iron .220 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Merrick 3 Merrick ? Space City 1 Pescadero 2 Pescadero
0 Bikini Bottom ? Colorado Springs 3 Colorado Springs
2 Bikini Bottom 2 Colorado Springs
0 San Angelo 3 Merrick 4 Colorado Springs 1 Lykos
4 Space City 3 Geoje
1 Asheville 0 Bangor
2 Space City 3 Space City 3 Geoje 2 Geoje
2 Greely 1 Shady Shores
0 - 0 -
2 Greely 2 Shady Shores

Space City PO Barons 4 - 3 Colorado Springs Black Diamonds

Iron .221 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mr Audit's 3 Mr Audit's ? San jose 2 Sixes 2 Sixes
1 Chipper off ? Whitefish Bay 3 Just
1 Shelbourne 1 Cornwall
2 Chipper off 3 Mr Audit's 2 Just 2 Just
4 San jose 4 Whitefish Bay
0 Montreal 2 Whitefish Bay
2 Head-Smashed-In 2 Head-Smashed-In 3 Whitefish Bay 0 100 Pounds Of
3 San jose 2 Starfleet
0 - 0 -
2 San jose 2 Starfleet

San jose Dragons 1 - 4 Whitefish Bay TurfBurners PCK

Iron .222 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Borders 2 Borders ? Vancouver 3 Seattle 2 Seattle
3 Wrigleyville ? Ojochal 1 Oklahoma City
1 Huntington 2 Oklahoma City
2 Wrigleyville 2 Wrigleyville 2 Seattle 0 Brooklyn
4 Vancouver 4 Ojochal
2 Vancouver 0 Vancouver
0 Minto 3 Vancouver 1 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
1 Marion 3 Ojochal
0 - 0 -
2 Marion 2 Ojochal

Vancouver Centaurs 4 - 3 Ojochal Toucans

Iron .223 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 0 Austin ? Beckington 3 Surprise 2 Surprise
3 Florida ? Surprise 1 Houston
0 Wheatland 1 Homestead
2 Florida 3 Florida 4 Surprise 2 Houston
4 Beckington 2 Southern California
0 Maine West 0 St. James
2 Tulsa 1 Tulsa 1 Newbury 2 Newbury
3 Beckington 3 Southern California
0 - 0 -
2 Beckington 2 Southern California

Beckington Badgers 2 - 4 Surprise Armadillos

Iron .224 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albany 3 Albany ? Philly 3 Shaler 2 Shaler
0 Warrenton ? Cochabamba 2 San Jose
1 Saint Maries 0 Port Charlotte
2 Warrenton 1 Albany 2 Shaler 2 San Jose
4 Philly 4 Cochabamba
0 Boston Red Sox 2 Cleveland
2 Philly 3 Philly 2 Cleveland 0 KZoo
1 Precious 3 Cochabamba
0 - 0 -
2 Precious 2 Cochabamba

Philly Stinks 4 - 1 Cochabamba Capybaras TBD

Stone .100 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kalamazoo 3 Kalamazoo ? Johns Creek 3 Fairport 2 Fairport
0 Jabriya ? Fairport 0 Michiana
0 Tacoma 2 Michiana
2 Jabriya 0 Kalamazoo 4 Fairport 1 Portland
4 Johns Creek 1 Pretend
1 Las Vegas 1 Winona
2 Nashville 0 Nashville 2 Purchase 2 Purchase
3 Johns Creek 3 Pretend
0 - 0 -
2 Johns Creek 2 Pretend

Johns Creek Wolfpack 0 - 4 Fairport Coopers

Stone .101 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Eirlog 3 Eirlog ? Eirlog 1 East Texas Baptist 2 East Texas Baptist
0 Savannah ? Quebec City 3 Quebec City
2 Savannah 0 Rochester
0 Birmingham 4 Eirlog 4 Quebec City 2 Quebec City
1 DD 3 New York
0 Joliet 0 New York
2 DD 3 DD 3 New York 2 New York
0 North Park 2 Silver City
0 - 0 -
2 North Park 2 Silver City

Eirlog Packages 3 - 4 Quebec City Frontenacs

Stone .102 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Storm 3 Storm ? Florence 3 Loveable 2 Loveable
2 Toronto ? Nashville 2 H-Town
1 Pine Bluff 2 H-Town
2 Toronto 2 Storm 3 Loveable 1 Tom Landry MS
4 Florence 4 Nashville
2 Moscow 2 Nashville
0 Seoul 1 Moscow 3 Nashville 1 Eagan
3 Florence 0 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Florence 2 Chicago

Florence Fire Ants 4 - 2 Nashville Sounds

Stone .103 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mayon 3 Mayon ? OK 3 Great Lakes 2 Great Lakes
2 Boston ? Great Lakes 0 North Olmsted
1 Fountain Hills 2 North Olmsted
2 Boston 0 Mayon 4 Great Lakes 0 Kansas City
4 OK 3 Welland
2 Ancaster 0 Cordon
0 Boolarra 0 Ancaster 2 River City 2 River City
3 OK 3 Welland
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Welland

OK Blue Jackets 4 - 0 Great Lakes Loons

Stone .104 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cornersburg 3 Cornersburg ? Cornersburg 3 Airdrie 2 Airdrie
1 Pitman ? Airdrie 0 Savannah
1 KIA 2 Savannah
2 Pitman 4 Cornersburg 4 Airdrie 1 OK
1 Walton Kings 3 NewYork
2 Catonsville 0 Ikebukuro
1 Cliffside Park 0 Catonsville 1 Chicago 2 Chicago
3 Walton Kings 3 NewYork
0 - 0 -
2 Walton Kings 2 NewYork

Cornersburg Trash Pandas 4 - 0 Airdrie Diamonds

Stone .105 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 2 Phoenix ? Myrtle Beach 3 Magnolia 2 Magnolia
3 Myrtle Beach ? Magnolia 1 Southern Illinois
0 Texas 2 Southern Illinois
2 Myrtle Beach 4 Myrtle Beach 4 Magnolia 1 Toronto
3 Indy 1 Minnesota
2 Pretty 2 Minnesota
0 Dimension 20 2 Pretty 3 Minnesota 1 Manchester
3 Indy 0 Kingston
0 - 0 -
2 Indy 2 Kingston

Myrtle Beach Pelicans 2 - 4 Magnolia Rams

Stone .106 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Moon Township 2 Moon Township
1 Atlanta ? Moon Township 2 Tucson
0 Freeport 1 Brooklyn
2 Atlanta 4 Toronto 4 Moon Township 2 Tucson
1 Schenectady 3 Houston
1 Winona 0 Viridian City
2 Schenectady 3 Schenectady 2 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Klinker 3 Houston
0 - 0 -
2 Klinker 2 Houston

Toronto Blue Jays 4 - 2 Moon Township Kappers

Stone .107 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Busan 2 Busan
0 Seattle ? Busan 2 Gainesville
0 Chuncheon 2 Gainesville
2 Seattle 4 Toronto 4 Busan 0 Detroit
0 Nashville 1 Minneapolis
1 Kansas City 0 Ara
2 Chula Vista 0 Chula Vista 3 Minneapolis 2 Minneapolis
3 Nashville 2 Wharton
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 2 Wharton

Toronto Mad Dogs 2 - 4 Busan Seagulls

Stone .108 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas ? Las Vegas 3 Roseville 2 Roseville
1 Boston ? Roseville 2 Albuquerque
1 Mr. Jeter's 0 Calgary
2 Boston 4 Las Vegas 4 Roseville 2 Albuquerque
3 Asia 3 Baltimore
1 Global 2 Oakland
2 Satsuma 2 Satsuma 2 Oakland 1 boroo
3 Asia 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Asia 2 Baltimore

Las Vegas Silver Sox 0 - 4 Roseville Engineers

Stone .109 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bellbird 3 Bellbird ? Bellbird 3 Kingsport 2 Kingsport
0 Chelsea ? Kingsport 2 Roselle
1 Antioch 0 Ruston
2 Chelsea 4 Bellbird 4 Kingsport 2 Roselle
3 Florida 3 Charlotte
2 Florida 2 Charlotte
1 Wonil Park 3 Florida 3 Charlotte 1 Tokyo
2 COOM 0 Kalamazoo
0 - 0 -
2 COOM 2 Kalamazoo

Bellbird Phillies 3 - 4 Kingsport Ancients

Stone .110 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 3 Madison ? Seattle 2 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Bromsgrove ? Laval 3 Anchorage
2 Bromsgrove 1 Kenesaw
1 Toronto 3 Madison 2 Anchorage 2 Anchorage
4 Seattle 4 Laval
0 San Diego 2 Laval
2 Nekoosa 0 Nekoosa 3 Laval 1 Phoenix
3 Seattle 0 Virginia Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Virginia Beach

Seattle Mean Green 4 - 3 Laval Rocket

Stone .111 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Thunder Bay 0 Thunder Bay ? Worcester 3 Calgary 2 Calgary
3 Worcester ? Seattle 0 Broward
2 Worcester 2 Broward
1 Poil Uiwang 4 Worcester 1 Calgary 1 Seoul
2 Albuquerque 4 Seattle
0 New York 0 Manchester
2 Donk Elvis 2 Donk Elvis 1 Dayton 2 Dayton
3 Albuquerque 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 2 Seattle

Worcester Monarchs 2 - 4 Seattle Mariners

Stone .112 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dirty Jersey 3 Dirty Jersey ? Dirty Jersey 3 Vermont 2 Vermont
1 Kansas City ? Gotham City 1 Hoboken
2 Kansas City 1 Tuscaloosa
0 Townshend 4 Dirty Jersey 2 Vermont 2 Hoboken
1 I am Kurios 4 Gotham City
2 Chantilly 1 Swamp Mountain
1 Candlepin 1 Chantilly 3 Gotham City 2 Gotham City
3 I am Kurios 2 Spooner
0 - 0 -
2 I am Kurios 2 Spooner

Dirty Jersey Goombahs 4 - 3 Gotham City Batmen

Stone .113 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Cloud State 3 St. Cloud State ? St. Cloud State 1 Hawaii 2 Hawaii
1 Louisville ? RIVER CITY 3 RIVER CITY
1 Las Vegas 0 Cincinnati
2 Louisville 4 St. Cloud State 4 RIVER CITY 2 RIVER CITY
3 Fort Myers 2 YoungIN
2 Kansas City 1 Bemidji State
1 Coal Township 1 Kansas City 2 Camp Hill 2 Camp Hill
3 Fort Myers 3 YoungIN
0 - 0 -
2 Fort Myers 2 YoungIN

St. Cloud State Huskies 1 - 4 RIVER CITY HOGS

Stone .114 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Joint Security Area 3 Joint Security Area ? Joint Security Area 2 San Jose 2 San Jose
0 Toronto ? Hod Carriers 3 Detroit
2 Toronto 2 Detroit
0 Pittsburgh 4 Joint Security Area 3 Detroit 0 Washington
2 Philadelphia 4 Hod Carriers
0 Loopnest 2 Cleveland
2 Pittsburgh 1 Pittsburgh 0 Cleveland 1 Baltimore
3 Philadelphia 3 Hod Carriers
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Hod Carriers

Joint Security Area Axe Murder Incident 1 - 4 Hod Carriers Local 17

Stone .115 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lancaster 2 Lancaster ? Bernie's 3 Bad News 2 Bad News
3 Bernie's ? Norcal 2 Upper Montclair
1 Omaha 0 Zaragoza
2 Bernie's 4 Bernie's 1 Bad News 2 Upper Montclair
2 Atlanta German 4 Norcal
2 Minneapolis 0 Crescent City
1 Fresno 0 Minneapolis 3 Norcal 2 Norcal
3 Atlanta German 1 Arizona
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta German 2 Arizona

Bernie's Bashers 4 - 2 Norcal Crash PCK

Stone .116 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Carolina 3 Duval 2 Duval
0 Sunset Ship ? Combinator 1 W. Islip
2 Sunset Ship 0 Schmid Heights
0 Paradise 3 Florida 2 Duval 2 W. Islip
4 Carolina 4 Combinator
2 Carolina 1 Chula Vista
1 SM 3 Carolina 3 Combinator 2 Combinator
0 Cleveland Should be 0 Frisco
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland Should be 2 Frisco

Carolina Hurricanes 2 - 4 Combinator Khaos

Stone .117 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Eau Claire 3 Eau Claire ? Eau Claire 3 Parkersburg 2 Parkersburg
0 Gracemere ? Parkersburg 1 Otley Town
0 Marine 1 Budapest
2 Gracemere 4 Eau Claire 4 Parkersburg 2 Otley Town
0 Chicago 1 Ashville
2 Midnite 2 Tainan
0 Tortuga 0 Midnite 1 Tainan 1 Spokane
3 Chicago 3 Ashville
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Ashville

Eau Claire Express 4 - 1 Parkersburg Parkers

Stone .118 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 California 3 California ? California 3 Peoria 2 Peoria
0 Aachen ? New Bern 1 North Charleston
0 Tulsa 0 gongju
2 Aachen 4 California 1 Peoria 2 North Charleston
3 Greenwich 4 New Bern
2 Rocher 2 KIA
1 St. Louis 0 Rocher 0 KIA 1 NMS
3 Greenwich 3 New Bern
0 - 0 -
2 Greenwich 2 New Bern

California Mandalorians 0 - 4 New Bern Bears

Stone .119 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oakville 3 Oakville ? Oakville 3 Sonora 2 Sonora
2 Como ? Sonora 2 Daytona
0 San Diego 0 Esko
2 Como 4 Oakville 4 Sonora 2 Daytona
2 Atlanta 3 OB
0 Gadsden 2 Boston
2 Atlanta 3 Atlanta 0 Boston 1 Charlotte
1 Sydney 3 OB
0 - 0 -
2 Sydney 2 OB

Oakville All-Stars 4 - 2 Sonora Travelers

Stone .120 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Packheim 3 Packheim ? Packheim 2 Florida 2 Florida
1 Centralia ? U.A. 3 Cave City
0 Quebec 1 Asbury Park
2 Centralia 4 Packheim 2 Cave City 2 Cave City
2 Philadelphia 4 U.A.
1 OK 2 Brooklyn
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia 1 Brooklyn 0 Los Gatos
0 Vancouver 3 U.A.
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 U.A.

Packheim Edelgards 4 - 2 U.A. Plus Ultras

Stone .121 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manitoba 3 Manitoba ? Manitoba 3 Sustainable 2 Sustainable
1 Rip City ? Sustainable 1 Chicago
1 Kmart 0 Bristol
2 Rip City 4 Manitoba 4 Sustainable 2 Chicago
3 Sun City Center 1 Ottawa
1 St. Paul 1 Augusta
2 Sun City Center 3 Sun City Center 3 Ottawa 2 Ottawa
2 Denver 2 Seaford
0 - 0 -
2 Denver 2 Seaford

Manitoba Caribou 2 - 4 Sustainable Livelihood TTC

Stone .122 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
1 Jasper ? New York 1 Non Pohlad
0 Barrie 0 Incheon
2 Jasper 4 New York 2 Raleigh 2 Non Pohlad
3 Patriot 4 New York
1 Triad 1 Chicago
2 Lynnwood 2 Lynnwood 1 Bale 2 Bale
3 Patriot 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Patriot 2 New York

New York Hawkeyes 2 - 4 New York Thunder

Stone .123 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Allentown 3 Allentown ? Allentown 3 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
1 Melbourne ? Arnold 1 Hell's Kitchen
1 Grand Junction 1 Kiamesha Lake
2 Melbourne 4 Allentown 3 Cincinnati 2 Hell's Kitchen
1 Streamwood 4 Arnold
2 Streamwood 1 Roseburg
1 New York 3 Streamwood 2 Del Rio 2 Del Rio
2 Samsung 3 Arnold
0 - 0 -
2 Samsung 2 Arnold

Allentown Angst 2 - 4 Arnold Cardinals

Stone .124 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bridgemont 3 Bridgemont ? Winnipeg 2 Sandusky 2 Sandusky
0 Barcelona ? Westminster 3 Westminster
1 Ulsan 2 Westminster
2 Barcelona 2 Bridgemont 4 Westminster 1 Cleveland
4 Winnipeg 0 Clovis
0 Boston 1 Tennessee
2 Inland Empire 2 Inland Empire 3 Clovis 2 Clovis
3 Winnipeg 1 Redcliff
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Redcliff

Winnipeg Goldeyes 3 - 4 Westminster Kpoppers

Stone .125 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Plainview 3 Plainview ? USA 3 Quezon City 2 Quezon City
1 Syracuse ? Quezon City 0 Hollywood
2 Syracuse 2 Hollywood
0 Grand Rapids 0 Plainview 4 Quezon City 0 Moon Lake
4 USA 3 Quincy
2 USA 0 Packstroville
0 Hackensack 3 USA 1 Norman 2 Norman
2 Ossingen 3 Quincy
0 - 0 -
2 Ossingen 2 Quincy

USA All-Stars 1 - 4 Quezon City Questants

Stone .126 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Huntingdon 3 Huntingdon ? Richmond 3 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
0 Crystal Lake ? Cincinnati 0 Seattle
2 Crystal Lake 0 Seattle
1 Binghamton 1 Huntingdon 4 Cincinnati 2 Seattle
4 Richmond 0 Orions
0 Glycoprotein 0 West Palm Beach
2 Richmond 3 Richmond 3 Orions 2 Orions
1 Toronto 2 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Chicago

Richmond Royals 4 - 2 Cincinnati River Dragons

Stone .127 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Minneaposlibbs 3 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
1 Haledon ? Baltimore 0 Daytona Beach
0 San Angeles 0 Overland Park
2 Haledon 1 Chicago 1 Cleveland 2 Daytona Beach
4 Minneaposlibbs 4 Baltimore
0 Packs 2 Cortez
2 Kansas 1 Kansas 0 Cortez 1 Baltimore
3 Minneaposlibbs 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Minneaposlibbs 2 Baltimore

Minneaposlibbs Modern Marvels 4 - 1 Baltimore Gunners

Stone .128 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fogtown 2 Fogtown ? Morton 3 Wichita 2 Wichita
3 Goons ? Wichita 0 Allentown
1 Tampa Bay 0 Vanderbilt
2 Goons 0 Goons 4 Wichita 2 Allentown
4 Morton 3 Mississauga
2 Melle 1 Dubuque
0 Helsingborg 2 Melle 2 Pennsylvania 2 Pennsylvania
3 Morton 3 Mississauga
0 - 0 -
2 Morton 2 Mississauga

Morton Pumpkins 4 - 1 Wichita Wheat Kings

Stone .129 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Korea 3 North Korea ? Atlanta 0 Longueuil 2 Longueuil
0 Dresden ? Mercer 3 Taichung
2 Dresden 0 New York
0 Ueda 1 North Korea 3 Taichung 2 Taichung
4 Atlanta 4 Mercer
0 Grit City 2 Mercer
2 Dallas 0 Dallas 3 Mercer 0 Perris
3 Atlanta 1 LA
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 2 LA

Atlanta Thrashers 4 - 2 Mercer Defenders

Stone .130 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Nashville 3 South Nashville ? Wilmington 1 Highlands 2 Highlands
1 Cape Fear ? Texas 3 Texas
2 Cape Fear 1 Guadalupe
0 Crash 3 South Nashville 4 Texas 2 Texas
4 Wilmington 1 Austin
1 San Antonio 2 Stanton
2 Wilmington 3 Wilmington 0 Stanton 0 Pixburgh
1 West Virginia 3 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 West Virginia 2 Austin

Wilmington Blue Rocks 4 - 2 Texas Detonators

Stone .131 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? ochang 3 Jersey City 2 Jersey City
1 Riverside ? Marquette 2 15 Min
0 Keene 2 15 Min
2 Riverside 1 Philadelphia 2 Jersey City 0 New York
4 ochang 4 Marquette
0 Washington 1 Constantinople
2 Okabe's 0 Okabe's 2 New York 2 New York
3 ochang 3 Marquette
0 - 0 -
2 ochang 2 Marquette

ochang eagles 4 - 1 Marquette Admirals

Stone .132 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vaughn 3 Vaughn ? Vaughn 1 SEGA 2 SEGA
2 Team ? Des Moines 3 Des Moines
2 Team 2 Des Moines
1 Rhinelander 4 Vaughn 4 Des Moines 1 Lake Erie
3 Los Angeles 3 NEW YORK
2 Sacramento 2 Myrtle Beach
1 York 2 Sacramento 2 Myrtle Beach 1 Houston
3 Los Angeles 3 NEW YORK
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 NEW YORK

Vaughn Grissoms 4 - 2 Des Moines Demons

Stone .133 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Little Dixie 3 Little Dixie ? Barcelona 3 Northwest Arkansas 2 Northwest Arkansas
2 Vanwa ? Northwest Arkansas 1 Newnan
0 Deadwood 1 Berkeley
2 Vanwa 3 Little Dixie 4 Northwest Arkansas 2 Newnan
4 Barcelona 0 Fort Smith
0 Florida 2 Fort Smith
2 Packs 1 Packs 3 Fort Smith 0 Maple Brook
3 Barcelona 0 Sligo
0 - 0 -
2 Barcelona 2 Sligo

Barcelona Marbeik 2 - 4 Northwest Arkansas Cats

Stone .134 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 NH 3 NH ? Palatine 3 Koufax 2 Koufax
2 Los ? Koufax 0 Rockford
2 Los 2 Rockford
1 Cheshire 2 NH 4 Koufax 1 Houston
4 Palatine 1 Spokane
0 Milwaukee 1 Ulsan
2 Harlem 2 Harlem 2 Purple 2 Purple
3 Palatine 3 Spokane
0 - 0 -
2 Palatine 2 Spokane

Palatine Pirates 1 - 4 Koufax Elbows

Stone .135 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn ? Rotterdam 1 Redford 2 Redford
3 Rotterdam ? Smackover 3 Smackover
0 minjun 0 Dee
2 Rotterdam 4 Rotterdam 4 Smackover 2 Smackover
2 referee111 2 Athens
1 ADubs's 1 Toronto
2 Monterrey 0 Monterrey 1 Lake City 2 Lake City
3 referee111 3 Athens
0 - 0 -
2 referee111 2 Athens

Rotterdam Dragons 4 - 1 Smackover Smashers

Stone .136 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 2 San Diego ? St. Louis 1 Delaware 2 Delaware
3 Alum Rock ? Crypto 3 Crypto
2 Alum Rock 0 Ogden
1 Brooklyn 0 Alum Rock 4 Crypto 2 Crypto
4 St. Louis 2 Medellin
2 St. Louis 1 Spring Hill
0 Baseball 3 St. Louis 0 Des Moines 2 Des Moines
1 Kalamazoo 3 Medellin
0 - 0 -
2 Kalamazoo 2 Medellin

St. Louis Deadbeats 4 - 1 Crypto Hustlers

Stone .137 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grove City 3 Grove City ? Arkham 0 Seattle 2 Seattle
2 Prague ? Los Angeles 3 Louisiana
0 San Francisco 2 Louisiana
2 Prague 2 Grove City 3 Louisiana 1 Tampa
4 Arkham 4 Los Angeles
0 LorBrad 0 Brea
2 Arkham 3 Arkham 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
1 Stirling 0 Hammond
0 - 0 -
2 Stirling 2 Hammond

Arkham Knights 4 - 3 Los Angeles Pipers

Stone .138 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quintana Beach 3 Quintana Beach ? Queem City 3 Chicken Town 2 Chicken Town
0 South County ? Chicken Town 0 Peterborough
0 Santa Ana 0 Lynchville
2 South County 1 Quintana Beach 4 Chicken Town 2 Peterborough
4 Queem City 2 Vegas
0 Bethesda 0 Boca Raton
2 Norfolk 1 Norfolk 2 Nevada 2 Nevada
3 Queem City 3 Vegas
0 - 0 -
2 Queem City 2 Vegas

Queem City Queemers 4 - 2 Chicken Town Chombers

Stone .139 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 3 Seoul ? Seoul 3 Jones County 2 Jones County
2 Vatican City ? Jones County 0 Golden
1 Montreal 1 Shrewsbury
2 Vatican City 4 Seoul 4 Jones County 2 Golden
2 Hanwha 0 Sanibel
2 Hanwha 1 Los Angeles
0 Markham 3 Hanwha 2 Clemson 2 Clemson
1 Lansing 3 Sanibel
0 - 0 -
2 Lansing 2 Sanibel

Seoul TWINS 4 - 2 Jones County One-Eyed Jacks

Stone .140 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kandy 3 Kandy ? Kandy 3 Sanford 2 Sanford
0 NIKKE ? Sanford 1 Austin
0 Crash 1 Walking in Memphis
2 NIKKE 4 Kandy 4 Sanford 2 Austin
0 Arizona 1 pittsburgh
1 Aledo 1 South Milwaukee
2 Ocean City 0 Ocean City 2 Catonsville 2 Catonsville
3 Arizona 3 pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 pittsburgh

Kandy Kanes 3 - 4 Sanford Foilers

Stone .141 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Paul 3 St. Paul ? St. Paul 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
2 Twilight ? Philadelphia 1 Bergenfield
0 Orange 0 Dead Ball
2 Twilight 4 St. Paul 4 Philadelphia 2 Bergenfield
2 Illinois 1 Billings
2 North Carolina 0 Wisconsin
0 Calgary 1 North Carolina 0 Gulf Shores 2 Gulf Shores
3 Illinois 3 Billings
0 - 0 -
2 Illinois 2 Billings

St. Paul Pack Openers 2 - 4 Philadelphia Flyers

Stone .142 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 2 Little Rock 2 Little Rock
2 Arlington ? Dubuque 3 Dubuque
2 Arlington 2 Dubuque
0 WallStreetBets 4 Boston 4 Dubuque 0 Hudson
1 Tahiti 3 Defensive
1 Grand Prairie 1 Buena Park
2 Fortworth 0 Fortworth 3 Defensive 2 Defensive
3 Tahiti 1 Denton
0 - 0 -
2 Tahiti 2 Denton

Boston Swamp Donkeys 4 - 0 Dubuque Dingers

Stone .143 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Grand Prairie 3 Cookeville 2 Cookeville
1 Wake Me Up ? Tulsa 2 Carol City
1 Ventura 1 BP
2 Wake Me Up 3 Cleveland 2 Cookeville 2 Carol City
4 Grand Prairie 4 Tulsa
1 Athol 2 Tulsa
2 Toronto 0 Toronto 3 Tulsa 0 AcTi
3 Grand Prairie 2 Marv18
0 - 0 -
2 Grand Prairie 2 Marv18

Grand Prairie Bees 1 - 4 Tulsa Boncours

Stone .144 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 3 Columbus ? Columbus 3 South Carolina 2 South Carolina
2 Fighting ? Patchogue 0 Smiths Falls
2 Fighting 2 Smiths Falls
1 Samsung 4 Columbus 3 South Carolina 1 Kentucky
1 East Providence 4 Patchogue
0 Latin 1 Arlington
2 East Providence 3 East Providence 3 Patchogue 2 Patchogue
2 Seattle 1 Greenville
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Greenville

Columbus Jets 3 - 4 Patchogue Wrightsters 5

Stone .145 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ridge 3 Ridge ? Ridge 2 Bucknell 2 Bucknell
1 DG ? Buffalo 3 Buffalo
2 DG 0 Madhouse
0 Reno 4 Ridge 4 Buffalo 2 Buffalo
0 Chicago 3 San Diego
2 Chicago 2 San Diego
0 St. Louis 3 Chicago 3 San Diego 0 Charleston
1 Port Arthur 1 Ottawa
0 - 0 -
2 Port Arthur 2 Ottawa

Ridge Runners 4 - 0 Buffalo PieCreamers

Stone .146 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boise 1 Boise ? Galla Creek 0 hanhwa 2 hanhwa
3 Galla Creek ? Pompeji 3 Pompeji
1 Brooklyn 0 Smitty's
2 Galla Creek 4 Galla Creek 4 Pompeji 2 Pompeji
1 Hamburg 1 Quantum City
1 Big 1 Largo
2 Cleveland 0 Cleveland 1 Detroit 2 Detroit
3 Hamburg 3 Quantum City
0 - 0 -
2 Hamburg 2 Quantum City

Galla Creek Goons 2 - 4 Pompeji Goon Squad

Stone .147 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Henderson 2 Henderson ? Billings 3 Apex 2 Apex
3 NC ? Apex 2 muduengsan tiger
0 St. Louis 1 Westside
2 NC 1 NC 4 Apex 2 muduengsan tiger
4 Billings 1 Aurora
0 Kenosha 0 Wilmington
2 Billings 3 Billings 2 Chi City 2 Chi City
2 Chanyvill 3 Aurora
0 - 0 -
2 Chanyvill 2 Aurora

Billings Regulators 4 - 2 Apex Predators

Stone .148 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Longmont 3 Longmont ? Mugondese 3 Earl's 2 Earl's
1 Last Moonshiners ? Earl's 1 Berlin
2 Last Moonshiners 2 Berlin
1 Gary 1 Longmont 4 Earl's 1 ES
4 Mugondese 3 Aptos
2 Spearfish 0 Sui's
1 Bayonne 1 Spearfish 1 Swayside 2 Swayside
3 Mugondese 3 Aptos
0 - 0 -
2 Mugondese 2 Aptos

Mugondese Mugs 4 - 2 Earl's Pearls

Stone .149 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Colton 3 Colton ? Colton 2 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
2 Fine Young Men ? DMV 3 OC
0 Oakland 0 Richmond
2 Fine Young Men 4 Colton 2 OC 2 OC
3 Owlscastle Closers 4 DMV
2 La Mesa 2 DMV
1 Detroit 1 La Mesa 3 DMV 1 Jena
3 Owlscastle Closers 1 Saskatchewan
0 - 0 -
2 Owlscastle Closers 2 Saskatchewan

Colton Dingos 4 - 2 DMV Reign

Stone .150 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Pollos 1 Los Pollos ? Hudson Valley 1 Pennsylvania 2 Pennsylvania
3 Raemian Hillstate ? Chi City 3 Berlin
2 Raemian Hillstate 1 Columbus
0 Chino Hills 1 Raemian Hillstate 0 Berlin 2 Berlin
4 Hudson Valley 4 Chi City
1 Laramie 0 Blues City
2 Toronto 2 Toronto 3 Chi City 2 Chi City
3 Hudson Valley 0 Cookeville
0 - 0 -
2 Hudson Valley 2 Cookeville

Hudson Valley Renegades 0 - 4 Chi City Ballaz

Stone .151 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Queen Creek 2 Queen Creek ? Throne City 3 Belo Horizonte 2 Belo Horizonte
3 Binghamton ? Belo Horizonte 1 New Bedford
1 Medullads 2 New Bedford
2 Binghamton 3 Binghamton 4 Belo Horizonte 0 Chicago
4 Throne City 0 Flint
0 Iraq 2 San Diego
2 Throne City 3 Throne City 0 San Diego 0 Gallatin
2 Frisco 3 Flint
0 - 0 -
2 Frisco 2 Flint

Throne City Thunder 4 - 1 Belo Horizonte Lions

Stone .152 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York City 3 New York City ? New York City 3 Strathroy 2 Strathroy
0 Tampa ? Strathroy 2 Exodus
0 Delmarva 2 Exodus
2 Tampa 4 New York City 4 Strathroy 1 San Francisco Dodger
3 Calgary 3 Bensalem
2 Hooterville 2 Bensalem
1 Maryland 1 Hooterville 3 Bensalem 1 Yokohama
3 Calgary 2 Demopolis
0 - 0 -
2 Calgary 2 Demopolis

New York City Strike Force 1 - 4 Strathroy Stars

Stone .153 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winston Salem 3 Winston Salem ? Winston Salem 3 Worcester 2 Worcester
1 Havertown ? Berlin 2 Ottawa
2 Havertown 0 San Mateo
1 Salem 4 Winston Salem 1 Worcester 2 Ottawa
2 Long Beach 4 Berlin
2 Schaumburg 2 Baltimore
1 helllseoul 0 Schaumburg 2 Baltimore 0 Dallas
3 Long Beach 3 Berlin
0 - 0 -
2 Long Beach 2 Berlin

Winston Salem Eckists 1 - 4 Berlin Capitales

Stone .154 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Glendale 3 Glendale ? Glendale 3 Sedley 2 Sedley
1 Philadelphia ? Sedley 1 San Francisco
0 Rochester 2 San Francisco
2 Philadelphia 4 Glendale 4 Sedley 1 dosanrobo
3 Raleigh 2 Seattle
0 Orlando 0 Warwick
2 Raleigh 3 Raleigh 0 Westerly 2 Westerly
1 Brentwood 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Brentwood 2 Seattle

Glendale Headhunters 3 - 4 Sedley Peanuts

Stone .155 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jeju 3 Jeju ? Jeju 3 Niles 2 Niles
1 Gaithersburg ? Niles 0 Phillipsburg
2 Gaithersburg 2 Phillipsburg
0 Morristown 4 Jeju 4 Niles 0 Cicero
1 Binghamton 2 Sandy Springs
2 Caledonian 2 Cheney
1 OKC 0 Caledonian 1 Cheney 0 Amherst
3 Binghamton 3 Sandy Springs
0 - 0 -
2 Binghamton 2 Sandy Springs

Jeju Tangerines 4 - 2 Niles TopGs

Stone .156 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cracklesmack 3 Cracklesmack ? Chicago 3 Kamahakatuah 2 Kamahakatuah
0 Memphis ? Going 2 Granite City
1 Charleston 2 Granite City
2 Memphis 3 Cracklesmack 0 Kamahakatuah 1 Coopersville
4 Chicago 4 Going
2 Rolling Lakes 1 Atwater
0 Riverside 1 Rolling Lakes 0 Markham 2 Markham
3 Chicago 3 Going
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Going

Chicago Phantoms 0 - 4 Going Bonkers

Stone .157 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Doug 3 Doug ? Chattanooga 3 Delaware 2 Delaware
1 Wiffleball ? Delaware 2 Surprise
0 Queen City 1 Geo Bahn
2 Wiffleball 2 Doug 4 Delaware 2 Surprise
4 Chattanooga 3 Chico
1 Aeolian 0 Copenhagen
2 Chattanooga 3 Chattanooga 3 Chico 2 Chico
1 Cape Cod 0 Foulmouthed PCK
0 - 0 -
2 Cape Cod 2 Foulmouthed PCK

Chattanooga Crazy Ants PCK 3 - 4 Delaware Tigers - PCK

Stone .158 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Suwanee 3 Suwanee ? Suwanee 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
0 Rainy City ? Detroit 1 Minnesota
1 Pittsburgh 0 Atlanta
2 Rainy City 4 Suwanee 4 Detroit 2 Minnesota
0 Bradford 2 Pittsburgh
2 Bradford 2 Alte
1 Whichita 3 Bradford 1 Alte 0 Las Vegas
1 North Park 3 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 North Park 2 Pittsburgh

Suwanee Braves 4 - 0 Detroit Tigers

Stone .159 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Frederick 3 Frederick ? Frederick 3 Greendale 2 Greendale
0 Las Vegas ? Greendale 2 Aurora
0 Bonduel 0 Las Vegas
2 Las Vegas 4 Frederick 4 Greendale 2 Aurora
2 Fairhaven 3 Lebowski
1 Texas 1 Fernwood
2 Dallas 1 Dallas 3 Lebowski 2 Lebowski
3 Fairhaven 2 Elendel
0 - 0 -
2 Fairhaven 2 Elendel

Frederick Angels 4 - 0 Greendale Hornets

Stone .160 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Queen City 3 Queen City ? Fargo 3 Bay City 2 Bay City
1 Concord ? Bay City 1 Montpelier
2 Concord 0 Tamarac
1 Bronx 3 Queen City 4 Bay City 2 Montpelier
4 Fargo 2 Springfield
0 South Indy 2 Knoxville
2 Dirty Lew 1 Dirty Lew 1 Knoxville 1 Austin
3 Fargo 3 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Fargo 2 Springfield

Fargo FIre Ants PCK 3 - 4 Bay City Baycats

Stone .161 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Eagar 0 Eagar ? Dover 3 New York 2 New York
3 Dover ? Mukwonago 2 Revere
1 Fairfield 1 Raleigh
2 Dover 4 Dover 3 New York 2 Revere
2 San Jose 4 Mukwonago
0 Dallas 2 Mukwonago
2 San Jose 3 San Jose 3 Mukwonago 0 Runkles
2 Longfellow 2 referee111
0 - 0 -
2 Longfellow 2 referee111

Dover Gnomes 4 - 3 Mukwonago Tribe

Stone .162 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grand Rapids 3 Grand Rapids ? Grand Rapids 3 LAS VEGAS 2 LAS VEGAS
2 Hawaii ? SpokaneSox9 0 Rochester
1 Milwaukee 2 Rochester
2 Hawaii 4 Grand Rapids 3 LAS VEGAS 0 Baseball
2 Houston 4 SpokaneSox9
1 Buffalo 2 SpokaneSox9
2 Dallas 1 Dallas 3 SpokaneSox9 1 Tolono
3 Houston 0 Charlotte
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 Charlotte

Grand Rapids River Raiders 4 - 3 SpokaneSox9 Sox

Stone .163 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Lansing 2 East Lansing ? Dakota 3 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
3 Louisville ? Milwaukee 0 Manhattan
0 Krappy 2 Manhattan
2 Louisville 2 Louisville 4 Milwaukee 0 Brighton
4 Dakota 3 Globe Miami
1 Madtown 1 West Des Moines
2 Oslo 2 Oslo 1 Easton 2 Easton
3 Dakota 3 Globe Miami
0 - 0 -
2 Dakota 2 Globe Miami

Dakota Green Jays 4 - 1 Milwaukee Butchers

Stone .164 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 3 Philly ? Philly 1 Shovel Town 2 Shovel Town
0 SC ? Fredericksburg 3 Tennessee
2 SC 1 Largo
0 Brooklyn 4 Philly 3 Tennessee 2 Tennessee
2 Pittsburgh 4 Fredericksburg
2 Fort Wayne 2 Fredericksburg
1 Freiberg 2 Fort Wayne 3 Fredericksburg 1 Quincy
3 Pittsburgh 1 Surfside
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 2 Surfside

Philly Bombers 4 - 1 Fredericksburg Bad News Bears

Stone .165 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Melbourne 0 Melbourne ? Grants Pass 3 Kendallville 2 Kendallville
3 Grants Pass ? Redlands 1 Texas
1 Cologne 0 Cleveland
2 Grants Pass 4 Grants Pass 2 Kendallville 2 Texas
3 Avon 4 Redlands
0 Buffalo 1 Berkshire
2 Oakdale 0 Oakdale 3 Redlands 2 Redlands
3 Avon 0 Arizona
0 - 0 -
2 Avon 2 Arizona

Grants Pass Ballers 4 - 3 Redlands Bulldogs

Stone .166 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 James Island 1 James Island ? Davie 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
3 Philadelphia County ? Oakville oaks 1 Hampton Saint
0 Montreal 1 Sidney
2 Philadelphia County 2 Philadelphia County 2 Atlanta 2 Hampton Saint
4 Davie 4 Oakville oaks
1 Warwick 2 Oakville oaks
2 seoul 2 seoul 3 Oakville oaks 0 South Euclid
3 Davie 2 Williamsport
0 - 0 -
2 Davie 2 Williamsport

Davie War Eagles 4 - 1 Oakville oaks oaks

Stone .167 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 PEI 3 PEI ? PEI 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
2 Dunkirk ? Hyperborea 3 Hyperborea
1 Grants Pass 2 Hyperborea
2 Dunkirk 4 PEI 4 Hyperborea 1 Pekin
2 Boston 2 West Virginia
0 SOOPAT3AM 2 West Virginia
2 Washington 1 Washington 3 West Virginia 1 Indianapolis
3 Boston 1 Tokyo
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Tokyo

PEI Phillies 4 - 3 Hyperborea Adlers

Stone .168 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Blaine 2 Blaine ? New York 1 Eagle Pass 2 Eagle Pass
3 New York ? San Jose 3 San Jose
1 FobShank 1 Charlotte
2 New York 4 New York 4 San Jose 2 San Jose
1 Monroe 1 Iowa
1 Seattle FishIes 1 Wells Rd.
2 Monroe 3 Monroe 3 Iowa 2 Iowa
1 Jackson 2 Oceanside
0 - 0 -
2 Jackson 2 Oceanside

New York Mean Green 3 - 4 San Jose Bees

Stone .169 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 1 Cincinnati ? Weedland 3 Joplin 2 Joplin
3 Boston ? LGTWINS 0 Brooks
0 Quebec 0 Baseball
2 Boston 3 Boston 3 Joplin 2 Brooks
4 Weedland 4 LGTWINS
0 Edmond 0 Duluth
2 Town 'n' Country 0 Town 'n' Country 0 Lancaster 2 Lancaster
3 Weedland 3 LGTWINS
0 - 0 -
2 Weedland 2 LGTWINS

Weedland Blazers 2 - 4 LGTWINS LG

Stone .170 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Olathe 2 Olathe ? West Des Moines 3 Huntingdon 2 Huntingdon
3 West Des Moines ? Huntingdon 2 Chesapeake
0 LIL 2 Chesapeake
2 West Des Moines 4 West Des Moines 4 Huntingdon 0 Green Bay
3 Raleigh 3 Mr.Self
2 Lawrence 1 League City
1 Gun Barrel City 2 Lawrence 2 Primal 2 Primal
3 Raleigh 3 Mr.Self
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 2 Mr.Self

West Des Moines Steamrollers 3 - 4 Huntingdon Horn Frogs

Stone .171 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lancaster 3 Lancaster ? Lancaster 3 Mount Vernon 2 Mount Vernon
1 Fox Cities ? Mount Vernon 0 Red Deer
1 Buffalo 2 Red Deer
2 Fox Cities 4 Lancaster 4 Mount Vernon 1 Buffalo
2 Springfield 1 Silver
2 Springfield 0 Seattle
0 Enid 3 Springfield 3 Silver 2 Silver
2 Philadelphia 2 Jackson Heights
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Jackson Heights

Lancaster Musketeers 4 - 0 Mount Vernon Yellow Jackets

Stone .172 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? Akron 3 Cleveland Heights 2 Cleveland Heights
0 New Orleans ? Anyang 0 Southern
0 Pittsburgh 0 Winchester
2 New Orleans 2 New York 2 Cleveland Heights 2 Southern
4 Akron 4 Anyang
0 South Bend 0 Albuquerque
2 Akron 3 Akron 1 San Antonio 2 San Antonio
0 Rolls 3 Anyang
0 - 0 -
2 Rolls 2 Anyang

Akron Cobras 1 - 4 Anyang Grape

Stone .173 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 3 Austin ? Austin 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
0 Bay City ? Chicago 1 NewYork
1 Kholinar 0 Tijuana
2 Bay City 4 Austin 4 Chicago 2 NewYork
0 GrimGun 3 New Valley
0 Arvada 1 Quebec
2 Green Bay 1 Green Bay 3 New Valley 2 New Valley
3 GrimGun 1 elk grove
0 - 0 -
2 GrimGun 2 elk grove

Austin Yanks 4 - 2 Chicago Cubs

Stone .174 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Arctic 3 Arctic ? Arctic 2 Labatt 2 Labatt
0 Chicago ? Ofallon 3 Pakindale
1 Horseheads 2 Pakindale
2 Chicago 4 Arctic 3 Pakindale 0 Springfield
1 Boston 4 Ofallon
2 Palm Desert 2 Oregon
0 Mequon 1 Palm Desert 1 Oregon 1 Gainesville
3 Boston 3 Ofallon
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Ofallon

Arctic Angleberries 1 - 4 Ofallon Redbirds

Stone .175 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Kansas City ? Indianapolis ISIS 3 New York 2 New York
3 Murandy ? New York 0 Munroe Falls
2 Murandy 2 Munroe Falls
0 Toms River 1 Murandy 4 New York 1 Bright
4 Indianapolis ISIS 0 Lexington
1 Madison 0 Cocoa Nuts
2 Bangtan 1 Bangtan 3 Lexington 2 Lexington
3 Indianapolis ISIS 2 Moreno Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Indianapolis ISIS 2 Moreno Valley

Indianapolis ISIS ISIS 1 - 4 New York Mets

Stone .176 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Juneau 1 Juneau ? Bourbon 3 Princeton 2 Princeton
3 Bourbon ? Princeton 1 Orange County
2 Bourbon 0 Berlin
0 Medford 4 Bourbon 4 Princeton 2 Orange County
2 Pohnpei 3 Edinburgh
0 Oklahoma 2 Edinburgh
2 HAITAI 2 HAITAI 3 Edinburgh 0 Hanwha
3 Pohnpei 0 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Pohnpei 2 Springfield

Bourbon Pilots 4 - 0 Princeton Black Squirrels

Stone .177 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Corlears 3 Corlears ? Akron 3 Coloma 2 Coloma
1 New York ? Portsmouth 2 New Trier
2 New York 1 DeWitt
0 Caspian 3 Corlears 2 Coloma 2 New Trier
4 Akron 4 Portsmouth
1 Norfolk 2 Bayview
2 Vasser 0 Vasser 2 Bayview 1 Porcupine Mountain
3 Akron 3 Portsmouth
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 2 Portsmouth

Akron Skeeters 4 - 3 Portsmouth Barons

Stone .178 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Olympic Coast 3 Olympic Coast ? Racine 3 Greeneville 2 Greeneville
1 Warwick ? Austin 1 Mojave
2 Warwick 2 Mojave
0 Ice 3 Olympic Coast 1 Greeneville 1 Loves Park
4 Racine 4 Austin
0 Goshen 2 Chicago
2 Monza 0 Monza 0 Chicago 0 Boston
3 Racine 3 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 Racine 2 Austin

Racine Irish 1 - 4 Austin Wierdos

Stone .179 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 3 Delhi 2 Delhi
0 Stamford ? Delhi 2 Berlin
2 Stamford 1 Busan
1 Lakewood 4 Seattle 4 Delhi 2 Berlin
2 St. Louis 1 Manassas
0 Aiea 1 Whitestone
2 dlwpgjs 1 dlwpgjs 1 Flanders 2 Flanders
3 St. Louis 3 Manassas
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Manassas

Seattle North Stars 4 - 2 Delhi Highlanders

Stone .180 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 The Bronx 3 The Bronx ? Ft Eisenhower 3 Seatown 2 Seatown
2 Birmingham ? Seoul 2 Vasto
2 Birmingham 0 Hartford
1 California 2 The Bronx 2 Seatown 2 Vasto
4 Ft Eisenhower 4 Seoul
2 Ft Eisenhower 0 Loopy
1 Las Vegas 3 Ft Eisenhower 0 Farmington 2 Farmington
2 Buffalo 3 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 2 Seoul

Ft Eisenhower Astros 1 - 4 Seoul Heroes

Stone .181 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 EVC's Dodgers 1 EVC's Dodgers ? Trans-Siberian 3 Keeping It 2 Keeping It
3 Trans-Siberian ? Seattle 2 Kansas City
0 Bobcaygeon 2 Kansas City
2 Trans-Siberian 4 Trans-Siberian 1 Keeping It 0 Baltimore
3 Philadelphia 4 Seattle
2 Philadelphia 2 Toronto
0 Birthday 3 Philadelphia 1 Toronto 1 Nersha Bainco
1 Princeton 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Princeton 2 Seattle

Trans-Siberian Americans TTC 4 - 3 Seattle Mariners TTC

Stone .182 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 3 Connecticut ? Dirty City 3 SeldomSeen 2 SeldomSeen
2 Malden ? Ypsi 2 Honolulu
0 Prairie Island 1 Mississauga
2 Malden 1 Connecticut 1 SeldomSeen 2 Honolulu
4 Dirty City 4 Ypsi
1 C Town 2 SEUNG
2 San Diego 0 San Diego 1 SEUNG 1 Lawrence
3 Dirty City 3 Ypsi
0 - 0 -
2 Dirty City 2 Ypsi

Dirty City Dung Beetles 4 - 1 Ypsi Gypsys

Stone .183 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 0 Columbus ? Montrose 3 New Port Richey 2 New Port Richey
3 Louisville ? Veilstone 1 Southern
1 Dallas 0 Tuckingville
2 Louisville 2 Louisville 2 New Port Richey 2 Southern
4 Montrose 4 Veilstone
1 Seoul 2 Wilshire
2 Montrose 3 Montrose 1 Wilshire 0 Clearwater
0 London 3 Veilstone
0 - 0 -
2 London 2 Veilstone

Montrose Hawks 4 - 2 Veilstone Starlys

Stone .184 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tokyo 3 Tokyo ? Tokyo 0 Black white tigers 2 Black white tigers
0 Kentucky ? Baldwin Park 3 Baldwin Park
2 Kentucky 1 Salt Lake
0 New Mexico 4 Tokyo 4 Baldwin Park 2 Baldwin Park
0 The Joey Gallo 1 Laguna
2 Montreal 2 Badlands
1 90s Kidz 0 Montreal 2 Badlands 1 Colorado Springs
3 The Joey Gallo 3 Laguna
0 - 0 -
2 The Joey Gallo 2 Laguna

Tokyo Takodachis 1 - 4 Baldwin Park Motors

Stone .185 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Francisco 3 San Francisco ? Starvation Lake 3 Cross Village 2 Cross Village
0 Pictured ? South Range 0 Pulaski
0 Milan 0 Fairgrove
2 Pictured 3 San Francisco 3 Cross Village 2 Pulaski
4 Starvation Lake 4 South Range
1 Capac 2 South Range
2 Northport 2 Northport 3 South Range 1 Ft. Hood
3 Starvation Lake 2 Republic
0 - 0 -
2 Starvation Lake 2 Republic

Starvation Lake Skeletons 3 - 4 South Range Miners

Stone .186 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SAMSUNG 2 SAMSUNG ? Ever Grande 3 Austin 2 Austin
3 Ever Grande ? Austin 0 Hertfordshire
1 Ottawa 0 Brick City
2 Ever Grande 4 Ever Grande 4 Austin 2 Hertfordshire
3 Providence 0 Philo
0 Malazan 2 Philo
2 Battleford 0 Battleford 3 Philo 1 Philadelphia
3 Providence 1 San Jose
0 - 0 -
2 Providence 2 San Jose

Ever Grande BIGs 1 - 4 Austin Bats

Stone .187 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 3 Seoul ? Phoenix 1 Midland 2 Midland
1 Liverpool ? St Paul 3 Philadelphia
0 Lake Wales 2 Philadelphia
2 Liverpool 1 Seoul 2 Philadelphia 0 Tucson
4 Phoenix 4 St Paul
0 Mannheim 0 Wexford
2 Austin 0 Austin 2 Polyester 2 Polyester
3 Phoenix 3 St Paul
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 2 St Paul

Phoenix Blaze 3 - 4 St Paul Saints

Stone .188 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Country 3 North Country ? North Country 3 Bayside 2 Bayside
2 Front Range ? St Paul 1 St. Louis
2 Front Range 1 Red
1 True Northern 4 North Country 2 Bayside 2 St. Louis
3 Grand Prairie 4 St Paul
2 Dongs 0 New York
1 Nu Yuck 1 Dongs 1 Badlands 2 Badlands
3 Grand Prairie 3 St Paul
0 - 0 -
2 Grand Prairie 2 St Paul

North Country Beer Wenches 3 - 4 St Paul Saints

Stone .189 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 3 Liverpool 2 Liverpool
1 Joliet ? The 2 SC
2 Joliet 1 Dayton
1 New Brunswick 4 Seattle 2 Liverpool 2 SC
1 The Garden 4 The
1 Mt. Olympus 0 Scituate
2 Atlanta 1 Atlanta 2 Fort Hunt 2 Fort Hunt
3 The Garden 3 The
0 - 0 -
2 The Garden 2 The

Seattle Pink Piggies 4 - 2 The Batmen

Stone .190 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 3 Orlando ? Orlando 3 Bayview 2 Bayview
1 Portland ? Bayview 0 Summerside
1 Broomfield 0 Lancaster
2 Portland 4 Orlando 4 Bayview 2 Summerside
1 Seattle 2 Seattle
2 Bay View 0 Yakima
1 St. Albans 2 Bay View 2 Saginaw 2 Saginaw
3 Seattle 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Seattle

Orlando Orangutans 4 - 3 Bayview Bees

Stone .191 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Side 1 South Side ? Nashville 3 KIA 2 KIA
3 Nashville ? KIA 1 Detroit
2 Nashville 0 Yangsan
1 Bozo 4 Nashville 4 KIA 2 Detroit
1 Manhattan 2 Taipei
1 Bolingbrook 0 Luanda
2 Fenway 2 Fenway 1 Wheaton 2 Wheaton
3 Manhattan 3 Taipei
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan 2 Taipei

Nashville Stars 2 - 4 KIA TIGERS

Stone .192 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bruce Crossing 3 Bruce Crossing ? Bruce Crossing 3 Middleborough 2 Middleborough
0 Brookings ? Middleborough 1 Rain
2 Brookings 0 Charlottesville
1 Lamar 4 Bruce Crossing 4 Middleborough 2 Rain
1 Philadelphia 0 The
1 Whitby 0 PNW
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia 3 The 2 The
1 Jeppies 0 Houston
0 - 0 -
2 Jeppies 2 Houston

Bruce Crossing Bears 4 - 3 Middleborough Greyhounds

Stone .193 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bellevue 3 Bellevue ? Bellevue 1 Ye Olde 2 Ye Olde
1 Milwaukee ? Money ball 3 Oscoda
2 Milwaukee 0 Denton
1 TRUFFONI'S 4 Bellevue 2 Oscoda 2 Oscoda
2 South Boston 4 Money ball
0 Loveland 1 Brampton
2 South Boston 3 South Boston 2 Havertown 2 Havertown
0 Heath 3 Money ball
0 - 0 -
2 Heath 2 Money ball

Bellevue Ravens 4 - 3 Money ball Mariners

Stone .194 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 2 Dallas ? South Side 3 Yung 2 Yung
3 Clearfield ? Buckshot Landing 1 FLU
0 OB 1 Baden
2 Clearfield 3 Clearfield 1 Yung 2 FLU
4 South Side 4 Buckshot Landing
2 Incheon 0 California
1 Los Angeles 1 Incheon 1 Friendship 2 Friendship
3 South Side 3 Buckshot Landing
0 - 0 -
2 South Side 2 Buckshot Landing

South Side Stinky Sox 2 - 4 Buckshot Landing Sluggers

Stone .195 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Montreal ? Springfield 3 Saskatchewan 2 Saskatchewan
3 Seacrest ? Saskatchewan 1 Knockemstiff
0 Orlando 0 Iowa
2 Seacrest 1 Seacrest 4 Saskatchewan 2 Knockemstiff
4 Springfield 1 Charlotte
0 Alternative 2 Charlotte
2 Springfield 3 Springfield 3 Charlotte 0 Old East
2 Welland 2 Jubilife
0 - 0 -
2 Welland 2 Jubilife

Springfield Steelhounds 3 - 4 Saskatchewan Storm

Stone .196 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Topher's 3 Topher's ? Topher's 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
0 Pensacola ? Detroit 2 Cedar Rapids
1 Southville 1 SpoValley
2 Pensacola 4 Topher's 4 Detroit 2 Cedar Rapids
2 Lisbon 3 Minnesota
0 Coppell 2 San Diego
2 Simi 0 Simi 2 San Diego 1 Westmont
3 Lisbon 3 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 Lisbon 2 Minnesota

Topher's Gophers 3 - 4 Detroit Dynamo

Stone .197 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mogadishu 3 Mogadishu ? Mogadishu 3 Death Valley 2 Death Valley
2 Jefferson ? Death Valley 1 Honolulu
1 Charlotte 1 Houston
2 Jefferson 4 Mogadishu 4 Death Valley 2 Honolulu
0 Sweet Heat 2 Three Rivers
0 Philadelphia 1 Salt Lake City
2 Sweet Heat 3 Sweet Heat 2 MASN let me stream 2 MASN let me stream
2 Vancouver 3 Three Rivers
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Three Rivers

Mogadishu Moggers 4 - 1 Death Valley Coyotes

Stone .198 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 3 Madison ? Beta 1 Washington 2 Washington
2 Green City ? New York 3 Sanders
1 Sotaman 2 Sanders
2 Green City 3 Madison 2 Sanders 1 Eau Claire
4 Beta 4 New York
1 Flagstaff 1 Los Angeles
2 Halifax 2 Halifax 1 New York 2 New York
3 Beta 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Beta 2 New York

Beta Bulls 1 - 4 New York Barons

Stone .199 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Packs Only 3 Packs Only ? Packs Only 3 West Coast 2 West Coast
1 Toledo ? West Coast 0 Transatlantic
0 Detroit 2 Transatlantic
2 Toledo 4 Packs Only 4 West Coast 0 Fulton
3 Lake Royale 1 San Francisco
1 Bussum 0 Colorado Springs
2 Lake Royale 3 Lake Royale 1 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Seattle 3 San Francisco
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 San Francisco

Packs Only Ballclub 2 - 4 West Coast Gulls

Stone .200 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Frederick 3 Frederick ? Frederick 3 Pawtucket 2 Pawtucket
0 St Paul ? LG 2 Walla Walla
2 St Paul 0 Flushing
0 Memphis 4 Frederick 3 Pawtucket 2 Walla Walla
2 Dubuque 4 LG
0 Jeff City 2 UBALL
2 Walton 1 Walton 1 UBALL 1 Cincinnati Area
3 Dubuque 3 LG
0 - 0 -
2 Dubuque 2 LG

Frederick Keys 4 - 2 LG Twins

Stone .201 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Destin 3 Destin ? Philly 2 Worcester 2 Worcester
2 Scottsdale ? OKC 3 Nottingham
1 Troy 2 Nottingham
2 Scottsdale 3 Destin 3 Nottingham 0 Kailua Tourists
4 Philly 4 OKC
2 Milwaukee 2 Tussey Mountain
0 Lake Zurich Bears 1 Milwaukee 0 Tussey Mountain 1 New York
3 Philly 3 OKC
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 2 OKC

Philly Lumberjacks 2 - 4 OKC Cool Kids

Stone .202 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West Virginia 1 West Virginia ? Golden 3 Baldur's Gate 2 Baldur's Gate
3 Golden ? Chicago 1 California
2 Golden 2 California
0 Philadelphia 4 Golden 0 Baldur's Gate 1 Actual
1 West Palm 4 Chicago
1 West St. Paul 2 Florida
2 West Palm 3 West Palm 0 Florida 0 Toledo
1 Arizona 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 Chicago

Golden Smokies 1 - 4 Chicago Cubs TTC

Stone .203 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brea 3 Brea ? Fayetteville 2 Abbingdon 2 Abbingdon
1 Staten Island ? Cincinnati 3 Taiwan
2 Staten Island 2 Taiwan
1 Kennewick 0 Brea 3 Taiwan 1 Culiacan
4 Fayetteville 4 Cincinnati
2 Davis 1 Buck City
0 Walla Walla 0 Davis 0 Connecticut 2 Connecticut
3 Fayetteville 3 Cincinnati
0 - 0 -
2 Fayetteville 2 Cincinnati

Fayetteville Zebras 2 - 4 Cincinnati Tigers

Stone .204 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bime 3 Bime ? Bime 3 Detroit Motorheads 2 Detroit Motorheads
1 Oxford ? NJ 2 Nebula
2 Oxford 0 New Haven
0 Chosen 4 Bime 2 Detroit Motorheads 2 Nebula
0 Cape Coral 4 NJ
1 Claremont 0 Mudville
2 STL 1 STL 1 Lynn 2 Lynn
3 Cape Coral 3 NJ
0 - 0 -
2 Cape Coral 2 NJ

Bime Cruzers 4 - 2 NJ Iron Benders

Stone .205 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Please Fire 3 Please Fire ? Chavez Ravine 3 Ottawa Valley 2 Ottawa Valley
0 Genshin ? Rocky Ridge 1 Prosper
0 Crappensburg 1 Clearbrook
2 Genshin 3 Please Fire 2 Ottawa Valley 2 Prosper
4 Chavez Ravine 4 Rocky Ridge
2 PuraVida 1 Iowa
1 P 2 PuraVida 0 Texas 2 Texas
3 Chavez Ravine 3 Rocky Ridge
0 - 0 -
2 Chavez Ravine 2 Rocky Ridge

Chavez Ravine Posers 2 - 4 Rocky Ridge Tres Bancos

Stone .206 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Joliet 3 Joliet ? Panama City 3 Fort Worth 2 Fort Worth
2 Big Rapids ? Fort Worth 0 Doomfist
1 Cicero 1 Oviedo
2 Big Rapids 3 Joliet 4 Fort Worth 2 Doomfist
4 Panama City 1 Pomona
2 Panama City 0 Chicago
1 Toronto 3 Panama City 2 Akron 2 Akron
1 Philly 3 Pomona
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 2 Pomona

Panama City Mosquitos 2 - 4 Fort Worth Bulls

Stone .207 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grass Tappers 3 Grass Tappers ? Rancho Cucamonga 3 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
2 Cedar Rapids ? Kansas City 1 Mesa
0 Pennsylvania 2 Mesa
2 Cedar Rapids 2 Grass Tappers 4 Kansas City 0 sanggal
4 Rancho Cucamonga 0 Sparta
0 Virginia 1 Helena
2 Rancho Cucamonga 3 Rancho Cucamonga 3 Sparta 2 Sparta
0 Missiaugua 1 Bloomington
0 - 0 -
2 Missiaugua 2 Bloomington

Rancho Cucamonga Quakes 2 - 4 Kansas City Toasts

Stone .208 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Port Ruppert 3 Port Ruppert ? Port Ruppert 2 Baton Rouge 2 Baton Rouge
0 Nashville ? Fairmont 3 Fairmont
2 Nashville 0 Rendsburg
1 TheRockets 4 Port Ruppert 4 Fairmont 2 Fairmont
0 Chicago 2 Hometown
1 Deadbroke 1 Indiana
2 Chicago 3 Chicago 1 Brick 2 Brick
2 Ward Melville 3 Hometown
0 - 0 -
2 Ward Melville 2 Hometown

Port Ruppert Mundys 3 - 4 Fairmont Fire Engine

Stone .209 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wasteland 1 Wasteland ? Samsung 0 Oklahoma City 2 Oklahoma City
3 Samsung ? NH 3 Alknossos
1 Hamms 2 Alknossos
2 Samsung 4 Samsung 3 Alknossos 1 Harrisonburg
1 Champaign 4 NH
0 White Bear Lake 1 Cambridge
2 Komatsu 0 Komatsu 1 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
3 Champaign 3 NH
0 - 0 -
2 Champaign 2 NH

Samsung Lions 1 - 4 NH Historicals

Stone .210 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Kansas City ? Montreal 3 ROMA 2 ROMA
3 Montreal ? ROMA 0 Detroit
2 Montreal 2 Detroit
0 Boston 4 Montreal 4 ROMA 0 Bronx
2 Torrington CT 1 Louisville
0 Sunnyvale 2 St. Paul
2 Torrington CT 3 Torrington CT 0 St. Paul 1 Maplebark
1 New Orleans 3 Louisville
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 2 Louisville

Montreal Steak Seasoning 2 - 4 ROMA Wolves

Stone .211 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pack Luck 3 Pack Luck ? Mudville 3 Stafford Springs 2 Stafford Springs
2 Lancaster ? Stafford Springs 0 Hanover Park
1 Quinnesec 0 veis
2 Lancaster 3 Pack Luck 4 Stafford Springs 2 Hanover Park
4 Mudville 2 Middletown
0 Boone 1 Timbuktu
2 Los Angeles 0 Los Angeles 0 Wilderness Road 2 Wilderness Road
3 Mudville 3 Middletown
0 - 0 -
2 Mudville 2 Middletown

Mudville Niners 3 - 4 Stafford Springs Maples

Stone .212 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 resting pitch 2 resting pitch ? IKSAN 3 Bajor 2 Bajor
3 Canberra ? Bajor 0 Kansas City
1 Belleville 2 Kansas City
2 Canberra 1 Canberra 4 Bajor 0 Anthem
4 IKSAN 2 Pittsburgh
0 Two Pump 0 Gary
2 Chesapeake Bay 2 Chesapeake Bay 2 Buffalo 2 Buffalo
3 IKSAN 3 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 IKSAN 2 Pittsburgh

IKSAN SON 1 - 4 Bajor Self Sealing Stem Bo

Stone .213 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Negro League 3 Negro League ? Negro League 3 Naperville 2 Naperville
0 Lake Wylie ? Naperville 2 Wolfsberg
0 Wasco 2 Wolfsberg
2 Lake Wylie 4 Negro League 4 Naperville 0 Oakland
2 Coopertown 1 420 Brawlers
1 Kingston 1 LieLow Loons
2 Sandston 1 Sandston 0 Title 2 Title
3 Coopertown 3 420 Brawlers
0 - 0 -
2 Coopertown 2 420 Brawlers

Negro League Panthers 3 - 4 Naperville Ghostriders

Stone .214 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Beach 3 Long Beach ? Long Beach 2 waynesboro 2 waynesboro
0 Dewey Scruem ? Ryakimu 3 Redan
1 Little Falls 0 McGraw's
2 Dewey Scruem 4 Long Beach 3 Redan 2 Redan
1 Atwater 4 Ryakimu
2 Atwater 0 YaTaP
0 YENA 3 Atwater 1 Yangsan 2 Yangsan
2 Bethany 3 Ryakimu
0 - 0 -
2 Bethany 2 Ryakimu

Long Beach Nationals 4 - 0 Ryakimu Kings

Stone .215 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gatineau 3 Gatineau ? Manhattan 3 Newell 2 Newell
2 Kentwood ? Newell 0 Faribault
2 Kentwood 0 Brooklyn
1 North 1 Gatineau 4 Newell 2 Faribault
4 Manhattan 3 Sugarland
1 Cakron 2 Kettering
2 North Bellmore 0 North Bellmore 2 Kettering 0 Layton
3 Manhattan 3 Sugarland
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan 2 Sugarland

Manhattan Murder Mafia 2 - 4 Newell Chemists

Stone .216 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Evansville 1 Evansville ? Denver 3 Iowa 2 Iowa
3 Denver ? Iowa 0 Canton
2 Denver 0 El Cerrito
0 Seattle 4 Denver 4 Iowa 2 Canton
1 London 1 Chicago
1 Tampa 0 Heywood
2 London 3 London 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Michigan City 1 Occidental
0 - 0 -
2 Michigan City 2 Occidental

Denver Archbishops 1 - 4 Iowa Moonshots

Stone .217 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cuyahoga Valley 3 Cuyahoga Valley ? Portland 1 Tampa Bay 2 Tampa Bay
2 Seoul ? New York 3 New York
0 Anyang 0 Yongin
2 Seoul 3 Cuyahoga Valley 4 New York 2 New York
4 Portland 3 Maine Street
2 Portland 0 Detroit Lakes
0 Lexington 3 Portland 3 Maine Street 2 Maine Street
1 molson 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 molson 2 New York

Portland Crafters 3 - 4 New York Yankees

Stone .218 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 You Know... 0 You Know... ? Hays 3 W-Down 2 W-Down
3 Old Irving Park ? W-Down 0 Tikal
0 Reston 0 St. Louis
2 Old Irving Park 1 Old Irving Park 4 W-Down 2 Tikal
4 Hays 3 Crystal Lake
2 Chengdu 0 Smyrna
0 Pok Etsain 1 Chengdu 3 Crystal Lake 2 Crystal Lake
3 Hays 2 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Hays 2 San Diego

Hays Larks 3 - 4 W-Down Hrairoo

Stone .219 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Luskville 3 Luskville ? Luskville 1 Esbjerg 2 Esbjerg
2 Texas ? Balmerr 3 San Juan
2 Texas 1 Camp Hill
1 Fargo 4 Luskville 2 San Juan 2 San Juan
1 Motucky 4 Balmerr
1 Singapore 0 J'Town
2 Ontario 1 Ontario 2 Watertown 2 Watertown
3 Motucky 3 Balmerr
0 - 0 -
2 Motucky 2 Balmerr

Luskville River Bats 2 - 4 Balmerr Battleaxes

Stone .220 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 2 Long Island ? Mobile 3 Chase 2 Chase
3 Omaha ? Chase 1 Yooper
2 Omaha 2 Yooper
1 Byberry 1 Omaha 4 Chase 1 Vancouver
4 Mobile 0 Boro
1 Martigny 2 Boro
2 Mobile 3 Mobile 3 Boro 1 Bakersfield
0 Vancouver 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 New York

Mobile Mardi Gras 4 - 2 Chase Utley

Stone .221 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 3 Detroit ? Detroit 3 Medellin 2 Medellin
2 Unicorn City ? Medellin 0 Junk Wax
0 Castelia City 2 Junk Wax
2 Unicorn City 4 Detroit 4 Medellin 1 LG SAKERS
0 Tampa Bay 2 New York
2 Montreal 0 Livermore
1 OmaruKo 1 Montreal 0 ATLANTA 2 ATLANTA
3 Tampa Bay 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 2 New York

Detroit Dynamo 3 - 4 Medellin Narcos

Stone .222 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Generic 3 Generic ? Generic 3 West Kelowna 2 West Kelowna
0 Staten Island ? West Kelowna 1 Grand Rapids
2 Staten Island 0 Non Meta
1 Pioneer 4 Generic 4 West Kelowna 2 Grand Rapids
0 Dublin 2 Crystal Beach
0 Sacramento 2 Crystal Beach
2 Dresden 2 Dresden 3 Crystal Beach 0 Irvine
3 Dublin 1 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 Dublin 2 Minnesota

Generic Baseball Team 2 - 4 West Kelowna Cheddarheads

Stone .223 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boulder 2 Boulder ? Johnson City 3 Waipahu 2 Waipahu
3 Islington ? San Francisco 0 Seattle
1 Dublin 0 Mission Viejo
2 Islington 3 Islington 1 Waipahu 2 Seattle
4 Johnson City 4 San Francisco
1 Vancouver 0 Shining StarsLos An
2 Salinas 1 Salinas 3 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Johnson City 1 Santa Clarita
0 - 0 -
2 Johnson City 2 Santa Clarita

Johnson City Doughboys 6 1 - 4 San Francisco Raccons

Stone .224 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quad Cities 3 Quad Cities ? Quad Cities 3 Lake Oswego 2 Lake Oswego
0 Newark ? Cumberland 1 Battenoord
1 Medicine Hat 0 Oakdale
2 Newark 4 Quad Cities 3 Lake Oswego 2 Battenoord
0 Rivia 4 Cumberland
0 Cleveland 0 Taylor
2 Rivia 3 Rivia 1 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
2 SoCal 3 Cumberland
0 - 0 -
2 SoCal 2 Cumberland

Quad Cities River Bandits 4 - 2 Cumberland 29ers

Stone .225 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manetin 3 Manetin ? Manetin 1 Wichita 2 Wichita
0 Circleville ? Steel City 3 Iowa
1 Hanford 0 Surrey
2 Circleville 4 Manetin 0 Iowa 2 Iowa
2 Salinas 4 Steel City
0 Orlando 0 Valley Grove
2 Salinas 3 Salinas 2 Tennessee Valley 2 Tennessee Valley
2 Arizona 3 Steel City
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 Steel City

Manetin Lokomotiva 1 - 4 Steel City Venom

Stone .226 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flint 3 Flint ? Flint 3 Maine 2 Maine
0 Portland ? Maine 0 Munich
0 West Virginia 1 Romeoville
2 Portland 4 Flint 4 Maine 2 Munich
3 Cleveland 0 D.J
2 Cleveland 2 D.J
0 OK 3 Cleveland 3 D.J 1 Apopka
1 California 1 Sierra Vista
0 - 0 -
2 California 2 Sierra Vista

Flint Pheasants 1 - 4 Maine Moose

Stone .227 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 3 Arlington ? Arlington 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
1 Champaign ? St. Petersburg 2 Winslow
2 Champaign 1 Brooklyn
0 Old Bridge 4 Arlington 3 Seoul 2 Winslow
1 Brooklyn 4 St. Petersburg
2 Chicago 2 Moreno Valley
0 Motor City 2 Chicago 2 Moreno Valley 1 Fort Collins
3 Brooklyn 3 St. Petersburg
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 St. Petersburg

Arlington Storm 25 4 - 1 St. Petersburg Hermitages

Rookie .100 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sun City 3 Sun City ? Midland 3 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs
0 Maple City ? Kenner 2 Detroit
2 Maple City 0 Logan
1 Portland 2 Sun City 1 Colorado Springs 2 Detroit
4 Midland 4 Kenner
0 Downongtown 0 Waimalu
2 Hattiesburg 0 Hattiesburg 3 Kenner 2 Kenner
3 Midland 1 Elko
0 - 0 -
2 Midland 2 Elko

Midland Knights 4 - 1 Kenner Peach Kings

Rookie .101 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lawrence 3 Lawrence ? Lawrence 2 Summerville 2 Summerville
1 Las Vegas ? Columbus 3 Columbus
2 Las Vegas 1 Saint
0 St. Joseph 4 Lawrence 4 Columbus 2 Columbus
2 Murrieta 1 Little Rock
2 Wobbly 1 clearwater
1 Grassland 2 Wobbly 0 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Murrieta 3 Little Rock
0 - 0 -
2 Murrieta 2 Little Rock

Lawrence Twins 4 - 3 Columbus River Bats

Rookie .102 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 3 Washington ? Washington 0 Queen Qity 2 Queen Qity
2 Warren ? King Kai's 3 Knoxville
2 Warren 1 Tuscaloosa
0 Terre Haute 4 Washington 2 Knoxville 2 Knoxville
2 Winnipeg 4 King Kai's
2 Lincoln Park 0 Houston
1 Watertown 1 Lincoln Park 1 Country Club 2 Country Club
3 Winnipeg 3 King Kai's
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 King Kai's

Washington Dynamo 4 - 2 King Kai's Planet E6

Rookie .103 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Carbondale 3 Carbondale ? Carbondale 2 Valhalla 2 Valhalla
0 Holden Beach ? Tampa Bay 3 Tampa Bay
1 mid-west 0 Cleveland
2 Holden Beach 4 Carbondale 4 Tampa Bay 2 Tampa Bay
1 OK 3 London
1 North Bergen 0 Rocksburg
2 Kim 0 Kim 2 Drexel Heights 2 Drexel Heights
3 OK 3 London
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 London

Carbondale Lone Wolves 4 - 1 Tampa Bay Astronauts

Rookie .104 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Windsor 2 Windsor ? Ogden 1 All Arizona 2 All Arizona
3 Ogden ? Twice 3 Twice
0 Marikina 1 Ft. Worth
2 Ogden 4 Ogden 4 Twice 2 Twice
0 St. Louis 2 Long Island
0 Indianapolis 1 Tulsa
2 St. Louis 3 St. Louis 0 New Rochelle 2 New Rochelle
2 Dallas 3 Long Island
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 2 Long Island

Ogden Raptors 4 - 3 Twice Teudoongi

Rookie .105 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 3 Connecticut ? Connecticut 3 Uijeongbu 2 Uijeongbu
0 Columbus ? Uijeongbu 0 Philadelphia
0 Texas 2 Philadelphia
2 Columbus 4 Connecticut 4 Uijeongbu 1 Clay
2 Geelong 1 Sterling Heights
1 Mexico City 2 Sterling Heights
2 New Taipei 0 New Taipei 3 Sterling Heights 0 New York
3 Geelong 2 Carey
0 - 0 -
2 Geelong 2 Carey

Connecticut Marauders 4 - 1 Uijeongbu Tanghurus

Rookie .106 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Redlands 3 Redlands ? Pittsburgh 3 Mr Hanky's 2 Mr Hanky's
2 Motor City ? Mr Hanky's 1 Vancouver
0 Denver 0 Busan
2 Motor City 3 Redlands 4 Mr Hanky's 2 Vancouver
4 Pittsburgh 0 Necropolis
1 Tampa 0 Smithtown
2 Minnesota 0 Minnesota 0 Gateway 2 Gateway
3 Pittsburgh 3 Necropolis
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 2 Necropolis

Pittsburgh Treasure Hunters 3 - 4 Mr Hanky's Favorite Doll

Rookie .107 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 3 Inland Empire ? Hackensack 3 Bean Town 2 Bean Town
1 Comfrey ? Louisville 0 Lanzhou
0 Akureyri 2 Lanzhou
2 Comfrey 2 Inland Empire 0 Bean Town 0 Inland Empire
4 Hackensack 4 Louisville
2 Moline 0 OhPooh
1 Montreal 0 Moline 3 Louisville 2 Louisville
3 Hackensack 2 Fortnite
0 - 0 -
2 Hackensack 2 Fortnite

Hackensack Lake Monsters 1 - 4 Louisville Sharks

Rookie .108 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fort Worth 3 Fort Worth ? Fort Worth 3 Yorkshire 2 Yorkshire
1 Finland ? Hershey 2 Tacoma
0 Green Bay 0 Orange
2 Finland 4 Fort Worth 2 Yorkshire 2 Tacoma
1 Las Vegas 4 Hershey
0 Pomona 2 NowTom
2 Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas 1 NowTom 0 WV
2 Salem 3 Hershey
0 - 0 -
2 Salem 2 Hershey

Fort Worth Panthers 4 - 3 Hershey Squrts

Rookie .109 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Somorset Center 3 Somorset Center ? Somorset Center 1 Oakland 2 Oakland
0 Tuxtla Gutierrez ? Montreal 3 Naptown
2 Tuxtla Gutierrez 2 Naptown
0 Montreal 4 Somorset Center 1 Naptown 0 Los Alamitos
0 Frankfort 4 Montreal
0 Hillsboro 1 Encinitas
2 Orem 2 Orem 1 Alexandria 2 Alexandria
3 Frankfort 3 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Frankfort 2 Montreal

Somorset Center Paladins 4 - 1 Montreal Express

Rookie .110 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Memphis 3 Memphis ? Memphis 3 PA 2 PA
0 Norman ? PA 1 Ang3lCity
1 El Cajon 0 Austin
2 Norman 4 Memphis 4 PA 2 Ang3lCity
1 Mattoon 0 Chalmette
2 Mattoon 1 Indianapolis
0 Wappingers Falls 3 Mattoon 2 Homeland 2 Homeland
2 East LA 3 Chalmette
0 - 0 -
2 East LA 2 Chalmette

Memphis White Sox 4 - 2 PA Millers

Rookie .111 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 2 Seattle 2 Seattle
1 Tokyo ? Trotwood 3 Houston
2 Tokyo 2 Houston
1 Commerce Township 4 Los Angeles 2 Houston 0 Levittown
0 Akron 4 Trotwood
2 Pittsburgh 1 Bellevue
0 Toronto 1 Pittsburgh 2 Portland 2 Portland
3 Akron 3 Trotwood
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 2 Trotwood

Los Angeles Jackals 4 - 2 Trotwood Players

Rookie .112 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 L.A 3 L.A ? L.A 3 Three Mile Isle 2 Three Mile Isle
2 Westie ? Glasgow Warriors 0 Los Angeles
2 Westie 1 Reading
0 Atlanta 4 L.A 2 Three Mile Isle 2 Los Angeles
3 Tucson 4 Glasgow Warriors
2 Y Felinheli 1 Lubbock
1 Anaheim 0 Y Felinheli 2 San Juan 2 San Juan
3 Tucson 3 Glasgow Warriors
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Glasgow Warriors

L.A Devils 4 - 3 Glasgow Warriors Warriors

Rookie .113 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newton South 3 Newton South ? Super Nova 3 DeSoto 2 DeSoto
1 Team ? DeSoto 2 Washington
0 busan 2 Washington
2 Team 1 Newton South 4 DeSoto 1 JL
4 Super Nova 2 oooo
2 Midland 1 Nowhere
1 Hyundai 1 Midland 3 oooo 2 oooo
3 Super Nova 1 Carol City
0 - 0 -
2 Super Nova 2 Carol City

Super Nova b514b178c2a4 4 - 3 DeSoto Baycats

Rookie .114 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jun 3 Jun ? Jun 0 Del Monte 2 Del Monte
2 St.Louis ? SEOUL 3 SEOUL
0 Richmond 2 SEOUL
2 St.Louis 4 Jun 4 SEOUL 1 Washington
3 Groveton 3 St. Catharines
1 Lil Tecca 2 St. Catharines
2 Houston 1 Houston 3 St. Catharines 1 Hit-City
3 Groveton 1 Hilton Head Island
0 - 0 -
2 Groveton 2 Hilton Head Island

Jun JINIHANI 3 - 4 SEOUL hxnjnn

Rookie .115 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Utah 2 Utah ? NyangHaro 2 Ottawa 2 Ottawa
3 byung ? Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas
2 byung 0 Tripletown
1 Mexico City 1 byung 4 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
4 NyangHaro 0 Hanwha
2 Vancouver 2 Brooklyn
1 Oklahoma 1 Vancouver 1 Brooklyn 1 Corby
3 NyangHaro 3 Hanwha
0 - 0 -
2 NyangHaro 2 Hanwha

NyangHaro Eagles 0 - 4 Las Vegas Raiders

Rookie .116 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Osan 1 Osan ? Chelmsford 3 Golden State 2 Golden State
3 Shreveport ? Golden State 1 Oceanside
0 Wyoming 0 Tennessee Valley
2 Shreveport 2 Shreveport 4 Golden State 2 Oceanside
4 Chelmsford 2 Ensley
2 Cape Coral 1 Seoul
0 Dewey 0 Cape Coral 0 Memphis 2 Memphis
3 Chelmsford 3 Ensley
0 - 0 -
2 Chelmsford 2 Ensley

Chelmsford Rascals 4 - 0 Golden State Bandwagons

Rookie .117 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 1 Washington ? Atlanta 0 Vaughan 2 Vaughan
3 Oregon City ? Belleville 3 Belleville
1 North Carolina 2 Belleville
2 Oregon City 2 Oregon City 4 Belleville 1 Portland
4 Atlanta 2 Los Angeles
0 Greensboro 1 Saratoga
2 Atlanta 3 Atlanta 1 Chungju Phoenix 2 Chungju Phoenix
1 Florida 3 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 2 Los Angeles

Atlanta Bulldogs 4 - 3 Belleville Bombers

Rookie .118 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Coppell 3 Coppell ? Coppell 3 Lakeview 2 Lakeview
0 Great Mills ? Montoursville 1 Asheville
2 Great Mills 1 DEAV
1 Memphis 4 Coppell 0 Lakeview 2 Asheville
3 Lex Vegas 4 Montoursville
1 Ashburn 2 Montoursville
2 Lex Vegas 3 Lex Vegas 3 Montoursville 0 Scottsdale
0 No Land 2 Calumet
0 - 0 -
2 No Land 2 Calumet

Coppell Night Hawks 4 - 2 Montoursville Warriors

Rookie .119 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ft. Worth 3 Ft. Worth ? Ft. Worth 3 Toms River 2 Toms River
0 Ontario ? Toms River 0 Oslo
0 Lima 2 Oslo
2 Ontario 4 Ft. Worth 4 Toms River 1 Tallahassee
0 Ayr United 1 Sports Illustrated
1 Phoenix 2 St. Louis
2 Conch Republic 2 Conch Republic 0 St. Louis 0 Maracaibo
3 Ayr United 3 Sports Illustrated
0 - 0 -
2 Ayr United 2 Sports Illustrated

Ft. Worth Brown Bears 4 - 1 Toms River Weirdos

Rookie .120 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Francisco 3 San Francisco ? San Francisco 3 Orange County 2 Orange County
2 Gotham ? Orange County 1 Claymont
0 Charleston 2 Claymont
2 Gotham 4 San Francisco 4 Orange County 0 El Paso
0 Miskatonic 0 Shenyang
1 Bellevue 1 alabama rockets
2 Atlanta 1 Atlanta 2 Boston 2 Boston
3 Miskatonic 3 Shenyang
0 - 0 -
2 Miskatonic 2 Shenyang

San Francisco Giants 3 - 4 Orange County Housewives

Rookie .121 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wautoma 0 Wautoma ? Savannah 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
3 Atchison ? Springfield 2 Long Island
2 Atchison 1 San Diego
0 San Francisco 0 Atchison 4 Springfield 2 Long Island
4 Savannah 2 Weird Fishes
0 Pal Park Tigers 2 Daegu
2 Nippon 2 Nippon 1 Daegu 1 Bloomfield
3 Savannah 3 Weird Fishes
0 - 0 -
2 Savannah 2 Weird Fishes

Savannah Sharks 3 - 4 Springfield Isotopes

Rookie .122 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 0 Tucson ? Guam 3 Broomfield 2 Broomfield
3 Guam ? Broomfield 2 Juarez
0 Oakland 0 Brooklyn
2 Guam 4 Guam 4 Broomfield 2 Juarez
0 Uijeongbu-si 0 New York
1 Audubon 2 New York
2 new york 2 new york 3 New York 1 Lexington
3 Uijeongbu-si 1 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Uijeongbu-si 2 Seattle

Guam Typhoons 1 - 4 Broomfield Skeeters

Rookie .123 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 3 Minneapolis ? St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
1 Tampa ? Philadelphia 0 Joliet
0 KTD 1 Colorado Springs
2 Tampa 2 Minneapolis 4 Philadelphia 2 Joliet
4 St. Louis 1 New Jersey
2 Jamestown 2 New Jersey
1 Houston 2 Jamestown 3 New Jersey 1 Minnestoa
3 St. Louis 1 Merrimack
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Merrimack

St. Louis Blues 0 - 4 Philadelphia Eagles

Rookie .124 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Great 2 Great ? Glen Ellyn 3 Plant City 2 Plant City
3 Battle Creek ? Plant City 0 Northport
0 Bundang 0 Shelton
2 Battle Creek 0 Battle Creek 4 Plant City 2 Northport
4 Glen Ellyn 0 Manchester
2 LG 1 Staples
1 Busan 0 LG 2 Minnesota 2 Minnesota
3 Glen Ellyn 3 Manchester
0 - 0 -
2 Glen Ellyn 2 Manchester

Glen Ellyn Rush 1 - 4 Plant City Strawberries

Rookie .125 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Snoqualmie 1 Snoqualmie ? Vacaville 1 Orange 2 Orange
3 Vacaville ? Huntington Beach 3 Huntington Beach
2 Vacaville 0 Nowhere
0 Sun City 4 Vacaville 4 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
2 Garden Grove 2 Bayonne
0 Montreal 2 Palm Desert
2 Jax 0 Jax 0 Palm Desert 0 Mississauga
3 Garden Grove 3 Bayonne
0 - 0 -
2 Garden Grove 2 Bayonne

Vacaville Gold Sox 4 - 2 Huntington Beach Freedom

Rookie .126 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Steeltown 3 Steeltown ? Steeltown 3 Austin 2 Austin
1 Chicago ? Austin 0 Laurel
0 Brooklyn 0 Philadelphia
2 Chicago 4 Steeltown 4 Austin 2 Laurel
0 Hattiesburg 0 Yucaipa
0 EJDynasty 1 Cleveland
2 Hattiesburg 3 Hattiesburg 3 Yucaipa 2 Yucaipa
2 Los Angeles 1 Packsaddle
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Packsaddle

Steeltown Carp 3 - 4 Austin Bats

Rookie .127 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Galveston 3 Galveston ? Arlington 3 Chatham-Kent 2 Chatham-Kent
2 Central Toronto ? Chatham-Kent 1 Maplewood
0 Claremont 2 Maplewood
2 Central Toronto 3 Galveston 4 Chatham-Kent 1 Jonestown
4 Arlington 2 High Bluff
2 New York 2 High Bluff
1 Samsung Lions 0 New York 3 High Bluff 0 St.Louis
3 Arlington 1 Cologne
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 2 Cologne

Arlington Statesmen 2 - 4 Chatham-Kent Flight

Rookie .128 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Astoria 1 Astoria ? Schaumburg 1 Annandale 2 Annandale
3 Schaumburg ? Seoul 3 Seoul
0 St.Louis 2 Seoul
2 Schaumburg 4 Schaumburg 4 Seoul 1 Sarasota
0 Barrie 2 Worcester
1 Edmonton 1 Viareggio
2 Barrie 3 Barrie 3 Worcester 2 Worcester
1 Oklahoma City 2 Wilmington
0 - 0 -
2 Oklahoma City 2 Wilmington

Schaumburg Emperors 4 - 2 Seoul Eagles Orange

Rookie .129 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OB Bears 2 OB Bears ? Sexton Summit 1 Bradley 2 Bradley
3 Sexton Summit ? Dubuque 3 Dubuque
1 Saint John 0 Modesto
2 Sexton Summit 4 Sexton Summit 4 Dubuque 2 Dubuque
1 Kingston 3 Saint-Maur
2 Olympia 1 Boston
1 Willoughby 2 Olympia 0 Suwon.Wiz. 2 Suwon.Wiz.
3 Kingston 3 Saint-Maur
0 - 0 -
2 Kingston 2 Saint-Maur

Sexton Summit Purple Warriors 4 - 2 Dubuque Fighting Saints

Rookie .130 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Dakota 0 South Dakota ? Greenville 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Oi ? Perth 1 Anjo
1 Dracut 0 Claremont
2 Oi 3 Oi 1 Toronto 2 Anjo
4 Greenville 4 Perth
1 Columbus 0 Coolsville
2 New York 2 New York 1 Clearwater 2 Clearwater
3 Greenville 3 Perth
0 - 0 -
2 Greenville 2 Perth

Greenville Raiders 4 - 3 Perth Wildcats

Rookie .131 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Claremont 2 Claremont ? Rome 3 Portland 2 Portland
3 Rome ? Phoenix 1 Busan
2 Rome 0 Louisville
1 HANWHA 4 Rome 3 Portland 2 Busan
3 Minneapolis 4 Phoenix
2 Blue Mountain State 1 Greenville
1 Westchester 0 Blue Mountain State 2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Minneapolis 3 Phoenix
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 2 Phoenix

Rome Emperors 4 - 1 Phoenix Bombers

Rookie .132 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kawaii Degenerates 3 Kawaii Degenerates ? Kawaii Degenerates 3 Bolingbrook 2 Bolingbrook
2 Omaha ? Bolingbrook 2 Melbourne
0 Gladewater 2 Melbourne
2 Omaha 4 Kawaii Degenerates 4 Bolingbrook 0 Novi
0 Virginia Beach 1 Windsor
0 Keene 1 Matsudo
2 King 1 King 0 Quebec 2 Quebec
3 Virginia Beach 3 Windsor
0 - 0 -
2 Virginia Beach 2 Windsor

Kawaii Degenerates Degens 4 - 0 Bolingbrook Wild Horses

Rookie .133 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oak Grove 2 Oak Grove ? ad11c8fc 3 Merrick 2 Merrick
3 Frisco Freaky ? Merrick 2 Buffridge
1 Laval 2 Buffridge
2 Frisco Freaky 1 Frisco Freaky 4 Merrick 1 Montana
4 ad11c8fc 2 Montreal
2 Hanhwa 0 Flaaless
0 Sackets Harbor 2 Hanhwa 3 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 ad11c8fc 1 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 ad11c8fc 2 Los Angeles

ad11c8fc KIA Tigers 1 - 4 Merrick Maulers

Rookie .134 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Idaho 3 Idaho ? Laguna Niguel 2 Slam Diego 2 Slam Diego
2 Tidewater ? Austin 3 Ellicott City
2 Tidewater 2 Ellicott City
1 Chino Hills 2 Idaho 2 Ellicott City 0 Palm Springs
4 Laguna Niguel 4 Austin
1 Sunnyvale 0 Hamilton
2 Baker Street 2 Baker Street 1 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
3 Laguna Niguel 3 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 Laguna Niguel 2 Austin

Laguna Niguel Pipeliners 4 - 3 Austin Waves

Rookie .135 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Prattville 3 Prattville ? Prattville 3 Incheon 2 Incheon
1 Gatineau ? Incheon 2 Aurora
1 Cudahy 2 Aurora
2 Gatineau 4 Prattville 4 Incheon 1 Landers
0 Springfield 1 siwoo
2 Nashville 1 Green
1 Jingles 0 Nashville 1 Quebec 2 Quebec
3 Springfield 3 siwoo
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 2 siwoo

Prattville Threes 4 - 2 Incheon SSG Landers

Rookie .136 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mudeung 3 Mudeung ? Mudeung 1 Texas 2 Texas
1 Parker ? Boise 3 Boise
2 Parker 0 New York
1 DC 4 Mudeung 4 Boise 2 Boise
0 Clifton Park 0 New York
1 Jackson 2 Dallas
2 Bellevue 1 Bellevue 0 Dallas 1 Montreal
3 Clifton Park 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Clifton Park 2 New York

Mudeung Mountain 4 - 1 Boise Bucks

Rookie .137 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlantic Mine 3 Atlantic Mine ? Atlantic Mine 3 Long Island 2 Long Island
0 Botticino ? White 2 Edinburgh
1 Battenoord 2 Edinburgh
2 Botticino 4 Atlantic Mine 1 Long Island 0 Kingsville
3 Trubaduren 4 White
0 Levittown 2 Baltimore
2 Trubaduren 3 Trubaduren 1 Baltimore 0 Atlanta
0 Everett 3 White
0 - 0 -
2 Everett 2 White

Atlantic Mine Dynamite 4 - 0 White Russians

Rookie .138 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Incheon 3 Incheon ? Incheon 3 Venezuela 2 Venezuela
1 Warwick ? Leitrim 2 Oak Ridge
2 Warwick 0 Sendai
1 Nashville 4 Incheon 1 Venezuela 2 Oak Ridge
2 Joe town 4 Leitrim
0 Hollywood 0 Elkhart
2 Tulsa 1 Tulsa 0 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
3 Joe town 3 Leitrim
0 - 0 -
2 Joe town 2 Leitrim

Incheon landers 3 - 4 Leitrim Lords

Rookie .139 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Riverside 1 Riverside ? Berling Bruisers 2 Ottawa 2 Ottawa
3 Tokorozawa ? Mission Viejo 3 Madison
2 Tokorozawa 2 Madison
1 Southside 1 Tokorozawa 3 Madison 0 Rochester
4 Berling Bruisers 4 Mission Viejo
0 Baton Rouge 1 PLive
2 Akron 2 Akron 3 Mission Viejo 2 Mission Viejo
3 Berling Bruisers 0 Glencoe
0 - 0 -
2 Berling Bruisers 2 Glencoe

Berling Bruisers SJ- Bruisers 4 - 1 Mission Viejo Orange Sox

Rookie .140 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hatarebebaua 0 Hatarebebaua ? Haskins 3 WEFC 2 WEFC
3 Charleston ? Greenville 2 Grayson
1 Vancouver 2 Grayson
2 Charleston 2 Charleston 1 WEFC 0 Kissimmee
4 Haskins 4 Greenville
2 Haskins 1 asuna
0 pigtown 3 Haskins 2 Pikesville 2 Pikesville
0 San Juan 3 Greenville
0 - 0 -
2 San Juan 2 Greenville

Haskins Rangers 2 - 4 Greenville Seals

Rookie .141 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hanwha 3 Hanwha ? Seoul 3 Weatherford 2 Weatherford
2 Rocky Mount ? Weatherford 1 Brandon
2 Rocky Mount 1 Rockledge
1 Mars 3 Hanwha 4 Weatherford 2 Brandon
4 Seoul 1 Inland Empire
0 Buffalo 2 Seosan
2 Hudson Valley 0 Hudson Valley 2 Seosan 1 SSG Landers
3 Seoul 3 Inland Empire
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 2 Inland Empire

Seoul Dinos 4 - 2 Weatherford Cats

Rookie .142 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Marlette 3 Marlette ? Marlette 3 L'Anse 2 L'Anse
1 Modern ? Buffalo Rock 2 Petaluma
1 Kiel 2 Petaluma
2 Modern 4 Marlette 1 L'Anse 1 Seoul
1 Oklahoma City 4 Buffalo Rock
2 Oklahoma City 0 Wollongong
1 Bend 3 Oklahoma City 3 Buffalo Rock 2 Buffalo Rock
2 Blue Moon 1 Tucker
0 - 0 -
2 Blue Moon 2 Tucker

Marlette Trailer Trash 1 - 4 Buffalo Rock Brewers

Rookie .143 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Freakstagram 3 Freakstagram ? Freakstagram 3 Posen 2 Posen
0 Bartlesville ? Posen 0 Rhode Island
0 Sacramento 2 Rhode Island
2 Bartlesville 4 Freakstagram 4 Posen 1 Rocky Point
0 Addison 0 Pohang
0 Cheyenne 2 Orlando
2 Addison 3 Addison 1 Orlando 0 Ames
1 Castroburgh 3 Pohang
0 - 0 -
2 Castroburgh 2 Pohang

Freakstagram Freakers 4 - 0 Posen Pillagers

Rookie .144 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? Columbus 2 Northport 2 Northport
1 Manitoba ? Louisville 3 Louisville
0 Melbourne 0 Pitama
2 Manitoba 3 Portland 4 Louisville 2 Louisville
4 Columbus 1 ryu
2 Columbus 0 Vail
1 Colorado 3 Columbus 3 ryu 2 ryu
1 Royal Oak 1 Lake Geneva
0 - 0 -
2 Royal Oak 2 Lake Geneva

Columbus Crew 0 - 4 Louisville Cosmos

Rookie .145 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 2 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
2 Inexplicably Just ? Burm 3 Burm
1 Inland Empire 2 Burm
2 Inexplicably Just 4 New York 4 Burm 1 Westeros
3 Levittown 1 Oakland
1 Indy 0 Winnipeg
2 Crown Point 1 Crown Point 3 Oakland 2 Oakland
3 Levittown 0 NM
0 - 0 -
2 Levittown 2 NM

New York 401Ks 4 - 0 Burm Worms

Rookie .146 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mongol 3 Mongol ? Mongol 3 Croonie 2 Croonie
0 Berwyn ? Big House 2 CheongJu Hawks
1 Best Virginia 1 Jacksonville
2 Berwyn 4 Mongol 3 Croonie 2 CheongJu Hawks
0 Paw Paw 4 Big House
2 Hawthorne 1 Kingston
1 Los Angeles 2 Hawthorne 1 Mt. Adams 2 Mt. Adams
3 Paw Paw 3 Big House
0 - 0 -
2 Paw Paw 2 Big House

Mongol Empire 4 - 2 Big House Ballerz

Rookie .147 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stamford 3 Stamford ? Stamford 3 Fayetteville 2 Fayetteville
1 Oxnard ? Fayetteville 2 LA
1 Rhythm1st 0 Indianapolis
2 Oxnard 4 Stamford 4 Fayetteville 2 LA
3 HwaSoon 0 Meridian
0 Fontana 0 Vicksburg
2 HwaSoon 3 HwaSoon 3 Meridian 2 Meridian
0 San Marcos 1 Ontario
0 - 0 -
2 San Marcos 2 Ontario

Stamford Rockets 4 - 3 Fayetteville Raiders

Rookie .148 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
0 Kokomo ? Macomb Township 3 Actual Boston
3 Macomb Township ? Actual Boston 2 Tulsa

4 Macomb Township 4 Actual Boston
3 Chico 1 Seoul

1 Cubbie 1 Ocoee
3 Chico 3 Seoul

Macomb Township Trail Blazers 3 - 4 Actual Boston Red Sox

Rookie .149 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 3 Vancouver ? Vancouver 3 Howard 2 Howard
2 TTV ? Howard 1 Jacksonville
0 Denver 2 Jacksonville
2 TTV 4 Vancouver 4 Howard 1 Marlyand
0 Wichita 1 Marion
2 Wichita 1 Crossroads
0 Walnut Creek 3 Wichita 0 Austin 2 Austin
0 Sleepy Hollow 3 Marion
0 - 0 -
2 Sleepy Hollow 2 Marion

Vancouver Timber Rattlers 0 - 4 Howard Ducks

Rookie .150 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sterling 1 Sterling ? Queens 2 West New York 2 West New York
3 Queens ? Lotte Giants 3 Boise
0 San Francisco 1 Rockville
2 Queens 4 Queens 1 Boise 2 Boise
3 Hardhome 4 Lotte Giants
0 San Diego 0 Rome
2 Hardhome 3 Hardhome 1 Montreal 2 Montreal
0 SEOULG 3 Lotte Giants
0 - 0 -
2 SEOULG 2 Lotte Giants

Queens Conquistadors 4 - 1 Lotte Giants Onlypomade

Rookie .151 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Louisville 1 Louisville ? SF 3 Burton 2 Burton
3 SF ? Burton 1 Busan
2 SF 1 St. Pete
0 Surrey 4 SF 4 Burton 2 Busan
2 Severn 2 Mississauga
0 SEOUL 3 Severn 1 Mississauga 1 Lake Charles
0 Hampton 3 NYONYO DINOS
0 - 0 -
2 Hampton 2 NYONYO DINOS

SF Haeeeeeit 2 - 4 Burton Taters

Rookie .152 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Estrella 3 Estrella ? Estrella 3 Drexel 2 Drexel
1 Toronto ? Drexel 0 Cheshire
1 Laguna Hills 0 Turkey
2 Toronto 4 Estrella 4 Drexel 2 Cheshire
2 Brooklyn 3 Springfield
1 Thors 2 Baseball
2 Bay Point 2 Bay Point 1 Baseball 0 Plano
3 Brooklyn 3 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Springfield

Estrella Squids 4 - 2 Drexel Dragons

Rookie .153 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? West Virginia 3 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
1 Columbus ? Baltimore 1 Brooklyn
2 Columbus 0 DEN
0 Providence 1 Portland 4 Baltimore 2 Brooklyn
4 West Virginia 1 Carthage
2 West Virginia 1 Elm Street
1 Sawtooth 3 West Virginia 1 Seattle 2 Seattle
2 Aoajaas 3 Carthage
0 - 0 -
2 Aoajaas 2 Carthage

West Virginia Spades 1 - 4 Baltimore Huskies

Rookie .154 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minchia State 3 Minchia State ? Minchia State 3 Hari's 2 Hari's
0 Lemoore ? Hari's 0 Cottage Grove
0 West Point 2 Cottage Grove
2 Lemoore 4 Minchia State 4 Hari's 1 Paterson
2 Cincinnati 2 Statesboro
2 Dayton 1 Pontefract
1 Washington 1 Dayton 2 Spiracy 2 Spiracy
3 Cincinnati 3 Statesboro
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Statesboro

Minchia State Warriors 2 - 4 Hari's Skeletons

Rookie .155 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Noodlearm 0 Noodlearm ? Toronto 0 Alabama 2 Alabama
3 Toronto ? Somerville 3 Somerville
1 Murray 1 Los Angeles
2 Toronto 4 Toronto 4 Somerville 2 Somerville
1 Fremont 1 Las Vegas
0 Florida 0 St Paul
2 Wakanda 1 Wakanda 3 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
3 Fremont 2 Stockton
0 - 0 -
2 Fremont 2 Stockton

Toronto Sluggers 2 - 4 Somerville Stamp Lickers

Rookie .156 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kholinar 3 Kholinar ? Kholinar 3 El Paso 2 El Paso
0 Sterling Heights ? El Paso 1 Montreal
2 Sterling Heights 0 New York
1 East Meadow 4 Kholinar 4 El Paso 2 Montreal
2 Six And 1 Providence
2 Manitowoc 2 Providence
1 Florence 2 Manitowoc 3 Providence 0 Charlotte
3 Six And 0 Boston
0 - 0 -
2 Six And 2 Boston

Kholinar Windrunners 4 - 1 El Paso Monsters

Rookie .157 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Utica 3 Utica ? Utica 3 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
0 Norwalk ? Keno 1 Mississauga
2 Norwalk 2 Mississauga
0 yong1249 4 Utica 2 Milwaukee 1 Lacey Township
0 Beast City 4 Keno
1 Pohang 0 Cedar Park
2 Beast City 3 Beast City 3 Keno 2 Keno
2 Borough's 1 Hartford
0 - 0 -
2 Borough's 2 Hartford

Utica Blackwings 4 - 2 Keno Haints

Rookie .158 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oshkosh 1 Oshkosh ? Castro Valley 3 Powtown 2 Powtown
3 Roswell ? Powtown 0 Levis
1 Annapolis 2 Levis
2 Roswell 2 Roswell 4 Powtown 1 Ellicott City
4 Castro Valley 3 Jacksonville
1 Morgantown 2 Jacksonville
2 Staten Island 2 Staten Island 3 Jacksonville 0 Hanhwa
3 Castro Valley 0 San Bernardino
0 - 0 -
2 Castro Valley 2 San Bernardino

Castro Valley Nobles 1 - 4 Powtown Trout

Rookie .159 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 3 Orlando ? Sherman Oaks 3 Pellston 2 Pellston
1 Hendersonville ? Pellston 1 Mercedes
2 Hendersonville 0 Marshalltown
1 Clermont-Ferrand 2 Orlando 4 Pellston 2 Mercedes
4 Sherman Oaks 0 Chicago Whitesox
2 Osaka 1 Ottawa
0 Winnipeg 0 Osaka 3 Chicago Whitesox 2 Chicago Whitesox
3 Sherman Oaks 0 Ann Arbor
0 - 0 -
2 Sherman Oaks 2 Ann Arbor

Sherman Oaks Nemulks 3 - 4 Pellston Pilots

Rookie .160 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Elk Creek 3 Elk Creek ? Racine 0 Daejeon 2 Daejeon
0 Philadelphia ? Space 3 Space
2 Philadelphia 0 Denver
0 Seoul 3 Elk Creek 4 Space 2 Space
4 Racine 2 Jupiter
0 Morrow 0 Kansas City
2 Racine 3 Racine 3 Jupiter 2 Jupiter
2 Kinsie 1 Huntington Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Kinsie 2 Huntington Beach

Racine Plowmen 3 - 4 Space Ghosts

Rookie .161 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Harbor Springs 3 Harbor Springs ? Harbor Springs 3 Dana Point 2 Dana Point
1 Detroit ? Dana Point 1 Norfolk
0 Denver 0 Elizabethtown
2 Detroit 4 Harbor Springs 4 Dana Point 2 Norfolk
0 San Bernadino 3 Spokane
2 San Bernadino 1 Albuquerque
1 San Francisco Giants 3 San Bernadino 0 St. Louis Park 2 St. Louis Park
1 Columbus 3 Spokane
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 2 Spokane

Harbor Springs Resorters 4 - 0 Dana Point Tiger Sharks

Rookie .162 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Visalia 2 Visalia ? Systemsville 3 Hanwha 2 Hanwha
3 Houston ? Hanwha 2 Fredericton
1 Rome 2 Fredericton
2 Houston 2 Houston 4 Hanwha 1 Germantown
4 Systemsville 0 Lotte GIants
1 Coral Springs 0 Detroit
2 Hanhwa 2 Hanhwa 3 Lotte GIants 2 Lotte GIants
3 Systemsville 0 GwangMyung
0 - 0 -
2 Systemsville 2 GwangMyung

Systemsville Rebooted Raiders 4 - 1 Hanwha Hawks

Rookie .163 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SK 2 SK ? Springfield 2 Jeong Kong KYJ 2 Jeong Kong KYJ
3 Springfield ? Mt. Prospect 3 Sudbury
2 Springfield 0 West Bend
1 Staunton 4 Springfield 0 Sudbury 2 Sudbury
2 New London 4 Mt. Prospect
2 Phoenix 2 Mt. Prospect
1 Chicago 0 Phoenix 3 Mt. Prospect 1 Levittown
3 New London 0 Maiden
0 - 0 -
2 New London 2 Maiden

Springfield Hounds 2 - 4 Mt. Prospect Buccaneers

Rookie .164 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
0 Council Bluffs ? Boston 0 Mesa
3 Boston ? Austin 3 Texas

4 Boston 0 Texas
1 Los Angeles 4 Austin

3 Los Angeles 3 Austin
1 Harrisonburg 2 Oakland

Boston Scots 4 - 0 Austin Senators

Rookie .165 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Brooklyn 3 Tokorozawa 2 Tokorozawa
0 Columbia ? Tokorozawa 1 Quebec City
1 Salinas 2 Quebec City
2 Columbia 4 Brooklyn 4 Tokorozawa 0 Chicago
2 Huntington Park 2 LosAngels
1 Belize 2 Los Angeles
2 Huntington Park 3 Huntington Park 2 Los Angeles 0 Mankato
1 New Orleans 3 LosAngels
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 2 LosAngels

Brooklyn Skyhawks 2 - 4 Tokorozawa Boomers

Rookie .166 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barberton 2 Barberton ? Muskogee 3 Springville 2 Springville
3 Muskogee ? Springville 0 Vancouver
2 Muskogee 0 Arlington
1 Salem 4 Muskogee 4 Springville 2 Vancouver
2 Baltimore 3 The Bronx
2 Hammond 2 Santa Fe
0 Columbus 2 Hammond 1 Santa Fe 0 Everett
3 Baltimore 3 The Bronx
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 The Bronx

Muskogee Fours 4 - 3 Springville Mariners

Rookie .167 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Willmar 2 Willmar ? Garden City 3 OK 2 OK
3 Garden City ? Metairie 2 Denver
1 lotte 2 Denver
2 Garden City 4 Garden City 3 OK 1 Inchelium
0 Redwood City 4 Metairie
2 Redwood City 2 Delta City
1 Hawk's 3 Redwood City 2 Delta City 0 Springfield
2 Sault 3 Metairie
0 - 0 -
2 Sault 2 Metairie

Garden City Wind 0 - 4 Metairie Beavers

Rookie .168 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
1 Detroit ? Haleiwa 3 Numazu
2 Detroit 0 Blono
1 Dolores 3 HR 3 Numazu 2 Numazu
4 SKY ROOKIE 4 Haleiwa
0 Spokane 2 Philly
2 SKY ROOKIE 3 SKY ROOKIE 0 Philly 1 Maple Valley
0 Portland 3 Haleiwa
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 Haleiwa

SKY ROOKIE Tiger 3 - 4 Haleiwa Haunted Luau

Rookie .169 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 3 Pittsburgh ? Pittsburgh 3 Upper Arlington 2 Upper Arlington
2 Chicago ? Upper Arlington 0 Marlborough
1 Seoul 2 Marlborough
2 Chicago 4 Pittsburgh 4 Upper Arlington 0 Deokso
0 Lynnwood 1 Rockville
0 Hawthorne 2 Rockville
2 Lynnwood 3 Lynnwood 3 Rockville 1 Lynn
1 Austin 1 chang
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 2 chang

Pittsburgh Bridges 4 - 1 Upper Arlington Bighorns

Rookie .170 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minnesota 3 Minnesota ? Minnesota 3 Long Beach 2 Long Beach
0 Toronto ? Long Beach 2 Richmond
1 Dallas 1 Marion
2 Toronto 4 Minnesota 4 Long Beach 2 Richmond
1 Rancho San Diego 0 Busan
1 Toronto 1 Fort Frances
2 Wichita 1 Wichita 3 Busan 2 Busan
3 Rancho San Diego 1 Dolton
0 - 0 -
2 Rancho San Diego 2 Dolton

Minnesota Twins 3 - 4 Long Beach Tigers

Rookie .171 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Columbia 3 Columbia ? Austin 3 Texas Tech 2 Texas Tech
2 Oklahoma City ? Memphis 1 Moreno Valley
1 Oklahoma City 0 San Marcos
2 Oklahoma City 3 Columbia 1 Texas Tech 2 Moreno Valley
4 Austin 4 Memphis
2 Austin 0 Los Angeles
0 Cliffside Park 3 Austin 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
0 Bozeman 3 Memphis
0 - 0 -
2 Bozeman 2 Memphis

Austin Avengers 4 - 1 Memphis Ballers

Rookie .172 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Granby 3 Granby ? Jacksonville 3 Rockville 2 Rockville
0 Puget Sound ? Mustang 0 Houston
1 Fresno 2 Houston
2 Puget Sound 3 Granby 1 Rockville 1 Richmond
4 Jacksonville 4 Mustang
1 Easter Island 2 Englewood
2 Kaohsiung 1 Kaohsiung 1 Englewood 1 DAEGU
3 Jacksonville 3 Mustang
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 2 Mustang

Jacksonville Dynamites 2 - 4 Mustang Broncos

Rookie .173 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Goose Creek 1 Goose Creek ? Dollar Bay 3 Carolina 2 Carolina
3 Louisville ? Carolina 0 San Diego
0 Marshfield 0 Towson
2 Louisville 2 Louisville 4 Carolina 2 San Diego
4 Dollar Bay 1 San Diego
2 Corpus Christi 2 Shoreline
0 Moreno Valley 1 Corpus Christi 2 Shoreline 0 Mesquite
3 Dollar Bay 3 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Dollar Bay 2 San Diego

Dollar Bay Iron Wolves 1 - 4 Carolina Reapers

Rookie .174 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Willowglen 3 Willowglen ? Willowglen 3 Fayetteville 2 Fayetteville
2 Gotham ? OK 0 Ilsan
2 Gotham 2 Ilsan
0 London 4 Willowglen 3 Fayetteville 0 Bradford
0 Goldenstate 4 OK
2 Taipei 2 Paradise
0 San Francisco 2 Taipei 1 Paradise 0 Akron
3 Goldenstate 3 OK
0 - 0 -
2 Goldenstate 2 OK

Willowglen Malpaso 1 - 4 OK Wizards

Rookie .175 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 1 Nashville ? Oneonta 3 Wells Rd. 2 Wells Rd.
3 Oneonta ? Wells Rd. 1 Savannah
0 Moreno Valley 1 Golden Gate
2 Oneonta 4 Oneonta 4 Wells Rd. 2 Savannah
0 Ozark 1 San Francisco
2 Bowling green 0 Tulsa
1 Coatesville 0 Bowling green 2 Salt Lick 2 Salt Lick
3 Ozark 3 San Francisco
0 - 0 -
2 Ozark 2 San Francisco

Oneonta Thundercats 1 - 4 Wells Rd. Rush

Rookie .176 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roseville 3 Roseville ? Cedar Rapids Kenerel 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
0 Carolina ? Seoul 0 Redding
1 Centreville 1 Detroit
2 Carolina 2 Roseville 4 Seoul 2 Redding
4 Cedar Rapids Kenerel 2 Coral Springs
1 Redford Township 1 San Diego
2 Busan 1 Busan 0 Bristol 2 Bristol
3 Cedar Rapids Kenerel 3 Coral Springs
0 - 0 -
2 Cedar Rapids Kenerel 2 Coral Springs

Cedar Rapids Kenerel Kernals 2 - 4 Seoul Snowbunnies

Rookie .177 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Everglade 2 Everglade ? National 3 Tville 2 Tville
3 Columbus ? Tville 1 Twin Falls
0 SEOUL 1 Ottawa
2 Columbus 0 Columbus 4 Tville 2 Twin Falls
4 National 3 Virginia Beach
1 Daejeon 1 Texas
2 Tampa Titans 2 Tampa Titans 3 Virginia Beach 2 Virginia Beach
3 National 0 Hamilton
0 - 0 -
2 National 2 Hamilton

National Pink Rabbits 4 - 1 Tville bunters

Rookie .178 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Francisco 3 San Francisco ? San Francisco 3 Viby 2 Viby
2 Boston ? Viby 0 Cleveland
1 BUENA PARK 0 Bad Vilbel
2 Boston 4 San Francisco 4 Viby 2 Cleveland
1 Wembelton 1 Calgary
2 Coney Island 0 Foxboro
1 Springfield 0 Coney Island 1 California 2 California
3 Wembelton 3 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Wembelton 2 Calgary

San Francisco Redbirds 4 - 1 Viby Warriors

Rookie .179 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 1 South Gate 2 South Gate
1 Los Angeles ? Chernobyl 3 Cleveland Heights
0 Tamarac 0 Miss
2 Los Angeles 4 Baltimore 2 Cleveland Heights 2 Cleveland Heights
3 Anyang 4 Chernobyl
0 Washington DC 1 Boston
2 Anyang 3 Anyang 1 Dublin 2 Dublin
2 Suwon 3 Chernobyl
0 - 0 -
2 Suwon 2 Chernobyl

Baltimore Orioles 4 - 0 Chernobyl Radiance

Rookie .180 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bloomingdale 3 Bloomingdale ? Syracuse 2 New York 2 New York
2 Valdosta ? The Crossings 3 Baltimore
1 Watertown 2 Baltimore
2 Valdosta 2 Bloomingdale 3 Baltimore 0 San Diego
4 Syracuse 4 The Crossings
1 Tulare 0 Elk River
2 Fountainbleau 1 Fountainbleau 2 Yarn Ball 2 Yarn Ball
3 Syracuse 3 The Crossings
0 - 0 -
2 Syracuse 2 The Crossings

Syracuse Orange 4 - 1 The Crossings Biplanes

Rookie .181 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bearickson 3 Bearickson ? Bearickson 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
1 Gatineau Jeans ? Vancouver 1 Miami
1 White Plains 2 Miami
2 Gatineau Jeans 4 Bearickson 3 Toronto 0 New York
1 Dallas 4 Vancouver
0 Kyiv 2 Vancouver
2 San Francisco 1 San Francisco 3 Vancouver 1 Euroballers
3 Dallas 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 2 New York

Bearickson Bombers 2 - 4 Vancouver River Cats

Rookie .182 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Germantown 1 Germantown ? Sun Brothers 3 New York 2 New York
3 Mississauga ? Binghamton 0 New Richmond
0 Spokane 2 New Richmond
2 Mississauga 1 Mississauga 3 New York 0 El Avila
4 Sun Brothers 4 Binghamton
1 Rio Rancho 2 Neiva
2 Cheeky Hoes 2 Cheeky Hoes 2 Neiva 1 Savannah
3 Sun Brothers 3 Binghamton
0 - 0 -
2 Sun Brothers 2 Binghamton

Sun Brothers LG Big Fans 2 - 4 Binghamton Rumble Ponies

Rookie .183 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Mateo 3 San Mateo ? San Mateo 3 Kona 2 Kona
0 Thornton ? Norwalk 1 Melbourne
2 Thornton 2 Melbourne
1 DubSea 4 San Mateo 2 Kona 1 Akron
2 Houston 4 Norwalk
0 Fullerton 0 Boston
2 Houston 3 Houston 1 Kenmore 2 Kenmore
2 Irondequoit 3 Norwalk
0 - 0 -
2 Irondequoit 2 Norwalk

San Mateo Arsenal 4 - 2 Norwalk Robins

Rookie .184 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 3 New Orleans ? Wausau 3 Perth 2 Perth
2 Moscow ? Perth 2 bongha
1 Cleveland 0 KOREA
2 Moscow 3 New Orleans 4 Perth 2 bongha
4 Wausau 2 Metropolis
0 Cleveland 2 Metropolis
2 Auckland 1 Auckland 3 Metropolis 0 Detroit
3 Wausau 1 Milwaukie-PDX 142
0 - 0 -
2 Wausau 2 Milwaukie-PDX 142

Wausau Woodchucks 3 - 4 Perth Smokies

Rookie .185 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? New Milford 2 Hamilton 2 Hamilton
2 El Paso ? Parma 3 Parma
1 Bordeaux 2 Parma
2 El Paso 1 Toronto 4 Parma 1 Madison
4 New Milford 3 sogang
1 Petaluma 0 Ejido
2 New Milford 3 New Milford 3 sogang 2 sogang
2 Findlay 1 Esquimalt
0 - 0 -
2 Findlay 2 Esquimalt

New Milford Swingers 4 - 3 Parma Otters

Rookie .186 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Laurel 3 Laurel ? Montreal 3 Trenton Tornados 2 Trenton Tornados
0 Seoul ? Trenton Tornados 2 Chicago
0 Farmingville 2 Chicago
2 Seoul 3 Laurel 4 Trenton Tornados 0 Brooklyn
4 Montreal 0 Edmonton
2 Montreal 2 Edmonton
0 Dertoit 0 Montreal 3 Edmonton 0 Missoula
3 Montreal 2 Oklahoma City
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Oklahoma City

Montreal Toreros 2 - 4 Trenton Tornados Nados

Rookie .187 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 0 Vancouver ? Dog Crunchers 3 Rancho San Diego 2 Rancho San Diego
3 Dog Crunchers ? Rancho San Diego 0 Monterey
2 Dog Crunchers 1 Suwon
1 Nancy 4 Dog Crunchers 4 Rancho San Diego 2 Monterey
3 Chi 3 East Point
2 Chi 1 Houston
1 Perintown 3 Chi 1 Austin 2 Austin
0 Vermont 3 East Point
0 - 0 -
2 Vermont 2 East Point

Dog Crunchers Dogs 4 - 3 Rancho San Diego Storm Kings

Rookie .188 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sioux Falls 1 Sioux Falls ? Grand Bay 1 Rotterdam 2 Rotterdam
3 Grand Bay ? Alhambra 3 Alhambra
0 Muzha 1 Espoo
2 Grand Bay 4 Grand Bay 4 Alhambra 2 Alhambra
2 Foghornland 1 Tennessee
1 Rocky Mountain 1 Dank City
2 Foghornland 3 Foghornland 3 Tennessee 2 Tennessee
1 Derek 0 East Providence
0 - 0 -
2 Derek 2 East Providence

Grand Bay Jays TTC 4 - 1 Alhambra Silver Sox

Rookie .189 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Huntington 3 Huntington ? Huntington 3 London 2 London
2 Detroit ? Bradley Beach 2 Carcosa
1 Portland 1 Midwest City
2 Detroit 4 Huntington 1 London 2 Carcosa
2 Vancouver 4 Bradley Beach
1 Fontana 2 Bradley Beach
2 Lexington 0 Lexington 3 Bradley Beach 0 Downcity United
3 Vancouver 0 Bellevue
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Bellevue

Huntington NighTrains 4 - 2 Bradley Beach Sharks

Rookie .190 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lebanon 3 Lebanon ? Lebanon 3 Denver 2 Denver
1 Space Coast ? Denver 0 Garak
0 Davenport 1 Utica
2 Space Coast 4 Lebanon 4 Denver 2 Garak
0 Seoul 1 Baltimore
1 Vancouver 0 Karaz-a-Karak
2 Seoul 3 Seoul 1 Manchester 2 Manchester
1 Fortniteville 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Fortniteville 2 Baltimore

Lebanon Slammers 1 - 4 Denver Magicians

Rookie .191 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Jose 3 San Jose ? San Jose 0 Fair Oaks 2 Fair Oaks
0 La Bie ? Combinator 3 Combinator
2 La Bie 1 Boston
0 Santa Clara 4 San Jose 4 Combinator 2 Combinator
3 Richmond 2 Aerial
0 Hwaseong 2 Aerial
2 Richmond 3 Richmond 3 Aerial 0 Toronto
1 Mississauga 1 Hopland
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 2 Hopland

San Jose Lollygaggers 4 - 1 Combinator Eagles

Rookie .192 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 3 Busan ? Seattle 3 Fat 2 Fat
0 SoCal ? Fat 0 New Haven
2 SoCal 2 New Haven
1 Orlando 3 Busan 4 Fat 1 Hoehne
4 Seattle 0 Shade
2 Seattle 1 Le Claire
0 andong 3 Seattle 2 Hudson 2 Hudson
0 Parker 3 Shade
0 - 0 -
2 Parker 2 Shade

Seattle Dog Girls 0 - 4 Fat Dogs

Rookie .193 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 3 St. Louis ? Andover 1 Litchfield 2 Litchfield
2 Columbus ? San Francisco 3 Grog City
2 Columbus 1 Sacramento
0 Pico Rivera 2 St. Louis 2 Grog City 2 Grog City
4 Andover 4 San Francisco
2 New York 1 Los Angeles
0 Rock Hill 1 New York 3 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Andover 1 Big Bush
0 - 0 -
2 Andover 2 Big Bush

Andover Boomers 4 - 2 San Francisco CASTRATOR

Rookie .194 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 London 3 London ? London 3 Odessa 2 Odessa
2 Louisville ? Odessa 1 Carton
0 Gatineau 1 Kerryville Kerries
2 Louisville 4 London 4 Odessa 2 Carton
1 Janesville 2 Sacramento
2 Montreal 2 Sigourney Street
1 New York 2 Montreal 0 Sigourney Street 0 citizen
3 Janesville 3 Sacramento
0 - 0 -
2 Janesville 2 Sacramento

London Outlaws 2 - 4 Odessa Tanks

Rookie .195 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chattanooga 3 Chattanooga ? Cinicinnati 3 Rochester 2 Rochester
1 St Louis ? Rochester 0 Ennis
2 St Louis 0 New York
1 Ulsan 3 Chattanooga 4 Rochester 2 Ennis
4 Cinicinnati 3 jeju
1 Columbus 2 Seoul
2 JasperAL 1 JasperAL 2 Seoul 1 Oakland
3 Cinicinnati 3 jeju
0 - 0 -
2 Cinicinnati 2 jeju

Cinicinnati Legion 1 - 4 Rochester bluevoid-PCK

Rookie .196 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bartlesville 2 Bartlesville ? Disco 3 Stormin 2 Stormin
3 Osaka ? Carbondale 0 Conway
2 Osaka 2 Conway
1 Derry 0 Osaka 2 Stormin 1 Thousand Oaks
4 Disco 4 Carbondale
0 Elizabeth 2 Glen Haven
2 Ocqueoc Falls 1 Ocqueoc Falls 0 Glen Haven 0 New York
3 Disco 3 Carbondale
0 - 0 -
2 Disco 2 Carbondale

Disco Demolition Derby 1 - 4 Carbondale Dudes

Rookie .50 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 1 Edmonton ? New York 3 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
3 Mission Viejo ? Winnipeg 2 Vermont
0 San Francisco Giants 0 Philadelphia
2 Mission Viejo 3 Mission Viejo 4 Winnipeg 2 Vermont
4 New York 1 Kansas City
0 San Jose 0 Dallas
2 Seoul 2 Seoul 0 Long Beach 2 Long Beach
3 New York 3 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Kansas City

New York Hawkeyes 0 - 4 Winnipeg Gunslingers

Rookie .51 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Shanghai 3 Shanghai ? Shanghai 3 MONTREAL 2 MONTREAL
2 Emerald ? MONTREAL 0 Seoul
2 Emerald 2 Seoul
0 Torrance 4 Shanghai 4 MONTREAL 1 northwest
1 Seattle 1 Rockville
0 Calgary 1 Florissant
2 Seattle 3 Seattle 2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
0 Mississauga 3 Rockville
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 2 Rockville

Shanghai Extortion 0 - 4 MONTREAL EXPOS

Rookie .52 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 Rockford 2 Rockford
1 Surrey ? Rockford 0 Syracuse
2 Surrey 2 Syracuse
0 kendallville 4 New York 4 Rockford 1 West Memphis
0 Inland Empire 1 Fairfield
0 Philturn 0 Denver
2 Calgary 2 Calgary 3 Fairfield 2 Fairfield
3 Inland Empire 0 Seawind
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 Seawind

New York Black Aces 0 - 4 Rockford Peaches

Rookie .53 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Virginia Beach 3 Virginia Beach ? OK 2 New York 2 New York
2 McHenry ? Portland 3 Portland
1 Hampton 0 Laredo
2 McHenry 0 Virginia Beach 4 Portland 2 Portland
4 OK 1 Charleston
0 Kent 1 Sunnyvale
2 Kentucky 0 Kentucky 1 North Georgia 2 North Georgia
3 OK 3 Charleston
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 Charleston

OK Fusion 1 - 4 Portland Pickles

Rookie .54 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Better Off 3 Better Off ? Houston 3 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach
0 Tri-City ? Huntington Beach 1 giftofriendship
0 Chicago 2 giftofriendship
2 Tri-City 3 Better Off 4 Huntington Beach 1 Redwood
4 Houston 3 PackOnly
0 Hacienda Heights 0 Richmond
2 Overland Park 1 Overland Park 0 Millcreek 2 Millcreek
3 Houston 3 PackOnly
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 2 PackOnly

Houston Juggernauts 4 - 1 Huntington Beach Riptide

Rookie .55 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Indianapolis 3 Indianapolis ? Boiling Springs 1 Brooklyn Center 2 Brooklyn Center
2 Pittsfield ? New York 3 Sunrise Manor
2 Pittsfield 2 Sunrise Manor
0 Freddy's 3 Indianapolis 2 Sunrise Manor 0 Plainfield
4 Boiling Springs 4 New York
2 DAEJEON 2 Boston
0 Omaha 2 DAEJEON 1 Boston 1 Charlotte
3 Boiling Springs 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Boiling Springs 2 New York

Boiling Springs Eclipse 3 - 4 New York Thunder Wolves

Rookie .56 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toledo 3 Toledo ? Toledo 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
1 Brooklyn ? Philadelphia 1 Oakland
2 Brooklyn 2 Oakland
1 Anaheim 4 Toledo 4 Philadelphia 1 Iowa
1 Brooklyn 3 bibim
2 Lewisville 1 Amarillo
0 Lauderhill 2 Lewisville 1 Ralakin 2 Ralakin
3 Brooklyn 3 bibim
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 bibim

Toledo Makos 4 - 1 Philadelphia Swamp Dogs

Rookie .57 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Half Moon Bay 1 Half Moon Bay ? Mesa 3 International House 2 International House
3 Mesa ? International House 0 Cincinnati
0 Yucaipa 2 Cincinnati
2 Mesa 4 Mesa 4 International House 1 La Porte
3 Fayetteville 1 DubCity
2 Fayetteville 1 Phoenix
0 New York 3 Fayetteville 1 Clifton Park 2 Clifton Park
0 Bowery 3 DubCity
0 - 0 -
2 Bowery 2 DubCity

Mesa Mustangs 4 - 0 International House Of Players

Rookie .58 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Brooklyn 1 Barnstable Town 2 Barnstable Town
1 Osong ? Houston 3 Houston
2 Osong 2 Houston
0 Raleigh 4 Brooklyn 4 Houston 1 Oklahoma City
0 Bancroft 1 Philadelphia
1 San Diego 2 Philadelphia
2 St. Louis 0 St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 1 Topeka
3 Bancroft 2 Collierville
0 - 0 -
2 Bancroft 2 Collierville

Brooklyn Makos 4 - 1 Houston Aeros

Rookie .59 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Irwinwood 2 Irwinwood ? Toms River 3 Wabash College 2 Wabash College
3 Toms River ? Wabash College 0 Q
0 Bricktown 1 Hanford
2 Toms River 4 Toms River 4 Wabash College 2 Q
1 Santa Ana 2 Omaha
2 Dogon 2 Toronto
0 Boise 1 Dogon 1 Toronto 0 Griffin
3 Santa Ana 3 Omaha
0 - 0 -
2 Santa Ana 2 Omaha

Toms River Beavers 3 - 4 Wabash College Little Giants

Rookie .60 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nagoya 3 Nagoya ? Nagoya 3 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
2 Pittsburgh ? Pittsburgh 1 Winnipeg
1 Las Vegas 2 Winnipeg
2 Pittsburgh 4 Nagoya 4 Pittsburgh 0 Clarkston
2 Reno 0 Los Angeles
0 Lake Elsinore 1 Boulevard Heights
2 Albuquerque 1 Albuquerque 1 National City 2 National City
3 Reno 3 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 Reno 2 Los Angeles

Nagoya Steeldogs 1 - 4 Pittsburgh Pirates- PCK

Rookie .61 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bill Nye the 3 Bill Nye the ? Bill Nye the 1 Santiago 2 Santiago
0 Peregrin Tooks ? Say it Ain't So Oh 3 Fort Wayne
0 Midwest 1 Quebec City
2 Peregrin Tooks 4 Bill Nye the 1 Fort Wayne 2 Fort Wayne
0 Clinton 4 Say it Ain't So Oh
2 Lubbock 2 Federal Way
0 Cherry Hills 0 Lubbock 1 Federal Way 1 Vermillion
3 Clinton 3 Say it Ain't So Oh
0 - 0 -
2 Clinton 2 Say it Ain't So Oh

Bill Nye the Russian Spy 4 - 2 Say it Ain't So Oh Illegal Gamblers

Rookie .62 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 3 Detroit ? Wecare Vet 3 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
1 Death Valley ? Cincinnati 2 Columbus Ohio
1 Hartford 2 Columbus Ohio
2 Death Valley 2 Detroit 4 Cincinnati 1 Scarborough
4 Wecare Vet 3 West Bend
0 Olympia 2 Mississauga
2 Fort Worth 0 Fort Worth 1 Mississauga 1 Anaheim
3 Wecare Vet 3 West Bend
0 - 0 -
2 Wecare Vet 2 West Bend

Wecare Vet WV 2 - 4 Cincinnati Reds

Rookie .63 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Enterprise 3 Enterprise ? Ferrara 3 OV 2 OV
0 Chicago ? OV 1 San Diego
0 West Babylon 0 Komoka
2 Chicago 3 Enterprise 4 OV 2 San Diego
4 Ferrara 1 Canada
2 Lake Forest 0 Utah
1 Birmingham 1 Lake Forest 2 Palatine 2 Palatine
3 Ferrara 3 Canada
0 - 0 -
2 Ferrara 2 Canada

Ferrara SPAL 0 - 4 OV Cats

Rookie .64 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Providence 3 Providence ? Providence 0 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
2 Georgetown ? New York 3 Round Rock
1 natsun 0 Interlaken
2 Georgetown 4 Providence 2 Round Rock 2 Round Rock
2 Philadelphia 4 New York
2 Philadelphia 0 Barrie
1 Bellevue 3 Philadelphia 3 New York 2 New York
2 Memphis 2 The Bad News
0 - 0 -
2 Memphis 2 The Bad News

Providence Knights 4 - 3 New York Buzz

Rookie .65 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dogs on the Run 3 Dogs on the Run ? Creamers 1 Saylorsburg 2 Saylorsburg
2 Greeley ? San Diego 3 San Diego
1 Boulder 2 San Diego
2 Greeley 1 Dogs on the Run 4 San Diego 1 East Rockaway
4 Creamers 2 Calgary
1 Lowell 2 Sylvania
2 Hitachi 2 Hitachi 0 Sylvania 1 Barnett
3 Creamers 3 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Creamers 2 Calgary

Creamers The Sticky Lads 2 - 4 San Diego MeowMeow

Rookie .66 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Aliso Viejo 1 Aliso Viejo ? Chicago 3 Mississauga 2 Mississauga
3 Chicago ? Mississauga 1 St. Louis
0 Raleigh 0 Sacramento
2 Chicago 4 Chicago 4 Mississauga 2 St. Louis
1 New Bedford 0 Austin
2 Okie 0 San Marcos
0 Santa Maria 0 Okie 1 Tampa Bay 2 Tampa Bay
3 New Bedford 3 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 New Bedford 2 Austin

Chicago Colts 3 - 4 Mississauga Klondikes

Rookie .67 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lynchburg 0 Lynchburg ? Caldwell 3 Lawrence City 2 Lawrence City
3 Gallipolis ? Lawrence City 0 Mellville
2 Gallipolis 0 Lexington
1 Right Hand 1 Gallipolis 4 Lawrence City 2 Mellville
4 Caldwell 2 Stark
1 Minneapolis 0 Montreal
2 Caldwell 3 Caldwell 3 Stark 2 Stark
1 Newark Mashers 1 Casas Adobes
0 - 0 -
2 Newark Mashers 2 Casas Adobes

Caldwell Wallabys 4 - 0 Lawrence City Thugs

Rookie .68 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 DC 3 DC ? DC 0 Busan 2 Busan
0 Busan ? Chicago 3 Chicago
0 Rugby 1 Saint Germian
2 Busan 4 DC 4 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 Milton 3 Bogota
1 Mechanicsville 1 Winnipeg
2 Boston 2 Boston 3 Bogota 2 Bogota
3 Milton 0 SK
0 - 0 -
2 Milton 2 SK

DC Statesmen 4 - 0 Chicago Texans

Rookie .69 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quebec 3 Quebec ? Athens 3 UCF 2 UCF
0 New York ? UCF 2 Jacksonville
2 New York 0 Frederick
0 Greenfield 0 Quebec 4 UCF 2 Jacksonville
4 Athens 2 The Falls
2 Bristol 2 Columbus
1 Jersey City 0 Bristol 1 Columbus 1 Cobb County
3 Athens 3 The Falls
0 - 0 -
2 Athens 2 The Falls

Athens Barbarians 0 - 4 UCF Knights

Rookie .70 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Geelong 3 Geelong ? Geelong 3 Wheaton 2 Wheaton
1 OK ? Wheaton 1 Palatine
1 Marlborough 2 Palatine
2 OK 4 Geelong 4 Wheaton 1 Covington
3 L.A 1 Lowell
2 Fall River 0 Greenfield
1 Joliet 2 Fall River 3 Lowell 2 Lowell
3 L.A 1 texas
0 - 0 -
2 L.A 2 texas

Geelong Cats 4 - 3 Wheaton Wolverines

Rookie .71 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 3 Detroit ? Detroit 3 Morton Grove 2 Morton Grove
2 and Guildenstern ? Morton Grove 0 Florida
0 Puyallup 2 Florida
2 and Guildenstern 4 Detroit 4 Morton Grove 0 Philadelphia
0 Portland 1 ChungJu
2 Oceanside 0 Portland
0 London 1 Oceanside 0 Reedley 2 Reedley
3 Portland 3 ChungJu
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 ChungJu

Detroit Salters 4 - 0 Morton Grove Oilers

Rookie .72 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Castle 1 New Castle ? Keizer 3 Waupaca 2 Waupaca
3 Holbrook ? Waupaca 0 Boston
1 Boston 2 Boston
2 Holbrook 1 Holbrook 4 Waupaca 1 Mobile
4 Keizer 2 Saskatoon
0 Minnesota 0 philadelphia
2 Little 1 Little 3 Saskatoon 2 Saskatoon
3 Keizer 2 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Keizer 2 San Diego

Keizer Diplomats 2 - 4 Waupaca Lakemen

Rookie .73 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 3 Arlington ? Arlington 3 Flat Broke 2 Flat Broke
0 Westminster ? West Covina 1 Saanich
2 Westminster 2 Saanich
1 Perth 4 Arlington 3 Flat Broke 0 Saint
2 MO 4 West Covina
0 taeyeon 0 Chicopee
2 stl 1 stl 3 West Covina 2 West Covina
3 MO 1 Levittown
0 - 0 -
2 MO 2 Levittown

Arlington Senators 4 - 0 West Covina Continentals

Rookie .74 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Noke 3 Noke ? Washington 0 Auburn 2 Auburn
0 Is Don Is ? Worthington 3 Bandon
1 Busan REA 1 Arrakeen
2 Is Don Is 1 Noke 0 Bandon 2 Bandon
4 Washington 4 Worthington
0 Glen Ellyn 1 Orcutt
2 Washington 3 Washington 1 Lexington 2 Lexington
1 Brewer 3 Worthington
0 - 0 -
2 Brewer 2 Worthington

Washington River Bandits 2 - 4 Worthington WeeWee's TTC

Rookie .75 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 X 3 X ? Sacramento 3 Hartford 2 Hartford
2 Incheon ? East Arkansas 0 kia
1 Hallandale 0 Cleveland Heights
2 Incheon 2 X 1 Hartford 2 kia
4 Sacramento 4 East Arkansas
0 Washington 2 East Arkansas
2 Sacramento 3 Sacramento 3 East Arkansas 1 Brookfield
2 Gainesville 2 Meriden
0 - 0 -
2 Gainesville 2 Meriden

Sacramento Vikings 1 - 4 East Arkansas Skeeters

Rookie .76 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fairview Heights 3 Fairview Heights ? Ormond Beach 3 Vista 2 Vista
1 River Town ? Pitch Clock 1 Manatoba
0 Kokomo 1 Mableton
2 River Town 2 Fairview Heights 1 Vista 2 Manatoba
4 Ormond Beach 4 Pitch Clock
0 Macomb 0 Detroit
2 Ormond Beach 3 Ormond Beach 3 Pitch Clock 2 Pitch Clock
1 Muskegon 2 Swissvale
0 - 0 -
2 Muskegon 2 Swissvale

Ormond Beach Surfers 2 - 4 Pitch Clock Plunkers

Rookie .77 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ulsan 3 Ulsan ? Ulsan 1 savannah 2 savannah
2 Los Angeles ? Richmond 3 Richmond
0 Plainfield 0 Baltimore
2 Los Angeles 4 Ulsan 4 Richmond 2 Richmond
0 Stinkus 3 Baseball
0 London Majors 2 New York
2 Stinkus 3 Stinkus 2 New York 0 Yeehaw Junction
2 Brisbane 3 Baseball
0 - 0 -
2 Brisbane 2 Baseball

Ulsan Tyrants 1 - 4 Richmond Renegades

Rookie .78 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 3 Mississauga ? Mississauga 3 Riverbend 2 Riverbend
1 Chicago ? Riverbend 0 Brawley
0 Everatt 0 Brooklyn
2 Chicago 4 Mississauga 4 Riverbend 2 Brawley
0 Nashville 2 Angels
2 Miami 2 Pittsburgh
0 Austin 1 Miami 2 Pittsburgh 1 Eagles
3 Nashville 3 Angels
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 2 Angels

Mississauga Greyhounds 4 - 1 Riverbend Rugrats

Rookie .79 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 Daejeon 2 Daejeon
0 Glendale ? Daejeon 0 homeowners
2 Glendale 2 homeowners
1 Purr Town 4 New York 4 Daejeon 1 New York
2 Des Moines 2 Montgomery
0 Red Rock 2 Philadelphia
2 Frisco 1 Frisco 1 Philadelphia 0 Roswell
3 Des Moines 3 Montgomery
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 2 Montgomery

New York Pizza Rats 1 - 4 Daejeon Beoms

Rookie .80 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Munich 2 Munich ? Chiayi 1 Berkeley 2 Berkeley
3 Chiayi ? Napa 3 Napa
2 Chiayi 0 White Plains
1 South Philly 4 Chiayi 4 Napa 2 Napa
1 Henderson 1 Steve Balboni's
1 Kolechia 1 Poop
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn 0 Santo Domingo 2 Santo Domingo
3 Henderson 3 Steve Balboni's
0 - 0 -
2 Henderson 2 Steve Balboni's

Chiayi Mustache 2 - 4 Napa Leafs

Rookie .81 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 3 Phoenix ? Phoenix 2 Barfield 2 Barfield
2 Chicago ? Homestead 3 Homestead
1 North Olmsted 2 Homestead
2 Chicago 4 Phoenix 4 Homestead 1 Michigan
1 Chungli 3 Leawood
2 Chungli 0 East Orange
1 Detroit 3 Chungli 1 Rockford 2 Rockford
2 Indianapolis 3 Leawood
0 - 0 -
2 Indianapolis 2 Leawood

Phoenix Firebirds 4 - 2 Homestead Silver Stars

Rookie .82 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 1 Akron ? Boston 2 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
3 Boston ? Green Bay 3 Arrakis
2 Boston 1 East Shire
0 Inland Empire 4 Boston 3 Arrakis 2 Arrakis
0 Tucson 4 Green Bay
1 Wurtsmith AFB 2 Green Bay
2 Seattle 1 Seattle 3 Green Bay 0 Samsung
3 Tucson 1 Spa City
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Spa City

Boston Wolverines 1 - 4 Green Bay Gamblers

Rookie .83 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ted Williams 3 Ted Williams ? Ted Williams 3 Lotte 2 Lotte
0 Rhinelander ? Lotte 1 Avon
2 Rhinelander 2 Avon
0 West Virginia 4 Ted Williams 4 Lotte 1 Albany
0 Munich 2 Screamville
1 LaPlace 0 Samsung
2 Burnaby 0 Burnaby 0 Raleigh NC 2 Raleigh NC
3 Munich 3 Screamville
0 - 0 -
2 Munich 2 Screamville

Ted Williams Flying Fortress 4 - 2 Lotte Giants

Rookie .84 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chepatchet 3 Chepatchet ? Chepatchet 3 Notre Dame 2 Notre Dame
0 Halifax ? Notre Dame 1 Oregon
2 Halifax 1 Yeehaw Junction
0 Kansas City 4 Chepatchet 4 Notre Dame 2 Oregon
2 Henderson 3 Mexico City
0 Windsor 2 Billings
2 Henderson 3 Henderson 2 Billings 1 Duck
1 Brooklyn 3 Mexico City
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Mexico City

Chepatchet Blue Chipmunks 1 - 4 Notre Dame Smashers

Rookie .85 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Keswick 3 Keswick ? H.E 0 Vulcan 2 Vulcan
0 Carlsbad ? Dahlgren 3 New York
2 Carlsbad 2 New York
0 workkok 0 Keswick 3 New York 0 StFX
4 H.E 4 Dahlgren
1 Defiance 1 Nashville
2 H.E 3 H.E 0 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
0 Miami 3 Dahlgren
0 - 0 -
2 Miami 2 Dahlgren

H.E hong 1 - 4 Dahlgren Seafarers

Rookie .86 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oxford 1 Oxford ? East Palo Alto 3 Meadows 2 Meadows
3 Zongli ? Fargo 1 Montreal
0 Gwangju 1 New York
2 Zongli 3 Zongli 1 Meadows 2 Montreal
4 East Palo Alto 4 Fargo
2 Death Valley 0 franklin
0 Normandy Park 2 Death Valley 0 Uniontown 2 Uniontown
3 East Palo Alto 3 Fargo
0 - 0 -
2 East Palo Alto 2 Fargo

East Palo Alto Flyers 4 - 0 Fargo True Coats

Rookie .87 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oregon 0 Oregon ? Bar Harbor 3 Manchester 2 Manchester
3 Virginia ? Wausau 0 Flavortown
2 Virginia 1 Bellingham
0 Ohio 1 Virginia 0 Manchester 2 Flavortown
4 Bar Harbor 4 Wausau
1 Louisville 0 Gering
2 Vancouver 0 Vancouver 3 Wausau 2 Wausau
3 Bar Harbor 1 Pinner
0 - 0 -
2 Bar Harbor 2 Pinner

Bar Harbor Clameaters 1 - 4 Wausau Centaurs

Rookie .88 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Post Falls 3 Post Falls ? Post Falls 3 Jersey 2 Jersey
1 Montreal ? Jersey 1 Montreal
0 New York 0 Cherry Hill
2 Montreal 4 Post Falls 4 Jersey 2 Montreal
1 New Hampshire 1 Pennsylvania
2 LG 2 Oxford Dinos
1 Miami 2 LG 2 Oxford Dinos 1 Wilkesboro
3 New Hampshire 3 Pennsylvania
0 - 0 -
2 New Hampshire 2 Pennsylvania

Post Falls Longhorns 2 - 4 Jersey Bulldogs

Rookie .89 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Canberra 3 Canberra ? Canberra 3 Sterling Heights 2 Sterling Heights
0 Brian Damage ? Sterling Heights 0 Los Angeles
2 Brian Damage 0 Pensacola
0 Los Angeles 4 Canberra 4 Sterling Heights 2 Los Angeles
0 Markham 0 Toronto
2 Toronto 1 Missouri
0 Toronto 2 Toronto 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 Markham 2 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Markham 2 Detroit

Canberra Corgis 4 - 3 Sterling Heights Stallions

Rookie .90 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Severna Park 3 Severna Park ? Severna Park 3 nukess 2 nukess
2 Jesuit ? nukess 1 Washington
2 Jesuit 0 Bridgewater
0 Arizona 4 Severna Park 4 nukess 2 Washington
0 PS 3 Halifax
2 Frittz 0 Mission Bend
1 Cedar Rapids 1 Frittz 1 Korea Byul 2 Korea Byul
3 PS 3 Halifax
0 - 0 -
2 PS 2 Halifax

Severna Park Green Hornets 4 - 3 nukess mets

Rookie .91 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Forest Glen 3 Forest Glen ? Forest Glen 2 Rocket City 2 Rocket City
0 Orange ? PAJU 3 Seoul
1 Wake Forest 2 Seoul
2 Orange 4 Forest Glen 3 Seoul 1 York
0 Glasgow 4 PAJU
2 Toronto 2 PAJU
1 Orlando 2 Toronto 3 PAJU 0 Boston
3 Glasgow 0 Hudson
0 - 0 -
2 Glasgow 2 Hudson

Forest Glen FeatherMuckers 1 - 4 PAJU YULGOK

Rookie .92 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Highlands Ranch 3 Highlands Ranch ? Highlands Ranch 0 Federal Way 2 Federal Way
2 London ? Colorado 3 Cambridge
1 Mad 0 New York
2 London 4 Highlands Ranch 1 Cambridge 2 Cambridge
2 Miami 4 Colorado
1 Savannah 2 San Jose
2 Chicago 0 Chicago 1 San Jose 0 Chicago
3 Miami 3 Colorado
0 - 0 -
2 Miami 2 Colorado

Highlands Ranch Thunder Dogs 4 - 3 Colorado Dingers

Rookie .93 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Doraleous 2 Doraleous ? South Jersey 2 Glasgow 2 Glasgow
3 Apopka ? Huntington Beach 3 Santa Clarita
2 Apopka 2 Santa Clarita
1 Oakland 3 Apopka 3 Santa Clarita 0 Gimhae
4 South Jersey 4 Huntington Beach
2 South Jersey 0 Coldbrook
1 Norton Shores 3 South Jersey 2 London 2 London
2 Las Vegas 3 Huntington Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 2 Huntington Beach

South Jersey Jawns 1 - 4 Huntington Beach Surf

Rookie .94 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Charles 3 Lake Charles ? Lake Charles 3 Spoon 2 Spoon
0 San Francisco ? Bel Air 1 Inland Empire
2 San Francisco 1 Budapest
1 New York 4 Lake Charles 2 Spoon 2 Inland Empire
2 London 4 Bel Air
2 London 0 New York
0 Jay King 3 London 1 Goora 2 Goora
0 Ippei 3 Bel Air
0 - 0 -
2 Ippei 2 Bel Air

Lake Charles Ice Pirates 1 - 4 Bel Air Dragons

Rookie .95 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grapevine 2 Grapevine ? Acme 2 Omaha 2 Omaha
3 Purple ? New Berlin 3 New Berlin
2 Purple 0 St. Augustine
1 Mookie 2 Purple 4 New Berlin 2 New Berlin
4 Acme 3 Sainte-Julie
1 Chelmsford 0 Dallas
2 Brooklyn 0 Brooklyn 2 Dayton 2 Dayton
3 Acme 3 Sainte-Julie
0 - 0 -
2 Acme 2 Sainte-Julie

Acme Packers 4 - 0 New Berlin Braves

Rookie .96 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Torrington 2 Torrington ? Mugenri 3 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
3 Toronto ? Wisconsin 1 Rockville
1 Detroit 0 The Stacks
2 Toronto 0 Toronto 4 Wisconsin 2 Rockville
4 Mugenri 2 Trash
0 Nagareyama 0 Reading
2 Mugenri 3 Mugenri 3 Trash 2 Trash
0 Huntington Beach 1 Roseville
0 - 0 -
2 Huntington Beach 2 Roseville

Mugenri Silver Bullets 4 - 3 Wisconsin Timber Rattlers

Rookie .97 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
1 Broomfield ? GGPLAY 2 Dearborn
0 Smithfield 2 Dearborn
2 Broomfield 4 OK 4 GGPLAY 1 Langley Falls
0 Rocky Mountain 2 City
0 Brooklyn 2 City
2 Hitchin 2 Hitchin 3 City 1 Daejun
3 Rocky Mountain 1 Vancouver
0 - 0 -
2 Rocky Mountain 2 Vancouver


Rookie .98 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rancho Cordova 0 Rancho Cordova ? Bikini Bottom 3 Owasso 2 Owasso
3 New York ? Owasso 0 Syracuse
1 Mississauga 0 Pittsburgh
2 New York 1 New York 4 Owasso 2 Syracuse
4 Bikini Bottom 2 Amity Harbor
0 Marietta 2 Seoul
2 Bikini Bottom 3 Bikini Bottom 1 Seoul 0 eagles
1 Big Baller 3 Amity Harbor
0 - 0 -
2 Big Baller 2 Amity Harbor

Bikini Bottom Freakbobs 0 - 4 Owasso RamJammers

Rookie .99 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quad City 3 Quad City ? Quad City 1 Boston 2 Boston
0 Wabash College ? Porterville 3 Porterville
2 Wabash College 1 Edinburgh
1 Hyde Park 4 Quad City 4 Porterville 2 Porterville
3 Oakdale 1 St. Louis
0 Hagerstown 2 Midwest
2 London 1 London 2 Midwest 1 Long
3 Oakdale 3 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Oakdale 2 St. Louis

Quad City Angels 4 - 3 Porterville Praetorians