Perfect .400 - Perfect Leagues - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florence 2 Florence ? Newton 3 Molnlycke 2 Molnlycke
3 Newton ? Molnlycke 2 East Troy
0 False 2 East Troy
2 Newton 4 Newton 4 Molnlycke 0 Chargn
1 Orlando 1 Madison
2 Conneaut Lake 0 Marshall
1 Seoul Pawsox 2 Conneaut Lake 3 Madison 2 Madison
3 Orlando 1 Elysian Fields
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 2 Elysian Fields

Newton Sloths - HotL 4 - 1 Molnlycke Swedes

Diamond .350 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 0 Edmonton ? South Philly 1 Border 2 Border
3 South Philly ? Winnipeg 3 Winnipeg
0 Madison 1 New York
2 South Philly 4 South Philly 4 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
1 Forest Hills 1 Eleven Million
0 Watch Hill 0 Meat
2 Dark Web 2 Dark Web 2 McLeod Hill 2 McLeod Hill
3 Forest Hills 3 Eleven Million
0 - 0 -
2 Forest Hills 2 Eleven Million

South Philly Derelicts - HotL 4 - 2 Winnipeg GoJetsGo

Diamond .351 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Perugia 3 Perugia ? Perugia 3 Southside 2 Southside
1 Sanford ? Southside 2 Erie
2 Sanford 1 Gabby Street
1 Victory City 4 Perugia 4 Southside 2 Erie
2 Troy 2 Clarkston
0 Hakodate 2 Setouchi
2 Troy 3 Troy 2 Setouchi 0 Stella Tella
2 Canterbury 3 Clarkston
0 - 0 -
2 Canterbury 2 Clarkston

Perugia Warriors 4 - 3 Southside Hitmen

Diamond .352 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ann Arbor 3 Ann Arbor ? Ann Arbor 3 Castroville 2 Castroville
2 Downy Town ? Straw 2 Tortilla
2 Downy Town 1 Lyman
1 Jackpine 4 Ann Arbor 2 Castroville 2 Tortilla
1 Dude 4 Straw
1 UCLA 2 Albany
2 Dude 3 Dude 2 Albany 0 NIRVANA
0 Bitcoin City 3 Straw
0 - 0 -
2 Bitcoin City 2 Straw

Ann Arbor Wolverines 3 - 4 Straw Hats E6

Diamond .353 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Silicon Valley 0 Silicon Valley ? Long Beach 0 Triad 2 Triad
3 Long Beach ? No idea 3 Buhners
0 Boise 2 Buhners
2 Long Beach 4 Long Beach 2 Buhners 1 Taylor Ham
0 Port City 4 No idea
2 Davidson 2 Brooklyn
1 Philadelphia 1 Davidson 2 Brooklyn 0 Combinator
3 Port City 3 No idea
0 - 0 -
2 Port City 2 No idea

Long Beach Powers of Pain 2 - 4 No idea yet

Diamond .354 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 1 Seoul ? St. Louis 3 Durham 2 Durham
3 Maryland ? Durham 1 Buffalo
2 Maryland 0 San Angleo
0 Carolina 1 Maryland 4 Durham 2 Buffalo
4 St. Louis 3 Boston
0 Providence 1 North Smithfield
2 North York 2 North York 1 South Side 2 South Side
3 St. Louis 3 Boston
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Boston

St. Louis Dadbods 4 - 0 Durham Los Toros

Diamond .355 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 3 Phoenix ? Phoenix 3 Manchester 2 Manchester
1 Port Perry ? Manchester 0 Fancher Creek
0 Looking Glass 2 Fancher Creek
2 Port Perry 4 Phoenix 4 Manchester 0 Atlanta
1 This Game Takes Zero 3 Osgoode
2 SLC 2 Portland
0 Los 2 SLC 0 Portland 1 Abbott Station
3 This Game Takes Zero 3 Osgoode
0 - 0 -
2 This Game Takes Zero 2 Osgoode

Phoenix Snow Birds 4 - 2 Manchester Worker Bees

Diamond .356 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
1 Miami ? Portland 3 Brugge
3 Springfield Nuclear ? Bruzziville 2 Guatemala

3 Springfield Nuclear 0 Brugge
4 Portland 4 Bruzziville

1 Lonely Island 0 Alpha
3 Portland 3 Bruzziville

Portland Avatars 4 - 1 Bruzziville Bruzzi Blockers

Diamond .357 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Waveof ? Budapest 0 Lagos
3 Budapest ? Carolina 3 Sno Co

4 Budapest 2 Sno Co
3 Crozet 4 Carolina

2 Lemont 2 Madison
3 Crozet 3 Carolina

Budapest Red Devils 4 - 3 Carolina Reapers

Diamond .358 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Northern Iowa 3 Northern Iowa ? Arrakis 2 Overland Park 2 Overland Park
0 Edinburgh ? London 3 West Hartford
0 Konoha 2 West Hartford
2 Edinburgh 2 Northern Iowa 2 West Hartford 1 Winnipeg
4 Arrakis 4 London
2 SD 0 Indianapolis
1 Hardwick_VT 1 SD 3 London 2 London
3 Arrakis 2 Stanislaus
0 - 0 -
2 Arrakis 2 Stanislaus

Arrakis Shai-Hulud 4 - 0 London Knights

Diamond .359 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Luis 2 San Luis ? Aberdeen 3 New Castle 2 New Castle
3 Aberdeen ? New Castle 1 RPI
2 Aberdeen 2 RPI
0 Lawrence 4 Aberdeen 4 New Castle 1 Phoenix
1 Great Lakes 0 Pecan
0 Cleveland 1 St. Lucia
2 Hopkinton 2 Hopkinton 3 Pecan 2 Pecan
3 Great Lakes 2 Aomori
0 - 0 -
2 Great Lakes 2 Aomori

Aberdeen Ironbirds 0 - 4 New Castle Clippers

Diamond .360 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Reno 1 Reno ? Utah 3 Ottawa 2 Ottawa
3 Free ? Ottawa 2 Lakeview
2 Free 2 Lakeview
1 Queso 3 Free 4 Ottawa 1 Meaty
4 Utah 3 Las Vegas
2 Bremerton 0 The Only
1 Reanimated 0 Bremerton 0 Nashua 2 Nashua
3 Utah 3 Las Vegas
0 - 0 -
2 Utah 2 Las Vegas

Utah Sting 4 - 2 Ottawa HammerhE6ds

Diamond .361 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia ? Team 3 Miami 2 Miami
3 Utica ? Miami 0 Little Lebowski
1 1st Class 1 Las Vegas
2 Utica 2 Utica 4 Miami 2 Little Lebowski
4 Team 1 Tampa Bay
2 Linden 0 White Bear Lake
0 Sebastian 1 Linden 2 West Valley 2 West Valley
3 Team 3 Tampa Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Team 2 Tampa Bay

Team Ramrod 0 - 4 Miami Tamps

Diamond .362 - Diamond Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Regina 3 Regina ? Regina 3 Mount Pleasant 2 Mount Pleasant
0 Everett ? Mount Pleasant 2 Marana
0 B-Town 0 Fairfax Station
2 Everett 4 Regina 4 Mount Pleasant 2 Marana
1 Hudson 1 Long Beach St.
2 Hudson 0 Kitchener
1 Delco 3 Hudson 3 Long Beach St. 2 Long Beach St.
2 South Orange 0 Wichita
0 - 0 -
2 South Orange 2 Wichita

Regina Monarchs 4 - 1 Mount Pleasant Mounties

Gold .300 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Westwood 3 Westwood ? Westwood 3 Fargo 2 Fargo
0 Flint ? Fargo 1 Strongest
2 Flint 0 Kent Island
0 St. Louis 4 Westwood 4 Fargo 2 Strongest
2 Nocatee 3 Jacksonville
2 Nocatee 2 Jacksonville
1 Indiana 3 Nocatee 3 Jacksonville 0 Oakland
0 Bedford 2 Sheffield
0 - 0 -
2 Bedford 2 Sheffield

Westwood Wild Things 4 - 2 Fargo Redhawks

Gold .301 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gwang-Ju 3 Gwang-Ju ? Point Roberts 1 Elmhurst 2 Elmhurst
1 Olathe ? Nenyaffle 3 Nenyaffle
2 Olathe 0 Toledo
0 Santa Barbara 2 Gwang-Ju 4 Nenyaffle 2 Nenyaffle
4 Point Roberts 2 Pulaski
1 Webster 1 Toledo
2 New Haven 2 New Haven 3 Pulaski 2 Pulaski
3 Point Roberts 1 Terez Paylor
0 - 0 -
2 Point Roberts 2 Terez Paylor

Point Roberts Shorebirds 4 - 2 Nenyaffle Magicians

Gold .302 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roswell 3 Roswell ? Roswell 3 Watertown 2 Watertown
1 Beckley ? Altamonte 0 San Jose
2 Beckley 2 San Jose
1 Delaware 4 Roswell 1 Watertown 0 Dukes
0 Woodland 4 Altamonte
0 Aussie 1 Seal Beach
2 Richmond 0 Richmond 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 Woodland 3 Altamonte
0 - 0 -
2 Woodland 2 Altamonte

Roswell Grays 3 - 4 Altamonte Rynos

Gold .303 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 DBlock's 3 DBlock's ? DBlock's 3 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
0 Metropolis ? Kansas City 2 Just For
1 Paddle 0 Groton
2 Metropolis 4 DBlock's 4 Kansas City 2 Just For
3 Brookfield 1 Delaware
0 Mizzou 2 Milwaukee
2 Headwaters Camp 0 Headwaters Camp 1 Milwaukee 1 Blanton
3 Brookfield 3 Delaware
0 - 0 -
2 Brookfield 2 Delaware

DBlock's Bonebruisers 4 - 3 Kansas City Coopers

Gold .304 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Evo 1 Evo ? Xanadu 2 Lavington 2 Lavington
3 Lotte ? Chicago 3 Bri's
2 Lotte 2 Bri's
1 Moon 0 Lotte 2 Bri's 1 Stuyvesant
4 Xanadu 4 Chicago
2 Brentwood 0 Sydney
1 Blackburn 0 Brentwood 0 Ft. Hood 2 Ft. Hood
3 Xanadu 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Xanadu 2 Chicago

Xanadu Rivermen 1 - 4 Chicago Sneaky Ticklers

Gold .305 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Savage City 3 Savage City ? Savage City 3 Hillsboro 2 Hillsboro
2 Annandale ? Hillsboro 2 Flint
1 Rock 1 Friendville
2 Annandale 4 Savage City 4 Hillsboro 2 Flint
2 BUSAN 1 Iowa
1 Virginia 2 Santa Ana
2 Karamo 2 Karamo 2 Santa Ana 0 Ponderosa
3 BUSAN 3 Iowa
0 - 0 -
2 BUSAN 2 Iowa

Savage City Black Wolves 4 - 2 Hillsboro Hops

Gold .306 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Adidas 2 Adidas ? Hockessin 1 Spruce Hill 2 Spruce Hill
3 Alaskan ? OKC 3 OKC
1 Agawam 0 Nottingham
2 Alaskan 3 Alaskan 4 OKC 2 OKC
4 Hockessin 1 Gimme
0 Orlando 0 Tahoe
2 Fairview 2 Fairview 3 Gimme 2 Gimme
3 Hockessin 2 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Hockessin 2 Toronto

Hockessin Cockatiels TBD 2 - 4 OKC Bandits

Gold .307 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bell 3 Bell ? Ironton 3 Fayetteville 2 Fayetteville
2 Sheboygan ? New Zealand 1 Haddam
2 Sheboygan 1 Oxnard
1 Bender's Spiritual 1 Bell 2 Fayetteville 2 Haddam
4 Ironton 4 New Zealand
0 Hawkins 0 Nashville
2 Bobble 0 Bobble 2 Diosd 2 Diosd
3 Ironton 3 New Zealand
0 - 0 -
2 Ironton 2 New Zealand

Ironton Eclipse 4 - 3 New Zealand Breaks

Gold .308 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 3 St. Louis ? St. Louis 3 Telluride 2 Telluride
1 Akron ? Telluride 2 Duluth
2 Akron 1 Oakland
0 Aumsville 4 St. Louis 4 Telluride 2 Duluth
0 Twin Peaks 1 Swamp Castle
2 Twin Peaks 0 Ellwood City
1 Newhaven 3 Twin Peaks 1 Wolcott 2 Wolcott
0 Silk City 3 Swamp Castle
0 - 0 -
2 Silk City 2 Swamp Castle

St. Louis Redbirds 4 - 1 Telluride Giants

Gold .309 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hartford 1 Hartford ? Korean 1 Gateway City 2 Gateway City
3 Korean ? Bemidji 3 Bemidji
2 Korean 1 Richmond
0 Camden 4 Korean 4 Bemidji 2 Bemidji
3 Hartford 2 Tulsa
2 Hartford 0 Davis Junction
1 Battle Creek 3 Hartford 3 Tulsa 2 Tulsa
2 Memphis 1 Glace Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Memphis 2 Glace Bay

Korean josenjings 4 - 1 Bemidji Beavers

Gold .310 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 1 Washington ? Eno 3 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
3 Eno ? Clockwork 0 Pittsburgh
1 The Big Tree 0 Cranberry
2 Eno 4 Eno 1 Charlotte 2 Pittsburgh
1 North Druid Hills 4 Clockwork
2 North Druid Hills 1 Oakland
1 Chicago 3 North Druid Hills 0 Granville 2 Granville
2 New Hampshire 3 Clockwork
0 - 0 -
2 New Hampshire 2 Clockwork

Eno Shakori 3 - 4 Clockwork Angels

Gold .311 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 I-75 2 I-75 ? PA 3 New York 2 New York
3 Idaho ? Atlanta 2 Bauer
2 Idaho 0 Las Vegas
1 Gowanus 3 Idaho 2 New York 2 Bauer
4 PA 4 Atlanta
1 Ferndale 0 SG
2 Dunder 2 Dunder 2 Fairyland 2 Fairyland
3 PA 3 Atlanta
0 - 0 -
2 PA 2 Atlanta

PA Fighting Z's 4 - 3 Atlanta Black Stars - TTC

Gold .312 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 San Diego ? Itealo 3 Angus
2 Dishnet's ? New Orleans 2 Dinosaur Bob and the

3 San Diego 3 Angus
4 Itealo 4 New Orleans

0 Amarillo 1 St Louis
3 Itealo 3 New Orleans

Itealo GameGetters 2 - 4 New Orleans Brees

Gold .313 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pembroke 3 Pembroke ? Pembroke 1 Poughkeepsie 2 Poughkeepsie
0 St Paul ? B-Town 3 B-Town
1 Wilmington 0 Allston
2 St Paul 4 Pembroke 4 B-Town 2 B-Town
3 Letterkenny 2 Liverpool
0 Webster Groves 1 Slayheim
2 Letterkenny 3 Letterkenny 1 New York 2 New York
2 Raheny 3 Liverpool
0 - 0 -
2 Raheny 2 Liverpool

Pembroke Titans 4 - 2 B-Town Redlegs

Gold .314 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sundown 3 Sundown ? Sundown 3 Texas 2 Texas
2 Mahomet ? Texas 0 Constantinople
0 Monroe 2 Constantinople
2 Mahomet 4 Sundown 4 Texas 0 Marshall
3 San Jose 2 Timmston
2 San Jose 0 GK
0 Green 3 San Jose 3 Timmston 2 Timmston
1 Snoqualmie 2 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Snoqualmie 2 New York

Sundown Sloths - eMLB 4 - 3 Texas Lone Star

Gold .315 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Steele Creek 1 Steele Creek ? Ozark 2 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
3 Ozark ? Scarborough 3 Scarborough
2 Ozark 1 Bikestreet
0 Cornelius 4 Ozark 4 Scarborough 2 Scarborough
2 Country 3 Gotham
1 Central City 0 Nanterre
2 Alexandria 2 Alexandria 3 Gotham 2 Gotham
3 Country 2 Bethlehem
0 - 0 -
2 Country 2 Bethlehem

Ozark Lake Monsters 4 - 3 Scarborough Tigers

Gold .316 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winter Garden 3 Winter Garden ? Winter Garden 3 Anchorage 2 Anchorage
1 Haverhill ? Numenor 1 Montreal
2 Haverhill 2 Montreal
1 Columbus 4 Winter Garden 3 Anchorage 1 Middlesex
1 South Park 4 Numenor
0 Buford 2 Numenor
2 South Park 3 South Park 3 Numenor 0 THE New York
0 Etters 2 Rosie's
0 - 0 -
2 Etters 2 Rosie's

Winter Garden Wankers 4 - 3 Numenor Dunedain

Gold .317 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winston 1 Winston ? Greensboro 3 Upper West Side 2 Upper West Side
3 Fort Worth ? Quito 2 Grants Pass
2 Fort Worth 0 KIMHAE
1 SG 1 Fort Worth 2 Upper West Side 2 Grants Pass
4 Greensboro 4 Quito
0 Radio 2 Flagstaff
2 Archers 1 Archers 1 Flagstaff 1 Washington
3 Greensboro 3 Quito
0 - 0 -
2 Greensboro 2 Quito

Greensboro Bats 0 - 4 Quito Mosquitos

Gold .318 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gotham 3 Gotham ? Four Oaks 2 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
1 Wortel ? Oklahoma City 3 Oklahoma City
0 Rochester 1 Carlton
2 Wortel 1 Gotham 4 Oklahoma City 2 Oklahoma City
4 Four Oaks 3 Syracuse
1 Midgar 0 Altoona
2 Reddington 1 Reddington 3 Syracuse 2 Syracuse
3 Four Oaks 0 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Four Oaks 2 San Diego

Four Oaks Swamp Foxes 4 - 2 Oklahoma City Baseball Club

Gold .319 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pacific Northwest 3 Pacific Northwest ? Lacoochee 3 Experiment 2 Experiment
0 Albany-Colonie ? Punxsutawney 2 Chicago
0 Stockton 2 Chicago
2 Albany-Colonie 1 Pacific Northwest 3 Experiment 0 Soo
4 Lacoochee 4 Punxsutawney
2 Lacoochee 2 San Antonio
1 Brockport 3 Lacoochee 2 San Antonio 1 Raleigh
1 Pretty 3 Punxsutawney
0 - 0 -
2 Pretty 2 Punxsutawney

Lacoochee Mudcats 4 - 1 Punxsutawney Phillies

Gold .320 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 PorkChop 2 PorkChop ? Portland 0 Richmond VA 2 Richmond VA
3 Portland ? Scranton 3 Scranton
1 Portland 1 Brea
2 Portland 4 Portland 4 Scranton 2 Scranton
3 Cobson 1 Vero Beach
2 Mount Hawke 0 Washington
0 San Antonio 2 Mount Hawke 2 Boondoggles 2 Boondoggles
3 Cobson 3 Vero Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Cobson 2 Vero Beach

Portland Stoners 3 - 4 Scranton Parade Days

Gold .321 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Motor City 0 Motor City ? Midway 0 Kingston 2 Kingston
3 Scranton ? Dresden 3 Dresden
2 Scranton 0 Jim Unknown
1 Springfield 3 Scranton 4 Dresden 2 Dresden
4 Midway 3 Winnipeg
2 Midway 0 Koolpsych
0 Archers 3 Midway 3 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg
1 New Haven 0 Careless
0 - 0 -
2 New Haven 2 Careless

Midway Defenders PCK 2 - 4 Dresden Fighting Brix

Gold .322 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 1 Cincinnati ? Chicago 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
3 Andong ? Pella 1 Beaver Dam
0 Milford 2 Beaver Dam
2 Andong 2 Andong 2 Brooklyn 0 Battin Rouge
4 Chicago 4 Pella
0 Winnipesaukee 1 Elam
2 Chicago 3 Chicago 1 North Park 2 North Park
2 Alexandria 3 Pella
0 - 0 -
2 Alexandria 2 Pella

Chicago Gamblers 4 - 0 Pella Pelicans

Gold .323 - Gold Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Milton-Freewater 1 Milton-Freewater ? Sack of 3 Cedar Park 2 Cedar Park
3 Sack of ? Plano 2 Oxford
0 Chicago 0 Junon
2 Sack of 4 Sack of 1 Cedar Park 2 Oxford
3 Shawnee 4 Plano
2 Shawnee 0 Seattle
0 Dial Square 3 Shawnee 3 Plano 2 Plano
1 Kingsport 1 Alexandria
0 - 0 -
2 Kingsport 2 Alexandria

Sack of Wet Mice 4 - 3 Plano Pandas

Silver .250 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lowell 3 Lowell ? Lowell 3 guri 2 guri
0 Roswell ? Mount Dora 1 Mill Basin
0 Mimico 2 Mill Basin
2 Roswell 4 Lowell 2 guri 0 Quebec
1 Pawtucket 4 Mount Dora
2 Central Africa Rep. 2 Detour
1 Gamehendge 2 Central Africa Rep. 1 Detour 0 Biddeford
3 Pawtucket 3 Mount Dora
0 - 0 -
2 Pawtucket 2 Mount Dora

Lowell Lone Wolf 3 - 4 Mount Dora Trash Pandas

Silver .251 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kerrville 3 Kerrville ? Kerrville 3 Mister Teddy's 2 Mister Teddy's
2 Puslinch ? Bensalem 1 Las Vegas
0 OK 0 Hamilton
2 Puslinch 4 Kerrville 2 Mister Teddy's 2 Las Vegas
0 St. Louis 4 Bensalem
2 Gresham 2 Bensalem
0 Sacramento 2 Gresham 3 Bensalem 0 Havana
3 St. Louis 2 Norfolk
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Norfolk

Kerrville Antlers 4 - 1 Bensalem Man Witches

Silver .252 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 3 Keyport 2 Keyport
0 SoCo ? Vancouver 2 Shelby
2 SoCo 0 Brookline
0 Bristol 4 New York 3 Keyport 2 Shelby
3 Slate Branch 4 Vancouver
2 Dreamland 2 Vancouver
1 St Louis 2 Dreamland 3 Vancouver 0 Vegas
3 Slate Branch 1 Diamond
0 - 0 -
2 Slate Branch 2 Diamond

New York Blind Squirrels 4 - 3 Vancouver Asahi

Silver .253 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Birmingham 1 Birmingham ? San Dimas 3 Connecticut 2 Connecticut
3 Seattle ? Connecticut 1 Confused
0 Nersha 0 Macon
2 Seattle 0 Seattle 4 Connecticut 2 Confused
4 San Dimas 2 Fridley
2 San Dimas 2 Fridley
1 Long Island 3 San Dimas 3 Fridley 0 Whitestone
1 Daegu 1 Rochester
0 - 0 -
2 Daegu 2 Rochester

San Dimas Time Travelers - BFF 2 - 4 Connecticut Huskies

Silver .254 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Newport News 3 Newport News ? Newport News 3 Newfoundland 2 Newfoundland
1 Toronto ? Providence 1 Boston
1 Brighton 0 LikeHelliSnore
2 Toronto 4 Newport News 1 Newfoundland 2 Boston
1 Portland 4 Providence
1 Newport 2 Providence
2 Chicago 2 Chicago 3 Providence 1 Syracuse
3 Portland 2 Sherwood
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 Sherwood

Newport News Dodgers_TTC 4 - 3 Providence Greys

Silver .255 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Richmond 3 Richmond ? Richmond 3 Maize 2 Maize
0 Coleman ? Tacoma 0 Montreal
2 Coleman 2 Montreal
0 Ware 4 Richmond 0 Maize 1 Utah
2 Hoboken 4 Tacoma
0 Yekaterinburg 1 Atlas
2 Sulphur Springs 1 Sulphur Springs 0 Wauconda 2 Wauconda
3 Hoboken 3 Tacoma
0 - 0 -
2 Hoboken 2 Tacoma

Richmond Steelhounds 1 - 4 Tacoma Rainiers

Silver .256 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southside 3 Southside ? Southside 0 Gobekli Tepe 2 Gobekli Tepe
1 White Mountains ? La Mesa 3 Harleysville
2 White Mountains 0 St. Louis
0 Rocky Mountain 4 Southside 1 Harleysville 2 Harleysville
1 ADub's 4 La Mesa
2 Crush City 2 Greendale
1 Downtown 0 Crush City 1 Greendale 0 Georgia Tech
3 ADub's 3 La Mesa
0 - 0 -
2 ADub's 2 La Mesa

Southside Vitos 4 - 0 La Mesa Baseballers

Silver .257 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 0 Raleigh ? Eugene 0 Port Angeles 2 Port Angeles
3 Bristol ? Incheon 3 Atlanta United
1 Ludlow 1 Kaohsiung
2 Bristol 1 Bristol 2 Atlanta United 2 Atlanta United
4 Eugene 4 Incheon
0 Labrador 2 Thomaston
2 Eugene 3 Eugene 0 Thomaston 1 Seidler's
1 Mission 3 Incheon
0 - 0 -
2 Mission 2 Incheon

Eugene Players 4 - 1 Incheon Wyverns

Silver .258 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Moo Moo Meadow 0 Moo Moo Meadow ? Quebec 2 Arkham 2 Arkham
3 Quebec ? Vermont 3 Brooklyn
1 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
2 Quebec 4 Quebec 3 Brooklyn 0 Detroit
3 Oregon 4 Vermont
1 Spark 0 Test
2 Oregon 3 Oregon 3 Vermont 2 Vermont
1 Delaware 1 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Delaware 2 Toronto

Quebec Carnavals 3 - 4 Vermont Lake Monsters

Silver .259 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 1 Seattle ? New York 3 Colorado 2 Colorado
3 Fargo ? Colorado 1 Oklahoma
2 Fargo 0 Sultan
1 Armada 3 Fargo 4 Colorado 2 Oklahoma
4 New York 2 Detroit
1 Commando's 2 Daejeon
2 Oakgrove 2 Oakgrove 1 Daejeon 1 Montreal
3 New York 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Detroit

New York Metrokees 4 - 0 Colorado River Bandits

Silver .260 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 New York ? Bellevue 3 Daphne 2 Daphne
3 Houston ? Laurelhurst 1 San Luis Obispo
2 Houston 1 Tokyo
1 San Jose 0 Houston 2 Daphne 2 San Luis Obispo
4 Bellevue 4 Laurelhurst
1 Toronto 0 Motor City
2 Bellevue 3 Bellevue 1 Bora Bora 2 Bora Bora
1 Washtenaw 3 Laurelhurst
0 - 0 -
2 Washtenaw 2 Laurelhurst

Bellevue Beans 4 - 1 Laurelhurst Loggers

Silver .261 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ghost 3 Ghost ? Tuskegee 3 Oceanside 2 Oceanside
1 Santa Cruz ? Oceanside 1 Shipshewana
2 Santa Cruz 0 Hudson Oaks
0 San Leandro 1 Ghost 4 Oceanside 2 Shipshewana
4 Tuskegee 1 Malawi
0 Highbury 1 Mossflower
2 Tuskegee 3 Tuskegee 0 Lindy 2 Lindy
1 New York 3 Malawi
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Malawi

Tuskegee Airmen 4 - 0 Oceanside Undertow

Silver .262 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Halifax 3 Halifax ? Washington 3 Mary Washington 2 Mary Washington
1 Ceti Alpha Six ? Mary Washington 1 Bangor
2 Ceti Alpha Six 2 Bangor
1 Springfield 0 Halifax 4 Mary Washington 1 Norwegian
4 Washington 3 Tulsa
0 Rocket City 2 Tulsa
2 Buenos Aires 2 Buenos Aires 3 Tulsa 1 Schwerin
3 Washington 2 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Springfield

Washington Senators 4 - 3 Mary Washington Eagles

Silver .263 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sendai 0 Sendai ? Alberta 1 SSG 2 SSG
3 Alberta ? League City 3 Montreal
1 Baseball Reference 1 Saint Paul
2 Alberta 4 Alberta 3 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 Torrance 4 League City
2 Torrance 0 El Dorado Hills
1 Will 3 Torrance 2 San Antonio 2 San Antonio
1 Raleigh 3 League City
0 - 0 -
2 Raleigh 2 League City

Alberta Athletics 3 - 4 League City Lagers

Silver .264 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 1 Golden 2 Golden
1 Toronto ? London 3 London
1 Launch Day 1 New York
2 Toronto 4 Seattle 4 London 2 London
0 Punxsutawney 3 Wichita
2 Punxsutawney 2 HANYANG
1 Midwest 3 Punxsutawney 0 HANYANG 1 Toledo
1 Mars 3 Wichita
0 - 0 -
2 Mars 2 Wichita

Seattle All Timers 4 - 3 London Eagles

Silver .265 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Juneau 3 Juneau ? Juneau 0 Hades 2 Hades
2 Verndale ? Zanarkand 3 Sioux City
2 Verndale 2 Sioux City
0 Seal Beach 4 Juneau 1 Sioux City 0 Orlando
0 Winnipeg 4 Zanarkand
1 Taegu 1 Richmond VA
2 Austin 0 Austin 3 Zanarkand 2 Zanarkand
3 Winnipeg 2 William
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 William

Juneau Odd-Toed Ungulates 4 - 1 Zanarkand Abes

Silver .266 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Michigan 3 Michigan ? Michigan 3 Rail Yard 2 Rail Yard
0 Berlin ? Rail Yard 1 Twin Peaks
0 Kardashevian 1 Palm Beach
2 Berlin 4 Michigan 4 Rail Yard 2 Twin Peaks
2 Edgerton 2 Oakville
0 Chicago 2 Milwaukee
2 Spotsy 1 Spotsy 0 Milwaukee 1 Nakatomi
3 Edgerton 3 Oakville
0 - 0 -
2 Edgerton 2 Oakville

Michigan Wolves 4 - 1 Rail Yard Dawgs

Silver .267 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lightmoons 3 Lightmoons ? Greenville 3 Nickel Slots 2 Nickel Slots
2 Erstaddy ? Nickel Slots 0 Gettysburg
0 Crunch City 1 ICC
2 Erstaddy 3 Lightmoons 4 Nickel Slots 2 Gettysburg
4 Greenville 2 China
2 Dayton 0 St. Paul
1 Knoxville 1 Dayton 3 China 2 China
3 Greenville 0 Tribetown
0 - 0 -
2 Greenville 2 Tribetown

Greenville Drive 4 - 3 Nickel Slots And Crockpots

Silver .268 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Neptune 3 Neptune ? Neptune 2 Tempe 2 Tempe
2 Traverse City ? Hill Valley 3 Grover Beach
1 London 2 Grover Beach
2 Traverse City 4 Neptune 3 Grover Beach 1 Castlegar
0 Winnipeg 4 Hill Valley
1 Brooklyn 1 Norview
2 Peoria 1 Peoria 0 Aero 2 Aero
3 Winnipeg 3 Hill Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Hill Valley

Neptune Nighthawks 1 - 4 Hill Valley DeLoreans

Silver .269 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Indy 0 Indy ? Dodger Stadium 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
3 Dodger Stadium ? Atlanta 1 Half Century
1 Keir 0 Madrid
2 Dodger Stadium 4 Dodger Stadium 4 Atlanta 2 Half Century
3 Hamilton 2 Sandwich
2 Hamilton 2 Motown
1 One Blue 3 Hamilton 2 Motown 0 Toronto
1 DS 3 Sandwich
0 - 0 -
2 DS 2 Sandwich

Dodger Stadium Legends TTC 2 - 4 Atlanta Braves TTC

Silver .270 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Smyrna 3 Smyrna ? Smyrna 3 Miami 2 Miami
2 Super Earth ? Miami 2 Singapore
0 Sultans 0 Westerly
2 Super Earth 4 Smyrna 4 Miami 2 Singapore
1 Louisiana 1 Seaholme
1 Galveston 1 Birmingham
2 Iowa City 2 Iowa City 1 SEOUL 2 SEOUL
3 Louisiana 3 Seaholme
0 - 0 -
2 Louisiana 2 Seaholme

Smyrna Stooges 4 - 2 Miami JAWS TBD

Silver .271 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Norristown 1 Norristown ? Jamaica 3 Romulus 2 Romulus
3 The Shire ? Plymouth 2 Lefty
2 The Shire 2 Lefty
0 Corleone 3 The Shire 1 Romulus 1 Wilton
4 Jamaica 4 Plymouth
1 Rowlett 2 Plymouth
2 Yukon 1 Yukon 3 Plymouth 1 Sydney
3 Jamaica 1 Pontiac PCK
0 - 0 -
2 Jamaica 2 Pontiac PCK

Jamaica AArdvarks 2 - 4 Plymouth Pilgrams

Silver .272 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chrome City 0 Chrome City ? Zwiesel 2 Humongous 2 Humongous
3 Zwiesel ? Boomsticks 3 Barcelona
0 Zimmerman 0 Belmar
2 Zwiesel 4 Zwiesel 2 Barcelona 2 Barcelona
1 Dumas 4 Boomsticks
1 Boise 2 Boomsticks
2 Albuquerque 1 Albuquerque 3 Boomsticks 1 Budapest
3 Dumas 1 Sky Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Dumas 2 Sky Valley

Zwiesel Flames 4 - 1 Boomsticks Unpacked

Silver .273 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 1 Albuquerque ? Thrasherville 3 seoul 2 seoul
3 El Paso ? Team Dynasty 2 Los
1 Johnstown 2 Los
2 El Paso 1 El Paso 2 seoul 1 Oceanside
4 Thrasherville 4 Team Dynasty
2 Thrasherville 0 Breslau
0 Pensacola 3 Thrasherville 2 The Black 2 The Black
0 Gorgie 3 Team Dynasty
0 - 0 -
2 Gorgie 2 Team Dynasty

Thrasherville Tempest 3 - 4 Team Dynasty Express

Silver .274 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minnesota 3 Minnesota ? Mach 3 Nafers 2 Nafers
2 Gotha ? Nafers 0 Bedrock
1 Bathurst 1 Kamino
2 Gotha 1 Minnesota 4 Nafers 2 Bedrock
4 Mach 1 Staten Island
2 Hollywood 2 Destin
0 The Dancing 0 Hollywood 0 Destin 1 San Diego
3 Mach 3 Staten Island
0 - 0 -
2 Mach 2 Staten Island

Mach 9 1 - 4 Nafers Wafers

Silver .275 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dongtan 3 Dongtan ? Dongtan 3 hey goku 2 hey goku
1 Pennsyltucky ? Pack Only 0 Austin
1 Yakima 0 Salt Lake
2 Pennsyltucky 4 Dongtan 2 hey goku 2 Austin
2 Detroit 4 Pack Only
2 Mesa 1 Scranton
1 Brewster 0 Mesa 3 Pack Only 2 Pack Only
3 Detroit 1 Champaign
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 2 Champaign

Dongtan hanwha eagles 4 - 1 Pack Only McGriffs

Silver .276 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 VANCOUVER 0 VANCOUVER ? Chicago 3 Mammoth 2 Mammoth
3 Howling ? Mammoth 2 Blacksburg
2 Howling 2 Blacksburg
1 Evanston 3 Howling 4 Mammoth 0 Antarctica
4 Chicago 3 OC
0 Wonju 2 OC
2 Why 2 Why 3 OC 1 ARRRRRGH
3 Chicago 2 Akron
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Akron

Chicago Cubs 1 - 4 Mammoth Mayhem

Silver .277 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mr Audit's 1 Mr Audit's ? Los Angeles 3 Fort Bragg 2 Fort Bragg
3 Los Angeles ? Fort Bragg 1 EVC's PCK
0 Corpus Christi 0 Jackson
2 Los Angeles 4 Los Angeles 4 Fort Bragg 2 EVC's PCK
0 Pack 3 Asbury
1 Black 0 Colfax
2 Pack 3 Pack 1 Hello 2 Hello
0 Mile High 3 Asbury
0 - 0 -
2 Mile High 2 Asbury

Los Angeles Hammerheads PCK 2 - 4 Fort Bragg Babysitting

Silver .278 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Minnesota State ? Seattle 1 Protect
3 Seattle ? New Zealand 3 New Zealand

4 Seattle 4 New Zealand
3 Rotterdam 3 Champaign

3 Rotterdam 0 North Caldwell
1 Brisbane 3 Champaign

Seattle Sea Men 2 - 4 New Zealand All Blacks

Silver .279 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bolivar 0 Bolivar ? Hudson 1 Finneytown 2 Finneytown
3 Hudson ? Michael Denny 3 Michael Denny
2 Hudson 0 Brevoort
0 New Barn 4 Hudson 4 Michael Denny 2 Michael Denny
0 Cudahy 2 Boise
1 New York 2 Boise
2 Kersey 1 Kersey 3 Boise 0 Central Arkansas
3 Cudahy 1 Waterford
0 - 0 -
2 Cudahy 2 Waterford

Hudson Hornets 1 - 4 Michael Denny Dennysingers

Silver .280 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Southport 0 Southport ? Gate City 1 Wichita 2 Wichita
3 Enfield ? Clayton 3 Arrakis
0 Cygnus X-1 2 Arrakis
2 Enfield 3 Enfield 3 Arrakis 1 Charlotte
4 Gate City 4 Clayton
2 Idaho 2 Rio Rancho
0 Digimon 2 Idaho 2 Rio Rancho 1 Hawaii-Wroclaw
3 Gate City 3 Clayton
0 - 0 -
2 Gate City 2 Clayton

Gate City Pioneers 4 - 0 Clayton Cardinals

Silver .281 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 AM 0 AM ? Killer 3 Denver 2 Denver
3 Killer ? Denver 0 Storrs
1 Bandbox 0 Los Angeles
2 Killer 4 Killer 4 Denver 2 Storrs
1 Tallahassee 3 Foo
2 Biloxi 0 Sunnyvale
0 Montreal 1 Biloxi 0 Preston 2 Preston
3 Tallahassee 3 Foo
0 - 0 -
2 Tallahassee 2 Foo

Killer Kangaroos 0 - 4 Denver Railsplitters

Silver .282 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Paddy's ? West Palm Beach 2 Pittsburgh
3 West Palm Beach ? Columbus 3 Rocky Mountain

4 West Palm Beach 0 Rocky Mountain
2 Philadelphia 4 Columbus

2 Zimbabwe 2 Guadalajara
3 Philadelphia 3 Columbus

West Palm Beach Bingo Stars 1 - 4 Columbus Fire Ants

Silver .283 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Massachuetts 1 Massachuetts ? Charbonneau 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
3 Charbonneau ? Vancouver 2 St. Alphonzo's
0 Expos Montreal 2 St. Alphonzo's
2 Charbonneau 4 Charbonneau 4 Vancouver 0 Asbury
1 California 0 Baltimore
2 California 2 Chicago
1 Charlotte 3 California 2 Chicago 1 Las Vegas
0 Motor City 3 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Motor City 2 Baltimore

Charbonneau Crabby Ballplayers 0 - 4 Vancouver Vibes TBD

Silver .284 - Silver Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo Grove 3 Buffalo Grove ? Ethiopia 0 Narshe 2 Narshe
2 Joe Hesketh ? Put-In-Bay 3 Milwaukee
1 Denver 0 Big Kahuna
2 Joe Hesketh 1 Buffalo Grove 1 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
4 Ethiopia 4 Put-In-Bay
0 Apple 1 Knoxville
2 Ethiopia 3 Ethiopia 2 Spruce Hollow 2 Spruce Hollow
2 Billings 3 Put-In-Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Billings 2 Put-In-Bay

Ethiopia Pink Elephants 2 - 4 Put-In-Bay Buzz

Bronze .200 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oakansadelphia 3 Oakansadelphia ? Newark 2 Phoenix 2 Phoenix
1 Queen City ? St Louis 3 St Louis
2 Queen City 1 Los Angeles
1 Dodge Center 2 Oakansadelphia 4 St Louis 2 St Louis
4 Newark 2 Athens
0 NYC 2 Athens
2 Newark 3 Newark 3 Athens 1 Raleigh
1 Renton 2 Alabama
0 - 0 -
2 Renton 2 Alabama

Newark Peppers 4 - 1 St Louis Side Projects

Bronze .201 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 1 Toronto ? Rock Island 2 Stonebanx 2 Stonebanx
3 GwanJeo ? Galesburg 3 Galesburg
1 Grosse Ile 0 Big Sky
2 GwanJeo 3 GwanJeo 4 Galesburg 2 Galesburg
4 Rock Island 2 Wagstaff
0 Cadillac 1 Hal's
2 Rock Island 3 Rock Island 1 San Jose 2 San Jose
2 New Jersey 3 Wagstaff
0 - 0 -
2 New Jersey 2 Wagstaff

Rock Island Badlanders 4 - 1 Galesburg Gusts

Bronze .202 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ha Long 2 Ha Long ? Daygo 3 Frankenthal 2 Frankenthal
3 drumhole ? Frankenthal 1 san Francisco
0 Pittsburgh 2 san Francisco
2 drumhole 1 drumhole 4 Frankenthal 0 Hershey
4 Daygo 0 Homestead
1 singil 0 Trenton
2 Daygo 3 Daygo 0 Gatineau 2 Gatineau
1 Boston Red Sox 3 Homestead
0 - 0 -
2 Boston Red Sox 2 Homestead

Daygo Gremlins 1 - 4 Frankenthal Palatines

Bronze .203 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlantis 3 Atlantis ? Bring Back 1 Kitchener 2 Kitchener
2 St. Louis ? Wood 3 Wood
0 Edmond 1 Beskydy
2 St. Louis 2 Atlantis 4 Wood 2 Wood
4 Bring Back 2 Marlboro
0 Dover 2 Marlboro
2 Bring Back 3 Bring Back 3 Marlboro 1 Tuckahoe
1 Brooklyn 2 Geneva
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Geneva

Bring Back Choco Tacos 4 - 1 Wood peckers

Bronze .204 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ruby 3 Ruby ? Colorado 2 Lap Dblock 2 Lap Dblock
2 La Porte ? Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia
2 La Porte 1 San Francisco
1 Bellingham 2 Ruby 4 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
4 Colorado 0 Windy City
1 Five Points 2 California
2 Johnston 1 Johnston 1 California 1 Busan
3 Colorado 3 Windy City
0 - 0 -
2 Colorado 2 Windy City

Colorado Rockies 4 - 2 Philadelphia Phighters

Bronze .205 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 1 Washington ? East Side 0 Montana 2 Montana
3 Williamsport ? Maryville 3 Maryville
2 Williamsport 0 Rockie Mountain
1 Pine 2 Williamsport 4 Maryville 2 Maryville
4 East Side 1 S.B.
2 Sarnia 0 SF
1 Satchel 0 Sarnia 2 Thunder Bluff 2 Thunder Bluff
3 East Side 3 S.B.
0 - 0 -
2 East Side 2 S.B.

East Side Educators 2 - 4 Maryville Isotopes

Bronze .206 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gotham City 3 Gotham City ? Foo 3 Charlestown 2 Charlestown
1 Dr. Nowzaradan's ? Charlestown 1 Pyeong-Yang
1 Rowland Heights 2 Pyeong-Yang
2 Dr. Nowzaradan's 1 Gotham City 4 Charlestown 1 We
4 Foo 0 Marengo
2 Foo 0 Cherry Hill
1 Detroit 3 Foo 3 Marengo 2 Marengo
0 Hampton Roads 1 Cleveland
0 - 0 -
2 Hampton Roads 2 Cleveland

Foo Fighters 1 - 4 Charlestown Chiefs

Bronze .207 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 International 0 International ? Deep Space 1 Alphabet 2 Alphabet
3 EVCs ? Narcoossee 3 St Louis
2 EVCs 2 St Louis
0 Bushwood 3 EVCs 2 St Louis 0 Toccoa
4 Deep Space 4 Narcoossee
2 Akron 0 Bochy's
1 EVCs Baseball 0 Akron 0 The Brouthers 2 The Brouthers
3 Deep Space 3 Narcoossee
0 - 0 -
2 Deep Space 2 Narcoossee

Deep Space Niners TTC 0 - 4 Narcoossee Bookkeepers_TTC

Bronze .208 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ocala 0 Ocala ? Chattanooga 2 Odessa 2 Odessa
3 Columbus ? Sandy 3 Sandy
0 Surprise 2 Sandy
2 Columbus 2 Columbus 4 Sandy 1 Wilmington
4 Chattanooga 1 Atlanta
1 New York 2 Panther City
2 Portuga 0 Portuga 2 Panther City 0 Land of Lincoln
3 Chattanooga 3 Atlanta
0 - 0 -
2 Chattanooga 2 Atlanta

Chattanooga Pirates 4 - 3 Sandy Tiger Sharks

Bronze .209 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cy Young Winner 1 Cy Young Winner ? Sea Shepherd 0 San Antonio 2 San Antonio
3 Sea Shepherd ? Utica 3 Toronto
1 Corpus Christi 1 Pearland
2 Sea Shepherd 4 Sea Shepherd 3 Toronto 2 Toronto
3 gimhae 4 Utica
2 Denver 1 Joliet
0 Weazel News 0 Denver 3 Utica 2 Utica
3 gimhae 0 Katy
0 - 0 -
2 gimhae 2 Katy

Sea Shepherd Ocean 1 - 4 Utica Brewskis

Bronze .210 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lakewood 3 Lakewood ? Frostproof 1 Maine 2 Maine
2 Cardiff ? Bonney Lake 3 Bonney Lake
1 Palermo 1 Alexandria
2 Cardiff 0 Lakewood 4 Bonney Lake 2 Bonney Lake
4 Frostproof 1 Little River
2 Seattle 2 Cloverdale
1 Cornwall 1 Seattle 2 Cloverdale 1 St Pete
3 Frostproof 3 Little River
0 - 0 -
2 Frostproof 2 Little River

Frostproof Floridamen 2 - 4 Bonney Lake EPs PCK

Bronze .211 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 0 Seoul ? Seattle 3 Buffalo 2 Buffalo
3 Seattle ? Grand Slam 0 Third
0 Detroit 2 Third
2 Seattle 4 Seattle 3 Buffalo 1 Gonzaga
2 Vancouver 4 Grand Slam
2 Vancouver 0 Camp Nawakwa
0 Phoenix 3 Vancouver 2 Woodstock 2 Woodstock
1 Buffalo 3 Grand Slam
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 2 Grand Slam

Seattle Reign 2 - 4 Grand Slam Guardians

Bronze .212 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Frandisco 1 San Frandisco ? 19 2 Tucson 2 Tucson
3 19 ? Everything 3 Fayetteville
2 19 0 London
1 Oakland 4 19 3 Fayetteville 2 Fayetteville
2 nWo 4 Everything
2 nWo 1 Annex
0 Cincinnati 3 nWo 0 Long Island 2 Long Island
1 St. Louis 3 Everything
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Everything

19 Eighties 1 - 4 Everything Hurts

Bronze .213 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 3 Albuquerque ? Moosehead 3 New Orleans Voo Doo 2 New Orleans Voo Doo
2 Detroit ? Impressive 1 Southbourne
1 Seattle 2 Southbourne
2 Detroit 2 Albuquerque 3 New Orleans Voo Doo 0 Matsko
4 Moosehead 4 Impressive
1 Fancy Hors d'Oeuvres 2 Impressive
2 Euless 0 Euless 3 Impressive 0 Long Island
3 Moosehead 1 Austin
0 - 0 -
2 Moosehead 2 Austin

Moosehead Knuckles 3 - 4 Impressive Clergymen

Bronze .214 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stanten Island 1 Stanten Island ? Sharpstown 3 Pennsylvania 2 Pennsylvania
3 Ocean City ? Chandler 1 Salisbury
1 My 1 Lufkin
2 Ocean City 1 Ocean City 3 Pennsylvania 2 Salisbury
4 Sharpstown 4 Chandler
2 Florida 0 Aurora
0 Who is 1 Florida 3 Chandler 2 Chandler
3 Sharpstown 1 Salisbury
0 - 0 -
2 Sharpstown 2 Salisbury

Sharpstown Astros Guys 4 - 2 Chandler Roadrunners

Bronze .215 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 2 Buffalo ? Monterey 3 New York 2 New York
3 Monterey ? New York 0 Kardiac
1 Sandpoint 2 Kardiac
2 Monterey 4 Monterey 4 New York 0 Botafogo
3 Redbone 0 Brookhaven
2 Lakewood Ranch 1 Foxborough
0 Beckington 0 Lakewood Ranch 0 Casselberry 2 Casselberry
3 Redbone 3 Brookhaven
0 - 0 -
2 Redbone 2 Brookhaven

Monterey Sardines 2 - 4 New York Yankees

Bronze .216 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Saginaw ? Yinzerburgh 0 Wisconsin
3 Yinzerburgh ? Middleborough 3 Middleborough

4 Yinzerburgh 4 Middleborough
2 LG 2 YesterVille

3 LG 3 YesterVille
1 New Braunfels 2 Wrigleyville

Yinzerburgh Buccos 2 - 4 Middleborough Greyhounds

Bronze .217 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bern 3 Bern ? Cape Cod 3 Chesapeake 2 Chesapeake
1 Spokane ? Chesapeake 0 Wildabern
1 Long Beach 1 Edmonton
2 Spokane 1 Bern 4 Chesapeake 2 Wildabern
4 Cape Cod 3 Bodega Bay
2 Prague 2 Norfolk
0 Van Trees 0 Prague 0 Norfolk 1 Brooklyn
3 Cape Cod 3 Bodega Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Cape Cod 2 Bodega Bay

Cape Cod Sharks - HotL 4 - 2 Chesapeake tiger sharks

Bronze .218 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Suwanee 3 Suwanee ? Suwanee 2 Belgrade 2 Belgrade
0 Frostbite Falls ? St. Louis 3 St. Louis
0 Sierra Vista 1 Hudson Valley
2 Frostbite Falls 4 Suwanee 4 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
2 Letterkenny 3 Montreal
0 berserk 1 NOVA
2 Letterkenny 3 Letterkenny 1 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
0 Sacramento 3 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Sacramento 2 Montreal

Suwanee Braves 4 - 1 St. Louis Sting

Bronze .219 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wisconsin 1 Wisconsin ? Syracuse 0 Mansfield 2 Mansfield
3 Syracuse ? Detroit 3 Detroit
2 Syracuse 0 Raleigh
0 Delco 4 Syracuse 4 Detroit 2 Detroit
1 Cleveland 1 Canonsburg
1 Hillsborough 1 Seattle
2 Philadelphia 1 Philadelphia 2 Martinsburg 2 Martinsburg
3 Cleveland 3 Canonsburg
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 Canonsburg

Syracuse Saltlickers 4 - 2 Detroit Sultans of Swing

Bronze .220 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Haast 0 Haast ? West Vero 2 Madagascar 2 Madagascar
3 West Vero ? Evansville 3 Staten Island
2 West Vero 2 Staten Island
1 Yakima 4 West Vero 2 Staten Island 0 Lexington
1 Jersey City 4 Evansville
0 Tucson 0 Cayman Islands
2 Jersey City 3 Jersey City 3 Evansville 2 Evansville
1 Vermont 1 Barrie
0 - 0 -
2 Vermont 2 Barrie

West Vero White Sox 1 - 4 Evansville Elite

Bronze .221 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hayward 3 Hayward ? Hayward 3 Franconia 2 Franconia
1 Dakota ? Franconia 0 Low Diamond
2 Dakota 1 Lexington
1 Milwaukee 4 Hayward 4 Franconia 2 Low Diamond
2 San Angelo 3 West Virginia
1 Colorado 0 Buddy Biancalana's
2 San Angelo 3 San Angelo 2 Halfmoon 2 Halfmoon
1 Hartland 3 West Virginia
0 - 0 -
2 Hartland 2 West Virginia

Hayward Sundevils 3 - 4 Franconia Brigands

Bronze .222 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 1 New Orleans ? Daly City 0 New New York 2 New New York
3 Daly City ? Kingstone 3 Kingstone
1 Las Vegas 2 Kingstone
2 Daly City 4 Daly City 4 Kingstone 0 Santa Cruz
2 Silver Spring 2 Winter
2 Rahway 1 BYU
1 Cutler Ridge 1 Rahway 3 Winter 2 Winter
3 Silver Spring 1 SanFran
0 - 0 -
2 Silver Spring 2 SanFran

Daly City Emeralds 4 - 1 Kingstone Stoners

Bronze .223 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hartford 3 Hartford ? Hartford 3 New York 2 New York
1 Britannia ? New York 2 Akron
1 DAEGU 1 Daytona
2 Britannia 4 Hartford 4 New York 2 Akron
3 Spartanburg 0 Combinators
2 Bear 0 Buffalo
1 Tuktoyaktuk 2 Bear 3 Combinators 2 Combinators
3 Spartanburg 0 East Coast
0 - 0 -
2 Spartanburg 2 East Coast

Hartford Yard Goats 3 - 4 New York PlausableDeniability

Bronze .224 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 0 Kittery 2 Kittery
1 Terceira ? Cleveland 3 Ensenada
1 Bellingham 2 Ensenada
2 Terceira 4 Los Angeles 2 Ensenada 1 Sudbury
0 Southside 4 Cleveland
1 Spencer 0 Indy
2 Kansas 2 Kansas 1 Old Orchard Beach 2 Old Orchard Beach
3 Southside 3 Cleveland
0 - 0 -
2 Southside 2 Cleveland

Los Angeles Tortugas 1 - 4 Cleveland Glory

Bronze .225 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 Kallio ? Kallio 2 Thunder
2 Newark ? Philadelphia 3 Taylor Street

4 Kallio 0 Taylor Street
2 Yonkers 4 Philadelphia

3 Yonkers 2 Frisco
2 Simi Valley 3 Philadelphia

Kallio Calliope 3 - 4 Philadelphia Flyers

Bronze .226 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 1 Florida ? Stokelton 3 Forest Hills 2 Forest Hills
3 NJ PALPARK ? Morro Bay 2 Algonquin
2 NJ PALPARK 2 Algonquin
0 Hogwarts 2 NJ PALPARK 1 Forest Hills 0 Celina
4 Stokelton 4 Morro Bay
1 Waikiki 1 Ninap
2 Michigan Ave. 1 Michigan Ave. 0 Naperville 2 Naperville
3 Stokelton 3 Morro Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Stokelton 2 Morro Bay

Stokelton Stokesbees 4 - 1 Morro Bay Chameleons

Bronze .227 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SC 2 SC ? Ohio State 0 Gaza 2 Gaza
3 Alison ? Ft. Worth 3 Prague
2 Alison 0 Hanwha
0 Cleveland 1 Alison 2 Prague 2 Prague
4 Ohio State 4 Ft. Worth
0 Southfield 1 Timbuktu
2 Ohio State 3 Ohio State 2 Newark 2 Newark
2 7 Seas 3 Ft. Worth
0 - 0 -
2 7 Seas 2 Ft. Worth

Ohio State Buckeyes 4 - 3 Ft. Worth Cats

Bronze .228 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fredericksburg 3 Fredericksburg ? Irvine 3 RETO 2 RETO
1 London ? RETO 2 Brea
1 Windsor 0 PayToulouse
2 London 1 Fredericksburg 4 RETO 2 Brea
4 Irvine 2 Soquel
2 Wilmington 2 Soquel
1 Adirondack 2 Wilmington 3 Soquel 1 OKC
3 Irvine 2 Amarillo
0 - 0 -
2 Irvine 2 Amarillo

Irvine Biplanes 2 - 4 RETO DRAGONS

Bronze .229 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lone Tree 1 Lone Tree ? Budget Bangers 2 Funco Flex 2 Funco Flex
3 Budget Bangers ? Hilton Head 3 Hilton Head
2 Budget Bangers 0 Canada
1 Charlotte 4 Budget Bangers 4 Hilton Head 2 Hilton Head
3 New York 1 Toronto
2 New York 1 Deep 13
1 Grapevine 3 New York 2 Sackvegas 2 Sackvegas
1 Formosa 3 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Formosa 2 Toronto

Budget Bangers Broke Ballers 1 - 4 Hilton Head Hammerheads

Bronze .230 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pioneer 2 Pioneer ? Reston 1 Ripcity 2 Ripcity
3 Reston ? Lancaster 3 Lancaster
2 Reston 1 Gastonia
0 gritty gritty gritty 4 Reston 4 Lancaster 2 Lancaster
1 Santiago 0 Knoxville
2 Aurora 2 Rivendell
1 Flint 1 Aurora 2 Rivendell 0 Ridgewood
3 Santiago 3 Knoxville
0 - 0 -
2 Santiago 2 Knoxville

Reston Blues 4 - 1 Lancaster Lightning

Bronze .231 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wellfleet 1 Wellfleet ? Orlando 3 Smalltown 2 Smalltown
3 Orlando ? Smalltown 0 Houston
2 Orlando 2 Houston
0 Phoenix 4 Orlando 4 Smalltown 1 Milwaukee
1 Fargo 2 Bayside
2 Emerson 2 Tennessee
1 Common 0 Emerson 1 Tennessee 1 Conakry
3 Fargo 3 Bayside
0 - 0 -
2 Fargo 2 Bayside

Orlando Birdies 0 - 4 Smalltown Swingers

Bronze .232 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rohan 3 Rohan ? ACGC 2 SF 2 SF
1 NJ ? Orange City 3 Orange City
2 NJ 2 Orange City
0 Wels 3 Rohan 4 Orange City 1 Seneca
4 ACGC 1 Orange City
0 Iowa 2 Orange City
2 Moneyball 2 Moneyball 3 Orange City 1 Bethlehem
3 ACGC 0 Mega
0 - 0 -
2 ACGC 2 Mega

ACGC Chargers 2 - 4 Orange City Bright Socks

Bronze .233 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flint 3 Flint ? Taiwan 3 Nevada 2 Nevada
0 Vancouver ? Nevada 0 Memphis
1 Olean 0 Los Angeles
2 Vancouver 3 Flint 4 Nevada 2 Memphis
4 Taiwan 2 Bumpass
2 Clearwater 0 Charlotte
0 OK 1 Clearwater 2 Duxbury 2 Duxbury
3 Taiwan 3 Bumpass
0 - 0 -
2 Taiwan 2 Bumpass

Taiwan kuo chen 3 - 4 Nevada Knights

Bronze .234 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Marshfield 3 Marshfield ? Marshfield 3 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
2 Bethlehem ? Tacoma 0 British
1 Corona 1 Kingsport
2 Bethlehem 4 Marshfield 4 Tacoma 2 British
0 Bend 3 Dunedin
2 Bend 1 Montreal
1 OK 3 Bend 2 San Juan Ankle 2 San Juan Ankle
1 Thunder 3 Dunedin
0 - 0 -
2 Thunder 2 Dunedin

Marshfield Eskimos 4 - 1 Tacoma Aroma

Bronze .235 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Denver 3 Denver ? Denver 2 Omaha 2 Omaha
0 Indy ? Medina 3 Medina
0 Busan 2 Medina
2 Indy 4 Denver 4 Medina 1 CHANGO_WON
0 Annapolis 3 Kansas City
2 Annapolis 1 Lucky
1 FedSuns 3 Annapolis 0 South Side 2 South Side
1 Muskoka 3 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 Muskoka 2 Kansas City

Denver Whitehawks 4 - 2 Medina Maulers

Bronze .236 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lawrenceville 2 Lawrenceville ? New Mexico 3 Kingsboro 2 Kingsboro
3 New Mexico ? Kingsboro 1 Montana
1 Cacophony 0 Yeonhyang
2 New Mexico 4 New Mexico 4 Kingsboro 2 Montana
1 Omaha 3 Gotham
1 Toronto 2 Gotham
2 Boonton 2 Boonton 3 Gotham 0 Meuse
3 Omaha 1 Anaheim
0 - 0 -
2 Omaha 2 Anaheim

New Mexico Roadrunners 4 - 3 Kingsboro Canyon Arrows

Bronze .237 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Topeka 1 Topeka ? Los Angeles 2 Baycats 2 Baycats
3 Portage ? Dehli 3 Wildwood
2 Portage 2 Wildwood
1 Racine 2 Portage 2 Wildwood 1 Swindon
4 Los Angeles 4 Dehli
2 Frankfurt 0 Seattle
0 Sacramento 1 Frankfurt 3 Dehli 2 Dehli
3 Los Angeles 1 El Monte
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 El Monte

Los Angeles Avengers 4 - 0 Dehli Dolphins

Bronze .238 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan 2 Manhattan ? Distracted 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
3 Distracted ? Armando 2 PDX
2 Distracted 1 Franklin
1 New York 4 Distracted 3 Atlanta 2 PDX
1 Kensington 4 Armando
1 Atlanta 2 Armando
2 Raleigh 2 Raleigh 3 Armando 1 Omaha
3 Kensington 1 St Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Kensington 2 St Louis

Distracted Piggy 3 - 4 Armando Reynosos

Bronze .239 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Snohomish 0 Snohomish ? Manhattan 2 Invention 2 Invention
3 Manhattan ? Jake 3 Jake
0 West Coast 0 Philadelphia
2 Manhattan 4 Manhattan 4 Jake 2 Jake
3 Milwaukee 2 Nerstrand
1 Time 2 Nerstrand
2 Halifax 2 Halifax 3 Nerstrand 0 Mountain Lakes
3 Milwaukee 0 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Seattle

Manhattan Stoats 4 - 2 Jake Snakes

Bronze .240 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mayon 0 Mayon ? Parrish 3 Wisconsin 2 Wisconsin
3 Alder Ridge ? Wisconsin 1 Vacaville
2 Alder Ridge 2 Vacaville
1 Boston 3 Alder Ridge 4 Wisconsin 0 Corpus Christi
4 Parrish 2 Belltown
0 HongKong 2 Belltown
2 Parrish 3 Parrish 3 Belltown 0 OK
1 Portland 1 Toledo
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 2 Toledo

Parrish Pirates 2 - 4 Wisconsin Wet Noodles

Bronze .241 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cibolo 2 Cibolo ? Greenland 1 Bonney Lake 2 Bonney Lake
3 New York ? Edwardsville 3 Edwardsville
1 Montreal 2 Edwardsville
2 New York 0 New York 4 Edwardsville 0 Bolton
4 Greenland 1 Jacksonville
0 Euclid 2 North Coast
2 Peachtree City 1 Peachtree City 2 North Coast 1 Wallys World
3 Greenland 3 Jacksonville
0 - 0 -
2 Greenland 2 Jacksonville

Greenland Seals 4 - 2 Edwardsville Badgers

Bronze .242 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mysterious 1 Mysterious ? Imperial 1 Frederick 2 Frederick
3 Seattle ? Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia
2 Seattle 0 Calgary
1 Somerset 3 Seattle 4 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
4 Imperial 3 Twitch
2 Whittier 2 Twitch
1 Seattle 1 Whittier 3 Twitch 0 Aliso Viejo
3 Imperial 1 Byzantium
0 - 0 -
2 Imperial 2 Byzantium

Imperial Parsons 3 - 4 Philadelphia Quakers

Bronze .243 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Glendale 3 Glendale ? Glendale 3 Burlington 2 Burlington
0 Aheggs' ? Burlington 1 Castlewood
2 Aheggs' 2 Castlewood
1 Future Legends 4 Glendale 4 Burlington 1 St. Louie
3 Tacoma 2 Spring Grove
2 Florida 2 Salisbury
0 Minnesota 2 Florida 2 Salisbury 0 Republic of Texas
3 Tacoma 3 Spring Grove
0 - 0 -
2 Tacoma 2 Spring Grove

Glendale Suave House 1 - 4 Burlington Bees

Bronze .244 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Beltre 3 Beltre ? Beltre 3 Forest Glen 2 Forest Glen
2 KIA ? Greenisland 2 Grande Prairie
1 Aston 1 New York
2 KIA 4 Beltre 2 Forest Glen 2 Grande Prairie
1 Carolina 4 Greenisland
0 Colorado Springs 2 Greenisland
2 Carolina 3 Carolina 3 Greenisland 1 Ann Arbor
0 Noyo Bay 0 Homestead
0 - 0 -
2 Noyo Bay 2 Homestead

Beltre Buddies TTC 1 - 4 Greenisland Blue Jays

Bronze .245 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wasatch 3 Wasatch ? Wasatch 3 Duesseldorf 2 Duesseldorf
0 Macon ? Keweenaw Peninsula 1 Jersey
2 Macon 0 Brooks
1 Midtown 4 Wasatch 3 Duesseldorf 2 Jersey
3 Strongsville 4 Keweenaw Peninsula
1 Chungju 0 Alpena
2 Dallas 0 Dallas 2 Roosevelt 2 Roosevelt
3 Strongsville 3 Keweenaw Peninsula
0 - 0 -
2 Strongsville 2 Keweenaw Peninsula

Wasatch MoTaurs 4 - 3 Keweenaw Peninsula Brewers

Bronze .246 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul Hannams 2 Seoul Hannams ? Hackettstown 3 Chi City 2 Chi City
3 Beaune ? Queem City 2 Parkwood
1 Petersham 2 Parkwood
2 Beaune 3 Beaune 2 Chi City 1 Hagerstown
4 Hackettstown 4 Queem City
0 Mr Yiff's 0 Berlin
2 Nashville 1 Nashville 0 Hawthorne 2 Hawthorne
3 Hackettstown 3 Queem City
0 - 0 -
2 Hackettstown 2 Queem City

Hackettstown Whistle Pigs 2 - 4 Queem City Queemers

Bronze .247 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Daejeon St. SimDang 3 Daejeon St. SimDang ? Daejeon St. SimDang 2 Brethren 2 Brethren
2 Yorkshire ? Toronto 3 No Joke
2 Yorkshire 0 Dunkirk
0 Long Beach 4 Daejeon St. SimDang 2 No Joke 2 No Joke
1 KZoo 4 Toronto
0 Toronto 2 Toronto
2 Disneyland 2 Disneyland 3 Toronto 0 Southern
3 KZoo 1 Ashland
0 - 0 -
2 KZoo 2 Ashland

Daejeon St. SimDang Holy Bread 3 - 4 Toronto Sluggers

Bronze .248 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pumpkin Spice 2 Pumpkin Spice ? Radium 3 Str8 of Juan de Fuca 2 Str8 of Juan de Fuca
3 Fargo ? Str8 of Juan de Fuca 2 Indianapolis
2 Fargo 1 Seattle
1 Kyiv 0 Fargo 4 Str8 of Juan de Fuca 2 Indianapolis
4 Radium 1 Win
2 Radium 0 Moreno Valley
1 Crofton 3 Radium 1 Elder 2 Elder
0 Tahiti 3 Win
0 - 0 -
2 Tahiti 2 Win

Radium Curies 3 - 4 Str8 of Juan de Fuca Fearsome Phantoms

Bronze .249 - Bronze Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 3 Busan ? Busan 3 brent 2 brent
0 Duluth ? brent 1 London
0 Brookfield 0 Miami
2 Duluth 4 Busan 4 brent 2 London
0 Alabama 2 Suwon
2 Las Vegas 2 Suwon
0 Ottawa 2 Las Vegas 3 Suwon 1 Brooklyn
3 Alabama 2 Frederick
0 - 0 -
2 Alabama 2 Frederick

Busan Seagulls 4 - 1 brent Ocelots

Iron .150 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wilmington 3 Wilmington ? Wilmington 1 Berkeley 2 Berkeley
2 Sagebrush ? Springfield 3 Springfield
2 Sagebrush 1 Ottawa
1 Taiwan 4 Wilmington 4 Springfield 2 Springfield
2 Howard 3 Gibson
0 Easton 1 Columbus
2 Melbourne 2 Melbourne 3 Gibson 2 Gibson
3 Howard 1 OK
0 - 0 -
2 Howard 2 OK

Wilmington Derechos 3 - 4 Springfield Isotopes

Iron .151 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 0 Baltimore ? Boston 3 Niagara 2 Niagara
3 Boston ? Niagara 0 Cherry Hill
2 Boston 0 Baltimore
0 Hawksdale 4 Boston 4 Niagara 2 Cherry Hill
3 Kingsport 3 West Babylon
1 Quebec City 2 Fountain City
2 Cocoa Beach 1 Cocoa Beach 1 Fountain City 0 Larsen Bay
3 Kingsport 3 West Babylon
0 - 0 -
2 Kingsport 2 West Babylon

Boston Beaneaters 3 - 4 Niagara Rivermen

Iron .152 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Racine 3 Racine ? Racine 1 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
1 Gainesville ? Plant City 3 Riverside
2 Gainesville 0 Sao Paulo
0 Columbus 4 Racine 2 Riverside 2 Riverside
1 Shangri-La 4 Plant City
2 Red Oak 0 Grass Tappers
0 Gloucester Fishermen 1 Red Oak 2 Hartford 2 Hartford
3 Shangri-La 3 Plant City
0 - 0 -
2 Shangri-La 2 Plant City

Racine Break Tides 4 - 3 Plant City Strawberries

Iron .153 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hagers Island 0 Hagers Island ? Northport 0 California 2 California
3 Oklahoma City ? Sunnyvale Mustard 3 Sun City
1 Disposable 2 Sun City
2 Oklahoma City 2 Oklahoma City 3 Sun City 1 Bedrock
4 Northport 4 Sunnyvale Mustard
0 Schuylkill 2 Sunnyvale Mustard
2 Northport 3 Northport 3 Sunnyvale Mustard 0 Long Island
1 North Pole 1 Kingston
0 - 0 -
2 North Pole 2 Kingston

Northport Zephyrs 4 - 0 Sunnyvale Mustard Tigers

Iron .154 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Laurentides 0 Laurentides ? Sakonnet 3 Hamtramck 2 Hamtramck
3 Wellesley ? Hamtramck 0 Geoje
1 Oxnard 1 Springfeild
2 Wellesley 2 Wellesley 4 Hamtramck 2 Geoje
4 Sakonnet 3 Columbus
2 Sakonnet 0 Mount
1 New York 3 Sakonnet 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
1 East Point 1 Wyomissing
0 - 0 -
2 East Point 2 Wyomissing

Sakonnet Bay Sox 4 - 3 Hamtramck Hamsters

Iron .155 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Markham 3 Markham ? Markham 2 P-Ville 2 P-Ville
0 Hamilton ? Long Island 3 Long Island
0 Minot 0 Quebec City
2 Hamilton 4 Markham 4 Long Island 2 Long Island
0 Knockemstiff 1 Louisville
0 Madison 0 Houston
2 Knockemstiff 3 Knockemstiff 3 Louisville 2 Louisville
1 Montreal 2 Galla Creek
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Galla Creek

Markham Buffaloes 4 - 2 Long Island Lightning

Iron .156 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Delco Bees 3 Delco Bees ? South End 0 Baden 2 Baden
0 New Berlin ? Indianapolis 3 Naubinway
0 Forest Hills 1 Philly
2 New Berlin 1 Delco Bees 0 Naubinway 2 Naubinway
4 South End 4 Indianapolis
2 Pleasant Ridge 0 Pittsburgh
0 Compton 0 Pleasant Ridge 2 Duck Duck 2 Duck Duck
3 South End 3 Indianapolis
0 - 0 -
2 South End 2 Indianapolis

South End Fluffy Puppies 4 - 1 Indianapolis Braves

Iron .157 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sanford 0 Sanford ? Yeoido LG 2 New Bern 2 New Bern
3 Yeoido LG ? Death Valley 3 Death Valley
0 Otawara 0 Little River
2 Yeoido LG 4 Yeoido LG 4 Death Valley 2 Death Valley
1 Seoul 3 Port Charlotte
0 Albuquerque 0 Random City
2 New York 1 New York 2 Cleveland Heights 2 Cleveland Heights
3 Seoul 3 Port Charlotte
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 2 Port Charlotte

Yeoido LG Twins 4 - 0 Death Valley Scorpions

Iron .158 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Glasgow 3 Glasgow ? Langhorne 2 Ojochal 2 Ojochal
2 Darmstadt ? Goodking 3 Citrus Heights
0 New York 1 Columbia
2 Darmstadt 0 Glasgow 2 Citrus Heights 2 Citrus Heights
4 Langhorne 4 Goodking
2 Evanston 0 Sterling Park
1 St. Louis 0 Evanston 0 Wichita 2 Wichita
3 Langhorne 3 Goodking
0 - 0 -
2 Langhorne 2 Goodking

Langhorne Baseball Club 1 - 4 Goodking Gobbygobs

Iron .159 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ACME 3 ACME ? ACME 1 Tardis City 2 Tardis City
2 Denver ? Schwerin 3 Schwerin
2 Denver 1 Cleveland
0 Ottawa 4 ACME 4 Schwerin 2 Schwerin
1 Packstroville 3 Baldur's Gate
0 Atlantic City 1 Lehigh Valley
2 Seattle 2 Seattle 0 Yokohama 2 Yokohama
3 Packstroville 3 Baldur's Gate
0 - 0 -
2 Packstroville 2 Baldur's Gate

ACME Cyote's 1 - 4 Schwerin Diamonds

Iron .160 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Abra-Laba 0 Abra-Laba ? Las Vegas 3 San Jose 2 San Jose
3 Las Vegas ? SAMSUNG 1 Zoetermeer
1 Broad Street 2 Zoetermeer
2 Las Vegas 4 Las Vegas 2 San Jose 0 San Diego
2 Bajor 4 SAMSUNG
2 Bajor 2 Emaw
0 Glentworth 3 Bajor 0 Emaw 0 Danby Pond
1 Orlando 3 SAMSUNG
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 2 SAMSUNG

Las Vegas Silver Knights 1 - 4 SAMSUNG Lions

Iron .161 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Candler 3 Candler ? Candler 1 Easton 2 Easton
1 Chesterfield ? Arecibo 3 Arecibo
2 Chesterfield 1 Sugar Land
1 Freehold 4 Candler 4 Arecibo 2 Arecibo
1 Brockton 2 THE DIRTIER
1 Kentucky Villians 2 THE DIRTIER
2 Appleton 1 Appleton 3 THE DIRTIER 0 Dover
3 Brockton 0 California
0 - 0 -
2 Brockton 2 California

Candler Candlers 4 - 2 Arecibo Capitanes

Iron .162 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Richmond 0 Richmond ? Baltimore 2 Daejeon 2 Daejeon
3 San Jose ? Big Red 3 Dewey
1 Los Gatos 1 Heath
2 San Jose 1 San Jose 3 Dewey 2 Dewey
4 Baltimore 4 Big Red
1 Detroit 1 Minneapolis
2 Roshar 0 Roshar 1 St Louis 2 St Louis
3 Baltimore 3 Big Red
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 2 Big Red

Baltimore Orioloes 3 - 4 Big Red Machine

Iron .163 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pawtucket 3 Pawtucket ? Pawtucket 3 NFL 2 NFL
1 Woodstock ? NFL 1 Kansas City
0 Cookeville 1 SKKU
2 Woodstock 4 Pawtucket 4 NFL 2 Kansas City
2 Lowell 2 Beantown
0 Minneapolis 1 Kansas City
2 Lowell 3 Lowell 3 Beantown 2 Beantown
1 Oak Creek 1 Bangor
0 - 0 -
2 Oak Creek 2 Bangor

Pawtucket Barracudas 4 - 1 NFL Rough Draft

Iron .164 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Big Cannon Creek 0 Big Cannon Creek ? Pulaski 2 Keego Harbor 2 Keego Harbor
3 Pulaski ? Cassopolis 3 Cassopolis
0 Trout City 2 Cassopolis
2 Pulaski 4 Pulaski 4 Cassopolis 1 Smackover
2 Mississauga 1 AuTrain
2 Mississauga 1 Serpent River
0 Hawkeye 3 Mississauga 1 Bruce Crossing 2 Bruce Crossing
0 Middle Village 3 AuTrain
0 - 0 -
2 Middle Village 2 AuTrain

Pulaski Pole Dancers 2 - 4 Cassopolis Litterboxers

Iron .165 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brownsville 3 Brownsville ? Brooks 3 Fells Point 2 Fells Point
1 Barstool ? T-Town 1 Ontwa
2 Barstool 0 Ottawa
1 Shawnee 3 Brownsville 3 Fells Point 2 Ontwa
4 Brooks 4 T-Town
0 Mound City 0 Ocala
2 Brooks 3 Brooks 0 Austin 2 Austin
1 emma 3 T-Town
0 - 0 -
2 emma 2 T-Town

Brooks Barrelmen 2 - 4 T-Town Freebirds

Iron .166 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 New York ? Peking 0 Houston 2 Houston
3 Peking ? Middletown 3 Floyd Valley
2 Peking 2 Floyd Valley
1 Apex 4 Peking 2 Floyd Valley 0 Bethlehem
2 Tombstone 4 Middletown
1 420 2 Middletown
2 Tombstone 3 Tombstone 3 Middletown 1 Long Island
1 Wheatland 1 CIT
0 - 0 -
2 Wheatland 2 CIT

Peking Ducks 2 - 4 Middletown Dreamers

Iron .167 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Quezon City 3 Quezon City ? Quezon City 3 Sooke 2 Sooke
2 Frankford ? Sooke 1 San Francisco
0 Baltimore 1 Charlotte
2 Frankford 4 Quezon City 4 Sooke 2 San Francisco
3 Parkland 2 Florence
0 Virginia 2 Gunpo
2 Parkland 3 Parkland 0 Gunpo 0 London
0 Tell Em 3 Florence
0 - 0 -
2 Tell Em 2 Florence

Quezon City Questants 4 - 2 Sooke Thunderbirds

Iron .168 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mogadishu 3 Mogadishu ? Mogadishu 1 Georgetown 2 Georgetown
1 Drexel Heights ? Tulufan 3 Silent
1 Werribee 0 Orange County
2 Drexel Heights 4 Mogadishu 2 Silent 2 Silent
0 Conejo Valley 4 Tulufan
1 Cleveland 1 Kaysville
2 Parkville 1 Parkville 3 Tulufan 2 Tulufan
3 Conejo Valley 0 Kodiak
0 - 0 -
2 Conejo Valley 2 Kodiak

Mogadishu Moggers 4 - 3 Tulufan Comrades

Iron .169 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toyko Yakult 0 Toyko Yakult ? Cambridge 2 Lafayette 2 Lafayette
3 Cambridge ? Henderson 3 Indiana
0 Detroit 1 Santos
2 Cambridge 4 Cambridge 2 Indiana 2 Indiana
2 Edmonton 4 Henderson
1 LA 1 Fayetteville
2 Edmonton 3 Edmonton 3 Henderson 2 Henderson
1 Screamin' 0 Hartford
0 - 0 -
2 Screamin' 2 Hartford

Cambridge Pocockians 0 - 4 Henderson Ironmen

Iron .170 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boone 2 Boone ? Mercedes 2 Gold Coast 2 Gold Coast
3 Toender ? Zyns 3 Philadelphia
0 Regina 1 Tullamarine
2 Toender 0 Toender 1 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
4 Mercedes 4 Zyns
2 New Haven 2 Zyns
1 Jeju 0 New Haven 3 Zyns 0 Ridge
3 Mercedes 1 Delmarva
0 - 0 -
2 Mercedes 2 Delmarva

Mercedes CLA250 4 - 0 Zyns Above Replacement

Iron .171 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 1 Minneapolis ? Clinton 3 OK 2 OK
3 Clinton ? OK 0 South Jersey
1 Fenway Park 2 South Jersey
2 Clinton 4 Clinton 4 OK 1 Concord
1 Dublin 1 San Antonio
2 Sharpe's 2 San Antonio
0 Lynchburg 1 Sharpe's 3 San Antonio 0 Olympique
3 Dublin 2 Kansas City
0 - 0 -
2 Dublin 2 Kansas City

Clinton Bolts 1 - 4 OK Reign

Iron .172 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Junk Wax 3 Junk Wax ? Junk Wax 3 Medellin 2 Medellin
0 Dallas ? Medellin 1 Chicago
2 Dallas 1 Dukes
1 Gunpo 4 Junk Wax 4 Medellin 2 Chicago
3 Quebec 0 Backdoor
0 Linglestown 2 Backdoor
2 Woodland 1 Woodland 3 Backdoor 1 Croton
3 Quebec 2 Bedford
0 - 0 -
2 Quebec 2 Bedford

Junk Wax Jokers 1 - 4 Medellin Narcos

Iron .173 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Harbor Springs 3 Harbor Springs ? Harbor Springs 3 Queen City 2 Queen City
2 Chernobyl ? Queen City 0 London
2 Chernobyl 2 London
1 Motor City 4 Harbor Springs 4 Queen City 1 Sydney
3 Levittown 0 Blackfoot
1 Orlando 0 Camillus
2 Levittown 3 Levittown 3 Blackfoot 2 Blackfoot
2 Chelsea 2 Grabill
0 - 0 -
2 Chelsea 2 Grabill

Harbor Springs Resorters 0 - 4 Queen City Monarchs

Iron .174 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kenner 3 Kenner ? Kenner 1 Waterford 2 Waterford
1 Sarasota ? Lovettsville 3 Lovettsville
0 Lotte 2 Lovettsville
2 Sarasota 4 Kenner 4 Lovettsville 1 Ofallon
2 Oneida 3 CHANG_WON_36
2 Votto's 1 Marble
1 Taipei 2 Votto's 3 CHANG_WON_36 2 CHANG_WON_36
3 Oneida 1 Schenectady
0 - 0 -
2 Oneida 2 Schenectady

Kenner Valkyrie 2 - 4 Lovettsville Loons

Iron .175 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Skagit City 3 Skagit City ? Skagit City 2 Frankfurt 2 Frankfurt
0 Lake Placid ? W-Down 3 W-Down
2 Lake Placid 0 Show Low
1 Folsom 4 Skagit City 4 W-Down 2 W-Down
3 ChoiKang 1 Boulder
2 Chicago 1 Hanwha
1 Madison 2 Chicago 3 Boulder 2 Boulder
3 ChoiKang 1 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 ChoiKang 2 San Diego

Skagit City Railers 1 - 4 W-Down Hrairoo

Iron .176 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Burlington 3 Burlington ? Burlington 2 Muncie 2 Muncie
0 Bellingham ? Wyoming 3 Baseball
2 Bellingham 0 Ottawa Valley
1 Wan Diego 4 Burlington 1 Baseball 2 Baseball
1 Sanford 4 Wyoming
1 Iowa 2 Lincoln
2 Point Roberts 1 Point Roberts 1 Lincoln 1 Pescadero
3 Sanford 3 Wyoming
0 - 0 -
2 Sanford 2 Wyoming

Burlington Boomers 4 - 2 Wyoming Wolf Pack

Iron .177 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Corpus Christi 3 Corpus Christi ? Cape Coral 3 1 900 Mexico City 2 1 900 Mexico City
1 Lickington ? Katahdin 2 Greely
2 Lickington 1 Dohren
1 Pellston 0 Corpus Christi 3 1 900 Mexico City 2 Greely
4 Cape Coral 4 Katahdin
0 Aptos 1 Springfield
2 Cape Coral 3 Cape Coral 1 Rancho Cucamonga 2 Rancho Cucamonga
1 upcoming 3 Katahdin
0 - 0 -
2 upcoming 2 Katahdin

Cape Coral Fire Ants 4 - 3 Katahdin Mountaineers

Iron .178 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 3 Cincinnati ? Los Angeles 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
0 Ktown ? Chicago 2 El Norte
0 Mexico City 0 Norfolk
2 Ktown 1 Cincinnati 4 Chicago 2 El Norte
4 Los Angeles 2 Eau Claire
2 Los Angeles 1 ICC
0 Dock Ellis 3 Los Angeles 3 Eau Claire 2 Eau Claire
2 Wallaby Way 1 Houston
0 - 0 -
2 Wallaby Way 2 Houston

Los Angeles Shadow Knights 4 - 3 Chicago Whales

Iron .179 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Winslow 2 Winslow ? STMDB 2 Santa Monica 2 Santa Monica
3 STMDB ? iPad 3 iPad
0 Hyde Park 2 iPad
2 STMDB 4 STMDB 4 iPad 0 Sarasota
1 Cincinnati 2 Golden
0 OK 2 Philadelphia
2 Pretend 2 Pretend 2 Philadelphia 1 Tampa
3 Cincinnati 3 Golden
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Golden

STMDB ALL STARS 3 - 4 iPad Kids

Iron .180 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? Portland 3 Miami 2 Miami
2 Texas ? Chicago 1 Bayfield
0 Omaha 1 Winter
2 Texas 4 Portland 1 Miami 2 Bayfield
2 Chestermere 4 Chicago
2 Chestermere 1 Low Country
1 Joliet 3 Chestermere 0 Monroe 2 Monroe
1 Lemoore 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Lemoore 2 Chicago

Portland 69ers 3 - 4 Chicago Water Monsters

Iron .181 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 3 Long Island ? Long Island 1 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
0 Lake Dallas ? Eagle Pass 3 Humpty Doo
0 Broken Arrow 0 Rolla
2 Lake Dallas 4 Long Island 2 Humpty Doo 2 Humpty Doo
3 Nissan 4 Eagle Pass
0 North Melbourne 0 Orbital
2 Houston 2 Houston 2 Sun City Center 2 Sun City Center
3 Nissan 3 Eagle Pass
0 - 0 -
2 Nissan 2 Eagle Pass

Long Island Lions 1 - 4 Eagle Pass Nighthawks

Iron .182 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Peoria 1 Peoria ? Gashouse 2 St Paul 2 St Paul
3 Bunker ? Budman 3 Budman
2 Bunker 2 Budman
1 Wasteland 2 Bunker 4 Budman 0 Auburn
4 Gashouse 1 Fairview
2 Gashouse 1 Lisbon
0 Hod Carriers 3 Gashouse 3 Fairview 2 Fairview
1 Giant Inflatable 1 Istanbul
0 - 0 -
2 Giant Inflatable 2 Istanbul

Gashouse Gorillas 4 - 1 Budman Airmen

Iron .183 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SEGA 2 SEGA ? Sustainable 3 Louisville 2 Louisville
3 Rensselaerswyck ? Louisville 1 Abner Doubleday's
2 Rensselaerswyck 2 Abner Doubleday's
1 Whichita 2 Rensselaerswyck 4 Louisville 0 Gabino and the
4 Sustainable 2 Stargell
1 TEAM 2 Stargell
2 West Coast 1 West Coast 3 Stargell 1 EVC's Dodgers
3 Sustainable 2 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Sustainable 2 Detroit

Sustainable Livelihood TTC 2 - 4 Louisville Sticks 'n' Bone TTC

Iron .184 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 3 Phoenix ? Phoenix 3 El Paso 2 El Paso
1 Union ? Highland Park 0 OK
0 Juneau 2 OK
2 Union 4 Phoenix 3 El Paso 1 Lost Monks of
1 Kenora 4 Highland Park
0 Port Royal 1 Chicago
2 My oh My 1 My oh My 0 Bucknell 2 Bucknell
3 Kenora 3 Highland Park
0 - 0 -
2 Kenora 2 Highland Park

Phoenix Music 4 - 3 Highland Park Tacos

Iron .185 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Milan 1 Milan ? Catalina 1 Blaine 2 Blaine
3 Catalina ? St. James 3 St. James
1 Oakville 1 Minto
2 Catalina 4 Catalina 4 St. James 2 St. James
2 Spartan 1 Columbus
0 Montana 1 Logan Square
2 Spartan 3 Spartan 2 West Point 2 West Point
1 Arizona 3 Columbus
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 Columbus

Catalina Bisons 2 - 4 St. James Centurions

Iron .186 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Madrid 3 Madrid ? Madrid 3 Amarillo 2 Amarillo
2 Manhattan ? Amarillo 2 Scranton
2 Manhattan 2 Scranton
0 Bismarck 4 Madrid 4 Amarillo 1 Bucket
2 Rustville 3 Brisbane
2 Cannon Beach 2 Fukuoka
1 Herts 0 Cannon Beach 0 Fukuoka 0 Gourmet
3 Rustville 3 Brisbane
0 - 0 -
2 Rustville 2 Brisbane

Madrid Tortugas 4 - 0 Amarillo Sod Poodles

Iron .187 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanna 2 Atlanna ? Mannheim 2 Pittsford 2 Pittsford
3 The Good News ? Brooklyn 3 The Scientific
0 Ningyho 1 AOBA
2 The Good News 1 The Good News 2 The Scientific 2 The Scientific
4 Mannheim 4 Brooklyn
1 Newnan 0 Lauderdale Lakes
2 Jeffersontown 1 Jeffersontown 2 New York 2 New York
3 Mannheim 3 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Mannheim 2 Brooklyn

Mannheim Mashers 4 - 0 Brooklyn Brawlers

Iron .188 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 80s 3 80s ? 80s 3 Fargo 2 Fargo
1 Springfield ? Head-Smashed-In 1 Shelbourne
2 Springfield 2 Shelbourne
1 Delaware 4 80s 1 Fargo 0 Mid-Atlantic
1 Sixes 4 Head-Smashed-In
2 Lower Grovedale 1 Los Angeles
0 Sudbury 2 Lower Grovedale 2 Surprise 2 Surprise
3 Sixes 3 Head-Smashed-In
0 - 0 -
2 Sixes 2 Head-Smashed-In

80s GrEighties TTC 4 - 1 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump PCK

Iron .189 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ventura 3 Ventura ? Ventura 1 Akita 2 Akita
0 El Tamarindo ? Generic 3 Port Huron
0 Buckner 2 Port Huron
2 El Tamarindo 4 Ventura 1 Port Huron 1 St. Louis
1 Bellevue 4 Generic
0 Indianapolis 1 Neverwinter
2 Jeju 1 Jeju 0 Blackpool 2 Blackpool
3 Bellevue 3 Generic
0 - 0 -
2 Bellevue 2 Generic

Ventura Waves 1 - 4 Generic Baseball Team

Iron .190 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Colorado Springs 3 Colorado Springs ? Colorado Springs 3 Gnaw Bone 2 Gnaw Bone
2 Iowa ? Ivalice 1 Unoffensive Name
0 New York 1 Diamond
2 Iowa 4 Colorado Springs 3 Gnaw Bone 2 Unoffensive Name
0 Arizona 4 Ivalice
0 Lawndale 2 Prairie
2 Arizona 0 Arizona 1 Prairie 0 Massachusetts
3 Arizona 3 Ivalice
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 2 Ivalice

Colorado Springs Aggies 1 - 4 Ivalice Ancients

Iron .191 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Bell 3 Findlay 2 Findlay
2 Fishhawk ? Findlay 0 Merrick
1 Gilby 0 Toronto
2 Fishhawk 1 Brooklyn 4 Findlay 2 Merrick
4 Bell 1 Techtown
2 Roswell 1 Earth
1 Macclesfield 2 Roswell 3 Techtown 2 Techtown
3 Bell 1 BANNED
0 - 0 -
2 Bell 2 BANNED

Bell Tolls 4 - 2 Findlay Brew Crew

Iron .192 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jones County 3 Jones County ? Jones County 3 Mount Helix 2 Mount Helix
2 Gainesville ? Mount Helix 0 Mexico
2 Gainesville 2 Mexico
0 Fort Myers 4 Jones County 4 Mount Helix 1 The
2 Yung 2 Jamville
0 Mckinney North 0 State Line
2 Yung 3 Yung 3 Jamville 2 Jamville
1 Oakville 0 Miramar
0 - 0 -
2 Oakville 2 Miramar

Jones County One-Eyed Jacks 4 - 2 Mount Helix Roundhouses

Iron .193 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hsinchu 1 Hsinchu ? Bartram Park 1 Beijing 2 Beijing
3 Barcelona ? Agirapo 3 Agirapo
0 Kingston 1 Silverdale
2 Barcelona 3 Barcelona 4 Agirapo 2 Agirapo
4 Bartram Park 2 Atlanta
2 North Van 0 Baskin
0 Phoenix 1 North Van 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
3 Bartram Park 1 Ogden
0 - 0 -
2 Bartram Park 2 Ogden

Bartram Park Floridians 3 - 4 Agirapo Lions

Iron .194 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 1 Houston ? UCF 3 So Pink and 2 So Pink and
3 Columbia ? Billings 0 Toledo
2 Columbia 0 Lotte
0 Busan 2 Columbia 2 So Pink and 2 Toledo
4 UCF 4 Billings
0 Shadow 2 Seattle
2 UCF 3 UCF 1 Seattle 0 Frederic
2 Rapid City 3 Billings
0 - 0 -
2 Rapid City 2 Billings

UCF Knights 4 - 1 Billings Cowboys

Iron .195 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 0 Columbus ? Rancho Cucamonga 0 Narnia 2 Narnia
3 Rancho Cucamonga ? Mississauga 3 Hamner's
1 Kansas City 1 Montreal
2 Rancho Cucamonga 4 Rancho Cucamonga 1 Hamner's 2 Hamner's
1 Corpus Christi 4 Mississauga
1 London 0 Newark
2 DANDRIDGE 2 DANDRIDGE 2 Koufax 2 Koufax
3 Corpus Christi 3 Mississauga
0 - 0 -
2 Corpus Christi 2 Mississauga

Rancho Cucamonga Quakes 4 - 3 Mississauga Goons

Iron .196 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Liverpool 3 Liverpool ? Liverpool 2 Gainesville 2 Gainesville
1 BV Lakes ? Montreal 3 Montreal
2 BV Lakes 0 Cincinnati
0 MELBOURNE 4 Liverpool 4 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 Islip 2 Andong
2 San Leandro 0 Myrtle Beach
0 Frankenthal 1 San Leandro 2 Sedley 2 Sedley
3 Islip 3 Andong
0 - 0 -
2 Islip 2 Andong

Liverpool Sea Wolves 4 - 1 Montreal MooMoos

Iron .197 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Paso 3 El Paso ? El Paso 3 Charlotte Crabs 2 Charlotte Crabs
2 Madison ? Charlotte Crabs 1 Kalispell
2 Madison 1 Roshar
1 New Haven 4 El Paso 4 Charlotte Crabs 2 Kalispell
0 Motor City 3 Kawaii Degenerates
2 Philadelphia 0 Somerville
1 Auburn 2 Philadelphia 3 Kawaii Degenerates 2 Kawaii Degenerates
3 Motor City 1 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Motor City 2 Pittsburgh

El Paso Diablos 3 - 4 Charlotte Crabs CC

Iron .198 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Park 3 South Park ? Chicago 1 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
1 Hanoi ? Precious 3 Precious
0 Monterey 1 Santa Monica
2 Hanoi 2 South Park 4 Precious 2 Precious
4 Chicago 2 Melbourne
1 Rockville 2 Minnesota
2 El Paso 1 El Paso 1 Minnesota 0 Jacksboro
3 Chicago 3 Melbourne
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Melbourne

Chicago Coaches 4 - 2 Precious Bellas

Iron .199 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hampton Saint 1 Hampton Saint ? Pennsylvania 2 Orcutt 2 Orcutt
3 Long Island ? Hudson NY 3 Kalamazoo
2 Long Island 0 Austin
1 Merica 3 Long Island 2 Kalamazoo 2 Kalamazoo
4 Pennsylvania 4 Hudson NY
0 Greenville 0 Athens
2 Pennsylvania 3 Pennsylvania 3 Hudson NY 2 Hudson NY
2 Fall River 2 Strasburg
0 - 0 -
2 Fall River 2 Strasburg

Pennsylvania Chumps 4 - 1 Hudson NY Whales

Iron .200 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tunaville 2 Tunaville ? Tomnavoulin 3 Cityname 2 Cityname
3 Tomnavoulin ? Cityname 1 Asheville
2 Tomnavoulin 1 Fruity Drink Tiny
1 Hometown 4 Tomnavoulin 4 Cityname 2 Asheville
2 Brooklyn 2 Tlaquepaque
1 Sunderland 0 Dagmar's
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn 3 Tlaquepaque 2 Tlaquepaque
1 West Coast 2 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 West Coast 2 Toronto

Tomnavoulin Nasty Tigers 4 - 2 Cityname Sportsballers

Iron .201 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Linlithgow 3 Linlithgow ? Linlithgow 2 Southgate 2 Southgate
1 Oakland ? Velletri 3 Velletri
2 Oakland 2 Velletri
0 Syracuse 4 Linlithgow 4 Velletri 0 San Jose
1 Overrated 3 Furious George
2 Toronto 2 Furious George
1 Bluefield 0 Toronto 3 Furious George 0 Brocton
3 Overrated 1 ROMA
0 - 0 -
2 Overrated 2 ROMA

Linlithgow Roses 4 - 3 Velletri Cadets

Iron .202 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Crystal 3 Lake Crystal ? Lake Crystal 3 Ted Williams 2 Ted Williams
0 Hollister ? Ted Williams 0 Schultz
0 Palmdale 0 Mendham
2 Hollister 4 Lake Crystal 4 Ted Williams 2 Schultz
2 Bridgeport 1 Seattle
1 Stevens Point 1 Cracklesmack
2 Bridgeport 3 Bridgeport 3 Seattle 2 Seattle
0 Fayetteville 0 Buffalo
0 - 0 -
2 Fayetteville 2 Buffalo

Lake Crystal Loons 3 - 4 Ted Williams Flying Fortress

Iron .203 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? Philadelphia 3 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
2 Hagafell ? Spring 2 Anaheim
2 Hagafell 0 Orlando
0 Elizabeth 4 Philadelphia 1 Baltimore 2 Anaheim
3 Rochester 4 Spring
1 Staten Island 2 Spring
2 Braavos 2 Braavos 3 Spring 0 Sheffield
3 Rochester 0 Milpitas
0 - 0 -
2 Rochester 2 Milpitas

Philadelphia Eagles 4 - 1 Spring Breakers

Iron .204 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 1 Long Island ? Minnesota 3 Penarth 2 Penarth
3 Minnesota ? Penarth 2 Buckshot Landing
1 Olympia 1 Stafford Springs
2 Minnesota 4 Minnesota 4 Penarth 2 Buckshot Landing
0 Detroit 2 Minnesota
2 Detroit 2 Minnesota
1 Bikini Bottom 3 Detroit 3 Minnesota 0 Los Angeles
1 Santa Barbara 2 San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Santa Barbara 2 San Diego

Minnesota Timberwolves 4 - 2 Penarth Bears

Iron .205 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Boston 1 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
1 Chicago ? Binghamton 3 Binghamton
1 Willenhall 0 Lexington
2 Chicago 3 Chicago 4 Binghamton 2 Binghamton
4 Boston 2 Detroit
2 Boston 0 Roseville
1 Northgate 3 Boston 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
1 Connecticut 2 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 2 Philadelphia

Boston Cops 2 - 4 Binghamton Rumble Ponies

Iron .206 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 0 Dallas ? Pikelake 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
3 Pikelake ? Mogadore 2 Brescia
2 Pikelake 2 Brescia
1 Genovia 4 Pikelake 2 Seoul 0 Charlotte
2 Tucson 4 Mogadore
2 Egyptian 1 Cedar Rapids
1 Baseball 2 Egyptian 1 Ryushen 2 Ryushen
3 Tucson 3 Mogadore
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Mogadore

Pikelake Greenheads 4 - 2 Mogadore Wildcats

Iron .207 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mars 2 Mars ? Coal Township 1 East Blue 2 East Blue
3 Coal Township ? Baltimore 3 Baltimore
0 St Paul 1 Vancouver
2 Coal Township 4 Coal Township 4 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
1 John Henry's 3 Aberfeldie
1 Golden 0 Kung Fu
2 Hawaii 2 Hawaii 2 Woodland 2 Woodland
3 John Henry's 3 Aberfeldie
0 - 0 -
2 John Henry's 2 Aberfeldie

Coal Township Miners 3 - 4 Baltimore Bandits

Iron .208 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tini 3 Tini ? Tini 3 Bradley Street 2 Bradley Street
0 Saginaw ? Bradley Street 1 Canton
1 Scranton 2 Canton
2 Saginaw 4 Tini 4 Bradley Street 0 Jobu's
3 Pohang 1 Midsommer
2 Pohang 0 The
1 Orlando 3 Pohang 2 Broomfield 2 Broomfield
2 Robinwood 3 Midsommer
0 - 0 -
2 Robinwood 2 Midsommer

Tini Winis 0 - 4 Bradley Street Muskrats

Iron .209 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 1 Seattle ? Santa Maria 3 Chico 2 Chico
3 Fairfield ? Chico 1 La Plaine
1 Team 1 Madison
2 Fairfield 2 Fairfield 4 Chico 2 La Plaine
4 Santa Maria 1 Baseball
2 Sky Valley 2 New York
0 Baseball 1 Sky Valley 0 New York 1 Tampico
3 Santa Maria 3 Baseball
0 - 0 -
2 Santa Maria 2 Baseball

Santa Maria Jays 3 - 4 Chico Heat

Iron .210 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 1 Tucson ? Maltese 0 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Boulder ? Worcester 3 San Diego
0 Canadia 2 San Diego
2 Boulder 3 Boulder 2 San Diego 1 I10
4 Maltese 4 Worcester
2 KIA 1 Hackensack
1 Gettysburg 1 KIA 0 Calgary 2 Calgary
3 Maltese 3 Worcester
0 - 0 -
2 Maltese 2 Worcester

Maltese Terriers 4 - 3 Worcester Wicked Worms

Iron .211 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 3 Seattle ? Seattle 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
0 Number 8 ? Bakersfield 2 Upcountry
2 Number 8 1 North Side
0 Chase 4 Seattle 1 Chicago 2 Upcountry
1 Cotati 4 Bakersfield
0 Hampton 1 Milwaukee
2 Vermont 2 Vermont 1 Sinuiju 2 Sinuiju
3 Cotati 3 Bakersfield
0 - 0 -
2 Cotati 2 Bakersfield

Seattle Mcmariners 4 - 2 Bakersfield Blazers

Iron .212 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Lansing 2 East Lansing ? Pennington 3 OV 2 OV
3 Whitby ? Kentucky 1 Miramichi
2 Whitby 2 Miramichi
1 Reno 2 Whitby 3 OV 1 Prince Edward County
4 Pennington 4 Kentucky
1 Ann Arbor 2 Kentucky
2 Oops 1 Oops 3 Kentucky 1 Round Table
3 Pennington 1 West Palm Beach
0 - 0 -
2 Pennington 2 West Palm Beach

Pennington Miners 1 - 4 Kentucky Thunderclucks

Iron .213 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 STMDB 2 STMDB ? Texas 3 Houghton 2 Houghton
3 Texas ? Houghton 1 Detroit
0 Marlinton 2 Detroit
2 Texas 4 Texas 4 Houghton 1 Beacon Hill
2 San Diego 1 Oklahoma
1 Chicago 1 Bristol County
2 San Diego 3 San Diego 3 Oklahoma 2 Oklahoma
0 Cumana 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Cumana 2 New York

Texas Stix 2 - 4 Houghton Dirty Dogs

Iron .214 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roma 3 Roma ? Imhotep 3 Rockford 2 Rockford
0 West Seattle ? Rockford 1 Boyoyon Boyoyon
2 West Seattle 2 Boyoyon Boyoyon
0 Carolina 2 Roma 4 Rockford 1 Dartford
4 Imhotep 1 Middletown
2 Notre Dame 2 Middletown
1 Petaluma 0 Notre Dame 3 Middletown 1 Tiananmen Square
3 Imhotep 0 Porkchop
0 - 0 -
2 Imhotep 2 Porkchop

Imhotep Robins 2 - 4 Rockford Peaches

Iron .215 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vanderbilt 3 Vanderbilt ? Vanderbilt 2 Terry Parker 2 Terry Parker
0 Dallas ? Boise 3 Boise
2 Dallas 1 North Royalton
1 San Diego 4 Vanderbilt 4 Boise 2 Boise
3 Montreal 2 Detroit
2 San Antonio 0 Ithaca
1 Catherine 0 San Antonio 1 Fort Wayne 2 Fort Wayne
3 Montreal 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 2 Detroit

Vanderbilt Vipers 4 - 2 Boise Expos

Iron .216 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 FLU 3 FLU ? FLU 2 Taiwan 2 Taiwan
1 Grand Junction ? Lime Ridge 3 London
2 Grand Junction 1 Taipei
0 Marmion 4 FLU 1 London 2 London
1 Mad Bear 4 Lime Ridge
2 Mad Bear 0 Columbus
1 Maple 3 Mad Bear 0 Anytown USA 2 Anytown USA
2 Kansas City 3 Lime Ridge
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 2 Lime Ridge

FLU Sickness 2 - 4 Lime Ridge Slimers

Iron .217 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pittsburgh 3 Pittsburgh ? West Hollywood 3 Going 2 Going
1 Birmingham ? Going 0 Dingerville
0 Lancaster 1 Badmoon
2 Birmingham 3 Pittsburgh 4 Going 2 Dingerville
4 West Hollywood 0 Jubilife
1 Athens 2 Jubilife
2 Des Moines 2 Des Moines 3 Jubilife 0 Missouri
3 West Hollywood 2 Sweet taters
0 - 0 -
2 West Hollywood 2 Sweet taters

West Hollywood Pride 4 - 2 Going Bonkers

Iron .218 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Falster 1 Falster ? Underground 2 New Forest 2 New Forest
3 Skeletor's ? New Bedford 3 Corio
0 Madison 2 Corio
2 Skeletor's 3 Skeletor's 2 Corio 1 Torrington CT
4 Underground 4 New Bedford
2 Charlotte 0 Tijuana
1 Asheville 2 Charlotte 1 Sioux Narrows 2 Sioux Narrows
3 Underground 3 New Bedford
0 - 0 -
2 Underground 2 New Bedford

Underground Turtlebears 4 - 1 New Bedford Typhoon

Iron .219 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mammoth 2 Mammoth ? Kentucky 3 Midland 2 Midland
3 Havana ? Midland 0 Los Angeles
2 Havana 0 Boston
1 Sunnyvale 3 Havana 4 Midland 2 Los Angeles
4 Kentucky 0 Tokyo
0 Syracuse 2 Tokyo
2 Kentucky 3 Kentucky 3 Tokyo 0 LearnedLeague
1 is that my name 2 Castrodelphia
0 - 0 -
2 is that my name 2 Castrodelphia

Kentucky Colonels 4 - 3 Midland Ravens

Iron .220 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rocky Ridge 1 Rocky Ridge ? Barrington 3 Ocean City 2 Ocean City
3 Barrington ? Ocean City 0 Silver Spring
0 Las Vegas 0 Daksquare
2 Barrington 4 Barrington 4 Ocean City 2 Silver Spring
0 Route 66 2 La Paz
2 Hermitage 2 Modesto
1 Rickenbacher 1 Hermitage 0 Modesto 1 Hamilton
3 Route 66 3 La Paz
0 - 0 -
2 Route 66 2 La Paz

Barrington Cubs 0 - 4 Ocean City Crab Rave

Iron .221 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montana 1 Montana ? Marshfield 3 MTV Times Square 2 MTV Times Square
3 Marshfield ? MTV Times Square 1 Anaheim
0 Prescott 2 Anaheim
2 Marshfield 4 Marshfield 4 MTV Times Square 0 Manitoba
3 Kannapolis 3 Swerve City
1 Chester 0 Sabattus Maine
2 Kannapolis 3 Kannapolis 3 Swerve City 2 Swerve City
2 Cologne 0 Roswell
0 - 0 -
2 Cologne 2 Roswell

Marshfield Pirates 0 - 4 MTV Times Square Total Request Live

Iron .222 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Korea 3 North Korea ? North Korea 3 Carolina 2 Carolina
1 Arioch's ? Iowa 0 Anyang
1 Take a Trip 2 Anyang
2 Arioch's 4 North Korea 1 Carolina 0 Springfield
1 Connecticut 4 Iowa
2 Camas 0 Arizona
1 St. Clair Shores 2 Camas 3 Iowa 2 Iowa
3 Connecticut 0 San Antonio
0 - 0 -
2 Connecticut 2 San Antonio

North Korea Rocketmen 2 - 4 Iowa Cornballers

Iron .223 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Compton 3 Compton ? Compton 1 Rancho Cucamonga 2 Rancho Cucamonga
1 Wichita ? Hagerstown 3 Madison
1 Philly 1 New Jersey
2 Wichita 4 Compton 3 Madison 2 Madison
0 Seattle 4 Hagerstown
0 Green City 2 Colorado Springs
2 Seattle 3 Seattle 1 Colorado Springs 1 Portland
2 Fntzio 3 Hagerstown
0 - 0 -
2 Fntzio 2 Hagerstown

Compton Crackers 3 - 4 Hagerstown Thunder Dogs

Iron .224 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 1 Houston ? Cincinnati 3 West Memphis 2 West Memphis
3 Cincinnati ? West Memphis 2 Knoxville
0 Rogue River 1 WarHamsterdam
2 Cincinnati 4 Cincinnati 4 West Memphis 2 Knoxville
3 Lexington 2 Carolina
0 Hong Kong 1 Wesley Chapel
2 Lexington 3 Lexington 0 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
1 Knoxville 3 Carolina
0 - 0 -
2 Knoxville 2 Carolina

Cincinnati Reds TTC 2 - 4 West Memphis Swamp Foxes

Iron .225 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Austin 1 Austin ? MIS 2 Fargo 2 Fargo
3 Winnipeg ? Philadelphia 3 South San Francisco
0 Boca Raton 1 Long Beach St.
2 Winnipeg 2 Winnipeg 2 South San Francisco 2 South San Francisco
4 MIS 4 Philadelphia
0 Chicago 2 Streator
2 Moscow 1 Moscow 2 Streator 0 Omaha
3 MIS 3 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 MIS 2 Philadelphia

MIS MIII 4 - 0 Philadelphia Freebirds

Iron .226 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Uncas Road 1 Uncas Road ? Gordita Beach 0 Los Alamitos 2 Los Alamitos
3 Gordita Beach ? Bime 3 Arizona
0 Ruffin 2 Arizona
2 Gordita Beach 4 Gordita Beach 1 Arizona 0 Newark
1 Downriver 4 Bime
2 Downriver 1 Milwaukee
0 Falcon Heights 3 Downriver 3 Bime 2 Bime
1 Sarasota 1 Rocket City
0 - 0 -
2 Sarasota 2 Rocket City

Gordita Beach Golden Fang 2 - 4 Bime Cruzers

Iron .227 - Iron Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Beach 3 Long Beach ? Niagara Falls 1 Hallandale 2 Hallandale
1 Jeju Island ? Mudeung 3 Mudeung
1 Houston 0 Star City
2 Jeju Island 2 Long Beach 4 Mudeung 2 Mudeung
4 Niagara Falls 3 Salt Lake
1 Brooklyn 0 Purdue
2 Niagara Falls 3 Niagara Falls 1 STMDB 2 STMDB
0 Mesa 3 Salt Lake
0 - 0 -
2 Mesa 2 Salt Lake

Niagara Falls Swingers 1 - 4 Mudeung Mountain

Stone .100 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Virginia Beach 2 Virginia Beach ? River City 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
3 New York City ? Columbus 0 Mississauga
0 Jabriya 1 Feerburg
2 New York City 3 New York City 4 Columbus 2 Mississauga
4 River City 2 Vigodaville
2 Pittsburgh 2 Mililani Town
0 Sacramento 1 Pittsburgh 1 Mililani Town 1 Oviedo
3 River City 3 Vigodaville
0 - 0 -
2 River City 2 Vigodaville

River City Showboats 4 - 1 Columbus Colonizers

Stone .101 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Moon Lake 3 Moon Lake ? Moon Lake 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
0 Guro ? Philadelphia 0 Chicago
0 Ottawa 2 Chicago
2 Guro 4 Moon Lake 4 Philadelphia 0 Cave City
2 Packs Only 2 Raleigh
2 Silverdale 2 Florida
1 Ottawa 1 Silverdale 1 Florida 0 Lotte
3 Packs Only 3 Raleigh
0 - 0 -
2 Packs Only 2 Raleigh

Moon Lake Metheads 4 - 0 Philadelphia Flames

Stone .102 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vegas 3 Vegas ? Vegas 2 90s 2 90s
0 Tennessee ? Boofin 3 SOMEWHERE
0 Milford 0 OC
2 Tennessee 4 Vegas 0 SOMEWHERE 2 SOMEWHERE
3 Milwaukee 4 Boofin
1 Empire 0 Byberry
2 Milwaukee 3 Milwaukee 0 Kenesaw 2 Kenesaw
1 Winnipeg 3 Boofin
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Boofin

Vegas Jacks 4 - 3 Boofin Boys

Stone .103 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chitown 3 Chitown ? Chitown 3 Las Vegas 2 Las Vegas
2 Austin ? Las Vegas 0 Boston
1 Kentucky 2 Boston
2 Austin 4 Chitown 4 Las Vegas 1 Fernwood
0 Parra 3 Shrewsbury
1 KIA 2 Las Cruces
2 Yangsan 2 Yangsan 2 Las Cruces 0 New Hampshire
3 Parra 3 Shrewsbury
0 - 0 -
2 Parra 2 Shrewsbury

Chitown Rebels 4 - 3 Las Vegas Athletics

Stone .104 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 3 Charlotte ? Washington 3 Utica 2 Utica
1 Concord ? Middlesbrough 2 TPE
2 Concord 1 Chicago
1 Santa Monica 3 Charlotte 2 Utica 2 TPE
4 Washington 4 Middlesbrough
1 Brooklyn 2 Big Honkin'
2 Cedar Rapids 1 Cedar Rapids 1 Big Honkin' 0 South County
3 Washington 3 Middlesbrough
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Middlesbrough

Washington Huskies 1 - 4 Middlesbrough FireNSteel

Stone .105 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Balking 3 Balking ? Statesboro 2 Green Mountain 2 Green Mountain
2 Luskville ? Charlotte 3 East TN
1 Cincinnati 1 Texas
2 Luskville 3 Balking 1 East TN 2 East TN
4 Statesboro 4 Charlotte
0 Austin 0 Iowa
2 Statesboro 3 Statesboro 3 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
1 Hudson 0 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Hudson 2 Seattle

Statesboro Storm 4 - 3 Charlotte Knights

Stone .106 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lorne Park 3 Lorne Park ? Lorne Park 3 Lancaster 2 Lancaster
1 Overland ? Inland Empire 2 Taipei
0 Globe Miami 0 Heywood
2 Overland 4 Lorne Park 1 Lancaster 2 Taipei
2 Quincy 4 Inland Empire
1 Lancaster 0 Ulsan
2 Buffalo 2 Buffalo 3 Inland Empire 2 Inland Empire
3 Quincy 0 San Angelo
0 - 0 -
2 Quincy 2 San Angelo

Lorne Park Spartans 4 - 1 Inland Empire Stampede

Stone .107 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fountain Hills 3 Fountain Hills ? DongTan 3 Yosemite 2 Yosemite
2 Brampton ? Yosemite 0 Dover
0 Castelia City 2 Dover
2 Brampton 3 Fountain Hills 4 Yosemite 0 Lake Erie
4 DongTan 2 SoCal
0 Des Moines 2 Ancaster
2 Whitestone 0 Whitestone 0 Ancaster 1 Southern California
3 DongTan 3 SoCal
0 - 0 -
2 DongTan 2 SoCal

DongTan MilkyFu 1 - 4 Yosemite Bears

Stone .108 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? Portland 2 Singapore 2 Singapore
1 Nebraska ? Seattle 3 Frisco
2 Nebraska 1 Austin
1 Berlin 4 Portland 0 Frisco 2 Frisco
0 Mississauga 4 Seattle
0 El Sereno 1 Oakdale
2 Tehran 2 Tehran 1 Sunset Ship 2 Sunset Ship
3 Mississauga 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 2 Seattle

Portland Pride 4 - 1 Seattle Tridents

Stone .109 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Evergreen Park 3 Evergreen Park ? Evergreen Park 3 San Angelo 2 San Angelo
0 New York ? San Angelo 0 Minneapolis
2 New York 2 Minneapolis
1 Las Vegas 4 Evergreen Park 4 San Angelo 0 Crystal Beach
3 Runkles 3 Atlanta
2 Toronto 2 Boston
0 Arvada 1 Toronto 0 Boston 1 Somerville
3 Runkles 3 Atlanta
0 - 0 -
2 Runkles 2 Atlanta

Evergreen Park Wolf Pack 0 - 4 San Angelo Rams

Stone .110 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Happy 3 Happy ? Happy 1 Columbus 2 Columbus
2 Salinas ? St. Petersburg 3 Seattle
2 Salinas 2 Seattle
1 West Virginia 4 Happy 1 Seattle 1 OK
3 Tampa 4 St. Petersburg
1 Free 2 Portland
2 AIRLab 1 AIRLab 0 Portland 1 SF Gigantes TTC
3 Tampa 3 St. Petersburg
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa 2 St. Petersburg

Happy Cowboys 1 - 4 St. Petersburg Hermitages

Stone .111 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Delmarva 3 Delmarva ? Yum Yum 3 Rochester 2 Rochester
0 Geelong ? Calgary 2 Missouri
0 Corunna 0 Dollar Bay
2 Geelong 3 Delmarva 1 Rochester 2 Missouri
4 Yum Yum 4 Calgary
2 INCHEON 1 Myrtle Beach
0 Milwaukee 0 INCHEON 2 Sewanee 2 Sewanee
3 Yum Yum 3 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Yum Yum 2 Calgary

Yum Yum Special Baseball Men 2 - 4 Calgary Ramblers

Stone .112 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West Virginia 0 West Virginia ? Columbiana 3 Minneaposlibbs 2 Minneaposlibbs
3 Cleveland ? TTV 0 Boston
1 Excelsior 2 Boston
2 Cleveland 0 Cleveland 3 Minneaposlibbs 0 Ye Olde
4 Columbiana 4 TTV
1 Los Gatos 2 KIA 1 MONTREAL EXPOS 0 El Cerrito
3 Columbiana 3 TTV
0 - 0 -
2 Columbiana 2 TTV

Columbiana Cyclones 4 - 1 TTV AmericanBlood

Stone .113 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cape Cod 3 Cape Cod ? Cape Cod 2 Athens 2 Athens
2 Charlotte ? Pittsburgh 3 Sporting
2 Charlotte 0 Roseville
1 Foulmouthed PCK 4 Cape Cod 0 Sporting 2 Sporting
0 Packsaddle 4 Pittsburgh
0 WHALE PCK 1 Sunnyvale
2 Packsaddle 3 Packsaddle 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
1 Aeolian 3 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Aeolian 2 Pittsburgh

Cape Cod Sharks - PCK 4 - 1 Pittsburgh Pirates- PCK

Stone .114 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dallas 2 Dallas ? Little Dixie 3 Manchester 2 Manchester
3 DC ? Manchester 0 Chula Vista
2 DC 2 Chula Vista
1 Pittsburgh 3 DC 4 Manchester 0 White House
4 Little Dixie 2 Airdrie
2 St. Louis 0 Mississauga
1 Nashville 0 St. Louis 2 San Angeles 2 San Angeles
3 Little Dixie 3 Airdrie
0 - 0 -
2 Little Dixie 2 Airdrie

Little Dixie Rebels 1 - 4 Manchester Manly Men TTC

Stone .115 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vulcan 3 Vulcan ? Vulcan 3 Redan 2 Redan
0 Brownfield ? Redan 0 St. Louis
0 Baltimore 1 Bedford
2 Brownfield 4 Vulcan 4 Redan 2 St. Louis
2 Philadelphia 1 West Palm Beach
1 Revere 0 Stockhausen
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia 3 West Palm Beach 2 West Palm Beach
2 Hong Kong 2 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Hong Kong 2 Brooklyn

Vulcan Cobras39 1 - 4 Redan Lakers

Stone .116 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Global 3 Global ? Global 3 Worcester 2 Worcester
2 Detroit Motorheads ? Worcester 0 Baseball
1 Jackson 0 Sugar Land
2 Detroit Motorheads 4 Global 4 Worcester 2 Baseball
1 Joint Security Area 0 Houston
1 Milwaukee 0 Atlantic City
2 Los Angeles 0 Los Angeles 0 Seattle 2 Seattle
3 Joint Security Area 3 Houston
0 - 0 -
2 Joint Security Area 2 Houston

Global Pack Rats PCK 2 - 4 Worcester Goats

Stone .117 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 East Palo Alto 3 East Palo Alto ? East Palo Alto 3 seoul 2 seoul
2 Calgary ? seoul 1 Springfield
2 Calgary 2 Springfield
0 Daytona 4 East Palo Alto 4 seoul 1 New Trier
1 Dana Point 3 Minnetrista
1 Key West 2 Beaumont
2 Dana Point 3 Dana Point 2 Beaumont 1 cc3dc6d0
0 Oly 3 Minnetrista
0 - 0 -
2 Oly 2 Minnetrista

East Palo Alto Flyers 4 - 3 seoul lgtwins

Stone .118 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Woodstock 2 Woodstock ? Lower Level 3 Fort Worth 2 Fort Worth
3 Mojo ? Fort Worth 1 Philadelphia
2 Mojo 1 Ottawa
1 San Diego 3 Mojo 4 Fort Worth 2 Philadelphia
4 Lower Level 1 Washington
0 Reston 2 Montreal
2 New Zealand 2 New Zealand 0 Montreal 1 Baltimore
3 Lower Level 3 Washington
0 - 0 -
2 Lower Level 2 Washington

Lower Level Chumps 4 - 3 Fort Worth Panthers

Stone .119 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 LAS VEGAS 0 LAS VEGAS ? Panama City 1 Santa Monica 2 Santa Monica
3 Panama City ? Willowglen 3 Willowglen
2 Panama City 1 Mojave
0 Boston 4 Panama City 4 Willowglen 2 Willowglen
3 Seattle FishIes 2 Hollywood
2 Seattle FishIes 2 Hollywood
1 Johnny 3 Seattle FishIes 3 Hollywood 1 Columbus
0 Cliffside Park 1 Mobile
0 - 0 -
2 Cliffside Park 2 Mobile

Panama City Mosquitos 2 - 4 Willowglen Malpaso

Stone .120 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Amarillo 3 Amarillo ? Amarillo 3 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
1 OK ? Vancouver 2 Las Vegas
0 Calgary 0 Raleigh
2 OK 4 Amarillo 4 Vancouver 2 Las Vegas
1 Montreal 3 Dublin
2 Montreal 0 Rock City
0 Springville 3 Montreal 1 Pikesville 2 Pikesville
1 Davis 3 Dublin
0 - 0 -
2 Davis 2 Dublin

Amarillo Sod Poodles 3 - 4 Vancouver Timber Rattlers

Stone .121 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Melle 3 Melle ? Melle 3 Grove City 2 Grove City
0 Liverwurst ? Grove City 0 Owlscastle Closers
0 SEUNG 1 South Nashville
2 Liverwurst 4 Melle 4 Grove City 2 Owlscastle Closers
1 Olympia 1 South Bend
1 Sotaman 0 Dundalk
2 Austin 1 Austin 2 Morristown 2 Morristown
3 Olympia 3 South Bend
0 - 0 -
2 Olympia 2 South Bend

Melle Mustangs 3 - 4 Grove City Tides

Stone .122 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Billville 1 Billville ? Detroit 1 Posen 2 Posen
3 Wonil Magic ? San Francisco 3 Somerton
2 Wonil Magic 2 Somerton
1 Warwick 2 Wonil Magic 3 Somerton 1 New York
4 Detroit 4 San Francisco
0 PuraVida 1 Sandusky
2 Colton 1 Colton 3 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Detroit 1 Russellville
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 2 Russellville

Detroit Tigers 0 - 4 San Francisco Colt .45s

Stone .123 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flatiron 3 Flatiron ? Flatiron 3 Texas 2 Texas
2 Hanover Park ? Texas 0 Quebec
2 Hanover Park 2 Quebec
1 Sanders 4 Flatiron 4 Texas 0 Rhinelander
0 Eirlog 3 Ruth City
2 Manetin 2 Brooklyn
1 Brooklyn 2 Manetin 0 Brooklyn 0 Mule Skinner
3 Eirlog 3 Ruth City
0 - 0 -
2 Eirlog 2 Ruth City

Flatiron Fungoes 4 - 1 Texas Turtles

Stone .124 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Marstrand 3 Marstrand ? Philly 3 Chipper off 2 Chipper off
1 Cleveland ? Chipper off 1 Cuyahoga Valley
2 Cleveland 0 Socrates
1 No One Likes us 0 Marstrand 4 Chipper off 2 Cuyahoga Valley
4 Philly 2 New York
2 Boston 0 Wolfsberg
1 Oregon 1 Boston 1 Dallas 2 Dallas
3 Philly 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 2 New York

Philly Bombers 3 - 4 Chipper off The Old Block

Stone .125 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Auburn Hills 3 Auburn Hills ? Better Off 3 Tikal 2 Tikal
1 Chattanooga ? Tikal 2 Monaghan
2 Chattanooga 2 Monaghan
0 Puyallup 1 Auburn Hills 4 Tikal 1 Springfield
4 Better Off 2 Pinconning
1 Houston 2 Pinconning
2 Chicago 0 Chicago 3 Pinconning 1 Buford
3 Better Off 2 LOTTE
0 - 0 -
2 Better Off 2 LOTTE

Better Off Ted 0 - 4 Tikal Mayans

Stone .126 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 EIU 1 EIU ? Winnipeg 3 Salem 2 Salem
3 Chicago ? Salem 1 Statesboro
2 Chicago 2 Statesboro
1 Silver City 3 Chicago 4 Salem 1 Tokorozawa
4 Winnipeg 1 Roseburg
0 Smoky RD 2 Roseburg
2 Woodbridge 0 Woodbridge 3 Roseburg 0 Brampton
3 Winnipeg 1 Spring Brook
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Spring Brook

Winnipeg Goldeyes 1 - 4 Salem Witches

Stone .127 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barrington 1 Barrington ? Swayside 3 OK 2 OK
3 Riga ? Austin 0 ColeWRLD
2 Riga 2 ColeWRLD
1 STL 1 Riga 2 OK 1 Boston
4 Swayside 4 Austin
2 Swayside 2 Austin
0 Millenial 3 Swayside 3 Austin 1 Kalamazoo
2 Long Island 2 Bay View
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 2 Bay View

Swayside Shoplifters 4 - 1 Austin Oceanics

Stone .128 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brighton 1 Brighton ? Berkshire 2 Oakdale 2 Oakdale
3 Fairgrove ? Quinnesec 3 Arizona
0 Houston 0 Berkeley
2 Fairgrove 0 Fairgrove 2 Arizona 2 Arizona
4 Berkshire 4 Quinnesec
0 San Mateo 1 Faribault
2 Alanson 2 Alanson 1 Des Moines 2 Des Moines
3 Berkshire 3 Quinnesec
0 - 0 -
2 Berkshire 2 Quinnesec

Berkshire Blazers -E6- 4 - 2 Quinnesec Quickies

Stone .129 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Medford 3 Medford ? Medford 3 Silver Spring 2 Silver Spring
1 Random City ? Silver Spring 2 Nagoya
1 Baseball 2 Nagoya
2 Random City 4 Medford 4 Silver Spring 0 Miami
1 Beantown 1 Thunder Bay
2 Orlando 2 Town 'n' Country
1 Kansas City 2 Orlando 2 Town 'n' Country 1 Austin
3 Beantown 3 Thunder Bay
0 - 0 -
2 Beantown 2 Thunder Bay

Medford Volts 4 - 2 Silver Spring Street Sweepers

Stone .130 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 2 Circleville 2 Circleville
0 Tahiti ? Overland Park 3 Overland Park
1 SF 0 Connecticut
2 Tahiti 4 Boston 4 Overland Park 2 Overland Park
3 Tortuga 1 Hudson
0 Atlanta 0 Doomfist
2 Tortuga 3 Tortuga 0 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
0 Taiwan 3 Hudson
0 - 0 -
2 Taiwan 2 Hudson

Boston No Sox 1 - 4 Overland Park Owls

Stone .131 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Havana 0 Havana ? Chamberlain 2 Eau Claire 2 Eau Claire
3 Queens ? Alabama 3 Alabama
0 Notre Dame 0 Mojave
2 Queens 2 Queens 4 Alabama 2 Alabama
4 Chamberlain 3 Phoenix
2 OB 0 Madchester
0 Seoul 2 OB 3 Phoenix 2 Phoenix
3 Chamberlain 1 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Chamberlain 2 Baltimore

Chamberlain Tigers 4 - 2 Alabama Yellow Hammers

Stone .132 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fat 2 Fat ? All Arizona 3 Maryville 2 Maryville
3 Lexington ? Maryville 2 Texas
2 Lexington 0 Cincinnati
0 Augusta 1 Lexington 4 Maryville 2 Texas
4 All Arizona 2 All Decade 1970s
0 MASN let me stream 2 Seacrest
2 New York 2 New York 1 Seacrest 1 Southern Illinois
3 All Arizona 3 All Decade 1970s
0 - 0 -
2 All Arizona 2 All Decade 1970s

All Arizona TTC 2 - 4 Maryville Milkshake Maniacs

Stone .133 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kansas City 3 Kansas City ? Kansas City 3 Tampa Bay 2 Tampa Bay
1 East Providence ? Tampa Bay 2 Brooklyn
2 East Providence 0 North Park
1 Grovers Mill F2P 4 Kansas City 4 Tampa Bay 2 Brooklyn
1 Oceanside 3 Montpelier
0 Seattle 1 Seoul Lions
2 Oceanside 3 Oceanside 3 Montpelier 2 Montpelier
0 Suttons 0 Ferndale
0 - 0 -
2 Suttons 2 Ferndale

Kansas City Bulls 4 - 1 Tampa Bay Typhoons

Stone .134 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Canton 3 Canton ? Canton 1 OK 2 OK
2 Kensington ? Galeg's 3 Beef House
2 Kensington 0 Cincinnati Area
0 Gracemere 4 Canton 1 Beef House 2 Beef House
0 Tournan 4 Galeg's
0 Chaoticapolis 1 Quebec City
2 Joetsu 2 Joetsu 0 New York 2 New York
3 Tournan 3 Galeg's
0 - 0 -
2 Tournan 2 Galeg's

Canton Little Giants 4 - 3 Galeg's Grapplers

Stone .135 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kentucky 3 Kentucky ? Kentucky 3 Korea 2 Korea
1 St. Paul ? Clearwater 0 Trenton
0 Los Angeles 2 Trenton
2 St. Paul 4 Kentucky 1 Korea 1 Carlsbad
3 Boston 4 Clearwater
1 Viridian City 0 Philly
2 Boston 3 Boston 1 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
0 NJ 3 Clearwater
0 - 0 -
2 NJ 2 Clearwater

Kentucky Generals 1 - 4 Clearwater Manetees

Stone .136 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Carolina 3 South Carolina ? South Carolina 3 Aptos 2 Aptos
1 IL-WON ? Aptos 2 St. Paul
2 IL-WON 2 St. Paul
1 Tarpon Springs 4 South Carolina 4 Aptos 0 Athol
3 Eagan 1 Warwick Valley
0 Lincoln 2 Oak Lawn
2 Jena 0 Jena 0 Oak Lawn 0 Kailua Tourists
3 Eagan 3 Warwick Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Eagan 2 Warwick Valley

South Carolina Bobcats 4 - 2 Aptos Babywitches

Stone .137 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Kennebec 3 Kennebec ? albany 3 Nineteen 2 Nineteen
1 Hillside ? Topsham 2 Knoxville
0 LemonGrove 2 Knoxville
2 Hillside 3 Kennebec 2 Nineteen 0 San Diego
4 albany 4 Topsham
2 J'Town 0 Broomfield
1 Indy 1 J'Town 1 L 2 L
3 albany 3 Topsham
0 - 0 -
2 albany 2 Topsham

albany huskies 3 - 4 Topsham Anglers

Stone .138 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Magnolia 3 Magnolia ? Magnolia 0 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
0 Gas-House ? Seoul 3 New York
0 North Bend 2 New York
2 Gas-House 4 Magnolia 3 New York 1 Cheney
2 Clemson 4 Seoul
1 Stirling 1 Wake Me Up
2 Clemson 3 Clemson 1 Fort Wayne 2 Fort Wayne
0 St. Louis 3 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Seoul

Magnolia Chiefs 4 - 3 Seoul Pediatricians

Stone .139 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Keeping It 1 Keeping It ? Team 3 Paxton 2 Paxton
3 Bobcaygeon ? Paxton 1 Nersha Bainco
1 Big Time 0 Tigers of
2 Bobcaygeon 2 Bobcaygeon 4 Paxton 2 Nersha Bainco
4 Team 2 Detroit
0 Deep in 2 Detroit
2 Team 3 Team 3 Detroit 0 Alte
1 Hillside 2 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 Hillside 2 Minnesota

Team Tom TTC 0 - 4 Paxton Big Maples - TTC

Stone .140 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rip City 2 Rip City ? Del Rio 3 Rocket City 2 Rocket City
3 Steel City ? Chicago 0 Atlanta
2 Steel City 2 Atlanta
1 Scituate 1 Steel City 1 Rocket City 0 Mapletown
4 Del Rio 4 Chicago
2 Dayton 1 Westmont
0 Norway 1 Dayton 0 SouthEast 2 SouthEast
3 Del Rio 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Del Rio 2 Chicago

Del Rio Scorpions 4 - 1 Chicago Legends

Stone .141 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Colorado Springs 0 Colorado Springs ? Richmond 3 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
3 Richmond ? dosanrobo 2 Goons
2 Richmond 1 Maine West
0 New York 4 Richmond 0 Kansas City 2 Goons
1 Buffcoat 4 dosanrobo
1 Los Angeles 0 Clearfield
2 Samsung 0 Samsung 3 dosanrobo 2 dosanrobo
3 Buffcoat 2 Ball State
0 - 0 -
2 Buffcoat 2 Ball State

Richmond Rivercats 2 - 4 dosanrobo rocky

Stone .142 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Daytona 3 Daytona ? Daytona 3 Burnsville 2 Burnsville
0 New York ? Burnsville 0 Queens
0 Sacramento 0 Dubuque
2 New York 4 Daytona 4 Burnsville 2 Queens
2 Wilmington 1 Detroit
1 LA 1 Ballpark
2 Wilmington 3 Wilmington 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
0 Bergenfield 1 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Bergenfield 2 St. Louis

Daytona Dragons 4 - 2 Burnsville River Kings

Stone .143 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Inland Empire 2 Inland Empire
0 Coffeen ? Inland Empire 0 Jean
0 Ransom 0 Milwaukee
2 Coffeen 4 Toronto 4 Inland Empire 2 Jean
2 North Vegas 2 Nashville
2 Staten Island 1 Lunar
1 OK 0 Staten Island 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 North Vegas 2 Madison
0 - 0 -
2 North Vegas 2 Madison

Toronto Blue Jays 2 - 4 Inland Empire 66ers

Stone .144 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 2 OK ? Surrey 2 Ellaville 2 Ellaville
3 Boston ? Warren 3 Warren
2 Boston 1 Florissant
1 New York 3 Boston 4 Warren 2 Warren
4 Surrey 1 Philadelphia
0 Los Angeles 2 Louisville
2 Boston 2 Boston 2 Louisville 1 Sabah
3 Surrey 3 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Surrey 2 Philadelphia

Surrey Beach Boys 4 - 3 Warren Silver Sox

Stone .145 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ottawa 2 Ottawa ? Farmington 3 Clay 2 Clay
3 Farmington ? Bonduel 0 Banana
0 Neo Suwon 0 Tampa
2 Farmington 4 Farmington 2 Clay 2 Banana
0 Caledonian 4 Bonduel
2 Caledonian 0 Battenoord
1 UBALL 3 Caledonian 2 Circus 2 Circus
1 Salt Lake City 3 Bonduel
0 - 0 -
2 Salt Lake City 2 Bonduel

Farmington Foxes 2 - 4 Bonduel Bears

Stone .146 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flint 2 Flint ? Charlotte 3 Negro League 2 Negro League
3 Toronto ? Negro League 0 Vienna
1 Red Deer 2 Vienna
2 Toronto 2 Toronto 4 Negro League 0 Samsung
4 Charlotte 0 Sligo
1 Iowa 2 Brooklyn
2 Charlotte 3 Charlotte 2 Brooklyn 0 Riverside
2 Ft Eisenhower 3 Sligo
0 - 0 -
2 Ft Eisenhower 2 Sligo

Charlotte Devil Dogs 1 - 4 Negro League Panthers

Stone .147 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Fernandos Better 3 Fernandos Better ? Mr. Jeter's 3 Tampa 2 Tampa
1 Beta ? Tampa 0 Staten Island
0 Walking in Memphis 1 Georgia (Tech)
2 Beta 1 Fernandos Better 4 Tampa 2 Staten Island
4 Mr. Jeter's 2 Flat Broke
2 Mr. Jeter's 2 Flat Broke
1 Gaithersburg 3 Mr. Jeter's 3 Flat Broke 0 Cakron
2 Toronto 1 Hooked On
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Hooked On

Mr. Jeter's Chem 100 TTC 3 - 4 Tampa Cubbies TTC

Stone .148 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 ES 3 ES ? ES 3 Little Rock 2 Little Rock
0 Toronto ? Chicago 0 New Orleans
0 Bay City 1 Moreno Valley
2 Toronto 4 ES 2 Little Rock 2 New Orleans
2 Henderson 4 Chicago
0 Mudville 2 The
2 Henderson 3 Henderson 0 The 0 West Virginia
1 Cortez 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Cortez 2 Chicago

ES Dragons 1 - 4 Chicago Cubs

Stone .149 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Moscow 1 Moscow ? Coastal 1 waynesboro 2 waynesboro
3 Coastal ? Seymour 3 Tampa
0 LG 0 St Louis
2 Coastal 4 Coastal 3 Tampa 2 Tampa
0 Ruston 4 Seymour
0 Michigan City 0 Throne City
2 Pixburgh 0 Pixburgh 1 Front Range 2 Front Range
3 Ruston 3 Seymour
0 - 0 -
2 Ruston 2 Seymour

Coastal Giants 1 - 4 Seymour Colt 45's

Stone .150 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Longmont 3 Longmont ? Longmont 0 San Jose 2 San Jose
0 Weatogue ? Houston 3 Houston
2 Weatogue 0 Clearwater
1 Long Island 4 Longmont 4 Houston 2 Houston
3 Oscoda 2 Lancaster
0 Aurora 0 Smitty's
2 Kingston 2 Kingston 2 Lawrence 2 Lawrence
3 Oscoda 3 Lancaster
0 - 0 -
2 Oscoda 2 Lancaster

Longmont Night Hawks 4 - 1 Houston Seawolves

Stone .151 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Savannah 1 Savannah ? NEW YORK 1 Whitstable 2 Whitstable
0 Boston 1 Chicago
0 Royse City 3 Glycoprotein
2 Loveland 2 Glycoprotein
0 Lawrence 2 Loveland 3 Glycoprotein 0 The Garden
3 Royse City 1 Danville
0 - 0 -
2 Royse City 2 Danville


Stone .152 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 0 Montreal ? Earl's 3 Somerville 2 Somerville
3 Earl's ? Somerville 0 Derry
2 Earl's 2 Derry
0 Bangtan 4 Earl's 4 Somerville 0 San Jose
2 Benbrook 1 San Mateo
2 Benbrook 0 Colorado Springs
0 15 Min 3 Benbrook 1 Marine 2 Marine
2 South Bay 3 San Mateo
0 - 0 -
2 South Bay 2 San Mateo

Earl's Pearls 3 - 4 Somerville Marshmallows

Stone .153 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Corlears 3 Corlears ? Yeop World 3 Hackensack 2 Hackensack
0 New Jersey ? Hackensack 1 Arden-Arcade
0 Wolverhampton 2 Arden-Arcade
2 New Jersey 2 Corlears 4 Hackensack 0 Sacramento
4 Yeop World 1 HAITAI
0 Culiacan 1 Johns Creek
2 Yeop World 3 Yeop World 1 Bloomington 2 Bloomington
1 Cleveland 3 HAITAI
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 2 HAITAI

Yeop World Yeop 3 - 4 Hackensack Sunrays

Stone .154 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? Philadelphia 0 The Bronx 2 The Bronx
0 LG ? Kona 3 Kona
2 LG 0 Kenosha
0 Minnesota 4 Philadelphia 4 Kona 2 Kona
1 Brownesville 1 Toronto
2 Las Vegas 2 Toronto
1 Chi City 1 Las Vegas 3 Toronto 1 Kingston
3 Brownesville 1 Jasper
0 - 0 -
2 Brownesville 2 Jasper

Philadelphia Roustabouts 4 - 1 Kona Blues

Stone .155 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West St. Paul 2 West St. Paul ? Fairmont 3 Oxford 2 Oxford
3 Cordon ? Reno 0 Erie
0 Chicago 1 Thunder Bay
2 Cordon 0 Cordon 0 Oxford 2 Erie
4 Fairmont 4 Reno
2 Rochester 2 Hoboken
0 Inland Empire 2 Rochester 1 Hoboken 0 Lincoln Park
3 Fairmont 3 Reno
0 - 0 -
2 Fairmont 2 Reno

Fairmont Fire Engine 4 - 1 Reno Blackjacks

Stone .156 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manarth 2 Manarth ? Santa Ana 3 Tampa 2 Tampa
3 Santa Ana ? Tampa 1 New York
1 Ypsi 2 New York
2 Santa Ana 4 Santa Ana 4 Tampa 0 Montana
3 Melbourne 0 Huntsville
1 Brooklyn 2 Antorria
2 Champaign 2 Champaign 0 Antorria 0 Buffalo
3 Melbourne 3 Huntsville
0 - 0 -
2 Melbourne 2 Huntsville

Santa Ana Smokies 3 - 4 Tampa WooSox

Stone .157 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tahoe 3 Tahoe ? Waupaca 1 The Woodlands 2 The Woodlands
2 Tussey Mountain ? Chicago 3 Chicago
2 Tussey Mountain 0 Hooterville
0 Cornersburg 1 Tahoe 4 Chicago 2 Chicago
4 Waupaca 1 Moon
2 Florida 2 Moon
1 Austin 2 Florida 3 Moon 0 St Francis
3 Waupaca 2 Morningside
0 - 0 -
2 Waupaca 2 Morningside

Waupaca Lakemen 3 - 4 Chicago Whales

Stone .158 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Long Creak 3 Long Creak ? Long Creak 3 Golden 2 Golden
0 Bethesda ? Golden 2 YoungIN
1 Cantanhede 1 Clairo
2 Bethesda 4 Long Creak 4 Golden 2 YoungIN
3 Elkhart 2 Demopolis
1 Cretaceous 0 Missiaugua
2 Milwaukee 0 Milwaukee 2 Boise 2 Boise
3 Elkhart 3 Demopolis
0 - 0 -
2 Elkhart 2 Demopolis

Long Creak Dragons 4 - 2 Golden Sombreros

Stone .159 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Votto's 3 Votto's ? Fairview 2 North Little Rock 2 North Little Rock
1 Busan ? Orange 3 Colorado Springs
2 Busan 1 Mexico city
0 Osaka 0 Votto's 2 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs
4 Fairview 4 Orange
1 Saigon 2 Washington DC
2 Winchester 1 Winchester 0 Washington DC 1 Viane
3 Fairview 3 Orange
0 - 0 -
2 Fairview 2 Orange

Fairview Wildcats 3 - 4 Orange Juice

Stone .160 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? Portland 1 McConnellsburg 2 McConnellsburg
0 Philadelphia ? Islington 3 Islington
0 Austin 0 Apopka
2 Philadelphia 4 Portland 4 Islington 2 Islington
2 Akron 1 Doncaster
1 Louisville 0 West Coast
2 Akron 3 Akron 0 Louisville 2 Louisville
1 Brooklyn 3 Doncaster
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Doncaster

Portland Crafters 0 - 4 Islington Rooks

Stone .161 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Great Lakes 3 Great Lakes ? Great Lakes 3 Crystal Lake 2 Crystal Lake
2 Springfield ? Crystal Lake 2 Sin City
1 Denver 1 St Louis
2 Springfield 4 Great Lakes 4 Crystal Lake 2 Sin City
3 GFRIEND 1 Matatlan
0 Madison 1 Charleston
2 Zacatecas 0 Zacatecas 0 Rockford 2 Rockford
3 GFRIEND 3 Matatlan
0 - 0 -
2 GFRIEND 2 Matatlan

Great Lakes Loons 4 - 2 Crystal Lake Red Aces

Stone .162 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hyundai 3 Hyundai ? Candlepin 3 Friendship 2 Friendship
2 MONTREAL ? Spokane 0 Grand Prairie
0 Crash 0 Xochimilco
2 MONTREAL 3 Hyundai 2 Friendship 2 Grand Prairie
4 Candlepin 4 Spokane
1 Morris 2 Chicago
2 Tuscaloosa 1 Tuscaloosa 0 Chicago 1 Belo Horizonte
3 Candlepin 3 Spokane
0 - 0 -
2 Candlepin 2 Spokane

Candlepin Bowlers PCK 2 - 4 Spokane NDNs

Stone .163 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Monroe 1 Monroe ? W. Islip 3 Myrtle Beach 2 Myrtle Beach
3 W. Islip ? Delaware 2 Oakland
0 Lake Odessa 2 Oakland
2 W. Islip 4 W. Islip 1 Myrtle Beach 1 Bel Air
3 Rancho Cordova 4 Delaware
1 Albion 1 Las Vegas
2 Rancho Cordova 3 Rancho Cordova 3 Delaware 2 Delaware
0 Denton 1 Bologna
0 - 0 -
2 Denton 2 Bologna

W. Islip Blue Angels 4 - 1 Delaware Devil Dogs

Stone .164 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Freakstagram 3 Freakstagram ? Caribbean 3 PA 2 PA
2 Dallas ? PA 0 Nu Yuck
0 Altdorf 1 La Quinta
2 Dallas 2 Freakstagram 4 PA 2 Nu Yuck
4 Caribbean 3 Austral
1 Baltimore 2 Lakewood
2 El Paso 0 El Paso 0 Lakewood 1 Detroit
3 Caribbean 3 Austral
0 - 0 -
2 Caribbean 2 Austral

Caribbean Admirals 2 - 4 PA Millers

Stone .165 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Danville 3 Danville ? Danville 3 Lynnwood 2 Lynnwood
0 Albany ? Lynnwood 0 Highlands
1 Detroit 2 Highlands
2 Albany 4 Danville 4 Lynnwood 0 Cleveland
1 Esko 0 Wasco
1 Glasgow 2 Wasco
2 Esko 3 Esko 3 Wasco 1 Des Moines
0 Ventura 1 Asheville
0 - 0 -
2 Ventura 2 Asheville

Danville Damagers 4 - 0 Lynnwood LumberJacks

Stone .166 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sterling 3 Sterling ? muduengsan tiger 1 Wellington 2 Wellington
1 Antigo ? Seattle 3 Toms River
2 Antigo 1 Indianapolis
0 Redding 0 Sterling 2 Toms River 2 Toms River
4 muduengsan tiger 4 Seattle
0 Harlem 1 Kalamazoo
2 muduengsan tiger 3 muduengsan tiger 2 Galombe 2 Galombe
0 Philadelphia 3 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 Seattle

muduengsan tiger sun 4 - 2 Seattle Sockeyes

Stone .167 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Abington Township 3 Abington Township ? Chicago 3 Albuquerque 2 Albuquerque
1 Chicagoland ? Albuquerque 1 Wellington
2 Chicagoland 2 Wellington
0 South Portland 3 Abington Township 4 Albuquerque 1 Potomac
4 Chicago 0 Purple H4ze
0 Woodstock 1 Ad Astra
2 Coppell 1 Coppell 2 Arlington 2 Arlington
3 Chicago 3 Purple H4ze
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Purple H4ze

Chicago Chicagies 4 - 2 Albuquerque Isotopes

Stone .168 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vanderbilt 3 Vanderbilt ? Vanderbilt 3 Cambria 2 Cambria
2 Cross Village ? Ft. Hood 1 Benzonia
0 Republic 2 Benzonia
2 Cross Village 4 Vanderbilt 3 Cambria 0 East Bay
1 Romulus 4 Ft. Hood
0 Caspian 0 Northport
2 Sturgeon Bay 1 Sturgeon Bay 1 Porcupine Mountain 2 Porcupine Mountain
3 Romulus 3 Ft. Hood
0 - 0 -
2 Romulus 2 Ft. Hood

Vanderbilt Vortex 3 - 4 Ft. Hood Owls

Stone .169 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Indianapolis 3 Indianapolis ? Indianapolis 3 Komatsu 2 Komatsu
1 Glendale ? Komatsu 2 Riverbend
1 Toronto 0 Patriotic Patriots
2 Glendale 4 Indianapolis 4 Komatsu 2 Riverbend
2 Stockton 1 St. Paul
0 Springfield 2 Sioux Center
2 Stockton 3 Stockton 0 Sioux Center 0 Eastside
0 White Bear Lake 3 St. Paul
0 - 0 -
2 White Bear Lake 2 St. Paul

Indianapolis Corn Shuckers 3 - 4 Komatsu Kaminari

Stone .170 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Laguna 2 Laguna
1 Portland ? Yukon 0 Smyrna
0 North Bend 0 Little Rock
2 Portland 4 Toronto 3 Laguna 2 Smyrna
1 Wichita 4 Yukon
1 Dongs 0 Madison
2 Wichita 3 Wichita 0 West Des Moines 2 West Des Moines
2 NYC 3 Yukon
0 - 0 -
2 NYC 2 Yukon

Toronto Moonfrogs 4 - 3 Yukon Tundra Wolves

Stone .171 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montgomery 2 Montgomery ? Daytona Beach 3 Centenary 2 Centenary
3 Sault Ste Marie ? Amsterdam 2 Brooklyn
2 Sault Ste Marie 0 Watertown
1 Bristol 2 Sault Ste Marie 3 Centenary 2 Brooklyn
4 Daytona Beach 4 Amsterdam
2 Daytona Beach 0 Dresden
1 Keene 3 Daytona Beach 3 Amsterdam 2 Amsterdam
0 Milwaukee 2 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Seoul

Daytona Beach Tortugas 4 - 2 Amsterdam Astronauts

Stone .172 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Pig 3 Pig ? Pig 3 Connecticut 2 Connecticut
0 Vaughn ? Connecticut 1 Waxahachie
0 Flint 2 Waxahachie
2 Vaughn 4 Pig 4 Connecticut 0 Gallatin
0 York 2 Champaign
1 Springfield 1 Copenhagen
2 York 3 York 1 Munroe Falls 2 Munroe Falls
1 Arlington 3 Champaign
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 2 Champaign

Pig Nuts 2 - 4 Connecticut Trailblazers

Stone .173 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Waimanalo 1 Waimanalo ? Outer Banks 1 Chaska 2 Chaska
3 Outer Banks ? South Bend 3 Castroburgh
1 Wichita 2 Castroburgh
2 Outer Banks 4 Outer Banks 1 Castroburgh 1 West Dundee
3 Kono 4 South Bend
0 KIWOOM HEROES 1 Connecticut
2 SpoValley 0 SpoValley 3 South Bend 2 South Bend
3 Kono 2 Valhalla
0 - 0 -
2 Kono 2 Valhalla

Outer Banks DareDevils 3 - 4 South Bend Barons

Stone .174 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edinburgh 2 Edinburgh ? North Bellmore 2 Santiago 2 Santiago
3 Friends of ? Astoria 3 Cumberland
0 Rochester 2 Cumberland
2 Friends of 0 Friends of 0 Cumberland 0 Liuzhou
4 North Bellmore 4 Astoria
2 Lynn 0 Green Bay
1 St. Charles 1 Lynn 0 Houston 2 Houston
3 North Bellmore 3 Astoria
0 - 0 -
2 North Bellmore 2 Astoria

North Bellmore Bucks 4 - 1 Astoria Night Hawks

Stone .175 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Oregon 3 Oregon ? Oregon 3 Largo 2 Largo
2 Lake Wylie ? New York 2 Dewey Scruem
2 Lake Wylie 0 Jerome
0 Wilson 4 Oregon 3 Largo 2 Dewey Scruem
1 Malden 4 New York
2 Malden 2 Del Boca Vista
0 Las Vegas 3 Malden 2 Del Boca Vista 1 Los Angeles
0 Buffalo 3 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 2 New York

Oregon Raptors 3 - 4 New York Yankees

Stone .176 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Detroit 1 Detroit ? Mequon 3 Eldenworthy 2 Eldenworthy
3 Mequon ? Bakersfield 1 Bernie's
0 Black white tigers 0 San Jose
2 Mequon 4 Mequon 0 Eldenworthy 2 Bernie's
2 Plano 4 Bakersfield
2 Los Angeles 1 Portland
1 Seoul 1 Los Angeles 1 Maine Street 2 Maine Street
3 Plano 3 Bakersfield
0 - 0 -
2 Plano 2 Bakersfield

Mequon Huskies 2 - 4 Bakersfield Danes

Stone .177 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Cleveland 3 Garden City 2 Garden City
1 Monrovia ? Garden City 1 Kalamazoo
2 Monrovia 0 Worcester
0 Goleta 4 Cleveland 4 Garden City 2 Kalamazoo
0 Winnipeg 2 Roxbury
2 York 2 Roscoe
0 DSM 2 York 1 Roscoe 0 Buffalo
3 Winnipeg 3 Roxbury
0 - 0 -
2 Winnipeg 2 Roxbury

Cleveland Ballers 3 - 4 Garden City Pied Pipers

Stone .178 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Memphis 3 Memphis ? Memphis 3 Springport 2 Springport
1 Anchorage ? Springport 2 California
0 LorBrad 1 Los Angeles
2 Anchorage 4 Memphis 4 Springport 2 California
1 OK 0 Ottawa
0 Charlotte 2 Ottawa
2 OK 3 OK 3 Ottawa 0 Baseball
1 Boone 2 San Salvador
0 - 0 -
2 Boone 2 San Salvador

Memphis White Sox 4 - 3 Springport Salamanders

Stone .179 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 North Town 3 North Town ? Allentown 3 Everett 2 Everett
2 Junior ? Everett 1 Baltimore
1 Calgary 2 Baltimore
2 Junior 2 North Town 4 Everett 1 Lebowski
4 Allentown 1 Asbury Park
1 Norfolk 0 Milwaukee
2 Fenway 2 Fenway 0 Back Mountain 2 Back Mountain
3 Allentown 3 Asbury Park
0 - 0 -
2 Allentown 2 Asbury Park

Allentown Shivers 0 - 4 Everett Aqua Sox

Stone .180 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stockholm 3 Stockholm ? Stockholm 3 Jakarta 2 Jakarta
0 Halifax ? Jakarta 2 San Francisco
1 Vienna 1 Castroville
2 Halifax 4 Stockholm 4 Jakarta 2 San Francisco
3 Dimension 20 0 Mukilteo
2 Pittsburgh 1 Tucker
1 Moncks Corner 1 Pittsburgh 3 Mukilteo 2 Mukilteo
3 Dimension 20 2 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Dimension 20 2 Baltimore

Stockholm Pickled Herring 2 - 4 Jakarta Challengers

Stone .181 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Roselle 3 Roselle ? Roselle 0 Detroit 2 Detroit
1 Clearbrook ? Salt Lake 3 Salt Lake
0 Chicago 1 New York
2 Clearbrook 4 Roselle 4 Salt Lake 2 Salt Lake
1 Brooklyn 2 Metairie
0 Dakota 2 Metairie
2 Lancaster 1 Lancaster 3 Metairie 0 Barcelona
3 Brooklyn 1 Taichung
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Taichung

Roselle Thunderbolts 2 - 4 Salt Lake Bees

Stone .182 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Arlen ? Philadelphia 0 Bala Cynwyd
3 Hemet ? SpokaneSox9 3 Albuquerque

3 Hemet 1 Albuquerque
4 Philadelphia 4 SpokaneSox9

1 Livingston 3 SpokaneSox9
3 Philadelphia 2 High Bluff

Philadelphia Phollies 4 - 3 SpokaneSox9 Sox

Stone .183 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Princeton 3 Princeton ? Princeton 0 Pittsboro 2 Pittsboro
2 Great ? Kansas City 3 Kansas City
0 Indianapolis 0 OK
2 Great 4 Princeton 4 Kansas City 2 Kansas City
3 West New York 3 Oklahoma City
1 Puerto Rico 0 Roger Bernadina's
2 Kankakee 2 Kankakee 3 Oklahoma City 2 Oklahoma City
3 West New York 2 Mr.Self
0 - 0 -
2 West New York 2 Mr.Self

Princeton Peaches 4 - 2 Kansas City Royals

Stone .184 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lakeside 3 Lakeside ? Lakeside 1 Davie 2 Davie
1 Aurora ? Long Beach 3 Long Beach
2 Aurora 2 Long Beach
1 Malvern 4 Lakeside 4 Long Beach 0 Cincinnati
1 Harvard 1 Seaford
2 Dahlgren 2 Seaford
0 Monza 2 Dahlgren 3 Seaford 0 Johannesburg
3 Harvard 0 Tampa
0 - 0 -
2 Harvard 2 Tampa

Lakeside Lumberjacks 4 - 2 Long Beach Dirtbags

Stone .185 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Redmond 3 Redmond ? New York 1 Honolulu 2 Honolulu
1 Stockton ? Jupiter 3 Midnite
1 Atwater 0 Munich
2 Stockton 1 Redmond 2 Midnite 2 Midnite
4 New York 4 Jupiter
0 Worcester 2 Yokohama
2 Marv18 1 Marv18 1 Yokohama 0 Montrose
3 New York 3 Jupiter
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Jupiter

New York Bronx Boombers 4 - 0 Jupiter Golden Knights

Stone .186 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jersey 3 Jersey ? Jersey 1 Sterling Heights 2 Sterling Heights
2 Warwick ? G-Town 3 G-Town
1 Detroit 0 Coral Springs
2 Warwick 4 Jersey 4 G-Town 2 G-Town
2 Bolingbrook 3 Blaviken
2 Bolingbrook 2 Edgewater
0 Paducah 3 Bolingbrook 0 Edgewater 0 Atlanta German
1 BP 3 Blaviken
0 - 0 -
2 BP 2 Blaviken

Jersey Bulldogs 0 - 4 G-Town G-Doggs

Stone .187 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hustonville 1 Hustonville ? Brooklyn 2 Johns Creek 2 Johns Creek
3 Florida ? Huntingdon 3 Paso Robles
2 Florida 2 Paso Robles
1 Austin 3 Florida 3 Paso Robles 1 Oakdale
4 Brooklyn 4 Huntingdon
1 Boca Raton 1 Riverside
2 San Francisco Dodger 1 San Francisco Dodger 0 Living-Hell 2 Living-Hell
3 Brooklyn 3 Huntingdon
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Huntingdon

Brooklyn Dynasty 4 - 2 Huntingdon Horn Frogs

Stone .188 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buenos Aires 3 Buenos Aires ? St. Louis 3 LOTTE 2 LOTTE
2 Nashville ? LOTTE 2 Seattle
2 Nashville 0 Albuquerque
0 Monroe 0 Buenos Aires 4 LOTTE 2 Seattle
4 St. Louis 0 Montreal
2 St. Louis 0 Seattle
0 Chattanooga 3 St. Louis 0 Knoxville 2 Knoxville
2 South Euclid 3 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 South Euclid 2 Montreal

St. Louis Aviators 1 - 4 LOTTE GIANTS

Stone .189 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Laval 0 Laval ? Washington 3 Buffalo Grove 2 Buffalo Grove
3 ROUGE ? Nashville 1 Broomfield
0 Chicago 2 Broomfield
2 ROUGE 1 ROUGE 3 Buffalo Grove 1 Chula Vista
4 Washington 4 Nashville
2 Washington 2 Oakland
0 Huntingdon 3 Washington 2 Oakland 1 Pawtucket
2 Cream City 3 Nashville
0 - 0 -
2 Cream City 2 Nashville

Washington Eagles 4 - 2 Nashville Stars

Stone .190 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ray Eagles 3 Ray Eagles ? Ray Eagles 3 Houston 2 Houston
0 Hattiesburg ? Houston 2 Henderson
0 Packs 0 Kettering
2 Hattiesburg 4 Ray Eagles 4 Houston 2 Henderson
1 Sunnyvale 2 Seattle
0 Super Sigma 2 Seattle
2 Daejeon 2 Daejeon 3 Seattle 0 Baltimore
3 Sunnyvale 0 Kailua Kougars
0 - 0 -
2 Sunnyvale 2 Kailua Kougars

Ray Eagles Raygles 1 - 4 Houston Flying Chanclas

Stone .191 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ossingen 1 Ossingen ? Arlington 3 Shelby 2 Shelby
3 Cleveland Should be ? Prosper 0 Calgary
0 Sainte Genevieve 2 Calgary
2 Cleveland Should be 1 Cleveland Should be 3 Shelby 0 Iowa
4 Arlington 4 Prosper
2 phila. 2 Manchester
1 Bloomington 1 phila. 1 Manchester 0 San Diego
3 Arlington 3 Prosper
0 - 0 -
2 Arlington 2 Prosper

Arlington Silver Knights 4 - 1 Prosper Hogs

Stone .192 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Brooklyn 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
1 Wisconsin ? Mentor 3 Purple Devil
1 Carol City 1 Green Bay
2 Wisconsin 4 Brooklyn 1 Purple Devil 2 Purple Devil
3 NC 4 Mentor
2 Troy 1 Victorville
1 Jacksonville 0 Troy 3 Mentor 2 Mentor
3 NC 0 Trico
0 - 0 -
2 NC 2 Trico

Brooklyn Makos 1 - 4 Mentor Bavetas

Stone .193 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 WEFC 3 WEFC ? WEFC 1 Malta 2 Malta
1 Brooklyn ? YENA 3 Atlanta
2 Brooklyn 1 Packsburg
1 Appleton West 4 WEFC 2 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
0 West Kessler 4 YENA
2 West Kessler 2 YENA
1 San Diego 3 West Kessler 3 YENA 1 Flowood
2 Sugarland 1 Evansville
0 - 0 -
2 Sugarland 2 Evansville

WEFC Blackrock 4 - 3 YENA SMILEY

Stone .194 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Neptune 3 Neptune ? Neptune 3 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn
2 USA ? Brooklyn 0 Tidewater
1 Abilene 2 Tidewater
2 USA 4 Neptune 4 Brooklyn 0 Burlington
1 Tampa Bay 2 Glendale
2 Tampa Bay 0 Lancaster
0 James Island 3 Tampa Bay 3 Glendale 2 Glendale
1 resting pitch 0 Illinois
0 - 0 -
2 resting pitch 2 Illinois

Neptune Cyber Dragons 4 - 2 Brooklyn Dodgers

Stone .195 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Crump 3 Crump ? Toronto 3 Eaton Rapids 2 Eaton Rapids
1 Sugar Island ? Kentucky 2 San Francisco
1 Shovel Town 2 San Francisco
2 Sugar Island 1 Crump 2 Eaton Rapids 0 Pontchartrain Shores
4 Toronto 4 Kentucky
0 Canberra 2 Kentucky
2 Wilmington 0 Wilmington 3 Kentucky 1 Suwon
3 Toronto 0 Colorado
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Colorado

Toronto Bubjays 4 - 2 Kentucky Wildcats

Stone .196 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hudson Valley 1 Hudson Valley ? Colts Neck 3 Wharton 2 Wharton
3 Vienna ? Wharton 0 Waipahu
0 Florida 1 Brookings
2 Vienna 0 Vienna 4 Wharton 2 Waipahu
4 Colts Neck 3 Syracuse
0 Buffalo 2 Syracuse
2 Salinas 1 Salinas 3 Syracuse 1 Hamms
3 Colts Neck 2 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Colts Neck 2 St. Louis

Colts Neck Riders 4 - 2 Wharton Trash Bandits

Stone .197 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 420 Brawlers 3 420 Brawlers ? Lake City 1 Trenton 2 Trenton
1 The ? Newark 3 Newark
0 Nebula 1 Bay Side
2 The 2 420 Brawlers 4 Newark 2 Newark
4 Lake City 1 Durham
1 Charlotte 1 LV
2 St. Louis 0 St. Louis 2 Pok Etsain 2 Pok Etsain
3 Lake City 3 Durham
0 - 0 -
2 Lake City 2 Durham

Lake City Leviathan 4 - 3 Newark Warlocks

Stone .198 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 1 Springfield ? Philo 1 GrimGun 2 GrimGun
3 Philo ? Fort Myers 3 New York
0 Rolla 1 Eastend
2 Philo 4 Philo 3 New York 2 New York
2 Chattanooga 4 Fort Myers
2 Rock City 2 Wadsworth
0 Dookieville 1 Rock City 0 Wadsworth 1 SM
3 Chattanooga 3 Fort Myers
0 - 0 -
2 Chattanooga 2 Fort Myers

Philo Airwaves 3 - 4 Fort Myers Alligators

Stone .199 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philly 1 Philly ? Batumi 3 Sing Hu 2 Sing Hu
3 Batumi ? Sing Hu 1 Seoul
2 Batumi 2 Seoul
0 Fort Smith 4 Batumi 4 Sing Hu 0 Money ball
1 Boston 0 San Francisco
2 Waterbury 0 LGTWINS
0 Augusta 0 Waterbury 3 San Francisco 2 San Francisco
3 Boston 2 Chanyvill
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Chanyvill

Batumi Red Devils 2 - 4 Sing Hu Eckankar

Stone .200 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Attleboro 1 Attleboro ? Razzle 3 East Rockaway 2 East Rockaway
3 Geno ? East Rockaway 0 Catskill
0 Marysville 1 Gwinnett
2 Geno 3 Geno 4 East Rockaway 2 Catskill
4 Razzle 2 Lanesra
0 Grand Rapids 2 Newark
2 Free 2 Free 0 Newark 1 Lancaster
3 Razzle 3 Lanesra
0 - 0 -
2 Razzle 2 Lanesra

Razzle Dazzlers 4 - 0 East Rockaway Rocks

Stone .201 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Dirty City 3 Dirty City ? Corona 3 White Oak 2 White Oak
1 Texas ? Alum Rock 0 Chicago Whitesox
1 Philadelphia 0 Apple Park
2 Texas 3 Dirty City 2 White Oak 2 Chicago Whitesox
4 Corona 4 Alum Rock
2 Anaheim Hills 2 Pilot Hill
0 Granite City 1 Anaheim Hills 1 Pilot Hill 0 Nashville
3 Corona 3 Alum Rock
0 - 0 -
2 Corona 2 Alum Rock

Corona Commanders 0 - 4 Alum Rock Rockers

Stone .202 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Deep Space 2 Deep Space ? Motown 1 Tokyo 2 Tokyo
3 Peterborough ? Montreal 3 Peoria
2 Peterborough 1 Los Angeles
0 Ice Cold 3 Peterborough 3 Peoria 2 Peoria
4 Motown 4 Montreal
0 Oklahoma 1 Brew
2 Florida 2 Florida 2 New York 2 New York
3 Motown 3 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Motown 2 Montreal

Motown Tilt 2 - 4 Montreal Expos

Stone .203 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
3 Brea ? Philadelphia 1 Springfield
1 Dana Point ? Twinksville 3 Twinksville

0 Brea 4 Twinksville
4 Philadelphia 3 Cleveland

3 Philadelphia 2 Rockford
0 Walton Kings 3 Cleveland

Philadelphia Quakers 4 - 2 Twinksville Twinks

Stone .204 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Yokohama 1 Yokohama ? McKinney 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
3 Port Arthur ? Hwaseong 3 Hwaseong
2 Port Arthur 0 Albuquerque
0 Groveton 2 Port Arthur 4 Hwaseong 2 Hwaseong
4 McKinney 1 Vandalia
0 Black Diamond 0 Medford
2 Clearbrook 2 Clearbrook 1 New Haven 2 New Haven
3 McKinney 3 Vandalia
0 - 0 -
2 McKinney 2 Vandalia

McKinney Black Wolves 0 - 4 Hwaseong Eclipse

Stone .205 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? DD 3 Northampton 2 Northampton
2 Binghamton ? Northampton 0 Weedland
2 Binghamton 1 Cheshire
1 Summerside 2 Brooklyn 4 Northampton 2 Weedland
4 DD 0 DC
2 Lynchville 0 Ashford
1 Delmarva 1 Lynchville 1 Garden Grove 2 Garden Grove
3 DD 3 DC
0 - 0 -
2 DD 2 DC

DD D1D1 1 - 4 Northampton Hearts

Stone .206 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Carlton 3 Carlton ? Baton Rouge 3 CDMX 2 CDMX
2 Dover ? CDMX 2 Spooner
1 Champaign 0 River City Cola Cats
2 Dover 3 Carlton 4 CDMX 2 Spooner
4 Baton Rouge 3 Charlotte
1 Murphy's 2 Charlotte
2 Chicago 2 Chicago 3 Charlotte 1 San Diego
3 Baton Rouge 1 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Baton Rouge 2 Calgary

Baton Rouge Sharks 1 - 4 CDMX Mexicorea

Stone .207 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Grovedale 3 Grovedale ? Grovedale 3 Ward Melville 2 Ward Melville
2 Hyperborea ? Ward Melville 1 Rohnert Park
1 Lumbar 1 Portland Oregon
2 Hyperborea 4 Grovedale 4 Ward Melville 2 Rohnert Park
2 Gadsden 3 Silver Lake
1 Plano 1 Arizona
2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles 3 Silver Lake 2 Silver Lake
3 Gadsden 0 Diamond
0 - 0 -
2 Gadsden 2 Diamond

Grovedale Gooners 4 - 1 Ward Melville Patriettes

Stone .208 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Topher's 3 Topher's ? Cheyraq 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
2 Rocher ? Springfield 0 TheRockets
2 Rocher 2 TheRockets
0 Cookeville 2 Topher's 4 Springfield 1 Pearl
4 Cheyraq 3 Connor Joe
1 Adelanto 2 Connor Joe
2 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh 3 Connor Joe 1 H-Town
3 Cheyraq 0 Faribault
0 - 0 -
2 Cheyraq 2 Faribault

Cheyraq Stampede 2 - 4 Springfield Odyssey

Stone .209 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brantley's 3 Brantley's ? Vancouver 3 New Valley 2 New Valley
0 Rainy City ? New Valley 2 Brooklyn
1 Topanga 2 Brooklyn
2 Rainy City 1 Brantley's 4 New Valley 0 San Diego
4 Vancouver 2 Anchorage
0 Budapest 2 Anchorage
2 Pitman 0 Pitman 3 Anchorage 0 Blues City
3 Vancouver 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 New York

Vancouver Vagrants 4 - 3 New Valley Square

Stone .210 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sundays 3 Sundays ? Sundays 3 Crossroads 2 Crossroads
0 Walla Walla ? Crossroads 2 South Indy
0 Manetheren 0 Springfield
2 Walla Walla 4 Sundays 4 Crossroads 2 South Indy
2 Mississauga 2 Grand Prairie
2 Mississauga 2 Grand Prairie
1 Chicago 3 Mississauga 3 Grand Prairie 0 Reno
2 Townshend 1 Kirkwood
0 - 0 -
2 Townshend 2 Kirkwood

Sundays With My Dad - TTC 0 - 4 Crossroads Ghosts

Stone .211 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Old Zurich 3 Old Zurich ? Old Zurich 3 Virginia Beach 2 Virginia Beach
0 Cincinnati ? Virginia Beach 1 San Diego
1 Old Irving Park 2 San Diego
2 Cincinnati 4 Old Zurich 4 Virginia Beach 0 Gotham City
3 NewYork 1 Pompeji
1 Milwaukee 1 Mullopolis
2 NewYork 3 NewYork 2 Halifax 2 Halifax
0 Milwaukee 3 Pompeji
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Pompeji

Old Zurich Foxxers 4 - 3 Virginia Beach Surge

Stone .212 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chico 3 Chico ? Chico 3 Bong 2 Bong
1 South Side ? Bong 2 Ev's
0 Brechin 0 Los Angeles
2 South Side 4 Chico 4 Bong 2 Ev's
1 Jersey 1 Queen City
0 Carolina 2 Queen City
2 COOM 1 COOM 3 Queen City 1 Canada
3 Jersey 1 Seattle
0 - 0 -
2 Jersey 2 Seattle

Chico Heat PCK 1 - 4 Bong Waters

Stone .213 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan 3 Manhattan ? Manhattan 3 Newberg 2 Newberg
0 Rochester ? Newberg 0 Midwest
1 Commerce City 2 Midwest
2 Rochester 4 Manhattan 4 Newberg 0 MARS
3 St Paul 2 St. Paul
0 Riverview 0 Dresden
2 St Paul 3 St Paul 3 St. Paul 2 St. Paul
2 Akron 2 Frisco
0 - 0 -
2 Akron 2 Frisco

Manhattan Eagles 4 - 2 Newberg Chanticleers

Stone .214 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wheat Ridge 1 Wheat Ridge ? Owasso 0 San Jose 2 San Jose
3 New Bedford ? Amish 3 OKC
0 Big Lake 1 Seattle
2 New Bedford 2 New Bedford 3 OKC 2 OKC
4 Owasso 4 Amish
0 Philadelphia 1 Detroit Lakes
2 Toronto 2 Toronto 3 Amish 2 Amish
3 Owasso 0 Baltimore
0 - 0 -
2 Owasso 2 Baltimore

Owasso RamJammers 4 - 2 Amish Big Doinks

Stone .215 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Manhattan Beach 0 Manhattan Beach ? Charlottesville 2 Magnolia 2 Magnolia
3 Charlottesville ? Chicago 3 Hawaii
1 Seoul 0 Vero Beach South
2 Charlottesville 4 Charlottesville 3 Hawaii 2 Hawaii
1 Tampa Bay 4 Chicago
1 New Brunswick 0 True Northern
2 Griffon 0 Griffon 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
3 Tampa Bay 0 Fine Young Men
0 - 0 -
2 Tampa Bay 2 Fine Young Men

Charlottesville Sidewinders 4 - 1 Chicago Men of Steal

Stone .216 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mesa 3 Mesa ? Welland 3 CC 2 CC
2 Baldwin Park ? CC 1 Kansas City
0 Loomyville 1 Pittsburgh
2 Baldwin Park 2 Mesa 4 CC 2 Kansas City
4 Welland 2 Layton
2 Columbia 0 Tacoma
0 Chuncheon 0 Columbia 3 Layton 2 Layton
3 Welland 2 LS
0 - 0 -
2 Welland 2 LS

Welland Jackfish 1 - 4 CC Sharks

Stone .217 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Guelph 3 Guelph ? Guelph 3 Mississauga 2 Mississauga
0 Pixburgh ? Mississauga 2 Mount Storm
1 Berlin 2 Mount Storm
2 Pixburgh 4 Guelph 4 Mississauga 1 Incheon
1 Alamosa 3 Hazzard County
2 Alamosa 0 Spring Brook
1 Paradise 3 Alamosa 3 Hazzard County 2 Hazzard County
1 Valley Park 1 Cabo San Lucas
0 - 0 -
2 Valley Park 2 Cabo San Lucas

Guelph Royals 4 - 0 Mississauga Carnivores

Stone .218 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas ? Green Bay 2 Kentucky 2 Kentucky
0 Muncie Indiana ? Georiga 3 Georiga
2 Muncie Indiana 0 North Charleston
1 Rain 2 Las Vegas 4 Georiga 2 Georiga
4 Green Bay 1 Milwaukee
2 Green Bay 2 Oakland
0 Los Angeles 3 Green Bay 2 Oakland 0 Stefon Diggs
0 Minnesota 3 Milwaukee
0 - 0 -
2 Minnesota 2 Milwaukee

Green Bay Gamblers 4 - 1 Georiga Dirt Dawgs

Stone .219 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 3 Buffalo ? Buffalo 0 Bangkok 2 Bangkok
1 Alternative ? Howfen Rangers 3 Howfen Rangers
0 Toronto 0 California
2 Alternative 4 Buffalo 4 Howfen Rangers 2 Howfen Rangers
1 Madison 3 NIKKE
0 Savannah 2 Moscow
2 Portland 1 Portland 1 Moscow 1 Allentown
3 Madison 3 NIKKE
0 - 0 -
2 Madison 2 NIKKE

Buffalo BIG Bison 4 - 0 Howfen Rangers Rangers

Stone .220 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Jersey 3 New Jersey ? New Jersey 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
0 Paramount ? Atlanta 0 Folsom
0 La Mesa 0 Exodus
2 Paramount 4 New Jersey 4 Atlanta 2 Folsom
3 Toronto 3 Colorado Springs
0 San Francisco 0 Denver
2 Dallas 2 Dallas 3 Colorado Springs 2 Colorado Springs
3 Toronto 2 Parkersburg
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 Parkersburg

New Jersey Dragons 1 - 4 Atlanta Jcq202

Stone .221 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bronx 3 Bronx ? Bronx 3 Pensacola 2 Pensacola
1 Skeezy ? Pensacola 2 Redford Township
2 Skeezy 0 Golden
1 Ueda 4 Bronx 4 Pensacola 2 Redford Township
3 Shady Sands 1 Kamahakatuah
1 San Jose 0 Wilmington
2 Kansas City 1 Kansas City 0 Mima Prairie 2 Mima Prairie
3 Shady Sands 3 Kamahakatuah
0 - 0 -
2 Shady Sands 2 Kamahakatuah

Bronx Nimrods 4 - 1 Pensacola Blue Marlins

Stone .222 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 3 Edmonton ? Kennewick 3 Juno y Freyba 2 Juno y Freyba
2 Chepatchet ? Juno y Freyba 1 ATLANTA
2 Chepatchet 1 Triad
1 Pensacola 2 Edmonton 4 Juno y Freyba 2 ATLANTA
4 Kennewick 2 Detroit
2 Warwick 0 Calgary
0 Seoul 0 Warwick 3 Detroit 2 Detroit
3 Kennewick 1 Redcliff
0 - 0 -
2 Kennewick 2 Redcliff

Kennewick Knights 3 - 4 Juno y Freyba Gatos

Stone .223 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Esbjerg 3 Esbjerg ? Esbjerg 3 Wuhan 2 Wuhan
2 Princeton ? Omaha 2 Boston
0 Llandudno 0 Mississauga
2 Princeton 4 Esbjerg 3 Wuhan 2 Boston
1 Livermore 4 Omaha
1 Columbus 1 Grit City
2 Powtown 2 Powtown 0 OSU 2 2 OSU 2
3 Livermore 3 Omaha
0 - 0 -
2 Livermore 2 Omaha

Esbjerg Energy 4 - 0 Omaha Chargers

Stone .224 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 KIMPO 3 KIMPO ? Betaburg 3 Omaha 2 Omaha
1 Naptown ? Rhode Island 2 Boolarra
1 Vancouver 0 South Jersey
2 Naptown 1 KIMPO 3 Omaha 2 Boolarra
4 Betaburg 4 Rhode Island
2 Betaburg 1 Seattle
1 Houston 3 Betaburg 0 North 2 North
1 Tucson 3 Rhode Island
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson 2 Rhode Island

Betaburg Red Bulls 3 - 4 Rhode Island Riptide

Stone .225 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Uncanny Valley 0 Uncanny Valley ? Ottawa 3 Timbuktu 2 Timbuktu
3 Ottawa ? Timbuktu 1 sanggal
1 Houston 2 sanggal
2 Ottawa 4 Ottawa 4 Timbuktu 1 Las Vegas
1 Broward 2 Anthem
0 Davis 2 Anthem
2 Baltimore 0 Baltimore 3 Anthem 1 Windy City
3 Broward 2 Fresno
0 - 0 -
2 Broward 2 Fresno

Ottawa Pines 1 - 4 Timbuktu Ticket Punchers

Stone .226 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Canberra 3 Canberra ? Canberra 3 Jersey City 2 Jersey City
1 Booger Hole ? Jersey City 0 Carlsbad
0 Motucky 1 Kamakura
2 Booger Hole 4 Canberra 4 Jersey City 2 Carlsbad
3 La Plaine 3 Huddersfield
0 Calgary Maples 1 Norfolk
2 Wilshire 1 Wilshire 3 Huddersfield 2 Huddersfield
3 La Plaine 1 Ram Ranch
0 - 0 -
2 La Plaine 2 Ram Ranch

Canberra Corgis 0 - 4 Jersey City Italian Stallions

Stone .227 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Flanders 1 Flanders ? Shen Zhen 1 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
3 Shen Zhen ? U.A. 3 Cleveland
1 Burton 0 Greenville
2 Shen Zhen 4 Shen Zhen 2 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
1 Rivia 4 U.A.
2 Rivia 2 San Juan
0 Gary 3 Rivia 0 San Juan 0 St. Louis
1 Westminster 3 U.A.
0 - 0 -
2 Westminster 2 U.A.

Shen Zhen Giants 4 - 3 U.A. Plus Ultras

Stone .228 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orlando 3 Orlando ? Orlando 3 Rockford 2 Rockford
2 Heiloo ? Cedar City 2 Artesia
0 New Port Richey 2 Artesia
2 Heiloo 4 Orlando 0 Rockford 1 Surrey
2 San Francisco 4 Cedar City
1 Riverside 0 Cincinnati
2 San Francisco 3 San Francisco 3 Cedar City 2 Cedar City
1 Boston 1 Montreal
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Montreal

Orlando Orange Peels 4 - 2 Cedar City Mountain Goats

Stone .229 - Stone Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Golden 3 Golden ? Genshin 3 Blaine 2 Blaine
2 Pittsburgh ? Blaine 1 Bad News
1 Boppin' 2 Bad News
2 Pittsburgh 1 Golden 4 Blaine 1 Olathe
4 Genshin 0 Boston
1 Huntley 2 Boston
2 Genshin 3 Genshin 3 Boston 0 Kalamazoo
1 Hartford 2 Boston
0 - 0 -
2 Hartford 2 Boston

Genshin Gachas 0 - 4 Blaine Hustlers

Rookie .100 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Paterson 3 Paterson ? Tampa 3 New York 2 New York
1 Sassy ? New York 0 Fullerton
0 Montgomery 0 Erie
2 Sassy 2 Paterson 4 New York 2 Fullerton
4 Tampa 1 Washington
0 Ormond Beach 0 North Bay
2 Tampa 3 Tampa 3 Washington 2 Washington
2 Bolingbrook 1 Landmark
0 - 0 -
2 Bolingbrook 2 Landmark

Tampa Bashers 1 - 4 New York Pythons

Rookie .101 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincy 3 Cincy ? Cincy 3 Two Dolla 2 Two Dolla
0 Twin Falls ? Lake Placid 0 San Diego
0 Oshkosh 1 San Antonio
2 Twin Falls 4 Cincy 1 Two Dolla 2 San Diego
0 Boiling Springs 4 Lake Placid
2 Boiling Springs 0 Lewiston
1 Marietta 3 Boiling Springs 1 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville
0 Milwaukee 3 Lake Placid
0 - 0 -
2 Milwaukee 2 Lake Placid

Cincy Chilidogs 1 - 4 Lake Placid Lake Monsters -E6-

Rookie .102 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cardiff 2 Cardiff ? Booger Hole 3 Nancy 2 Nancy
3 Mesa ? Nancy 1 Chino
2 Mesa 2 Chino
1 Syracuse 2 Mesa 4 Nancy 1 BX
4 Booger Hole 1 Mantsala Minders
0 Mookie 1 Manassas
2 Jamaica Plain 2 Jamaica Plain 0 San Antonio 2 San Antonio
3 Booger Hole 3 Mantsala Minders
0 - 0 -
2 Booger Hole 2 Mantsala Minders

Booger Hole Fingerlicks 0 - 4 Nancy Herons

Rookie .103 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 3 New Orleans ? New Orleans 3 Bean Town 2 Bean Town
2 StL 1 Andover
1 Carey 4 New Orleans 4 Bean Town 2 USTECTI ZMRDICI
1 Coolidge St 1 Detroit
2 Coolidge St 2 Northville
1 Seminole Heights 3 Coolidge St 1 Northville 0 Wichita
0 Boise 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Boise 2 Detroit

New Orleans Muffalettas 0 - 4 Bean Town Bombers

Rookie .104 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mexico City 3 Mexico City ? Mexico City 1 Elida 2 Elida
2 Albany ? Music City 3 Quarryville
0 Gotham 0 Los Angeles
2 Albany 4 Mexico City 2 Quarryville 2 Quarryville
3 Las Vegas 4 Music City
0 Laval 2 Jamestown
2 Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas 0 Jamestown 0 Dubuque
1 Long Island 3 Music City
0 - 0 -
2 Long Island 2 Music City

Mexico City Jaguars 4 - 3 Music City Cowboys

Rookie .105 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 3 Springfield ? Springfield 3 Adelaide Rage Pandas 2 Adelaide Rage Pandas
1 Shoreline ? Adelaide Rage Pandas 0 Rotterdam
2 Shoreline 1 Melbourne
1 Massachusetts 4 Springfield 4 Adelaide Rage Pandas 2 Rotterdam
3 Onett 2 Huntington
1 Lincoln Park 0 Nashville
2 Montreal 0 Montreal 0 Mission Viejo 2 Mission Viejo
3 Onett 3 Huntington
0 - 0 -
2 Onett 2 Huntington

Springfield Unicorns 3 - 4 Adelaide Rage Pandas Superstars

Rookie .106 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 2 Fortniteville 2 Fortniteville
1 London ? Onehundredhole 3 Onehundredhole
2 London 0 Animal House
1 Chattanooga 4 Toronto 4 Onehundredhole 2 Onehundredhole
0 Omaha 3 Orange
2 Inland Empire 2 West Virginia
1 Zyn 1 Inland Empire 2 West Virginia 0 Back Mountain
3 Omaha 3 Orange
0 - 0 -
2 Omaha 2 Orange

Toronto Knuckles 4 - 2 Onehundredhole Holyhole

Rookie .107 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Active 3 Active ? Active 3 Oceanside 2 Oceanside
0 Navarre ? Oceanside 0 Toronto
2 Navarre 0 New York
1 Missoula 4 Active 4 Oceanside 2 Toronto
2 Seaside 0 40 Sausage
0 Inland Empire 2 Red Pony
2 Seaside 3 Seaside 1 Red Pony 1 Placentia
2 Chiayi 3 40 Sausage
0 - 0 -
2 Chiayi 2 40 Sausage

Active Only TTC 0 - 4 Oceanside Seagulls

Rookie .108 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Thousand Oaks 2 Thousand Oaks ? Hopland 3 Melbourne 2 Melbourne
3 Hopland ? Melbourne 1 Belize
2 Hopland 1 Mission Viejo
1 Toronto 4 Hopland 4 Melbourne 2 Belize
1 Charleston 3 Toronto
2 Charleston 0 Kenner
0 Boise 3 Charleston 0 Chunsiks Cheonan 2 Chunsiks Cheonan
1 Lemoore 3 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Lemoore 2 Toronto

Hopland Heroes 1 - 4 Melbourne Aces

Rookie .109 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hanwha 3 Hanwha ? Hanwha 0 Akron 2 Akron
0 Scotland ? Twin Falls 3 Taiwa
0 Tulsa 1 pr0156
2 Scotland 4 Hanwha 3 Taiwa 2 Taiwa
0 Frankfurt 4 Twin Falls
2 Montclair 1 Upland
1 Behringer Sturges 0 Montclair 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
3 Frankfurt 3 Twin Falls
0 - 0 -
2 Frankfurt 2 Twin Falls

Hanwha Life Insurance 4 - 0 Twin Falls Badlanders

Rookie .110 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Finland 3 Finland ? Terre Haute 3 Reading 2 Reading
0 Portland ? Reading 1 Bellevue
0 St. Louis 0 Rucker Park
2 Portland 2 Finland 4 Reading 2 Bellevue
4 Terre Haute 2 Bridgewater
0 Toronto 0 Purple
2 Bristol 0 Bristol 3 Bridgewater 2 Bridgewater
3 Terre Haute 0 Salisbury
0 - 0 -
2 Terre Haute 2 Salisbury

Terre Haute Kangaroos 4 - 0 Reading Fightin' Phils (Pk)

Rookie .111 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi ? Mississippi 3 Calgary 2 Calgary
2 Las Vegas ? Calgary 2 Michigan
1 Los Angeles 2 Michigan
2 Las Vegas 4 Mississippi 4 Calgary 0 H
3 Couve 3 Centennial Hills
2 Philadelphia 2 Calgary
1 Great Lake 1 Philadelphia 1 Calgary 0 Miami Beach
3 Couve 3 Centennial Hills
0 - 0 -
2 Couve 2 Centennial Hills

Mississippi Braves 2 - 4 Calgary Cannons

Rookie .112 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Holey 1 Holey ? Togo 1 Port St. Lucie 2 Port St. Lucie
3 Togo ? Las Vegas 3 Las Vegas
1 Hamilton 2 Las Vegas
2 Togo 4 Togo 4 Las Vegas 1 Bowling green
2 Burnaby 1 Tater
2 Burnaby 1 Louisville
1 Hanhwa 3 Burnaby 0 Lutherville 2 Lutherville
2 Florida 3 Tater
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 2 Tater

Togo Sushi 3 - 4 Las Vegas Raiders

Rookie .113 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mesa 3 Mesa ? Mesa 0 WV 2 WV
1 Berlin ? Orange County 3 Peregrin Tooks
0 Newark 1 Mapo-Gu
2 Berlin 4 Mesa 3 Peregrin Tooks 2 Peregrin Tooks
0 mid-west 4 Orange County
2 Mexico City 2 English
1 Gangwon 0 Mexico City 2 English 0 Springfield
3 mid-west 3 Orange County
0 - 0 -
2 mid-west 2 Orange County

Mesa Storm 4 - 0 Orange County Dorados

Rookie .114 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brampton 3 Brampton ? Brampton 3 Tucson 2 Tucson
2 Colorado Springs ? Tucson 1 Bay Shore
1 Old Gaucher 2 Bay Shore
2 Colorado Springs 4 Brampton 4 Tucson 1 Winnipeg
1 Smithtown 1 Springfield
2 Yeehaw Junction 1 Baltimore
0 South Pasadena 1 Yeehaw Junction 2 Grove City 2 Grove City
3 Smithtown 3 Springfield
0 - 0 -
2 Smithtown 2 Springfield

Brampton Bighorns 4 - 0 Tucson Prospects

Rookie .115 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Planeptune 3 Planeptune ? Planeptune 2 Castle Rock 2 Castle Rock
2 Niigata ? Amarillo 3 seoul
0 LA 2 seoul
2 Niigata 4 Planeptune 3 seoul 0 Embervale
0 Steve Balboni's 4 Amarillo
0 Inchelium 2 Lowell
2 Provo 2 Provo 1 Lowell 1 Keebler
3 Steve Balboni's 3 Amarillo
0 - 0 -
2 Steve Balboni's 2 Amarillo

Planeptune Neptunians 4 - 1 Amarillo Yaks

Rookie .116 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Yonkers 3 Yonkers ? Large 2 HR 2 HR
1 Long Beach ? Columbus Clippers 3 Chatham County
1 Edinburgh 0 Washington
2 Long Beach 3 Yonkers 1 Chatham County 2 Chatham County
4 Large 4 Columbus Clippers
0 Columbia 0 Goldenstate
2 Large 3 Large 3 Columbus Clippers 2 Columbus Clippers
2 Vancouver 0 Taiwan
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Taiwan

Large Logos TTC 0 - 4 Columbus Clippers Veleros

Rookie .117 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ewing 0 Ewing ? Stamford 3 Glendale 2 Glendale
3 New Orleans ? Redwood City 2 NewYork
2 New Orleans 1 Jacksonville
1 Broken Arrow 2 New Orleans 1 Glendale 2 NewYork
4 Stamford 4 Redwood City
0 Ohtani 1 Detroit
2 New London 0 New London 3 Redwood City 2 Redwood City
3 Stamford 2 Space
0 - 0 -
2 Stamford 2 Space

Stamford Rockets 4 - 2 Redwood City Panthers

Rookie .118 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lincoln 1 Lincoln ? Los Angeles 3 Virginia 2 Virginia
3 Los Angeles ? Virginia 0 Burlingame
1 American 2 Burlingame
2 Los Angeles 4 Los Angeles 4 Virginia 0 Reading
1 Edmonton 0 Auckland
0 Brooklyn 2 Auckland
2 Pleasant Grove 2 Pleasant Grove 3 Auckland 1 Mission Bend
3 Edmonton 1 Dallas
0 - 0 -
2 Edmonton 2 Dallas

Los Angeles Copper Kings 0 - 4 Virginia Blizzard

Rookie .119 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 West Hartford 3 West Hartford ? West Hartford 3 DEN 2 DEN
0 London ? Davenport 0 Plainfield
2 London 2 Plainfield
0 Inland Empire 4 West Hartford 3 DEN 0 Chungli
3 Busan 4 Davenport
2 Winnipeg 1 Homers
1 Haskins 2 Winnipeg 3 Davenport 2 Davenport
3 Busan 0 Los Angeles
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 2 Los Angeles

West Hartford Colt 45s 4 - 2 Davenport Dozers

Rookie .120 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Northwestern 3 Northwestern ? Northwestern 3 Pompton Lakes 2 Pompton Lakes
1 Bradford ? Pompton Lakes 2 Arlington
0 La Crosse 2 Arlington
2 Bradford 4 Northwestern 4 Pompton Lakes 1 Half Moon Bay
3 Cincinnati 1 Halifax
0 Badnewz 2 Watertown
2 Cincinnati 3 Cincinnati 1 Watertown 1 Philadelphia
2 Giant 3 Halifax
0 - 0 -
2 Giant 2 Halifax

Northwestern Wildcats 4 - 1 Pompton Lakes Cardinals

Rookie .121 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 3 Minneapolis 2 Minneapolis
1 Garland ? Lebanon 1 Richmond
1 Garden Grove 1 Hanwha
2 Garland 4 Toronto 2 Minneapolis 2 Richmond
1 Lubbock 4 Lebanon
1 Laval 0 Lake Elsinore
2 Lubbock 3 Lubbock 3 Lebanon 2 Lebanon
0 BUSAN 1 Towson
0 - 0 -
2 BUSAN 2 Towson

Toronto Diamond Kings 0 - 4 Lebanon Slammers

Rookie .122 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Guatemala 3 Guatemala ? Guatemala 3 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Louisville ? St Izabel West 1 San Diego
1 Lotte Giants 0 Sutton Place
2 Louisville 4 Guatemala 1 Chicago 2 San Diego
0 Carlsbad 4 St Izabel West
1 Ashburn 2 St Izabel West
2 Brooklyn 2 Brooklyn 3 St Izabel West 1 Rome
3 Carlsbad 1 Laval
0 - 0 -
2 Carlsbad 2 Laval

Guatemala Quetzals 4 - 0 St Izabel West FireFighters

Rookie .123 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Amarillo 2 Amarillo ? Bluffton 3 Penetang 2 Penetang
3 KOREA RPOWER ? Phoenix 2 Council Bluffs
2 KOREA RPOWER 2 Council Bluffs
1 Manchester 2 KOREA RPOWER 2 Penetang 1 Bangkok
4 Bluffton 4 Phoenix
0 San Antonio 2 Richmond
2 Jersey City 0 Jersey City 0 Richmond 1 Crown Point
3 Bluffton 3 Phoenix
0 - 0 -
2 Bluffton 2 Phoenix

Bluffton Humidity 3 - 4 Phoenix Firebirds

Rookie .124 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 0 Dallas 2 Dallas
0 Queen Qity ? Syracuse 3 Columbus
2 Queen Qity 2 Columbus
1 Fargo 4 Chicago 0 Columbus 1 Arlington Heights
2 Sanford 4 Syracuse
0 Florida 2 Los Angeles
2 Hawthorne 1 Hawthorne 0 Los Angeles 0 Bartlesville
3 Sanford 3 Syracuse
0 - 0 -
2 Sanford 2 Syracuse

Chicago Sting 4 - 0 Syracuse Redhawks

Rookie .125 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 1 San Diego ? Syracuse 0 Minneapolis 2 Minneapolis
3 London Rangers ? Severna Park 3 Hays
0 New York 1 Stockton
2 London Rangers 3 London Rangers 3 Hays 2 Hays
4 Syracuse 4 Severna Park
1 Linden 1 Arizona
2 Carlsbad 2 Carlsbad 3 Severna Park 2 Severna Park
3 Syracuse 2 New York
0 - 0 -
2 Syracuse 2 New York

Syracuse Orange 2 - 4 Severna Park Green Hornets

Rookie .126 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bartlesville 3 Bartlesville ? Bartlesville 3 Bucheon Choi's 2 Bucheon Choi's
2 Busan Lotte Giants ? Trenton Tornados 1 Someplace Far Away
1 Omaha 0 Vermillion
2 Busan Lotte Giants 4 Bartlesville 3 Bucheon Choi's 2 Someplace Far Away
2 Humongous 4 Trenton Tornados
0 Minneapolis 0 Murillo
2 Humongous 3 Humongous 3 Trenton Tornados 2 Trenton Tornados
1 Yakima 1 seoul
0 - 0 -
2 Yakima 2 seoul

Bartlesville Black Wolves 3 - 4 Trenton Tornados Nados

Rookie .127 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Florida 3 Washington 2 Washington
1 Madrid ? Washington 2 Sewanee
1 franklin 0 Halifax
2 Madrid 4 Florida 4 Washington 2 Sewanee
2 Osan 1 San Juan
0 pahrump 2 San Juan
2 East LA 2 East LA 3 San Juan 0 Sunrise Manor
3 Osan 1 Albany
0 - 0 -
2 Osan 2 Albany

Florida Sinkhole 2 - 4 Washington Mariners

Rookie .128 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Garbage 3 Garbage ? Garbage 1 Baltimore 2 Baltimore
1 New Jersey ? Louisiana 3 Sandusky
0 New York 0 New York
2 New Jersey 4 Garbage 2 Sandusky 2 Sandusky
1 Memphis 4 Louisiana
1 jycads 2 Amsa
2 Albany 2 Albany 1 Amsa 1 Mustang
3 Memphis 3 Louisiana
0 - 0 -
2 Memphis 2 Louisiana

Garbage People 4 - 3 Louisiana Bayou Rats

Rookie .129 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
2 Ayr United ? Calgary 0 Cedar Park
3 Calgary ? Hamlin 3 Medford

4 Calgary 2 Medford
0 Mictlan 4 Hamlin

3 Mictlan 2 Moreno Valley
0 Huntington Beach 3 Hamlin

Calgary Wolfhounds 4 - 0 Hamlin Newporters

Rookie .130 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Jose Lake 1 Jose Lake ? San Antonio 3 Spartanburg 2 Spartanburg
3 Memphis ? Spartanburg 1 St. Pete
2 Memphis 0 SwiTTChers
0 Birmingham 1 Memphis 4 Spartanburg 2 St. Pete
4 San Antonio 1 Sacramento
1 Chicago 1 Samsung
2 San Antonio 3 San Antonio 2 Rock Barn 2 Rock Barn
1 Lexington 3 Sacramento
0 - 0 -
2 Lexington 2 Sacramento

San Antonio Coyotes 0 - 4 Spartanburg Sluggers

Rookie .131 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Langley Falls 3 Langley Falls ? Langley Falls 3 Dusk City 2 Dusk City
2 Wilmington ? Dusk City 0 Elgin Rangers
0 Samsung 0 Greeley
2 Wilmington 4 Langley Falls 4 Dusk City 2 Elgin Rangers
0 Shanghai 0 Hot Springs
0 LA 1 Hillsboro
2 Shanghai 3 Shanghai 1 New York 2 New York
1 Eagan 3 Hot Springs
0 - 0 -
2 Eagan 2 Hot Springs

Langley Falls Bazooka Sharks 4 - 1 Dusk City Moonshadows

Rookie .132 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Anaheim 3 Anaheim ? Anaheim 3 Odessa 2 Odessa
2 Tulsa ? Odessa 2 Montreal
0 Springfield 0 North Richland Hills
2 Tulsa 4 Anaheim 4 Odessa 2 Montreal
1 Flint 0 Toronto
1 Dallas 2 Binghamton
2 New York 0 New York 0 Binghamton 1 Sheffield
3 Flint 3 Toronto
0 - 0 -
2 Flint 2 Toronto

Anaheim Stepdodgers 4 - 1 Odessa Tanks

Rookie .133 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 2 Busan 2 Busan
1 Pie Town ? Quebec 3 Columbus
2 Pie Town 1 Fukuoka
1 North Carolina 4 Baltimore 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
3 Detroit 4 Quebec
0 Fresno 0 Des Moines
2 Detroit 3 Detroit 2 Pohang 2 Pohang
0 Little Rock 3 Quebec
0 - 0 -
2 Little Rock 2 Quebec

Baltimore Fire Birds 4 - 0 Quebec Expos

Rookie .134 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 London 2 London ? Lemoore 3 Pittsburgh 2 Pittsburgh
3 taeyeon ? Pittsburgh 2 Aggieland
2 taeyeon 0 Chuncheon
1 Wausau 1 taeyeon 4 Pittsburgh 2 Aggieland
4 Lemoore 0 Chicago
0 Kingston 0 Ann Arbor
2 Caerbannog 1 Caerbannog 0 Rancho San Diego 2 Rancho San Diego
3 Lemoore 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Lemoore 2 Chicago

Lemoore Blue Falcons 4 - 1 Pittsburgh Cats

Rookie .135 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 nukess 3 nukess ? nukess 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
0 Pontefract ? Columbus 0 Busan
1 Terrytown 0 Stamford
2 Pontefract 4 nukess 4 Columbus 2 Busan
2 ryu 2 DreamyMorning
2 ryu 1 Parker
0 Montreal 3 ryu 1 Arnold 2 Arnold
1 Manchester 3 DreamyMorning
0 - 0 -
2 Manchester 2 DreamyMorning

nukess mets 4 - 0 Columbus Sloths

Rookie .136 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tillamook 3 Tillamook ? Tillamook 1 Breezegale 2 Breezegale
0 Sandy Shores ? Los Angelos 3 Bay Area
0 KOREA Devil Rays 2 Bay Area
2 Sandy Shores 4 Tillamook 3 Bay Area 0 Los Angeles
0 El Paso 4 Los Angelos
2 Toronto 2 Los Angelos
1 Austin 2 Toronto 3 Los Angelos 1 Tainan
3 El Paso 1 New York
0 - 0 -
2 El Paso 2 New York

Tillamook Cheese 4 - 0 Los Angelos Leakers

Rookie .137 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? Boston 3 JUSIN 2 JUSIN
1 Beloit ? kendallville 2 Vancouver
1 Huntington Park 1 New Rochelle
2 Beloit 4 Boston 3 JUSIN 2 Vancouver
1 Ehok LOVEHOUSES 4 kendallville
1 Clovelly 2 Daytona
2 Maplewood 1 Maplewood 2 Daytona 0 Oldham
3 Ehok LOVEHOUSES 3 kendallville
0 - 0 -
2 Ehok LOVEHOUSES 2 kendallville

Boston Fighters 1 - 4 kendallville cardinals

Rookie .138 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Broomfield 3 Broomfield ? Broomfield 3 Madera 2 Madera
1 Ether ? Brooklyn 0 Miramar
1 Chicago 2 Miramar
2 Ether 4 Broomfield 1 Madera 1 Claymont
1 Philadelphia 4 Brooklyn
1 Sacramento 2 Lawrence
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia 1 Lawrence 0 Dark Forest
2 Phoenix 3 Brooklyn
0 - 0 -
2 Phoenix 2 Brooklyn

Broomfield Fighting Falcons 4 - 3 Brooklyn Dodgers

Rookie .139 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 3 Toronto ? Toronto 2 Hudson 2 Hudson
0 New Castle ? Nampa 3 Nampa
2 New Castle 1 Wilmington
0 Traverse City 4 Toronto 4 Nampa 2 Nampa
1 Pine Bluff 3 Federal Way
1 Portland 1 Austin
2 Pine Bluff 3 Pine Bluff 3 Federal Way 2 Federal Way
1 Atlanta 2 Saskatoon
0 - 0 -
2 Atlanta 2 Saskatoon

Toronto Blue Jays 4 - 2 Nampa Bay Sox

Rookie .140 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cibolo 3 Cibolo ? Cibolo 3 Ellicott City 2 Ellicott City
0 Proton ? Madison 1 Green Bay
0 northwest 2 Green Bay
2 Proton 4 Cibolo 0 Ellicott City 1 Anaheim
0 Adelaide Rage Pandas 4 Madison
2 Adelaide Rage Pandas 0 Fontana
0 Blue Farm 3 Adelaide Rage Pandas 3 Madison 2 Madison
1 Inland Empire 1 San Angelo
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 San Angelo

Cibolo Rangers 4 - 0 Madison BrewCrew

Rookie .141 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Incheon 2 Incheon ? P-town 3 AreaCode 2 AreaCode
3 Ft. Worth ? Mellville 0 Edmonton
1 Baltimore 2 Edmonton
2 Ft. Worth 2 Ft. Worth 3 AreaCode 0 Golden Gate
4 P-town 4 Mellville
0 New York 1 Memphis
2 O'Fallon 0 O'Fallon 2 Montreal 2 Montreal
3 P-town 3 Mellville
0 - 0 -
2 P-town 2 Mellville

P-town Prowlerz 1 - 4 Mellville Westerners

Rookie .142 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Chicago ? Philadelphia 3 Pittsfield 2 Pittsfield
3 Zion ? Pittsfield 0 Jesuit
0 SEOUL 1 Thai
2 Zion 0 Zion 4 Pittsfield 2 Jesuit
4 Philadelphia 2 JL
2 Vancouver 0 Dog Crunchers
1 Picardy 0 Vancouver 0 New York 2 New York
3 Philadelphia 3 JL
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 2 JL

Philadelphia Badgers 4 - 3 Pittsfield Saukees

Rookie .143 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Washington 2 Washington ? WonJu 3 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
3 Riegan ? New Orleans 0 KTD
2 Riegan 0 Gull Lake
1 Boise 3 Riegan 4 New Orleans 2 KTD
4 WonJu 3 Bloomfield
0 Cobb County 0 Ippei
2 Meriden 1 Meriden 3 Bloomfield 2 Bloomfield
3 WonJu 1 Germantown
0 - 0 -
2 WonJu 2 Germantown

WonJu Midas 2 - 4 New Orleans Suns

Rookie .144 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Tyreso 0 Tyreso ? Saint-Maur 3 Iowa 2 Iowa
3 Saint-Maur ? Iowa 1 Yuma
2 Saint-Maur 0 DEAV
0 Astro City 4 Saint-Maur 4 Iowa 2 Yuma
3 Philadelphia 0 Puyallup
1 Marlborough 2 Puyallup
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia 3 Puyallup 1 West Covina
2 Los Angeles 1 Elmwood Park
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Elmwood Park

Saint-Maur Aliens 0 - 4 Iowa Masterbatters

Rookie .145 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brew Crew 3 Brew Crew ? San Diego 1 Browncoats 2 Browncoats
2 Los Angeles ? Seoul 3 Seoul
0 Oakland 2 Seoul
2 Los Angeles 2 Brew Crew 4 Seoul 1 Takamatsu
4 San Diego 2 Bristol
0 Boise 2 Denver
2 Cheektowaga 2 Cheektowaga 0 Denver 1 Shelton
3 San Diego 3 Bristol
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 2 Bristol

San Diego Blues 0 - 4 Seoul Survivors

Rookie .146 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 KAOHSIUNG 3 KAOHSIUNG ? Orem 3 Daddy Milkers 2 Daddy Milkers
2 Vacaville ? Daddy Milkers 0 Tampa
2 Vacaville 0 Fort Wayne
0 chillicothe 0 KAOHSIUNG 4 Daddy Milkers 2 Tampa
4 Orem 3 Los Angeles
0 Hollywood 0 Boston
2 Orem 3 Orem 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
1 Suzhou 1 Columbus
0 - 0 -
2 Suzhou 2 Columbus

Orem Mets 4 - 3 Daddy Milkers Milkers

Rookie .147 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Sackville 3 Sackville ? Sackville 2 Spokane 2 Spokane
1 Ft. Worth ? Modesto 3 Maple
0 Denver 0 Boston
2 Ft. Worth 4 Sackville 3 Maple 2 Maple
0 Manchester 4 Modesto
1 Seattle 0 West Palm Beach
2 New Castle 2 New Castle 2 Skippack 2 Skippack
3 Manchester 3 Modesto
0 - 0 -
2 Manchester 2 Modesto

Sackville Shamrocks 4 - 3 Modesto Aviators

Rookie .148 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Seattle 2 Seattle ? New York 3 NORTH KOREA 2 NORTH KOREA
3 Detroit ? Santa Fe 1 jeju
0 West Bend 0 Warwick
2 Detroit 2 Detroit 0 NORTH KOREA 2 jeju
4 New York 4 Santa Fe
0 Ansan 1 Inland Empire
2 Seattle 2 Seattle 2 Ompomp 2 Ompomp
3 New York 3 Santa Fe
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 Santa Fe

New York Yankees 1 - 4 Santa Fe Bass

Rookie .149 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Charleston 3 Charleston ? Charleston 3 Busan 2 Busan
1 Motor City ? Fountain Hill 0 Clinton
2 Motor City 2 Clinton
1 OK 4 Charleston 0 Busan 0 West Des Moines
2 Hyundai 4 Fountain Hill
2 Taoyuan 1 Norfolk
1 San Antonio 2 Taoyuan 0 Waterbury 2 Waterbury
3 Hyundai 3 Fountain Hill
0 - 0 -
2 Hyundai 2 Fountain Hill

Charleston Wingnuts 0 - 4 Fountain Hill Billys

Rookie .150 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cedar Hill 3 Cedar Hill ? Cedar Hill 3 Enterprise 2 Enterprise
0 OB Bears ? Enterprise 2 Nangok
0 Saint 2 Nangok
2 OB Bears 4 Cedar Hill 4 Enterprise 1 Montreal
2 Columbus 2 New Richmond
2 Santa Clarita 1 Seoul
1 Salem 2 Santa Clarita 0 Placentia 2 Placentia
3 Columbus 3 New Richmond
0 - 0 -
2 Columbus 2 New Richmond

Cedar Hill Mavericks 1 - 4 Enterprise Replicators PCK

Rookie .151 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Philadelphia 3 Philadelphia ? Philadelphia 3 Trenton 2 Trenton
1 Yeongju ? Trenton 0 London
0 London 2 London
2 Yeongju 4 Philadelphia 4 Trenton 1 Lotte GIants
2 NEW YORK 2 Raleigh
2 Salt Lake City 2 Long Beach St.
1 Tempe 2 Salt Lake City 2 Long Beach St. 0 L'Aquila
3 NEW YORK 3 Raleigh
0 - 0 -
2 NEW YORK 2 Raleigh

Philadelphia Vandals 4 - 3 Trenton Christians

Rookie .152 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Portland 3 Portland ? Portland 3 Layton 2 Layton
0 Mexico City ? Layton 2 Greenbrier
2 Mexico City 2 Greenbrier
0 Ames 4 Portland 4 Layton 1 Hudson
2 Monterrey 0 Canton
2 Spa City 1 Bowling Green
0 Barnett 2 Spa City 3 Canton 2 Canton
3 Monterrey 2 Texas
0 - 0 -
2 Monterrey 2 Texas

Portland Pioneers 4 - 2 Layton Cadets

Rookie .153 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lorain 3 Lorain ? Lorain 0 Milwaukee 2 Milwaukee
2 HANWHA ? Raleigh NC 3 Raleigh NC
1 Scarborough 1 San Diego
2 HANWHA 4 Lorain 4 Raleigh NC 2 Raleigh NC
2 Cincinnati 0 Wollongong
0 Royal Palm Beach 2 Oakland
2 Cincinnati 3 Cincinnati 2 Oakland 1 Grand Prairie
0 Tuscaloosa 3 Wollongong
0 - 0 -
2 Tuscaloosa 2 Wollongong

Lorain Admirals 4 - 3 Raleigh NC '83 OGs

Rookie .154 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn ? Brooklyn 3 Poughkeepsie 2 Poughkeepsie
0 Los Angeles ? Poughkeepsie 0 Seoul Tank
0 Battle Creek 0 Roseville
2 Los Angeles 4 Brooklyn 4 Poughkeepsie 2 Seoul Tank
0 Rugby 1 Bettendorf
0 Daegu Samsung Lions 2 Bettendorf
2 Gitsegukla 1 Gitsegukla 3 Bettendorf 1 Mansfield
3 Rugby 2 North Pole
0 - 0 -
2 Rugby 2 North Pole

Brooklyn ElProductos 4 - 0 Poughkeepsie Spectres

Rookie .155 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mecklenburg County 3 Mecklenburg County ? Mecklenburg County 3 Valdosta 2 Valdosta
0 Minnesota ? Valdosta 2 Cleveland
2 Minnesota 1 Oklahoma City
0 Joliet 4 Mecklenburg County 4 Valdosta 2 Cleveland
3 Lake Charles 2 Denver
1 Canada 0 New York
2 Louisville 0 Louisville 1 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
3 Lake Charles 3 Denver
0 - 0 -
2 Lake Charles 2 Denver

Mecklenburg County Jumping Frogs 4 - 1 Valdosta War Eagles

Rookie .156 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Monterey Park 2 Monterey Park ? NC 3 Southend 2 Southend
3 NC ? Detroit 0 Am Can
2 NC 4 NC 3 Southend 2 Am Can
1 Ft. Worth 4 Detroit
1 Boulder 0 Guam
2 Bikini Atoll 0 Bikini Atoll 1 San Diego 2 San Diego
3 Ft. Worth 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Ft. Worth 2 Detroit

NC Dinos 4 - 3 Detroit Dirtbags

Rookie .157 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 1 Inland Empire ? San Diego 2 Junkyard 2 Junkyard
3 San Diego ? Nashville 3 Orlando
0 Statesboro 2 Orlando
2 San Diego 4 San Diego 2 Orlando 0 Taipei
3 L 4 Nashville
1 Richmond 1 Las Vegas
2 Marlborough 2 Marlborough 1 Motts 2 Motts
3 L 3 Nashville
0 - 0 -
2 L 2 Nashville

San Diego Skyliners 2 - 4 Nashville Sounds

Rookie .158 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Niteroi 2 Niteroi ? Cubbie 0 Homeland 2 Homeland
3 Lauderdale Lakes ? Hoboken 3 Ukraine
0 Iowa 0 Channelview
2 Lauderdale Lakes 0 Lauderdale Lakes 3 Ukraine 2 Ukraine
4 Cubbie 4 Hoboken
2 Undying 2 Hoboken
0 Newark 2 Undying 3 Hoboken 0 Rocky Mountain
3 Cubbie 0 Yongin
0 - 0 -
2 Cubbie 2 Yongin

Cubbie Blue 4 - 0 Hoboken Angels

Rookie .159 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 3 Boston ? LosAngeles 3 Helena 2 Helena
1 Rocky Mount ? Helena 1 Auburn
1 Kansas City 1 New York
2 Rocky Mount 0 Boston 4 Helena 2 Auburn
4 LosAngeles 3 Calgary
2 Dallas 1 andong
0 Wilson 2 Dallas 3 Calgary 2 Calgary
3 LosAngeles 1 Oklahoma City
0 - 0 -
2 LosAngeles 2 Oklahoma City

LosAngeles Dodgers 4 - 3 Helena Handbaskets

Rookie .160 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 3 Scottsdale 2 Scottsdale
0 Boston ? Scottsdale 1 Fair Oaks
0 Kendallville 0 Palm Beach
2 Boston 4 Baltimore 4 Scottsdale 2 Fair Oaks
3 San Francisco 2 SEONG SU
2 San Francisco 2 SEONG SU
0 Cortland 3 San Francisco 3 SEONG SU 0 Coolsville
2 Des Moines 2 Samsung
0 - 0 -
2 Des Moines 2 Samsung

Baltimore OhMyO's TTC 4 - 2 Scottsdale Apes

Rookie .161 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 El Monte 3 El Monte ? El Monte 3 Ultimate 2 Ultimate
0 Bakersfield ? Ultimate 0 goguma gamjas
2 Bakersfield 1 Muk
1 Richmond 4 El Monte 4 Ultimate 2 goguma gamjas
3 Rochester 0 Valley of the Sun
2 Muncie 1 Pomona
1 Long Beach 1 Muncie 2 Billings 2 Billings
3 Rochester 3 Valley of the Sun
0 - 0 -
2 Rochester 2 Valley of the Sun

El Monte Jackals 0 - 4 Ultimate Force (PCK)

Rookie .162 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Schaumburg 3 Schaumburg ? Madhouse 3 Los Alamitos 2 Los Alamitos
1 El Avila ? San Francisco 2 Designated
0 Oklahoma City 1 Grassland
2 El Avila 2 Schaumburg 2 Los Alamitos 2 Designated
4 Madhouse 4 San Francisco
1 Raleigh 0 Whitefish
2 Midwest 1 Midwest 2 Metropolis 2 Metropolis
3 Madhouse 3 San Francisco
0 - 0 -
2 Madhouse 2 San Francisco

Madhouse All-Stars 4 - 2 San Francisco Bay

Rookie .163 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 3 OK ? OK 3 Kansas 2 Kansas
2 Yonkers ? Kansas 2 Sacramento
2 Yonkers 0 Redford Township
0 Wildwood 4 OK 4 Kansas 2 Sacramento
1 San Francisco 2 Lynchburg
2 San Francisco 0 Jacksonville
0 RVA 3 San Francisco 2 S 2 S
2 Mickygom 3 Lynchburg
0 - 0 -
2 Mickygom 2 Lynchburg

OK Pizzas 4 - 1 Kansas Crusaders

Rookie .164 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 3 Houston ? Houston 1 Say it Ain't So Oh 2 Say it Ain't So Oh
0 Altadena ? Columbus 3 Iowa
1 Denver 1 Toronto
2 Altadena 4 Houston 0 Iowa 2 Iowa
0 Davis 4 Columbus
2 East Brunswick 1 Kingsville
1 Wilkesboro 0 East Brunswick 3 Columbus 2 Columbus
3 Davis 0 Portland
0 - 0 -
2 Davis 2 Portland

Houston Snake Eyes 4 - 0 Columbus River Otters

Rookie .165 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Racine 3 Racine ? Racine 3 POBY Giants 2 POBY Giants
2 Somerset Smashers ? San Marcos 1 Laramie
2 Somerset Smashers 2 Laramie
1 Winnipeg 4 Racine 0 POBY Giants 0 sogang
2 KIA 4 San Marcos
1 Arkansas 0 Allen
2 KIA 3 KIA 1 Pembroke Pines 2 Pembroke Pines
2 Solon 3 San Marcos
0 - 0 -
2 Solon 2 San Marcos

Racine Raiders 4 - 2 San Marcos Knights

Rookie .166 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lexington 0 Lexington ? Greenville 3 Wellington 2 Wellington
3 Greenville ? corolado rockies 1 DongDaeMun
0 Pasadena 2 DongDaeMun
2 Greenville 4 Greenville 2 Wellington 1 Saylorsburg
1 Fullerton 4 corolado rockies
0 Lewisburg 0 Cicero
2 Barrie 0 Barrie 2 Marina Del Rey 2 Marina Del Rey
3 Fullerton 3 corolado rockies
0 - 0 -
2 Fullerton 2 corolado rockies

Greenville Ghosts 2 - 4 corolado rockies CHo

Rookie .167 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 W 3 W ? W 3 Medford 2 Medford
0 New York ? Medford 2 Hallandale
0 Calumet 1 Detroit
2 New York 4 W 4 Medford 2 Hallandale
1 Samsung 2 Cologne Crawlers
2 Boryeong 0 Bay Point
1 Lancaster 2 Boryeong 0 Reno 2 Reno
3 Samsung 3 Cologne Crawlers
0 - 0 -
2 Samsung 2 Cologne Crawlers

W Comets 4 - 1 Medford Vipers

Rookie .168 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Vallejo 3 Vallejo ? Vallejo 3 Moses Lake 2 Moses Lake
2 Yarn Ball ? Moses Lake 2 San Antonio
2 Yarn Ball 0 Trumbull
1 Augusta 4 Vallejo 4 Moses Lake 2 San Antonio
0 Needham 2 New Haven
1 Henderson 2 New Haven
2 Walnut Creek 1 Walnut Creek 3 New Haven 0 Houston
3 Needham 1 Wappingers Falls
0 - 0 -
2 Needham 2 Wappingers Falls

Vallejo Steelhawks 2 - 4 Moses Lake Chihuahuas

Rookie .169 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Levis 3 Levis ? Holden Beach 3 Padre Island 2 Padre Island
2 Hatarebebaua ? Richardson 1 Glen Ellyn
2 Hatarebebaua 1 Albuquerque
0 Vancouver 2 Levis 0 Padre Island 2 Glen Ellyn
4 Holden Beach 4 Richardson
0 Juarez 0 seung
2 Thornton 1 Thornton 2 Casas Adobes 2 Casas Adobes
3 Holden Beach 3 Richardson
0 - 0 -
2 Holden Beach 2 Richardson

Holden Beach Heaters 0 - 4 Richardson Bobcats

Rookie .170 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Atlantis 3 Atlantis ? Atlantis 3 East Cleveland 2 East Cleveland
0 Ohio ? East Cleveland 1 Spokane
1 El Paso 2 Spokane
2 Ohio 4 Atlantis 4 East Cleveland 1 Sun City
0 Daegu 3 Sunrise Manor
2 Walpole 0 Utah
0 Bellingham 2 Walpole 3 Sunrise Manor 2 Sunrise Manor
3 Daegu 2 Irondequoit
0 - 0 -
2 Daegu 2 Irondequoit

Atlantis Octopi 4 - 1 East Cleveland Crocs

Rookie .171 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 3 El Paso 2 El Paso
0 Renton ? El Paso 0 Elkhart
0 Spring Valley 2 Elkhart
2 Renton 4 Los Angeles 4 El Paso 1 Truro
3 El Paso 2 Washington
2 El Paso 0 Jacksonville
0 Los Angeles 3 El Paso 3 Washington 2 Washington
2 Jacksonville 1 Texas
0 - 0 -
2 Jacksonville 2 Texas

Los Angeles Monsters 1 - 4 El Paso Snappers

Rookie .172 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 New York ? Sydney 3 MAPO 2 MAPO
3 Sydney ? MAPO 0 Punxsutawney
0 Kahului 0 Macomb
2 Sydney 4 Sydney 4 MAPO 2 Punxsutawney
1 Team 1 Six And
0 Gooning 0 Midwest
2 Edmonton 1 Edmonton 0 Dundalk 2 Dundalk
3 Team 3 Six And
0 - 0 -
2 Team 2 Six And

Sydney Wackjobs 2 - 4 MAPO Gorolt

Rookie .173 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Golden Eagles 2 Golden Eagles ? Sterling 3 Ringworld 2 Ringworld
3 Maple Valley ? Ringworld 0 Utah
1 Marion 2 Utah
2 Maple Valley 3 Maple Valley 4 Ringworld 1 Uh
4 Sterling 1 Franconia
2 Cheeky Hoes 2 Franconia
0 Chicago 2 Cheeky Hoes 3 Franconia 1 Vaughan
3 Sterling 1 SEOULG
0 - 0 -
2 Sterling 2 SEOULG

Sterling Mythics 0 - 4 Ringworld Red Devils

Rookie .174 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ellicott City 3 Ellicott City ? Ellicott City 3 El Paso 2 El Paso
0 St Louis ? El Paso 1 Le Claire
2 St Louis 0 Team. 777
0 Hanover 4 Ellicott City 4 El Paso 2 Le Claire
0 San Francisco 1 lotte
2 Livermore 1 Gatineau
0 Pleasant Hill 2 Livermore 3 lotte 2 lotte
3 San Francisco 2 Winnipeg
0 - 0 -
2 San Francisco 2 Winnipeg

Ellicott City Big Cats 2 - 4 El Paso Peppers

Rookie .175 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Abilene 3 Abilene ? Abilene 3 Richmond 2 Richmond
1 New London ? Richmond 0 West Bend
0 Odessa 0 Springfield
2 New London 4 Abilene 4 Richmond 2 West Bend
2 Tuxtla Gutierrez 1 Dallas
1 Peabody 0 Kane'ohe
2 Tuxtla Gutierrez 3 Tuxtla Gutierrez 3 Dallas 2 Dallas
1 Toronto 1 DC
0 - 0 -
2 Toronto 2 DC

Abilene Riggers 4 - 0 Richmond Renegades

Rookie .176 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Scottsdale 3 Scottsdale ? Huntington Beach 3 Clearwater 2 Clearwater
0 West Memphis ? Clearwater 1 Lake Monroe
1 ULSAN 1 Edgefield
2 West Memphis 2 Scottsdale 4 Clearwater 2 Lake Monroe
4 Huntington Beach 2 Bangor
0 WIndsor 2 Savannah
2 Beantown 0 Beantown 1 Savannah 1 Captain korea
3 Huntington Beach 3 Bangor
0 - 0 -
2 Huntington Beach 2 Bangor

Huntington Beach Riptide 3 - 4 Clearwater Marlins

Rookie .177 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Abilene 3 Abilene ? Abilene 3 Coppell 2 Coppell
0 Somerset ? St. Louis 2 Bowery
2 Somerset 1 Elkhart
0 Lansing 4 Abilene 1 Coppell 2 Bowery
1 Seoul 4 St. Louis
2 Busan 0 Chungju
0 Bay City 0 Busan 1 Grapevine 2 Grapevine
3 Seoul 3 St. Louis
0 - 0 -
2 Seoul 2 St. Louis

Abilene Prairie Dogs 4 - 1 St. Louis Terriers

Rookie .178 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ta Ta 3 Ta Ta ? Leisure Sports 0 Vancouver 2 Vancouver
0 Warner Robins ? b9c8c0b0 3 Castro Valley
2 Warner Robins 2 Castro Valley
0 Northport 3 Ta Ta 3 Castro Valley 0 Pensacola
4 Leisure Sports 4 b9c8c0b0
1 South Holland 1 Overland Park
2 Leisure Sports 3 Leisure Sports 3 b9c8c0b0 2 b9c8c0b0
0 Korea Byul 2 Kinnelon
0 - 0 -
2 Korea Byul 2 Kinnelon

Leisure Sports Leisure Sports 2 - 4 b9c8c0b0 c591b355b3d9

Rookie .179 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Farmers Branch 3 Farmers Branch ? Farmers Branch 3 Lawton 2 Lawton
2 Albany ? Lawton 0 Boston
1 SK 2 Boston
2 Albany 4 Farmers Branch 4 Lawton 1 Ottawa
0 Busan 1 Kankakee
2 Jimbo 2 Tyler
0 Texas Tech 0 Jimbo 0 Tyler 0 New York
3 Busan 3 Kankakee
0 - 0 -
2 Busan 2 Kankakee

Farmers Branch Swashbucklers 4 - 0 Lawton Wallabys

Rookie .180 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 San Diego 3 San Diego ? San Diego 3 Yellowknife 2 Yellowknife
0 NowTom ? Tuscaloosa 1 Huntington Beach
2 NowTom 2 Huntington Beach
1 Mt. Adams 4 San Diego 0 Yellowknife 0 Woodridge
1 LOS ANGELES 4 Tuscaloosa
1 Johnstown 1 Detroit
2 Downcity United 2 Downcity United 3 Tuscaloosa 2 Tuscaloosa
0 - 0 -

San Diego Surfin Friars 4 - 2 Tuscaloosa Crocs

Rookie .181 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Stade 3 Stade ? Vista 3 Saint John 2 Saint John
1 Saint ? Oakland 1 Traincity
0 Nashville 2 Traincity
2 Saint 1 Stade 1 Saint John 1 Hong Kong
4 Vista 4 Oakland
1 Annapolis 0 DownTown
2 Vista 3 Vista 3 Oakland 2 Oakland
1 Ballard 2 Millcreek
0 - 0 -
2 Ballard 2 Millcreek

Vista Aviators 1 - 4 Oakland Roots

Rookie .182 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 OK 3 OK ? OK 3 Houston 2 Houston
1 Slibbsburgh ? Houston 1 Suwon
2 Slibbsburgh 1 Midland
1 Las Vegas 4 OK 4 Houston 2 Suwon
1 Indigo 3 Hacienda Heights
0 Newark 1 Jacksonville
2 Indigo 3 Indigo 3 Hacienda Heights 2 Hacienda Heights
2 Inland Empire 2 Fountainbleau
0 - 0 -
2 Inland Empire 2 Fountainbleau

OK Legends 4 - 1 Houston Vikings

Rookie .183 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Worcester 3 Worcester ? Worcester 1 Corvallis 2 Corvallis
1 Philadelphia ? Minnesota 3 Nashville
0 Hot Springs 1 Des Moines
2 Philadelphia 4 Worcester 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
1 West Covina 4 Minnesota
2 Boulder 0 Utah
1 Hongbbaa 1 Boulder 1 New Haven 2 New Haven
3 West Covina 3 Minnesota
0 - 0 -
2 West Covina 2 Minnesota

Worcester Brown Stockings 4 - 2 Minnesota Trekkers

Rookie .184 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Arizona 3 Arizona ? Brooklyn 2 Syosset 2 Syosset
2 Tidewater ? Forever 3 Forever
1 Manatoba 0 Brampton
2 Tidewater 3 Arizona 4 Forever 2 Forever
4 Brooklyn 2 Detroit
2 Florissant 2 Tommy Jonathon
1 El Paso 1 Florissant 0 Tommy Jonathon 1 Billings
3 Brooklyn 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Brooklyn 2 Detroit

Brooklyn Bears 3 - 4 Forever Phillies

Rookie .185 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Andrau 3 Andrau ? Andrau 0 Stanktown 2 Stanktown
0 Glen Ellyn ? Philadelphia 3 WAZERBURG
2 Glen Ellyn 4 Andrau 1 WAZERBURG 2 WAZERBURG
0 Wolvega 4 Philadelphia
0 Levittown 2 Coon Rapids
2 Boston 0 Boston 2 Coon Rapids 0 Daiwonhani
3 Wolvega 3 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Wolvega 2 Philadelphia

Andrau Puddle Jumpers 2 - 4 Philadelphia Stars

Rookie .186 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 NEW YORK 3 NEW YORK ? NEW YORK 0 New Orleans 2 New Orleans
0 Glasgow Warriors ? J 3 Browntown
0 Adrian 0 Staten Island
2 Glasgow Warriors 4 NEW YORK 1 Browntown 2 Browntown
3 Daejeon 4 J
1 Akron 0 MST
2 Seoul 1 Seoul 2 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
3 Daejeon 3 J
0 - 0 -
2 Daejeon 2 J


Rookie .187 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 3 New York ? New York 2 Lotte 2 Lotte
0 Miami ? LOT GIANTS Mansae 3 Cleveland
1 Hanhwa 1 byung
2 Miami 4 New York 1 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
2 Commerce Township 4 LOT GIANTS Mansae
0 Antioch 1 Austin
2 Vermont 0 Vermont 3 LOT GIANTS Mansae 2 LOT GIANTS Mansae
3 Commerce Township 2 Roger
0 - 0 -
2 Commerce Township 2 Roger

New York Phantoms 4 - 1 LOT GIANTS Mansae GIANTS

Rookie .188 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland 3 Cleveland ? Cleveland 3 Seoul 2 Seoul
1 Bearickson ? Seoul 1 Kennewick
1 Somerville 1 Los Angeles
2 Bearickson 4 Cleveland 4 Seoul 2 Kennewick
3 Scotia 2 Sigourney Street
1 Pasco 1 Brentwood
2 Scotia 3 Scotia 3 Sigourney Street 2 Sigourney Street
2 Cleveland Heights 0 Hudson Valley
0 - 0 -
2 Cleveland Heights 2 Hudson Valley

Cleveland Capitals 4 - 3 Seoul ddukmok

Rookie .189 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Nashville 2 Nashville ? Boston 2 Carthago 2 Carthago
3 Boston ? Chicago 3 Chicago
2 Boston 0 Paradise
0 Cicero 4 Boston 4 Chicago 2 Chicago
1 Rockledge 0 DeSoto
2 Rockledge 2 Staunton
1 Phoenix 3 Rockledge 1 Staunton 0 Sacramento
2 Tucson Roses 3 DeSoto
0 - 0 -
2 Tucson Roses 2 DeSoto

Boston Blazers 0 - 4 Chicago Fudgepackers

Rookie .190 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Baltimore 3 Baltimore ? Baltimore 3 Doraleous 2 Doraleous
1 Tulsa ? Doraleous 0 Portland
0 Philadelphia 2 Portland
2 Tulsa 4 Baltimore 4 Doraleous 1 alabama rockets
2 Baseball 0 Oxnard
2 Mississauga 0 Boomer
0 Waukesha 1 Mississauga 3 Oxnard 2 Oxnard
3 Baseball 0 Kershaw
0 - 0 -
2 Baseball 2 Kershaw

Baltimore Huskies 1 - 4 Doraleous Associates

Rookie .191 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Bark River 2 Bark River ? Vallejo 3 Marlette 2 Marlette
3 Vallejo ? Marlette 0 Olympia
0 Washington DC 2 Olympia
2 Vallejo 4 Vallejo 4 Marlette 1 Orlando
1 Chocolate 3 Detroit
1 New York 0 Duboistown
2 Pasco 1 Pasco 0 Dolton 2 Dolton
3 Chocolate 3 Detroit
0 - 0 -
2 Chocolate 2 Detroit

Vallejo Valkyrie 4 - 1 Marlette Trailer Trash

Rookie .192 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rimavska Sobota 1 Rimavska Sobota ? Las Vegas 3 St. Louis 2 St. Louis
3 New England ? Chattanooga 2 Gladewater
2 New England 1 Roggwil
0 Staten Island 0 New England 0 St. Louis 2 Gladewater
4 Las Vegas 4 Chattanooga
1 Columbus 2 Saskatoon
2 Aggregate 2 Aggregate 0 Saskatoon 0 Shin
3 Las Vegas 3 Chattanooga
0 - 0 -
2 Las Vegas 2 Chattanooga

Las Vegas Gamblers 1 - 4 Chattanooga Reds

Rookie .193 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Everett 3 Everett ? Everett 3 Boston 2 Boston
0 Daegu ? Bancroft 1 Majorca
1 Los Angeles 0 Meadows
2 Daegu 4 Everett 1 Boston 2 Majorca
2 Glendale 4 Bancroft
2 Glendale 1 Baltimore
1 Madera 3 Glendale 3 Bancroft 2 Bancroft
1 Blue Moon 1 Anjo
0 - 0 -
2 Blue Moon 2 Anjo

Everett Aquasox 4 - 0 Bancroft Bulldogs

Rookie .194 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Carthage 3 Carthage ? Carthage 3 Morton Grove 2 Morton Grove
2 Richmond ? Seoul 2 El Cajon
2 Richmond 2 El Cajon
1 Ft. Worth 4 Carthage 3 Morton Grove 1 Bristol
3 St. Louis 4 Seoul
0 New York 2 Earthling
2 Spiracy 1 Spiracy 2 Earthling 1 Chicopee
3 St. Louis 3 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 St. Louis 2 Seoul

Carthage Tophets 4 - 2 Seoul Doosan Bears

Rookie .195 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Birdsboro 1 Birdsboro ? Actual Boston 1 Oklahoma 2 Oklahoma
3 San Francisco ? Nashville 3 Burnaby
2 San Francisco 1 Hollister
1 Montreal 2 San Francisco 3 Burnaby 2 Burnaby
4 Actual Boston 4 Nashville
2 Spring Valley 1 Chicago
0 Springville 2 Spring Valley 3 Nashville 2 Nashville
3 Actual Boston 0 Clifton Park
0 - 0 -
2 Actual Boston 2 Clifton Park

Actual Boston Red Sox 4 - 3 Nashville Thunderbirds

Rookie .196 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barberton 2 Barberton ? Albuquerque 2 Spokane 2 Spokane
3 Dallas ? Saginaw 3 Port City
0 Chattanooga 1 Portland
2 Dallas 3 Dallas 1 Port City 2 Port City
4 Albuquerque 4 Saginaw
2 Charlotte 0 Fresno
0 Kerryville Kerries 2 Charlotte 2 North Ft. Myers 2 North Ft. Myers
3 Albuquerque 3 Saginaw
0 - 0 -
2 Albuquerque 2 Saginaw

Albuquerque Dukes 4 - 0 Saginaw Gears

Rookie .197 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Wisconsin 3 Wisconsin ? Wisconsin 3 Florence 2 Florence
1 Addison ? Calgary 0 Perintown
2 Addison 2 Perintown
0 Eugene 4 Wisconsin 3 Florence 1 National City
2 Wethersfield 4 Calgary
0 Brooklyn 1 New York
2 Wethersfield 3 Wethersfield 3 Calgary 2 Calgary
2 Fontana 1 Suwon
0 - 0 -
2 Fontana 2 Suwon

Wisconsin Wolfpack 4 - 2 Calgary Battle Wings

Rookie .198 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 3 Chicago ? Chicago 3 Springfield 2 Springfield
2 Lucky ? Springfield 2 Spring Hill
2 Lucky 2 Spring Hill
1 West Lafayette 4 Chicago 4 Springfield 1 Harlem
1 Elizabeth 0 Freddy's
0 Windsor 2 Freddy's
2 Elizabeth 3 Elizabeth 3 Freddy's 1 chungjoo
2 Springfield 1 New Jersey
0 - 0 -
2 Springfield 2 New Jersey

Chicago Bismarks 3 - 4 Springfield Isotopes

Rookie .199 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Modern 3 Modern ? Modern 3 Lima 2 Lima
0 Seoul ? Bro 1 Alexandria
2 Seoul 2 Alexandria
1 Jacksonville 4 Modern 2 Lima 1 Tony Suck
3 Kansas City 4 Bro
2 Kansas City 2 Bro
1 Derby 3 Kansas City 3 Bro 1 Philturn
0 Quebec 0 Golden State
0 - 0 -
2 Quebec 2 Golden State

Modern Pirates 4 - 0 Bro Jun

Rookie .200 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 3 Houston ? Inland Empire 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
2 Baseball ? Los Angeles 0 Edmonton
2 Baseball 0 New Jersey
0 LecoCITY 2 Houston 4 Los Angeles 2 Edmonton
4 Inland Empire 1 Billings
2 Inland Empire 1 Lincoln Park
1 Lowell 3 Inland Empire 3 Billings 2 Billings
2 Davenport 1 New Brunswick
0 - 0 -
2 Davenport 2 New Brunswick

Inland Empire 66ers 4 - 2 Los Angeles Silver Sabres

Rookie .201 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ft. Worth 2 Ft. Worth ? Bedford 0 San Clemente 2 San Clemente
3 Bedford ? Rye 3 Saratoga
2 Bedford 0 Hiensohn
0 Osong 4 Bedford 3 Saratoga 2 Saratoga
1 Esquimalt 4 Rye
2 Staten Island 2 North Royalton
1 Quad City 1 Staten Island 2 North Royalton 1 Rome
3 Esquimalt 3 Rye
0 - 0 -
2 Esquimalt 2 Rye

Bedford Mean Green 4 - 1 Rye Gracies

Rookie .50 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cape Coral 2 Cape Coral ? La Crosse 1 Portland 2 Portland
3 La Crosse ? Clearwater 3 Clearwater
1 Auburn 0 Chillicothe
2 La Crosse 4 La Crosse 4 Clearwater 2 Clearwater
2 Cologne 1 DC
1 Minnesota 2 Scranton
2 Cincinnati 0 Cincinnati 1 Scranton 0 Comfrey
3 Cologne 3 DC
0 - 0 -
2 Cologne 2 DC

La Crosse Royals 0 - 4 Clearwater Battle Wings

Rookie .51 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Suwon.Wiz. 3 Suwon.Wiz. ? Ottawa 3 Landers 2 Landers
2 Seattle ? Dallas 1 Tampa
1 Swedish 2 Tampa
2 Seattle 2 Suwon.Wiz. 2 Landers 1 Allen
4 Ottawa 4 Dallas
2 Kansas City 2 Numazu
0 La Verne Heights 2 Kansas City 1 Numazu 0 Henderson
3 Ottawa 3 Dallas
0 - 0 -
2 Ottawa 2 Dallas

Ottawa Lumber Kings 4 - 3 Dallas Steaks

Rookie .52 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Braves Country 3 Braves Country ? Braves Country 3 OK 2 OK
1 KC ? OK 2 TheBeme
2 KC 1 Baseball
1 SEOUL 4 Braves Country 4 OK 2 TheBeme
2 Valley Stream 3 Inland Empire
1 Strongsville 1 Washington
2 Plymouth 1 Plymouth 2 Richmond 2 Richmond
3 Valley Stream 3 Inland Empire
0 - 0 -
2 Valley Stream 2 Inland Empire

Braves Country Braves Country 2 - 4 OK Eagles

Rookie .53 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 3 Mississauga ? Mississauga 3 Toledo 2 Toledo
0 Watkins Glen ? Toledo 2 Chicago
2 Watkins Glen 2 Chicago
1 Oregon 4 Mississauga 4 Toledo 0 Scarborough
0 Hendersonville 0 Tacoma
2 Lowell 1 Los Angeles
1 Montreal 1 Lowell 1 NY 2 NY
3 Hendersonville 3 Tacoma
0 - 0 -
2 Hendersonville 2 Tacoma

Mississauga Berserkers 4 - 0 Toledo Makos

Rookie .54 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Mountain 3 Mountain ? The Dalles 0 Tacoma 2 Tacoma
1 Minneapolis ? Glen Haven 3 Glen Haven
1 Newark 1 Seattle
2 Minneapolis 2 Mountain 4 Glen Haven 2 Glen Haven
4 The Dalles 0 stonehead LSY
1 Los Angeles 0 Tucson
2 Daejeon 1 Daejeon 1 Muskogee 2 Muskogee
3 The Dalles 3 stonehead LSY
0 - 0 -
2 The Dalles 2 stonehead LSY

The Dalles Cougars 1 - 4 Glen Haven Ravens

Rookie .55 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New Berlin 1 New Berlin ? The Stacks 3 Jackson 2 Jackson
3 The Stacks ? Jackson 1 Lansing
2 The Stacks 0 Washington
0 Inland Empire 4 The Stacks 4 Jackson 2 Lansing
2 Levittown 0 Glassboro
0 Albuquerque 1 Miami
2 Levittown 3 Levittown 0 New York 2 New York
1 Charlotte 3 Glassboro
0 - 0 -
2 Charlotte 2 Glassboro

The Stacks Sharks 1 - 4 Jackson Peregrines

Rookie .56 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Woodland Hills 3 Woodland Hills ? Woodland Hills 3 Houston 2 Houston
1 Brooklyn ? Houston 1 Newark
0 Flint 2 Newark
2 Brooklyn 4 Woodland Hills 4 Houston 1 Derp Force
2 Seawind 2 New Orleans
2 Downongtown 0 Asan
0 Brooklyn 1 Downongtown 2 Jamestown 2 Jamestown
3 Seawind 3 New Orleans
0 - 0 -
2 Seawind 2 New Orleans

Woodland Hills Rags 4 - 3 Houston Cannonballers

Rookie .57 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 1 Boston ? Derek 3 Cologne 2 Cologne
3 Fall River ? Cologne 1 Westchester
0 Shenandoah 1 Houston
2 Fall River 2 Fall River 4 Cologne 2 Westchester
4 Derek 3 Pittsburgh
2 Derek 0 J
1 Hanley Hustlers 3 Derek 2 Houston 2 Houston
0 Right Hand 3 Pittsburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Right Hand 2 Pittsburgh

Derek Wahdee 1 - 4 Cologne Deutz

Rookie .58 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Perris 3 Perris ? Perris 3 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville
0 KIA ? Jacksonville 2 Canal Island
0 Chattanooga 0 Bill Nye the
2 KIA 4 Perris 4 Jacksonville 2 Canal Island
1 Newport News 2 Seoul
1 Kentucky 2 Seoul
2 Lutz 1 Lutz 3 Seoul 1 Land O Lakes
3 Newport News 1 Louisville
0 - 0 -
2 Newport News 2 Louisville

Perris Bearcats 2 - 4 Jacksonville Tsunami

Rookie .59 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SNSD 2 SNSD ? Louisville 3 Omega 2 Omega
3 Louisville ? Budapest 0 Inexplicably Just
0 Royal Oak 1 Topeka
2 Louisville 4 Louisville 1 Omega 2 Inexplicably Just
3 Newport News 4 Budapest
2 Montreal 1 Wyoming
1 Indianapolis 1 Montreal 3 Budapest 2 Budapest
3 Newport News 2 Oakland
0 - 0 -
2 Newport News 2 Oakland

Louisville Red Bats 2 - 4 Budapest Red Wolves

Rookie .60 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 South Gate 1 South Gate ? Reading 3 Milwaukie-PDX 142 2 Milwaukie-PDX 142
3 Reading ? Theme Team 2 Raleigh
0 Toronto 2 Raleigh
2 Reading 4 Reading 2 Milwaukie-PDX 142 0 Bellevue
1 Smithtown 4 Theme Team
2 Smithtown 1 Wyoming
0 Long Beach 3 Smithtown 1 Worcester 2 Worcester
2 Loomis 3 Theme Team
0 - 0 -
2 Loomis 2 Theme Team

Reading Screaming Eagles 4 - 1 Theme Team TBD

Rookie .61 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Odin's 3 Odin's ? Odin's 3 Norwalk 2 Norwalk
0 Oklahoma City ? Norwalk 1 Toms River
0 Arlington 0 Tampa bay
2 Oklahoma City 4 Odin's 4 Norwalk 2 Toms River
0 South Whittier 1 Maple City
0 Lewisville 0 Denver
2 Arlington 0 Arlington 0 San Luis Obispo 2 San Luis Obispo
3 South Whittier 3 Maple City
0 - 0 -
2 South Whittier 2 Maple City

Odin's Wild Hunt 4 - 1 Norwalk Bears

Rookie .62 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Visalia 3 Visalia ? Visalia 3 New York 2 New York
2 Fernbank ? New York 2 Reston
2 Fernbank 0 Creamers
1 New Orleans 4 Visalia 4 New York 2 Reston
2 Midland 2 Richmond
1 Modesto 2 woohaeseong
2 Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn 0 woohaeseong 1 Los Angeles
3 Midland 3 Richmond
0 - 0 -
2 Midland 2 Richmond

Visalia Rawhide 1 - 4 New York Sevens

Rookie .63 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Ballville 3 Ballville ? Ballville 0 London Knights 2 London Knights
2 Hialeah ? All Time 3 All Time
0 Milwaukee 0 Daegu
2 Hialeah 4 Ballville 4 All Time 2 All Time
3 Oakland 0 Sawtooth
1 Virginia Beach 2 Motor City
2 Taiwan 1 Taiwan 0 Motor City 0 Nottingham
3 Oakland 3 Sawtooth
0 - 0 -
2 Oakland 2 Sawtooth

Ballville Bucs 3 - 4 All Time Dodgers

Rookie .64 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gold Coast 3 Gold Coast ? Torrance 3 Brandon 2 Brandon
2 Atchison ? Brandon 2 UCF
0 San Antonio 2 UCF
2 Atchison 3 Gold Coast 4 Brandon 0 Mankato
4 Torrance 2 Newark Mashers
1 Hanwha 2 Newark Mashers
2 San Bernadino 0 San Bernadino 3 Newark Mashers 0 WU
3 Torrance 2 Groveton
0 - 0 -
2 Torrance 2 Groveton

Torrance Jets 3 - 4 Brandon Knights

Rookie .65 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orange Mountain 2 Orange Mountain ? Bellevue 3 Raleigh 2 Raleigh
3 Bellevue ? Edinburgh 2 Toledo
1 Brooklyn 0 Del Monte
2 Bellevue 4 Bellevue 3 Raleigh 2 Toledo
1 Long Beach 4 Edinburgh
2 Long Beach 3 Long Beach 0 Jonestown 2 Jonestown
2 Cincinnati 3 Edinburgh
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Edinburgh

Bellevue Zebras 2 - 4 Edinburgh Harps

Rookie .66 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Buffalo 3 Buffalo ? Buffalo 3 Loyola Chicago 2 Loyola Chicago
2 Dallas ? GwangMyung 2 Kissimmee
1 Murray 2 Kissimmee
2 Dallas 4 Buffalo 2 Loyola Chicago 0 Newington
3 Unicorn 4 GwangMyung
1 Reno 0 Los Angeles
2 Hwaseong 1 Hwaseong 3 GwangMyung 2 GwangMyung
3 Unicorn 1 Windy City
0 - 0 -
2 Unicorn 2 Windy City

Buffalo Norse 1 - 4 GwangMyung Giants

Rookie .67 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 SK 3 SK ? New Orleans 3 p 2 p
1 Okie ? Greenville 2 Samsung Lions
2 Okie 2 Samsung Lions
0 Pittsburgh 1 SK 1 p 0 San Diego
4 New Orleans 4 Greenville
2 Bogota 0 Findlay
0 Evansville 0 Bogota 2 Dertoit 2 Dertoit
3 New Orleans 3 Greenville
0 - 0 -
2 New Orleans 2 Greenville

New Orleans Saints 2 - 4 Greenville Seals

Rookie .68 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles ? Los Angeles 3 San Diego 2 San Diego
0 The Crossings ? Aoajaas 0 Barrie
1 Chico's 2 Barrie
2 The Crossings 4 Los Angeles 3 San Diego 1 Oklahoma City
1 Keswick 4 Aoajaas
0 Bowling Green 0 Sacramento
2 Keswick 3 Keswick 1 Detroit 2 Detroit
0 Vancouver 3 Aoajaas
0 - 0 -
2 Vancouver 2 Aoajaas

Los Angeles Wolves 1 - 4 Aoajaas Stars

Rookie .69 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 MO 3 MO ? Poop 2 Cleveland 2 Cleveland
2 Ontario ? Philadelphia 3 Athens
1 Espoo 2 Athens
2 Ontario 3 MO 3 Athens 0 Namhae
4 Poop 4 Philadelphia
2 Poop 2 Algonquin
1 Kholinar 3 Poop 1 Algonquin 0 Pittsburg
2 Chula Vista 3 Philadelphia
0 - 0 -
2 Chula Vista 2 Philadelphia

Poop Doops 3 - 4 Philadelphia Panthers

Rookie .70 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hamilton 2 Hamilton ? Billings 2 Branford 2 Branford
3 Komoka ? North Georgia 3 North Georgia
0 Virginia Beach 1 Elko
2 Komoka 3 Komoka 4 North Georgia 2 North Georgia
4 Billings 0 Winchester
2 Phoenix 2 Winchester
0 Winnipeg 2 Phoenix 3 Winchester 0 Anchorage
3 Billings 1 Wisconsin
0 - 0 -
2 Billings 2 Wisconsin

Billings Bisons 4 - 2 North Georgia Bulldogs

Rookie .71 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Honolulu 3 Honolulu ? Manila 3 Washington 2 Washington
2 Cape May ? Indianapolis 2 Tampa
0 North AL 2 Tampa
2 Cape May 1 Honolulu 3 Washington 1 BopSteaks
4 Manila 4 Indianapolis
1 Swaledale 2 Canon City
2 Phoenix 1 Phoenix 0 Canon City 1 O'Fallon
3 Manila 3 Indianapolis
0 - 0 -
2 Manila 2 Indianapolis

Manila Aswangs 4 - 3 Indianapolis Champions

Rookie .72 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Hattiesburg 3 Hattiesburg ? Hattiesburg 3 Lennox 2 Lennox
1 Fountain Hills ? Encinitas 2 Duisburg
2 Fountain Hills 2 Duisburg
1 Novato 4 Hattiesburg 2 Lennox 0 Akron
1 Masan Dinos 4 Encinitas
2 Long 0 Long 3 Encinitas 2 Encinitas
3 Masan Dinos 2 Rancho San Diego
0 - 0 -
2 Masan Dinos 2 Rancho San Diego

Hattiesburg Penguins 4 - 3 Encinitas Kooks

Rookie .73 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Melbourne 3 Melbourne ? Melbourne 3 2-6 Man 2 2-6 Man
2 Baltimore ? 2-6 Man 0 Los Angeles
1 Columbus 0 Yam City
2 Baltimore 4 Melbourne 4 2-6 Man 2 Los Angeles
3 Moreno Valley 0 Montgomery
0 Covington 0 Akureyri
2 Moreno Valley 3 Moreno Valley 0 Paris 2 Paris
2 Bradley 3 Montgomery
0 - 0 -
2 Bradley 2 Montgomery

Melbourne Blacks 0 - 4 2-6 Man Roster TTC

Rookie .74 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Gulfport 2 Gulfport ? Honolulu 3 Charlotte 2 Charlotte
3 NyangHaro ? Charlotte 1 Las Cruces
0 Austin 2 Las Cruces
2 NyangHaro 3 NyangHaro 4 Charlotte 0 San Jose
4 Honolulu 0 New York
1 Springfield 2 New York
2 Honolulu 3 Honolulu 3 New York 0 Fairview Heights
2 Vermont 1 Rocky Mountain
0 - 0 -
2 Vermont 2 Rocky Mountain

Honolulu Pacifics - E6 3 - 4 Charlotte Racers

Rookie .75 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Charleston 3 Charleston ? Bavaria 3 Petoskey 2 Petoskey
0 Springfield ? Petoskey 2 Marshfield
1 Dirty Vern 0 DC
2 Springfield 2 Charleston 4 Petoskey 2 Marshfield
4 Bavaria 1 Seoul
0 Ennis 1 Pocono Lake
2 Bavaria 3 Bavaria 0 Union-Pacific 2 Union-Pacific
2 Sainte-Julie 3 Seoul
0 - 0 -
2 Sainte-Julie 2 Seoul

Bavaria Brewers 2 - 4 Petoskey Stoners

Rookie .76 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Taipei 1 Taipei ? Baltimore 3 Oakland 2 Oakland
3 Baltimore ? Oakland 2 White Plains
2 Baltimore 2 White Plains
1 Bellingham 4 Baltimore 4 Oakland 0 Cleveland
3 San Diego 3 West Jordan
2 San Diego 0 Boston
1 Pittsburgh 3 San Diego 1 Thousand Oaks 2 Thousand Oaks
2 Bristol 3 West Jordan
0 - 0 -
2 Bristol 2 West Jordan

Baltimore Goop 2 - 4 Oakland Roots

Rookie .77 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Houston 3 Houston ? Houston 3 Atlanta 2 Atlanta
2 Baltimore ? Atlanta 2 Sterling Heights
2 Baltimore 0 Philadelphia
0 York 4 Houston 4 Atlanta 2 Sterling Heights
2 Wyatt 3 Fresno
0 La Mesa 2 Arin
2 korea mangul 0 korea mangul 1 Arin 1 Boston
3 Wyatt 3 Fresno
0 - 0 -
2 Wyatt 2 Fresno

Houston Blue Hens 3 - 4 Atlanta JPPCK

Rookie .78 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Auburn 0 Auburn ? Boise 1 Jacksonville 2 Jacksonville
3 Windsor ? Nashville 3 Nashville
0 yangmal city 0 Super Best
2 Windsor 3 Windsor 4 Nashville 2 Nashville
4 Boise 2 asuna
2 Toronto 1 Oklahoma City
1 Greenfield 0 Toronto 2 Big Spring 2 Big Spring
3 Boise 3 asuna
0 - 0 -
2 Boise 2 asuna

Boise Potato Mashers 4 - 1 Nashville RailSplitters

Rookie .79 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series
1 Fremont ? Kansas City 3 Tacoma
3 Kansas City ? Tacoma 1 Worcester

4 Kansas City 4 Tacoma
2 Ft. Worth 1 Griffin

3 Ft. Worth 0 La Bie
2 Oregon City 3 Griffin

Kansas City Kings 4 - 1 Tacoma Tigers

Rookie .80 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati ? Chicago 3 Conway 2 Conway
3 Boston ? Chicago 2 Norton Shores
2 Boston 2 Norton Shores
0 Winchester 0 Boston 1 Conway 1 Brooklyn
4 Chicago 4 Chicago
0 Seattle 0 Toronto
2 Humongous 2 Humongous 2 North Carolina 2 North Carolina
3 Chicago 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Chicago 2 Chicago

Chicago Vipers 4 - 2 Chicago Alleycats

Rookie .81 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Astoria 2 Astoria ? La Porte 3 Calgary 2 Calgary
3 La Porte ? Calgary 0 New York
0 Sherbrooke 0 Milwaukee
2 La Porte 4 La Porte 4 Calgary 2 New York
2 Salinas 2 Stony Brook
0 Statsby 0 Austin
2 Team 0 Team 3 Stony Brook 2 Stony Brook
3 Salinas 1 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Salinas 2 Calgary

La Porte Mastadons 1 - 4 Calgary Red Dragons

Rookie .82 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
1 Manassas ? Calgary 3 Navillus
0 downtown 0 Hit-City
2 Manassas 4 SSG LANDERS 1 Navillus 2 Navillus
2 Detroit 4 Calgary
2 Detroit 2 Vermont
0 Portland 3 Detroit 2 Vermont 0 Pueblo
2 Boston 3 Calgary
0 - 0 -
2 Boston 2 Calgary

SSG LANDERS SSG 4 - 0 Calgary Iron Horses

Rookie .83 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Queenstown 3 Queenstown ? Minneapolis 3 Medford 2 Medford
0 Granite Bay ? Medford 1 Cinicinnati
2 Granite Bay 0 The Bronx
1 Vista 3 Queenstown 4 Medford 2 Cinicinnati
4 Minneapolis 3 Chicago
0 Suwon 2 Marlyand
2 Kolechia 1 Kolechia 0 Marlyand 1 Boise
3 Minneapolis 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Minneapolis 2 Chicago

Minneapolis Sharpshooters 2 - 4 Medford Murph dogs

Rookie .84 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Moshka 2 Moshka ? Ilsan 3 Pennsylvania 2 Pennsylvania
3 Ilsan ? Pennsylvania 1 Waterloo
1 Audubon 2 Waterloo
2 Ilsan 4 Ilsan 4 Pennsylvania 1 Montreal
1 Chillicothe 0 Chicago
0 Richland 2 mins
2 Chillicothe 3 Chillicothe 1 mins 0 East Shire
1 Palm Springs 3 Chicago
0 - 0 -
2 Palm Springs 2 Chicago

Ilsan dragonz 4 - 1 Pennsylvania Power

Rookie .85 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Daegu 3 Daegu ? Daegu 2 Cincinnati 2 Cincinnati
0 Cologne ? Sacramento 3 Sacramento
1 Blue's 1 Woodstock
2 Cologne 4 Daegu 4 Sacramento 2 Sacramento
2 Carton 1 New Bedford
0 Santa Clarita 0 Brooklyn
2 Carton 3 Carton 2 samsung 2 samsung
2 Barcelona 3 New Bedford
0 - 0 -
2 Barcelona 2 New Bedford

Daegu Hot 4 - 1 Sacramento Panthers

Rookie .86 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Lavonia 2 Lavonia ? Rock Hill 1 Marshfield 2 Marshfield
3 Rock Hill ? workkok 3 workkok
0 Sunnyvale 2 workkok
2 Rock Hill 4 Rock Hill 4 workkok 0 Adelaide
0 Los Angeles 2 Jersey
1 Milwaukee 0 Sarnia
2 Modesto 0 Modesto 1 Portland 2 Portland
3 Los Angeles 3 Jersey
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 2 Jersey

Rock Hill Dukes 4 - 2 workkok sailws

Rookie .87 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 New York 2 New York ? Alamogordo 3 Norwalk 2 Norwalk
3 Alamogordo ? Norwalk 0 Brampton
1 Wuppertal 2 Brampton
2 Alamogordo 4 Alamogordo 4 Norwalk 0 San Francisco
2 Tampa Bay 1 Glendale
1 Mexico City 1 Device
2 Tampa Bay 3 Tampa Bay 0 Regina 2 Regina
1 Bismarck 3 Glendale
0 - 0 -
2 Bismarck 2 Glendale

Alamogordo Twins 2 - 4 Norwalk Robins

Rookie .88 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Okanagan 3 Okanagan ? Okanagan 3 Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia
1 Wasilla ? Philadelphia 0 savannah
0 New York 2 savannah
2 Wasilla 4 Okanagan 4 Philadelphia 1 Rhinelander
2 London 1 Green Mountain
1 Knoxville 0 Carolina
2 Coal City 0 Coal City 3 Green Mountain 2 Green Mountain
3 London 2 Atlanta
0 - 0 -
2 London 2 Atlanta

Okanagan Tropics 4 - 2 Philadelphia Brotherly Loves

Rookie .89 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Montreal 1 Montreal ? Seoul 3 Dagsboro 2 Dagsboro
3 Seoul ? Dagsboro 0 Norristown
2 Seoul 2 Norristown
0 Fort Myers 4 Seoul 4 Dagsboro 1 Philadelphia
1 Brooklyn Park 1 Boston
2 Brooklyn Park 2 Boston
0 Lotte Giants 3 Brooklyn Park 3 Boston 0 Perth
0 Oslo 1 Garden City
0 - 0 -
2 Oslo 2 Garden City

Seoul ddareng E 2 - 4 Dagsboro Donkeys

Rookie .90 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Laguna Beach 3 Laguna Beach ? Laguna Beach 3 Bricktown 2 Bricktown
1 Clinton ? Bricktown 2 Houston
0 NM 2 Houston
2 Clinton 4 Laguna Beach 4 Bricktown 1 Bikini Bottom
0 Northport 2 Carolina
2 Northport 1 Hiroshima
0 Jacksonville 3 Northport 2 Chicago 2 Chicago
2 KIWOOM HEROES 3 Carolina
0 - 0 -
2 KIWOOM HEROES 2 Carolina

Laguna Beach Sailfish 4 - 1 Bricktown Bucks

Rookie .91 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Orange County 3 Orange County ? Orange County 0 Irving 2 Irving
0 Fastball ? Los Angeles 3 Los Angeles
1 Kendall 1 Tracy
2 Fastball 4 Orange County 4 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
2 Conch Republic 3 Stumptown
1 Calgary 1 New York
2 Atlanta 2 Atlanta 0 ROKA 2 ROKA
3 Conch Republic 3 Stumptown
0 - 0 -
2 Conch Republic 2 Stumptown

Orange County Vatos 3 - 4 Los Angeles Copper Kings

Rookie .92 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Barnstable Town 3 Barnstable Town ? Barnstable Town 3 Quebec City 2 Quebec City
2 Mtl ? Birmingham 0 Havelock
2 Mtl 1 Halifax
0 Montana 4 Barnstable Town 1 Quebec City 2 Havelock
3 Shepherdstown 4 Birmingham
2 Shepherdstown 0 AZ
0 Charleston 3 Shepherdstown 0 Louisville 2 Louisville
2 Chungju Phoenix 3 Birmingham
0 - 0 -
2 Chungju Phoenix 2 Birmingham

Barnstable Town Yeets 1 - 4 Birmingham Redbirds

Rookie .93 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Maserati 3 Maserati ? Maserati 3 Plano 2 Plano
2 Primm ? Plano 1 Lampards
1 San Francisco 2 Lampards
2 Primm 4 Maserati 4 Plano 0 Gwinnett
2 San Francisco 0 Busan
0 Plymouth 0 Phoenix
2 San Francisco 3 San Francisco 1 Mercer Island 2 Mercer Island
1 incheon 3 Busan
0 - 0 -
2 incheon 2 Busan

Maserati Marv 0 - 4 Plano 76ers

Rookie .94 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Chitown 3 Chitown ? Chitown 3 Los Angeles 2 Los Angeles
1 Walla Walla ? Los Angeles 2 Raleigh
2 Walla Walla 0 Renton
1 Los Angeles 4 Chitown 4 Los Angeles 2 Raleigh
3 South Korea 1 Bronx
2 Walcott 0 Winnipeg
0 Memphis 2 Walcott 1 Santo Domingo 2 Santo Domingo
3 South Korea 3 Bronx
0 - 0 -
2 South Korea 2 Bronx

Chitown Blues 4 - 2 Los Angeles Squigs

Rookie .95 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Florida 3 Florida ? Green 3 San Leandro 2 San Leandro
0 Saanich ? Ballard 1 Manitoba
1 Chicago 1 siwoo
2 Saanich 1 Florida 3 San Leandro 2 Manitoba
4 Green 4 Ballard
2 Green 2 Bentleyville
0 Great Mills 3 Green 0 Bentleyville 1 Bristol
2 Brownsville 3 Ballard
0 - 0 -
2 Brownsville 2 Ballard

Green Trees 4 - 1 Ballard Brewcrew

Rookie .96 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 NN 3 NN ? NN 3 Omaha 2 Omaha
2 Toronto ? Omaha 1 Doosan
0 Post Falls 0 Cottage Grove
2 Toronto 4 NN 4 Omaha 2 Doosan
3 Oakville 3 San Francisco
2 Q 2 Deerfield Beach
0 Lakeshore 0 Q 1 Deerfield Beach 1 Houston
3 Oakville 3 San Francisco
0 - 0 -
2 Oakville 2 San Francisco

NN cubs 1 - 4 Omaha Holsteins

Rookie .97 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Rockville 2 Rockville ? Flavortown 3 Gotham 2 Gotham
3 Chicago ? TopMaster 0 Arrakeen
2 Chicago 0 Central City
1 Nashville 2 Chicago 3 Gotham 2 Arrakeen
4 Flavortown 4 TopMaster
1 Duck Springs 2 Chaska
2 Dallas 1 Dallas 1 Chaska 0 Arlington
3 Flavortown 3 TopMaster
0 - 0 -
2 Flavortown 2 TopMaster

Flavortown Briskets 4 - 1 TopMaster imas

Rookie .98 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Latham 3 Latham ? Latham 0 New York 2 New York
1 Everett ? Three Mile Isle 3 Three Mile Isle
0 Velez 0 Glasgow
2 Everett 4 Latham 4 Three Mile Isle 2 Three Mile Isle
0 Grayson 0 Chesterfield
2 St.Louis 2 Chesterfield
1 Govalle 2 St.Louis 3 Chesterfield 0 Toronto
3 Grayson 1 Holiday
0 - 0 -
2 Grayson 2 Holiday

Latham Superheroes 0 - 4 Three Mile Isle 79ers

Rookie .99 - Rookie Level - Playoffs [League Stats Page]:

Wildcard Series Division Series Sub-League Series Level Series Sub-League Series Division Series Wildcard Series
0 - 0 -
2 Los Angeles 0 Los Angeles ? New York 3 Unstress 2 Unstress
3 New York ? Unstress 1 Montana
2 New York 0 Bladee City Drainers
1 Mill Creek 4 New York 4 Unstress 2 Montana
0 Mississauga 0 SunnyVale
2 Garland 0 Raleigh
1 Munich 2 Garland 1 Duncanville 2 Duncanville
3 Mississauga 3 SunnyVale
0 - 0 -
2 Mississauga 2 SunnyVale

New York Foxes 0 - 4 Unstress Destress